CO- Dylan Redwine's case discussed on Dr. Phil ONLY!- 2/26/13 ***SPOILERS***

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Thanks. But that doesn't explain why Dr Phil allowed her on his show.

I didn't watch the show, but I did see some people comment that Dr Phil was well informed on this case. If that's true then he would have known about the LE statements in regards to sightings when he did his research. Yet he still allowed someone on his show that goes against what LE has said. Why?

We dont really know what she is going to say yet!
Being fair would be sticking to the facts. MOO

Well, that woman claims her version is a fact. If they did not show it, it might seem as though they were covering up something that could work in his favor, even though the timing make no sense, IMO.
That is what I don't understand, she keeps saying she wants answers, but when he gives them to her, they are not the answers she wants to hear so she discounts the answers and then demands answers. :waitasec:

Do you recall what Elaine's questions for Mark where? I'm curious what she asked him when she finally got the chance.
About the poly. IF he took it, I wonder if Dr. Phil's people reported it to LE, what the results were. Cuz right about now, if I were Mark and I didn't pass that poly, I would not be in the country. I would have headed for Bora Bora or someplace where no one would EVER see me again. IMO.

IF he didn't take it. I'm gonna have to do some serious thinking about that. This could be my "aha" moment.
I watched it today. I just want to say that as the show was ending, I was yelling, 'Do it Mark! Take the polygraph! Clear your name!' We will see what tomorrow brings.

Prayers for all of those involved in this real-life drama.


Unfortunately those who want to believe he's guilty will not change their minds if he passes. If he does pass, I think a lot more people will be talking about how the polygraph is just a tool and doesn't really mean anything. MOO

I do have to say this. When the discussion of DV came up with his first wife, he tried to minimize his actions. I got a yucky feeling about that. I don't think he told the truth about that at ALL. I believe he was physically abusive to her, just based on the way he replied to the question. He is definitely guilty of DV IMO.

I agree. I did wonder though why DV wasn't brought up with regards to ER, as well as the front lawn sexcapade.
Well, that woman claims her version is a fact. If they did not show it, it might seem as though they were covering up something that could work in his favor, even though the timing make no sense, IMO.

How would she know for a fact that it was Dylan? Did she speak with him? Or did she only see him from a distance?
They showed a statement from LE on the screen, but I cannot recall. ER said it was not a confirmed sighting and I do not think MR responded.

Here's the statement from the show page -

“The investigation for locating Dylan Redwine is still open, ongoing, and active. We’ve even had investigators from out of state, this week, following up on tips. The frustrating part is that we are not much farther along than where we were early on in the investigation, because of the total lack of clues left behind. It has been a criminal investigation from the first evening Dylan was reported missing. Within the first few days, we were working closely with the FBI and within the first week, we assembled a task force comprised of local, state and federal agencies. This task force is still currently in place and pursuing the investigation. We have not identified anyone as a person of interest or as a suspect during the entire investigation.”
How would she know for a fact that it was Dylan? Did she speak with him? Or did she only see him from a distance?

I said she believes it. No, she did not speak to him. She saw two boys walking and told herself one was MR's son, she said.
To get MR out of their lives once and for all. IMO she says "your watch" a lot. The alleged call to the divorce lawyer really sets my hinky meter off. JMO, MOO

Thanks. I'll have to dig to see how I can turn mine off. Someone (sorry can't remember, Dee?) asked if he had voicemail. I thought all cellular plans/phones came with voicemail. I've never seen it as an "option" so, I just assumed it.

I don't think that was confirmed. My attorney is a family friend. He lives in another town hours away. If my son went missing in that town, I woulds call him. But not because he handled a previous case. Just because he is a helpful supportive adviser that I could trust in stressful situations.

A 'divorce' attorney can be many things and wear many hats, imo.
I was under the impression the mail carrier was also the ex-gf. she is only saying she doesn't think MR is the last person to see DR. not exactly a compelling statement. - a personal opinion of MR's friend.

The mail lady and the x gf are NOT the same person.
That was a rumor and is not true at all.
Unless tomorrow on the show they say differently.
I said she believes it. No, she did not speak to him. She saw two boys walking and told herself one was MR's son, she said.

Exactly. It's not a fact that she saw Dylan only that she believes it was him.
But how would that work out for her? How was she going to "find" him and put the blame on MR?

I don't know, you asked for a motive. lol

Actually, I think if either one of them was responsible for hiding Dylan, it wasn't well thought out.
Mark Redwine sat at the edge of his chair like a cat ready to attack his prey, blasting out blame which had no context. "YOU didn't send him with a coat!" "What kind of MOTHER......."

It's almost like he's thinking to a time when Dylan was nine how Dylan "always" watched Nick when he was with him and liked messing around at the rock retaining wall, bridge, and campground.

And then he showed his sense of inadequacy about Elaine having a real job - like he did when dissing Elaine about her career in an earlier interview - with his lame attempt to dirty-up her "professional" life with hanging out with criminals.

Mark reverted into his bs-ing mode with Dr. Phil - then anger and blame took over when talking directly to Elaine.

Oh this must be so difficult and painful for all. I feel this Dr. Phil effort will help solve this case and justice will be served.

Just my opinion.
About the poly. IF he took it, I wonder if Dr. Phil's people reported it to LE, what the results were. Cuz right about now, if I were Mark and I didn't pass that poly, I would not be in the country. I would have headed for Bora Bora or someplace where no one would EVER see me again. IMO.

IF he didn't take it. I'm gonna have to do some serious thinking about that. This could be my "aha" moment.

Bottom line, he could flunk 50 polys & there would be no arrest as it is not admissible in court. By the same token, flunking a poly is a RED FLAG that shows further investigation is needed IMO.
Unfortunately those who want to believe he's guilty will not change their minds if he passes. If he does pass, I think a lot more people will be talking about how the polygraph is just a tool and doesn't really mean anything. MOO

I agree. I did wonder though why DV wasn't brought up with regards to ER, as well as the front lawn sexcapade.

If he passes the polygraph, imo, it will go a long way in clearing him. I will be much less suspicious than I am today.
Gave in and started the show all over again - I'm thinking the mail carrier and the ex gf on the next show are the same person now I have compared the two snippets :what:
I don't know how Dr Phil was made aware of this witness. All I see so far is an opportunity for Dr Phil to muddy the waters. Why?

How does it muddy the waters, Ranch? It's a sighting that's unconfirmed. Not a sighting that's been ruled out. It would only muddy the waters if it's been ruled out, wouldn't it?

Do you recall what Elaine's questions for Mark where? I'm curious what she asked him when she finally got the chance.

Just "where is he, where is Dylan?" Then when he answers she accuses him of lying and asks him the same question again. Then she tells him how he lost Dylan on his watch. Stuff like that.
How does it muddy the waters, Ranch? It's a sighting that's unconfirmed. Not a sighting that's been ruled out. It would only muddy the waters if it's been ruled out, wouldn't it?


I think it has probably been ruled out. And it might be that the mail carrier is his ex gf.
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