CO- Dylan Redwine, 13, Vallecito, 19 November 2012 - #9

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I remember when my DD was 13. She was quite the social butterfly and would make all kinds of lovely plans with her friends. When reality hit and we would say NO, she would get quite a 'smart mouth' at times. She would sometimes be very upset, because her heart was set on seeing her friends, not with being home with her boring ol parents. Sometimes it hurt my feelings, but not too often. But if I had not seen her in months, and had to fight in court to see her, and took a week off to spend time with her, and she wanted to immediately get dropped off at her friends house the first night, I would be hurt and angry, most likely.

I think there is a possibility that a 13 yr old had a 'smart mouth' and said some obnoxious 13 yr old things, and it is possible that he said those snotty things to a man who was stressed out, angry and resentful, and things went sideways fast. jmo

This ^^ is so plausible IMO. One or two smacks to the head in the heat of an argument while driving a vehicle can have disastrous results IMO. I would never believe that if something happened and MR is involved that it was planned or intentional. A terrible accident in a heated moment? That I can believe.


The leader of the Task Force searching for a missing 13-year-old has collected a folder of tips that is approximately 2-inches thick.

Lt. Ed Phippin leads the Dylan Redwine Task Force, which promises to follow up on each of the tips. The Task Force consists of members of the La Plata County Sheriff’s Office, FBI, CBI, Durango Police Department and Bayfield Marshall’s Office.
Regarding smart mouths coming with this age-

Another area where understanding Dylan's norms would be helpful. My kids have yet to go through a mouthy phase. Not all teens look like the teenage stereotype. And I do believe it is a stereotype.

Edited to Clarify:
In a class of about 30 children, there are usually about 5 who are smart-mouthed. 10 if you're being generous. That's still 1/3 of the population. Our quiet kids who keep to the rules just don't get as much attention as the loud ones. I was a loud one, fwiw. I know it's real.

Stereotypes don't mean "false" they simply mean an entire category of people is judged on the basis of a perceived majority.

Personal and Emotional Characteristics
Adolescence is a time when emotions begin to run high. Parents and teachers may begin to notice argumentative and aggressive behaviors due to sudden and intense emotions. Adolescents are also characteristically self-absorbed. They are preoccupied with themselves because they are beginning to develop a sense of self, but they are also scrutinizing their own thought processes and personalities. Possibilities begin to look endless during adolescents, leading some teens to become overly idealistic. They also believe that their thoughts and feelings are unique, doubting that others could possibly understand what they are experiencing.

Read more: 5 Characteristics of Adolescence |

I agree with you though, that only a percentage of 13 yr olds get mouthy when upset at their parents. Some hold it in, some pout, some just roll their eyes, some shut down, and some just act like it's nothing. But a parent knows when a kid is upset or angry.

We don't know if D and his dad argued that night. Maybe they got along great and D went to bed a happy boy, and woke up and decided to go fishing all by himself. I don't really know. I hope LE knows at some point though.
This is pretty similar to my 13 yo daughter's theory. She doesn't find the dead cell suspicious at all. She said it happens with her friends a lot. She thinks the phone went dead on the ride home from the airport. It was an older phone, probably didn't have the best battery life, and was burning through what life it had searching for a signal. She thinks Dylan got to his Dad's, plopped on the couch, MEANT to charge the phone, but was feeling lazy and didn't feel like getting up right that minute. He drifted off and didn't feel like getting off the couch when Dad woke him early the next morning. My daughter doesn't think it odd that he wouldn't get out of bed right then to see his friends, especially if they were just going to hang out. So Dylan finally does wake up, flips through the channels and finds Spongebob on Nick, and grabs some cereal. He knew he missed his ride to his friends, but had a whole morning to kill, so she thinks he decided to drop by someone's house. She doesn't think this would've had to be a "friend", exactly. It could've just been someone he knew and wouldn't mind hanging with for a few. It could have even been an adult. She thinks he probably grabbed his phone to text the friends he was supposed to meet that morning, but discovered/remembered that he forgot to charge it. (direct quote from DD-"we're scatterbrained like that sometimes.") My daughter doesn't think Dylan would have had any particular urgency to contact his friends, because he wouldn't be able to make new plans with them until his Dad got back, anyway. She figures that he just decided to take the phone and the charger with him and would charge it when he got to wherever he was going, instead of waiting for it to charge before leaving the house. She also thinks that wherever he was heading, it was far enough away that he took his stuff with him, and was probably planning on calling his Dad later and having him pick him up from there to take him to his other friend's house. :twocents:

I disagree. I know that any get together or visiting my own 14 year old son does involves no less than 20 texts! I always drive and typically pick up his friends as well.

Honestly it drives me crazy and I can't understand why Sunday @ 7 movie ----- fill the the blank is always so difficult to achieve a one, two texts at most.

Then they're texting back in forth on the way there, back etc...

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Mom didnt make those statements at the very beginning. It was only after several days of dad's refusing to answer calls and texts from Cory or mom about Dylan, and Dad's story that Dylan must have gone off fishing BY HIMSELF, that mom pushed back. I don't blame her. If I thought my ex might be responsible for my kid going missing, I would probably speak out too. jmo

I understand your point but IMO i would never say that publicly what if the searchers believed her and everyone thought searching was not needed anymore?No matter what tensions MR and mom have,I would tell LE i thought he might have harmed him,and even confronted MR myself but not say that to the media so soon. IMO
Lots of FOCUS on mom and dad and ZERO focus on FINDING Dylan.

Does anyone know how many SAR personal are on the ground today?

Dylan is out there waiting to be found, in spirit or in life!

Have had the same thoughts all morning. So much energy wasted on these parents and this unending dramatic struggle between them. I really wish someone would call TES and just get out there and find Dylan.
I disagree. I know that any get together or visiting my own 14 year old son does involves no less than 20 texts! I always drive and typically pick up his friends as well.

Honestly it drives me crazy and I can't understand why Sunday @ 7 movie ----- fill the the blank is always so difficult to achieve a one, two texts at most.

Then they're texting back in forth on the way there, back etc...

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LOL. That has been my experience as well. I did a lot of the driving when my kids were that age too. And it amazed me how many texts were involved. As we left the house my DD would text one frined to say we were leaving, then as we approached friends house, another text to say ' We're HERE.'

Then she and her friend begin texting the others who are meeting them, with our general whereabouts, and what they are wearing and where exactly they should all meet, and what boys they expect might be there as well.

It goes on and on.

The other thing that bothered me was that he didnt text his friend that was expecting him to get dropped off. My DD always let someone know if her plans changed and they were waiting on her. Not so much if her plans changed, because that happened every 10 minutes. But IF someone was waiting for her to get dropped off there, she would be in touch if she wasn't coming. And that is what is bugging me.
why would police tell person one the result of person two's polygraph? That makes no sense.

The polygraph is used as a tool and was being used on both of the above :twocents:

I think if LE thinks they have their man and that ER is a ' victim' here , they would tell her that.
I only have personal knowledge of one LDT within my own family and we were on the 'victim' side. LE told us immediately after the LDT that perp had ' failed it with flying colors'.
Can I ask a question to everyone posting?
It seems a lot of talk about the phone ' dying' on Sunday night.
Is that the majority opinion that the phone DIED?
I have no reason to believe it died , as in no longer working or
battery died. I just wonder what leads everyone to believe that
explains the lack of activity on it. TIA
This thread moves do fast!!! Dang work is keeping me from keeping up. I wish Dylan would just return safe and unharmed:(
Well what disturbs me the most in this case is that apparently three separate HRD dogs hit on the lake and it also appears that only one small dive team spent minimal time in an on only one area of the lake where the dogs supposedly alerted.

Considering this rather large lake has to be passed on the only road in and out of the area in which Dylan apparently went missing, and HRD dogs have hit on it, I'd think there would be much more focus on it.

Can you think of any reason why there wouldn't be?


I think I get what your asking. Let me say this, IT DEPENDS. for instance at a particular National Park I am familiar with, the amount of effort put in to a SAR mission is literally determined by what parking space you are in when you hit the trail. The park straddles two county's, in county 1, you would get a team of as many as 100-300 SAR personal for a Saturday search and 30-50 for a weekday mission lasting nine days. If your parked in the lot on County Two's side, you may get 20 personal for 3-5 days if your lucky.

So what I am saying is, it's all up to the Sergeant and the county's SAR resources. Investigators in a case like this will only call out the team if they are looking for specific evidence and believe they may know were it might be found.

I believe, based on the information we have that law enforcement has some idea of what happened. Or they have NO IDEA?.

I am surprised the politicians (county supervisors) have not twisted the arm of the Sheriff to do at-least a SAR mission for show/votes. This is why I think they know something, because they are not searching even for votes.

Remember, it's very little about justice and all about politics in the end.


near 30 years in the business of SAR and politics.
I think if LE thinks they have their man and that ER is a ' victim' here , they would tell her that.
I only have personal knowledge of one LDT within my own family and we were on the 'victim' side. LE told us immediately after the LDT that perp had ' failed it with flying colors'.

I was thinking along those lines too.. If it were me I would be demanding to know if my ex took/passed/failed his poly. Maybe someone leaked that info to her? :waitasec:
Personal and Emotional Characteristics
Adolescence is a time when emotions begin to run high. Parents and teachers may begin to notice argumentative and aggressive behaviors due to sudden and intense emotions. Adolescents are also characteristically self-absorbed. They are preoccupied with themselves because they are beginning to develop a sense of self, but they are also scrutinizing their own thought processes and personalities. Possibilities begin to look endless during adolescents, leading some teens to become overly idealistic. They also believe that their thoughts and feelings are unique, doubting that others could possibly understand what they are experiencing.

Read more: 5 Characteristics of Adolescence |

I agree with you though, that only a percentage of 13 yr olds get mouthy when upset at their parents. Some hold it in, some pout, some just roll their eyes, some shut down, and some just act like it's nothing. But a parent knows when a kid is upset or angry.

We don't know if D and his dad argued that night. Maybe they got along great and D went to bed a happy boy, and woke up and decided to go fishing all by himself. I don't really know. I hope LE knows at some point though.

Oh, there is absolutely a developmental basis for the stereotype, no arguments there. One shared brain variance in a group can be processed 50 ways by 50 different people, therefore being developmentally normal does not make it typical. It's developmentally normal for toddlers to bite, but it's not a given that toddlers will bite.

I'm just saying it would be lovely to know Dylan's norms.

I honestly think we are discussing semantics at this point, though. I think if we were to hash this subject out, we would quite agree on most points. I do realize that stereotype is a progressive word to use in this context. Perhaps I should save that argument for term papers. :floorlaugh:
Does everyone feel Dylan REALLY took off the next morning???? I'm just flabbergasted...


I don't know about "everyone", but I have posted a couple of possible scenarios that didn't involve Dylan being harmed by his father. I don't have a clue what happened - just like you, all I can do is speculate and make assumptions.

LE has stated Dylan is not a runaway. Other than that, I haven't heard LE rule out any other possibilities. And while odds are that Dylan did not leave the house that day, I would still like to explore other avenues. Since it has been stated that Dylan does hitchhike, to me it isn't that far-fetched to think he might have done that.

JMO, but then at this point, opinions are all we have.
I disagree. I know that any get together or visiting my own 14 year old son does involves no less than 20 texts! I always drive and typically pick up his friends as well.

Honestly it drives me crazy and I can't understand why Sunday @ 7 movie ----- fill the the blank is always so difficult to achieve a one, two texts at most.

Then they're texting back in forth on the way there, back etc...

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But, again, your son is one sample from the population.

As I've stated, my kids do not find it odd either. One DR's age, and one slightly older. The older one always has their phone charged, the younger one not so much.

I don't know about "everyone", but I have posted a couple of possible scenarios that didn't involve Dylan being harmed by his father. I don't have a clue what happened - just like you, all I can do is speculate and make assumptions.

LE has stated Dylan is not a runaway. Other than that, I haven't heard LE rule out any other possibilities. And while odds are that Dylan did not leave the house that day, I would still like to explore other avenues. Since it has been stated that Dylan does hitchhike, to me it isn't that far-fetched to think he might have done that.

JMO, but then at this point, opinions are all we have.

Great post. Very well said. NO ONE here knows what happened.,., for us here, who don't have ALL the info, to rule anything out at this point would be premature. Gut feelings and opinions based on experiences is all anyone here has....
Can I ask a question to everyone posting?
It seems a lot of talk about the phone ' dying' on Sunday night.
Is that the majority opinion that the phone DIED?
I have no reason to believe it died , as in no longer working or
battery died. I just wonder what leads everyone to believe that
explains the lack of activity on it. TIA

I don't believe it died either. He couldn't use it on the plane. And I am sure he charged it fully right before he left. Mom would have made sure he had a full battery when he left so she could keep in touch while he was alone in his travels, imo. So I don't think it died before he arrived at his dad's. But if it did, he had a charger. So anytime he needed to text he could have plugged it into the charger and used it immediately.

The thing is, we can explain away each individual circumstance by speculation: cell battery died, he couldn't find the phone numbers to use the landline, had no password for the computer, decided to go fishing alone instead of seeing friends, etc etc. But once you add a lot of those explanations together, it seems like a twisted stretch, imo.
I think I get what your asking. Let me say this, IT DEPENDS. for instance at a particular National Park I am familiar with, the amount of effort put in to a SAR mission is literally determined by what parking space you are in when you hit the trail. The park straddles two county's, in county 1, you would get a team of as many as 100-300 SAR personal for a Saturday search and 30-50 for a weekday mission lasting nine days. If your parked in the lot on County Two's side, you may get 20 personal for 3-5 days if your lucky.

So what I am saying is, it's all up to the Sergeant and the county's SAR resources. Investigators in a case like this will only call out the team if they are looking for specific evidence and believe they may know were it might be found.

I believe, based on the information we have that law enforcement has some idea of what happened. Or they have NO IDEA?.

I am surprised the politicians (county supervisors) have not twisted the arm of the Sheriff to do at-least a SAR mission for show/votes. This is why I think they know something, because they are not searching even for votes.

Remember, it's very little about justice and all about politics in the end.


near 30 years in the business of SAR and politics.

So a full out, expensive search of that lake would only be possible if someone was pushing to put on a big show of trying to do everything possible to rule out the possibility that there is a missing person in that lake? And no one is pushing for this for votes? Because there is no political agenda in the area at the moment?

If I am understanding you correctly...that is very sad :(


I don't know about "everyone", but I have posted a couple of possible scenarios that didn't involve Dylan being harmed by his father. I don't have a clue what happened - just like you, all I can do is speculate and make assumptions.

LE has stated Dylan is not a runaway. Other than that, I haven't heard LE rule out any other possibilities. And while odds are that Dylan did not leave the house that day, I would still like to explore other avenues. Since it has been stated that Dylan does hitchhike, to me it isn't that far-fetched to think he might have done that.

JMO, but then at this point, opinions are all we have.

The have narrowed it down even further than that. It's been posted and linked a few times. Here's one. They've also said they ruled out lost in the woods. They said it'd been narrowed to "two options" 1) he ran away or 2) abduction/foul play. They then said they'd ruled out run away, and it is a criminal investigation.

I was thinking about this today-it depresses me just how vast the area is surrounding his Dad's house. He could be anywhere or hidden in places no one would ever find :(

MR has lived in the area for quite sometime but IDK exactly how many years he's been there. <modsnip>
I wonder if the mom or her son Cory know what Dylan had in his backpack before he left to visit his father?
Were the contents of Dylan's backpack found in his dad's house?
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