CO- Dylan Redwine's case discussed on Dr. Phil ONLY!- 2/26/13 ***SPOILERS***

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I could have watched. I chose not to. Do you recall what Elaine's questions where? Other than "where is he."

Oh, I don't know how to respond....other than frustration :floorlaugh:

I guess since you didn't watch it, reading the transcripts will be your only choice.....

I do have a note about Dr. Phil at the end of the show saying Dylan's story would be continued tomorrow because

"I have a lot of questions on my mind, so many unanswered question".....

"What the hell is going on here" :seeya:
I just started following this case and had not formed a strong opinion of MR or ER based on anything I've read. I watched Dr. Phil with an open mind. What I saw was an understandably emotional mother demanding answers from the man who was last responsible for her son's well-being. I believe her behavior, her anger, her questions were completely appropriate given the circumstance.

MR did not come across very well. His only display of emotion appeared to be irritation with his ex-wife. I never saw grief for his missing son. I saw him trying to paint his ex-wife as a bad mother with a past (?) alcohol problem who apparently works with criminals and sends her son off in mid-November without a coat.

It appeared to me that MR did not miss one opportunity to get in a dig at "Mrs. Redwine."

All the while he played down his past behavior of domestic violence and failure to return his kids on time.

He played down his polygraph results by saying the person who administered the test was questionable.

Then to say that he suspects Elaine of having something to do with his son going missing.....It's so ridiculous to me that I get tongue-tied with frustration just trying to express how ridiculous it is.

I do not think there will be a happy ending to this story. Unfortunately. And I will stop there because I don't want to violate any terms of service with my very first post.

All of this is my opinion based on what I saw today. If MR passes a polygraph test tomorrow, I will be shocked, stunned and completely speechless.

JMO, but I felt that ER's biggest frustration is that MR has seemed so damned casual about his child going missing, still being missing after three-plus months, and she just can't believe that a parent could seem to take it so lightly. So she needed to see for herself. And she did. He seemed to be very casual indeed, IMO, had to be reminded by DP that this was about Dylan, and was completely focused, IMO, in trying to get ER to lose it. He was needling her the entire time, as though he could make some sort of sick point if he could make ER jump up and punch him.

I really think I might have hit him, in her place. And I have never hit anyone or anything in anger, not even a wall.

I hope I'm allowed to say this, He had the appearance of being under the influence. The Red eyes, and the difficulty speaking without stuttering, Plus the eerie way he looked at Elaine like he was in love at times, and other times he acted so emotionless.
Good evening folks,

Does anyone know if today's show has been posted anywhere online yet? TIA :)
I just started following this case and had not formed a strong opinion of MR or ER based on anything I've read. I watched Dr. Phil with an open mind. What I saw was an understandably emotional mother demanding answers from the man who was last responsible for her son's well-being. I believe her behavior, her anger, her questions were completely appropriate given the circumstance.

MR did not come across very well. His only display of emotion appeared to be irritation with his ex-wife. I never saw grief for his missing son. I saw him trying to paint his ex-wife as a bad mother with a past (?) alcohol problem who apparently works with criminals and sends her son off in mid-November without a coat.

It appeared to me that MR did not miss one opportunity to get in a dig at "Mrs. Redwine."

All the while he played down his past behavior of domestic violence and failure to return his kids on time.

He played down his polygraph results by saying the person who administered the test was questionable.

Then to say that he suspects Elaine of having something to do with his son going missing.....It's so ridiculous to me that I get tongue-tied with frustration just trying to express how ridiculous it is.

I do not think there will be a happy ending to this story. Unfortunately. And I will stop there because I don't want to violate any terms of service with my very first post.

All of this is my opinion based on what I saw today. If MR passes a polygraph test tomorrow, I will be shocked, stunned and completely speechless.

Welcome Ani :welcome:

Great first post!!
I hope I'm allowed to say this, He had the appearance of being under the influence. The Red eyes, and the difficulty speaking without stuttering, Plus the eerie way he looked at Elaine like he was in love at times, and other times he acted so emotionless.

Mark's right eye always appears red and blood shot. I noticed that also and it was not both eyes. jmo
Today's episode can be found online here:

[ame=""]Dylan part one, Mom and Dad interview teresarobertson10236 on USTREAM. Other Entertainment[/ame]
Welcome to WS, ani!


Thank you for the welcome. I can see everyone here is passionate about this case. It's great to see so many caring people.

Prayers that Dylan is found safe and sound asap.
Ut oh my daughter watched it in her teens and still does...she's 30..:waitasec:

I loved Cat/Dog and Ren and Stempy. My daughter outgrew them before I did. When my daughter was Dylan's age, she watched MTV, Comedy Central, anime and adult dramas like Rescue Me. Parents who are with their children every day know what their children watch. That's why I believe ER is in the best position to know if Dylan still watched Nick. All MOO
I realize after my last post that MR must have taken and failed the poly on Dr Phil, or walked out on it at some point. otherwise Dr Phil wouldn't be shouting at MR to fess up.
Clearly MR hasn't fessed up as he's not in custody. But it'll be interesting to see his reaction to his second failed poly and to the demands for answers from Dr Phil tmrw.
Elaine - he hasn't watched nickelodeon in years, and if you knew him you'd know that.

MR - i don't know what he watches when he's with you, But i will tell you for a fact that when he's with me and we are at my house, he watches nickelodeon.

Elaine interrupts - he's never wth you

MR - i guarantee you that.

I thought MR and Dylan watched a two hour movie when he was at your house MR, and you claim Dylan watches nickelodeon ?
Mark's right eye always appears red and blood shot. I noticed that also and it was not both eyes. jmo

today I decided that they have both been bloodshot and glassy in every video I've seen of him, and yet I've never seen him cry. I did notice him slur a couple words, and now am wondering if he's a little more than a regular drinker. We know he's at least that from AZG'ma, but it seems pretty consistent.
Elaine - he hasn't watched nickelodeon in years, and if you knew him you'd know that.

MR - i don't know what he watches when he's with you, But i will tell you for a fact that when he's with me and we are at my house, he watches nickelodeon.

Elaine interrupts - he's never wth you

MR - i guarantee you that.

I thought MR and Dylan watched a two hour movie when he was at your house MR, and you claim Dylan watches nickelodeon ?

he seems to use bullying to get people to believe him.
I realize after my last post that MR must have taken and failed the poly on Dr Phil, or walked out on it at some point. otherwise Dr Phil wouldn't be shouting at MR to fess up.
Clearly MR hasn't fessed up as he's not in custody. But it'll be interesting to see his reaction to his second failed poly and to the demands for answers from Dr Phil tmrw.

That has been my guess all along.
I believe he agreed to take it, things didn't go according to his plan, he got mad and walked out. Or he finished it, failed and DP had a go at him. :moo:
A scathing article about the show from Durango Herald -

In promoting the interview, Dr. Phil’s team did not dwell on the Redwines’ anguish as parents searching for their lost child. Instead, the program billed Dylan’s kidnapping as a “national mystery” and produced a promo titled “Who’s to Blame?” showing Elaine and Mark trading bitter counter-accusations and Dr. Phil occasionally intervening to encourage the blood sport.
today I decided that they have both been bloodshot and glassy in every video I've seen of him, and yet I've never seen him cry. I did notice him slur a couple words, and now am wondering if he's a little more than a regular drinker. We know he's at least that from AZG'ma, but it seems pretty consistent.

I've never seen the "one eye" thing either...both eyes, red and bloodshot. There are other innocent and/or nefarious reasons for bloodshot eyes...but that speculation would probably be a TOS violation. :moo:
I just started following this case and had not formed a strong opinion of MR or ER based on anything I've read. I watched Dr. Phil with an open mind. What I saw was an understandably emotional mother demanding answers from the man who was last responsible for her son's well-being. I believe her behavior, her anger, her questions were completely appropriate given the circumstance.

MR did not come across very well. His only display of emotion appeared to be irritation with his ex-wife. I never saw grief for his missing son. I saw him trying to paint his ex-wife as a bad mother with a past (?) alcohol problem who apparently works with criminals and sends her son off in mid-November without a coat.

It appeared to me that MR did not miss one opportunity to get in a dig at "Mrs. Redwine."

All the while he played down his past behavior of domestic violence and failure to return his kids on time.

He played down his polygraph results by saying the person who administered the test was questionable.

Then to say that he suspects Elaine of having something to do with his son going missing.....It's so ridiculous to me that I get tongue-tied with frustration just trying to express how ridiculous it is.

I do not think there will be a happy ending to this story. Unfortunately. And I will stop there because I don't want to violate any terms of service with my very first post.

All of this is my opinion based on what I saw today. If MR passes a polygraph test tomorrow, I will be shocked, stunned and completely speechless.

Excellent post! Welcome to WS:)
And from CBS Denver -

As soon as the show hit the air tips from across the nation started flooding into the La Plata County Sheriff’s Department. Investigators were watching the show as well to see if they could pick up any new details.

The good news is Dylan’s picture was shown throughout the show and that has prompted many new tips already. The show also gave viewers a sense of how difficult the investigation has been for police trying to get any sort of concrete information out of the two very angry parents, Elaine and Mark Redwine.
Can you give a motive for ER to hide Dylan? One that makes sense? Just wondering. She is not a stupid woman. IMO

There isn't one. What would she have to gain? She had the majority of custody, MR doesn't seem to be all too involved in Dylan's life, etc... Why hide him for what...forever???

Any scenario involving her having anything to do with his disappearance makes NO sense whatsover! Plus, she is the only one that is actually TRYING to get the story out there, while MR doesn't seem to really care all that much.

Seems to me that if she did it, she wouldn't put any pressure on anyone to find him and Mark would have just gone about his business.
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