CO- Dylan Redwine's case discussed on Dr. Phil ONLY!- 2/26/13 ***SPOILERS***

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Was that made clear on the show?

Well, Elaine said it was unconfirmed. Nobody explained the difference between unconfirmed and ruled out sightings. So no, it wasn't made clear in that regard. On the other hand, no one said it was an absolute. I guess it's a matter of whether the average viewer can figure out what an unconfirmed sighting is.
I acknowledge that you think Mark is the source that Dr Phil used in getting this mail carrier on his show. I say again that I don't know myself.

I'm not sure what you mean by "someone" taped her. Did anyone on stage converse with her? If not, I'd bet it was taped. MOO.

It was clearly a homemade video of some kind, with her staring into a screen and seemingly reading or repeating a statement she had memorized, not good quality. JMO
I don't know, you asked for a motive. lol

Actually, I think if either one of them was responsible for hiding Dylan, it wasn't well thought out.

And yet they are managing to outfox the FBI all these months?
It was clearly a homemade video of some kind, with her staring into a screen and seemingly reading or repeating a statement she had memorized, not good quality. JMO

Maybe it was done in MR's living room, with his shotgun on the table. lol

OK, I'm kidding. Sometimes we need a little humor. :blushing:
one portion of the show tonight that intrigued me was when it was discussed what items that law enforcement took from MR's home - a pair of sweatpants, a Samsung phone and ....IIRC Mark Redwine said "my Ipod."

or did I "mis-hear" that part??

I thought the Ipod was Dylan's??

It was never reported that i-pod removed from MR's house belonged to Dylan.
In the missing person cases, there are nearly always people who think they saw the missing person after that person went missing. There were people saying they saw Laci Peterson walking her dog.

Lots of people "saw" Caylee too.
That is scary to me, as it shows how little they have, IMO.

I don't think that's necessarily the case.

Most people act differently around different people. ie: MR would probably act different to DP than he would to the police.

I know I act differently around my General Manager (1st interim boss) than I do my "big" boss.

There may be things said differently on DP than told to the police, etc.

I see it as just another way they are trying to find out what happened to Dylan.
Someone has alluded LE for three months though, right?

That is my point, whoever did this clearly did think it out, IMO, which does not match with ER doing it, as she would have no way out.
one portion of the show tonight that intrigued me was when it was discussed what items that law enforcement took from MR's home - a pair of sweatpants, a Samsung phone and ....IIRC Mark Redwine said "my Ipod."

or did I "mis-hear" that part??

I thought the Ipod was Dylan's??

Nope, he said the iPod was his, not Dylan's.
What makes less sense is that when he started the sentence, it sounded to me like he was going to say, "What kind of mother do you think I am?" and caught hinself. Maybe he slipped and said mother instead of person and just had to change his question mid-sentence. MOO

I know the first thing I thought when he said he'd never hit her with an open and or a closed one was that he must have used elbows, frying pans or something. :blushing:

About the only questions I caught were: Where is he" What did you do with him? Did you hurt him? and Why should I be the one to call you? That doesn't mean there weren't more, the recording I watched wasn't the best.

I don't know why it is that some people think pushing, shoving, and grabbing aren't physical abuse.

One other question I remember was something like when are you going to take responsibility for losing Dylan.
I acknowledge that you think Mark is the source that Dr Phil used in getting this mail carrier on his show. I say again that I don't know myself.

I'm not sure what you mean by "someone" taped her. Did anyone on stage converse with her? If not, I'd bet it was taped. MOO.

From what I remember, no one spoke to her.....they just showed the clip

It looked like someone video taped her or taped her via skype

I need to watch again to see if it was part of a lead-in.....
My hubby (works for Verizon) says you can, but that's all I got out of him between snores on the couch. :eek:fftobed:

Aside from the proper way to disable your voicemail (however that is--glares at hubby), if a voice-mailbox is full, no messages can be left. I know this because my kids never clean out their voice mailboxes and I'm thwarted from leaving YOU BETTER CALL ME RIGHT NOW messages.

I thought all calls dialed showed up. I followed Caylee Anthony case and I though you could see most of the calls, even the ones where the other party didn't pick up. :waitasec:

I was wondering if he was in a place where he could receive texts but calls were not successful. When I try to call my DH when he is driving home through the canyon, my phone says ' call was lost' and I doubt it would show on my phone log later/
one portion of the show tonight that intrigued me was when it was discussed what items that law enforcement took from MR's home - a pair of sweatpants, a Samsung phone and ....IIRC Mark Redwine said "my Ipod."

or did I "mis-hear" that part??

I thought the Ipod was Dylan's??

you heard right....Mark's ipod

didn't say whom the sweat pants or phone belonged to....
I don't think that was confirmed. My attorney is a family friend. He lives in another town hours away. If my son went missing in that town, I woulds call him. But not because he handled a previous case. Just because he is a helpful supportive adviser that I could trust in stressful situations.

A 'divorce' attorney can be many things and wear many hats, imo.

My former clients often call me with emergencies, if something drastic happened to one of their children or an altercation occurred with a former partner. A few times I was contacted right after the police. I don't think it's at all unusual for her to reach out to the person who knows their history, and the law.
In the missing person cases, there are nearly always people who think they saw the missing person after that person went missing. There were people saying they saw Laci Peterson walking her dog.

Yes, I'm very much aware of that. I've been following missing person cases for many years.
I wonder why ER didn't go on the show with a list of questions she wanted MR to answer.
I was expecting more. Asking Mark "where is he" is a question that she knew in advance he wouldn't answer regardless of his guilt or innocence.

I'm sure she would have loved to have made him go over the whole timeline minute by minute but I don't think the Dr Phil show was going to let her do that. They got him to go over it in what appeared to be a before show interview. But it was pretty brief and vague.

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