CO- Dylan Redwine, 13, Vallecito, 19 November 2012 - #50

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Then I must wonder, would that not have come out during the investigation? That he was a member of a child *advertiser censored* ring? Or would the thought be that Dep. Sutter was clandestine enough to hide that from investigating officers? Or that he was released in the hope that he would lead investigators to a child *advertiser censored* ring? Any other options?

I thought he was listed along with a few others who were arrested around the same time - part of a group as it were? IMO an active member of LE would be very aware of how well he would have to cover his tracks so as not to be detected. I don't know whether he could be connected to Dylan or not, but would be well worth including in a "possibles" discussion given his occupation, location, the timing and nature of his crime. Let's not forget that we have been told that this sort of crime just doesn't happen in that area - so the coincidences surrounding this guy perhaps shouldn't be ignored imo.

“The greatest enemy of knowledge is not ignorance, it is the illusion of knowledge.”
Stephen Hawking
I thought he was listed along with a few others who were arrested around the same time - part of a group as it were? IMO an active member of LE would be very aware of how well he would have to cover his tracks so as not to be detected. I don't know whether he could be connected to Dylan or not, but would be well worth including in a "possibles" discussion given his occupation, location, the timing and nature of his crime. Let's not forget that we have been told that this sort of crime just doesn't happen in that area - so the coincidences surrounding this guy perhaps shouldn't be ignored imo.

“The greatest enemy of knowledge is not ignorance, it is the illusion of knowledge.”
Stephen Hawking

BBM: Let's hear it.
MR remains my prime POI, simply because of Dylan disappearing from the grid on Sunday evening. Unless Dylan returns alive to say so, I will never believe he willingly stopped all contact so early on Sunday night and did not reach out in some way on Monday (if on the supposed chance his phone died, which I do not believe.) He wanted to see his friend, badly, IMO, probably as the highlight of his trip. I can ignore all of MR's nonsensical speech and non-answers to questions, even his cowardly (IMO) withdrawal since the DP show, but I cannot ignore Dylan ceasing all contact on Sunday.
There's an elephant in the room for all the reasons that have been mentioned over & over. I haven't seen any conversations stopped...I have seen lack of participation at times. Just me, but I want to be fair too & waiting for LE to move off or away from MR in someway before, I'm not willing to throw neighbors, boys walking down the road, someone looking for a place to rent, etc. under the bus as an example. Unless I missed a news release, last I remember besides anyone seeing Dylan...LE wanted to know the same about MR & it included after he claimed Dylan went missing. All JMO.

I wholeheartedly agree, there is an elephant in the room that can't be dismissed. IMO, LE starts at the inner circle, eliminates and moves outwards (unless of course there is something so glaringly obvious that points directly to outside the immediate circle) In this case, MR has done himself no favors in offering LE or the general public an opportunity to move beyond him unless questions are allowed to remain unanswered.
I have researched RSO's, looked at other possibilities (even researching a very disgusting one today) I keep going back to Sunday evening and no contact. I can't get past that, not saying that there isn't a valid reason, but I haven't heard one IMO that is valid yet for no calls/text from his cell phone after Sunday evening. It all goes right back to the one person that can eliminate himself MR
I wholeheartedly agree, there is an elephant in the room that can't be dismissed. IMO, LE starts at the inner circle, eliminates and moves outwards (unless of course there is something so glaringly obvious that points directly to outside the immediate circle) In this case, MR has done himself no favors in offering LE or the general public an opportunity to move beyond him unless questions are allowed to remain unanswered.
I have researched RSO's, looked at other possibilities (even researching a very disgusting one today) I keep going back to Sunday evening and no contact. I can't get past that, not saying that there isn't a valid reason, but I haven't heard one IMO that is valid yet for no calls/text from his cell phone after Sunday evening. It all goes right back to the one person that can eliminate himself MR

Or can't eliminate himself.

I wanted to quote one thing from AZGrandma, but couldn't figure out how to snip the post:

"We don't know why MSM has chosen not to cover Dylan and we don't know what pressure if any Dylan's family & friends are putting on the media."

One of the things that stepping away allowed me to do was understand, in part, why MSM isn't devoting more coverage to this case, in spite of the Herculean efforts of ER and FMDR, and it has to do with that elephant that I mentioned last night. Its presence discourages media attention (IMO), and I don't see that that will ever change unless MR makes a decision to rework/rethink his strategy.

ER and all of her extended family and friends, as well as the over 20,000 people who are supporters of the official Facebook page can continue to work their hearts out, but I don't think that significant MSM support will be forthcoming. There is a perception (IMO) of what the real story is, and unless serious and substantive changes are made, or additional evidence is unearthed, that's where the case will remain in terms of the state/national press. Only one person can make that move.

The above is my opinion, respectfully shared in response to earlier posts.

Praying for Dylan.

Thanks and more thanks! Your thoughts on media coverage are well explained and spot on!
IMO, MR is not a point of interest at all.

is that because he hasn't been named a POI? Although he has not been named a POI LE have asked for information about his and Dylans movements and interactions from 6pm Sunday night until 7pm Monday night. LE stated in a press release that EH was the one who reported Dylan as missing, not MR, LE also refuted his claim that the polygrapher wasn't competent. LE haven't said or done anything that leads away from MR.

It could very well have come out. LE does not tell the public everything.

If that was the case then I would expect that the bail amount would have been much higher.

“We’re still investigating as far as taking a look at the data retrieved and are trying to get a better understanding of where (the photos) may have come from,” he said.

Sutter is being held in the La Plata County jail on $10,000 bail, according to a Sheriff’s Office news release.*advertiser censored*

MR remains my prime POI, simply because of Dylan disappearing from the grid on Sunday evening. Unless Dylan returns alive to say so, I will never believe he willingly stopped all contact so early on Sunday night and did not reach out in some way on Monday (if on the supposed chance his phone died, which I do not believe.) He wanted to see his friend, badly, IMO, probably as the highlight of his trip. I can ignore all of MR's nonsensical speech and non-answers to questions, even his cowardly (IMO) withdrawal since the DP show, but I cannot ignore Dylan ceasing all contact on Sunday.

exactly there is something very odd about all contact ceasing earlyish on sunday evening. Its also odd that Dylan had spent the entire afternoon and early evening text messaging his friend in anticipation of their catch up on monday morning, to then not contact his friend or anyone else is extremely odd.

and then theres this

Investigators say they have a wealth of evidence, but still no leads and no named suspect.

“We have gathered so many little pieces of evidence, it’s kind of like a jigsaw puzzle and now you’re just looking for that one piece to bring everything together,” Bender said.

we know LE are very reluctant these days to name a suspect or person of interest unless an arrest is imminent.
Exactly what I was asking for earlier. For those who think someone besides MR is responsible, WHERE do you think Dylan might be found? I cannot accept "anywhere" or "I couldn't begin to imagine" as a reponse. Let's brainstorm!

The problem is, anyone could have left him anywhere... whether it is a random stranger, an acquaintance, or a family member, or the neighbor down the street. There is really no way to figure out where he is just by who might have taken him, because criminals are unpredictable.

Statistics might show that family members generally dispose of the body closer to home, but then sometimes perps leave them close to where they took them. Other times they take the victim miles and miles away before they kill them and dump their bodies. I wouldn't think it is likely that the perp would kill them first and then transport their bodies miles away, since that would be pretty risky, but I'm sure it has been done in the past.

I hope this makes sense, it's early and I've only had one cup of coffee.
I believe in LE terminology POI= Person of Interest.

MR may be A POI, but so could several other persons, for all we know. They do not usually name anyone officially these days for liability reasons, unless it's pretty obvious.

If that was the case then I would expect that the bail amount would have been much higher.

“We’re still investigating as far as taking a look at the data retrieved and are trying to get a better understanding of where (the photos) may have come from,” he said.

Sutter is being held in the La Plata County jail on $10,000 bail, according to a Sheriff’s Office news release.*advertiser censored*

I'm going to have to disagree with the bolded. I don't think they can set the bail amount based on anything except the crime he was charged with. They do have a guideline with limits on how high they can go.

Now, if LE told the judge that he was a suspect in this case, then he could use that, but if not, then I don't think they can even consider it, TMK. But I could be wrong.
The problem is, anyone could have left him anywhere... whether it is a random stranger, an acquaintance, or a family member, or the neighbor down the street. There is really no way to figure out where he is just by who might have taken him, because criminals are unpredictable.

Statistics might show that family members generally dispose of the body closer to home, but then sometimes perps leave them close to where they took them. Other times they take the victim miles and miles away before they kill them and dump their bodies. I wouldn't think it is likely that the perp would kill them first and then transport their bodies miles away, since that would be pretty risky, but I'm sure it has been done in the past.

I hope this makes sense, it's early and I've only had one cup of coffee.

Sadly, I believe he will be found within a mile or two of home. I pray with all my heart I'm wrong.
Fifty threads of going around and around. And someone asks why another sees things they way they do. Forgive me, but that gave me a chuckle. We disagree. We state our opinions over and over again. Dylan is still missing. I continue to hold out hope that he will be found alive and returned to an environment that will help him heal. Dylan Redwine is not a statistic. Not yet. He's a young man who is sorely missed by his family. Hoping for him can not be wrong, of that I am sure.
There's an elephant in the room for all the reasons that have been mentioned over & over. I haven't seen any conversations stopped...I have seen lack of participation at times. Just me, but I want to be fair too & waiting for LE to move off or away from MR in someway before, I'm not willing to throw neighbors, boys walking down the road, someone looking for a place to rent, etc. under the bus as an example. Unless I missed a news release, last I remember besides anyone seeing Dylan...LE wanted to know the same about MR & it included after he claimed Dylan went missing. All JMO.

Exactly....we don't know if any of these other people ever had any contact with DR. We do know that MR did. :moo:
I'm going to continue to believe that Dylan is alive somewhere. Where that is, I have no idea because I didn't disappear him.

I never expected this case to go on this long. When Dylan first disappeared I thought it would be a matter of days before he was found. Never in my wildest dreams did I think that going on 6 months down the line, he would still be missing.

And around January, I, like many of us decided to sit back and wait for the spring thaw, then surely we would have answers. That hasn't happened.

For all the guessing and speculations, right now, none of us are right, because Dylan has no been found. None of us have the answers because if we did, Dylan would be found by now. There is no "right" in this. Dylan must be found, that's the only thing that's important. IMHO
I do not recall any discussion of the neighbor. Is he one of the RSOs nearby?

Hate to quote myself, but I'd really like to know more about this neighbor. Is there a link where I can read up on him?
I absolutely do not believe that the LE guy who was charged re:child *advertiser censored* would have had only a $10k bail if there was any idea he was a possible POI re: Dylan.
I absolutely do not believe that the LE guy who was charged re:child *advertiser censored* would have had only a $10k bail if there was any idea he was a possible POI re: Dylan.

I will admit I do not know how these things go, but what if they wanted him out to possibly follow him where maybe he'd lead them to his victims.
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