CO- Dylan Redwine, 13, Vallecito, 19 November 2012 - #50

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OK, I tweeted a bunch of folks the same question. You can see a list of who I tweeted added on to the bottom of my post at #613 above. If anyone has any other suggestions of who to contact and ask, just let me know and I'll try to find them. I'm trying to remember some of the folks I used to be in contact with in the media there, but my media file is long gone (and probably most of the people on it are long gone as well as it's from over 10 years ago now).
I looked last night for an update on the Otero County body found and there was nothing yet.
Not sure where you got that from. That's not anything close to what I said. I think the real elephant in the room is what we can't speak of here on WS. I'm not going to go into it, but I'm pretty sure most of the posters here know exactly what I'm speaking of.

I respect your opinion, although I disagree. I think the whole Dr. Phil show was a really bad, yet orchestrated, soap opera. IMO it only showed how unstable the whole family is. LE hasn't said MR was in the clear, but they haven't said he was a suspect either. Some choose to view that as he's guilty. Again, I respect that. I happen to want more info before accusing someone of such a heinous crime. MOOO

While I have found it very difficult not to condemn MR as the Perp, I think your approach is wise. We don't have all the facts. His actions, or lack thereof certainly don't do anything to remove doubt. However, it might be that all this seemingly dodgy behavior could be his attempt at keeping his "hobbies" under wraps. I'm sure he's suffered a great deal of humiliation over those public revelations. That however, pales in comparison to a missing child.
While I have found it very difficult not to condemn MR as the Perp, I think your approach is wise. We don't have all the facts. His actions, or lack thereof certainly don't do anything to remove doubt. However, it might be that all this seemingly dodgy behavior could be his attempt at keeping his "hobbies" under wraps. I'm sure he's suffered a great deal of humiliation over those public revelations. That however, pales in comparison to a missing child.

MR is an easy target, sure. I'd be lying if I said him being involved never crossed my mind. However, I can't automatically jump on the bandwagon that he did it just because he was last known person to see Dylan, he's a weirdo, or because he's an assholio. Can you (general you) imagine how many people would be convicted based on those things alone if that's how we judged people? You think prisons are overcrowded now?

Is my approach wise or common sense?

I will continue to teach my children to think for themselves, to be kind, and to know ALL the facts before judging someone.

Intuition is not fact. Deductive reasoning is not fact. Gut feelings are not facts. Thankfully, they are not allowed in a court of law. When pondering possibilities, tossing out your personal intuitions, reasoning or gut feelings seems mistake to me. In a case where the facts are few and far between, it is reasonable to go on instinct. Because those instincts could possibly lead you to the facts.
Intuition is not fact. Deductive reasoning is not fact. Gut feelings are not facts. Thankfully, they are not allowed in a court of law. When pondering possibilities, tossing out your personal intuitions, reasoning or gut feelings seems mistake to me. In a case where the facts are few and far between, it is reasonable to go on instinct. Because those instincts could possibly lead you to the facts.

Sure, instincts are strong. But when you have different people with strong instincts or gut feelings, someone has to be wrong, right?
Sure, instincts are strong. But when you have different people with strong instincts or gut feelings, someone has to be wrong, right?

I so agree. But you can't determine who is right and who is wrong until you do have the facts. For that reason, everyone should be allowed to move forward, unencumbered. There is one other possibility. We could all be wrong. There could be an answer out there that none of us has even thought of.
I so agree. But you can't determine who is right and who is wrong until you do have the facts. For that reason, everyone should be allowed to move forward, unencumbered. There is one other possibility. We could all be wrong. There could be an answer out there that none of us has even thought of.

I absolutely agree. Just because I'm not willing to "convict" MR doesn't mean I automatically think he's innocent. I don't know. No one knows except Dylan and the perp. I just can't in all good consciousness condemn him with what little we have. I don't fault anyone for believing MR did it. It goes way beyond that which I have a problem with. MOO
I so agree. But you can't determine who is right and who is wrong until you do have the facts. For that reason, everyone should be allowed to move forward, unencumbered. There is one other possibility. We could all be wrong. There could be an answer out there that none of us has even thought of.

Like what? Seems as though every possibility, including aliens, has been put forward...

For me, MR would be no more a POI than anyone else if not for the Sunday night dropping off the face of the communication world by Dylan. That can never be explained to me in a way I will believe, unless by Dylan himself.

"I would like to take the opportunity to address the disappearance of my son Dylan as we are now
at 6 months. Our community like many across the country are still missing one of our children. I
like the many who know him miss his happy personality, smile as well as his outgoing and
giving nature. I know Dylan is loved and missed by all those who know him and we owe it to
him to continue our search to find him. Over the last several months the focus in finding Dylan
seems to have changed to blaming and disrespect. I will be the first to say "I will never give up"
and I am honored to have Dylan as my son.

I love you Dylan,

I found the actual statement more interesting and helpful than the article.
I wonder what Elaine means by believing LE is going in the right direction now?

And why would Mark think he is not in the area. I.e. the two counties? There is no way every inch has been searched.

I agree there's no way every inch has been searched, but dogs have been used, yet they've only hit on the lake, as far as we know. I wonder if the dogs were taken to MR's house and the general vicinity. Surely they have been.

Maybe MR thinks he's not in the area because searches have turned up nothing. Maybe even MR himself *gasp* has been searching in the area.
I agree there's no way every inch has been searched, but dogs have been used, yet they've only hit on the lake, as far as we know. I wonder if the dogs were taken to MR's house and the general vicinity. Surely they have been.

Maybe MR thinks he's not in the area because searches have turned up nothing. Maybe even MR himself *gasp* has been searching in the area.

Maybe he has. But these counties have lots of land. And a lot of it is probably private and has not been searched. As we know, bodies are often found fairly locally, even after years. Especially when taken by a stranger.
Maybe he has. But these counties have lots of land. And a lot of it is probably private and has not been searched. As we know, bodies are often found fairly locally, even after years. Especially when taken by a stranger.

Yes, you are correct.

I'm still totally flabbergasted that the family hasn't contacted a missing persons organization. Why wouldn't you? What could it hurt? As someone said above, there have been no grid searches that we know of. This is a huge disservice to Dylan.
&#8220;I firmly believe that the most critical time was in the first day or two or three and that everything possible should have been done. I think that not enough was done in that time frame,&#8221; Mark Redwine said in the interview.

I think it takes a lot of nerve for him to make that criticism, since he came home and took a nap when he first found that Dylan was missing. Then he drove around for several more hours, and did not even report him missing until 6 pm. So then he criticizes LE for not issuing an Amber Alert?

IIRC, He mentioned to an officer to be on the lookout for his son and slap him upside the head for not coming back home. And he is now calling them out for not immediately issuing an alert?

[Mark Redwine reported he last saw Dylan around 7:30 a.m. Nov. 19 before leaving to run errands in Durango. He said he returned home at 11:30 a.m. to find Dylan gone and reported the teenager missing around 6 p.m. that day.]

&#8220;How many times do you have to search the damn thing til you realize he&#8217;s no t in the lake?&#8221; Mark Redwine said. &#8220;There&#8217;s something in my gut that tells me Dylan isn&#8217;t anywhere in La Plata County.&#8221;

SERIOUSLY? Wasn't he previously condemning them for NOT searching the lake area? This guy is unreal.

&#8220;I believe the more we all work together to bring Dylan home the more successful his safe return will be.&#8221; Mark Redwine wrote in the statement.

And what exactly does he expect Elaine, who was 7 hours away at the time, to be able to share with him, or tell him, to help Dylan be returned safely?
To Cory: Like Dylan I love you and will never give up on you. Regardless of the things you say
or do I will always care. I feel the same pain, hurt and feeling of helplessness you and your
mother feel. I can't make this any more clear, I don't have Dylan, I have never had Dylan and I
absolutely do not know where Dylan is.==========================

What a creepy thing to do, imo, to PUBLICLY send a jerky message like that to his son. It was a very passive-aggressive message that he published in that paper. He is pathetic, imo.
Yes, you are correct.

I'm still totally flabbergasted that the family hasn't contacted a missing persons organization. Why wouldn't you? What could it hurt? As someone said above, there have been no grid searches that we know of. This is a huge disservice to Dylan.

We don't know that they haven't. We know TES was told that LE did not want their assistance back in December. We do not know if the family (Mark OR Elaine) have contacted any other organizations prior or since.
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