CO- Dylan Redwine's case discussed on Dr. Phil ONLY!- 2/26/13 ***SPOILERS***

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A scathing article about the show from Durango Herald -

In promoting the interview, Dr. Phil’s team did not dwell on the Redwines’ anguish as parents searching for their lost child. Instead, the program billed Dylan’s kidnapping as a “national mystery” and produced a promo titled “Who’s to Blame?” showing Elaine and Mark trading bitter counter-accusations and Dr. Phil occasionally intervening to encourage the blood sport.
From the comments I read, I don't think the show had the desired effect. MOO

Also from article

At the beginning of the program, Dr. Phil told Elaine that he wasn’t going to do a “hatchet” job on her ex-husband. When Mark later joined the interview, Dr. Phil told the Redwines that he assumed neither parent’s guilt or innocence in the disappearance of their son, but he did “make informed decisions based on skilled observations .... I’ve been doing this for 35 years.”

Dr. Phil said he was “accustomed to typical conduct and what is not,” and turned to Mark, saying, “I am curious about your interest in fighting with (Elaine) and blaming her, or finding your son. Since you’ve been out here you haven’t said one word about finding your son.”

- See more at:


I thought this was interesting from the DH too.
Dr. Phil said he was “accustomed to typical conduct and what is not,” and turned to Mark, saying, “I am curious about your interest in fighting with (Elaine) and blaming her, or finding your son. Since you’ve been out here you haven’t said one word about finding your son.”

Mark, who had been on stage for about three minutes, clarified that he was “lost in the world” without Dylan.

- See more at:
the only disservice to the clip was to seems he wanted it played

and it got played

Dr. Phil treated Dylan, Mark and Elaine fairly....JMO

I have a difficult time believing that Dr. Phil would be manipulated by anyone. So I would think that he had a reason to play that particular clip.

Maybe he consulted with LE and it was something that they wanted to look deeper at. It certainly would not be for a lack of material since they are doing this over 2 sessions.
For your convenience:

(Also located in Media/Timeline Thread - See Page 1 of this thread for Link)

CAPTION: Why Does Mark say he wasn’t too concerned about Dylan’s Disappearance when he first returned home?
[ame=""]Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - CO CO - Dylan Redwine, 13, Vallecito, 19 Nov 2012 *Media , Maps & Timelines*[/ame]

CAPTION: Map of Where Mark Traveled
[ame=""]Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - CO CO - Dylan Redwine, 13, Vallecito, 19 Nov 2012 *Media , Maps & Timelines*[/ame]

CAPTION: Mark describes his actions after he returned home and Dylan wasn’t there. And, Elaine explains why she’s suspicious of Mark Video
[ame=""]Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - CO CO - Dylan Redwine, 13, Vallecito, 19 Nov 2012 *Media , Maps & Timelines*[/ame]

CAPTION: “He goes missing and y’all trade text messages?”
[ame=""]Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - CO CO - Dylan Redwine, 13, Vallecito, 19 Nov 2012 *Media , Maps & Timelines*[/ame]

CAPTION: “Emotions Run High When Elaine confronts her Ex. “You were the last one to see him, and now he’s just gone!” And Dr. Phil weighs in on the parents’ conduct.
[ame=""]Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - CO CO - Dylan Redwine, 13, Vallecito, 19 Nov 2012 *Media , Maps & Timelines*[/ame]

CAPTION: What Does Mark Think Happened to Dylan?
[ame=""]Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - CO CO - Dylan Redwine, 13, Vallecito, 19 Nov 2012 *Media , Maps & Timelines*[/ame]
Dr Phil - did u take a polygraph in this matter, did the police ask you to take a polygraph, and what were the results ?

MR - well there's been some Conflict as to what the actual Resert Results are.

Dr Phil - what did they tell you ?

MR - well they told me that i (FAILED) it, Then they told me it was (inconclusive) and there was some questions about the person giving the Polygraph as to whether or not they were capable of of performing that ( Polygraph Test )

Dr Phil - Well that is unfair to you, That is absolutely unfair to you if they bring you an unqualified or inexperienced Polygraph Operator put a cloud over your head, that is absolutely unfair to you, You understand i i have the absolute best Polygraph Operator's and Resources in the world that can sit with you not on Camera, there there are no Cameras permitted in those rooms because the Protocalls are very Specific and and very tight and i will make those People available to you to Clear your name in this thing if if you want to do that ( Will you take a Polygraph ) ?
I don't think that it would be a disservice to bring attention to something that would exonerate yourself. So I don't think that the alleged sighting is a disservice to Mark.

The only disservice I see is Dr Phil allowing this sighting to be put on his show when he must have known that LE had not confirmed it. I don't need to watch the show to have an opinion on this./quote]
Wow, I was counting on your opinion, bbm but OMG you haven't watched the show. People talk about body language, semantics, etc. but you can see for yourself who MR is by watching the show. If you don't, why not???
IMO, MR was the one being bullied.

I would think that since Dylan was at his fathers home when he vanished, that MR was probably expecting that he would be under the greater scrutiny. Kinda goes with the territory. I am sure MR did not expect this to be a walk in the park.

From the comments posted, it appears that through the questions asked by Dr. Phil, some information came out that had not been addressed in this forum regarding ER, which was good to hear, which I believe should be looked at deeper, as I feel there is much more to the story. I hope that makes sense.
Wow, I was counting on your opinion, bbm but OMG you haven't watched the show. People talk about body language, semantics, etc. but you can see for yourself who MR is by watching the show. If you don't, why not???

You were counting on my opinion? That's too funny.

I give zero credence to body language so watching the show doesn't help me in that regard. I'm not sure if I did watch the show that it would tell me who Mark is. That's just me.
Having just watched the episode for the second time, I don't think the first show did either of the parents any favours really. And I don't know how much it would help raise public awareness about Dylan either, as it certainly did end up portraying him as a child who could possibly been taken by one of his parents. Every question that was asked about the events of the morning Dylan went missing ended up being dismissed or refuted by ER.
Again I understand ERs pain, but she seemed determined to stop MRs story being told. I don't know if MRs story is believable or not, but everything he said was deemed a lie. Constantly bringing it back to MR by asking where is he/what did you do to him - it stopped or interrupted his story or version of events every time IIRC. This is what all those viewers who haven't been following the case saw.
I said this very early on, but I can't bear the idea that there is possibly a predator out there who may have taken Dylan, and this is all just working out perfectly for them. Now even a national tv show keeping the focus on the parents - will it make anyone more alert or watchful about helping this child?
So now onto the next installment tomorrow - maybe more will be revealed and the whole exercise will have been worthwhile.
I just watched the 'show' and I have to say I am very conflicted in what I saw. Elaine's pain is so heartbreaking and so real it really moved me. But, I see that Mark's heart is breaking too. I do not think either of them had anything to do with Dylan's being gone.

But, I think right now their hatred for each other is standing in the way of creating an atmosphere of people working together to find their son.

I just added the last two lines because this post went poof before I finished. I know it is a full moon. jmo

I didnt see any evidence of Mark's heart being broken. I saw anger and bitterness, but no grief. He sounded totally empty, imo, when he was called out by DP, and then said how much he missed his boy. It sounded phony to me. JMO
Yep I agree, MR looked bad, you were right. Is that what you meant? If not what?

Ummm no.

I was thinking more along the lines of possible items that would be with Dylan to look for if one happened to be hiking, etc.

Probable scenerios with respect to RSO's in the area.

The status of the confirmed person LE wishes to speak with.

Places maybe Dylan would of headed if he had runaway.

A timeline for ER, MH, CR, DH etc. People he may of tried to contact, other people that knew him in the area, not including his friends.

Had anyone new entered his life? A girlfriend, older friend, things like that.
Well, as I thought, no matter what MR said would satisfy the mob. Same consistent, calm demeanor and entirely plausible story, same 'outrage' by perhaps misguided, overly-emotional groups of complete strangers who expected, oddly enough, a different outcome. At first I found it perplexing and even a little amusing that some women couldn't seem to understand the general differences in men and women regarding outward displays of emotion, but now I just find it petty, monotonous, and perhaps even a bit disingenuous. Don't mean to offend, that's just how I feel. I'm a man, and stoicism and introversion is not generally a sign of guilt, but rather a perfectly normal display of coming to terms with loss. You won't see a lot of publicly displayed tears and hear a lot of emotional outbursts. Different strokes.

I hurt for both ER and MR, though for separate reasons. ER because she's lost a son and is perhaps wasting valuable time and outrage on the wrong source, and MR because he's lost a son and being demonized by folks who don't know him from Adam. A shame that uninvolved folks can't let this go and let each parent deal with this separately and in their own way. This isn't Days of our Lives.

The only good that came out of this is the chance - albeit slight - that someone was watching and can provide real leads to police that appear to be short on facts and evidence at the moment. That will be my prayer, and I join with both ER, MR, and the rest of you in this regard.
Dr Phil - so you get back at 11:30 and he's gone.

MR - right

Dr Phil - um and so you just lay down and take a nap.

MR - well know that, when i got back at 11:30 i didn't think much of a dylan not being there, i mean he knows the area, he's been up to my house ( MANY TIMES ) there's a camp ground at the end of the road "that's not right by the river" which he tends to go up to every now and then, there's a bridge right down the street where it crosses over the river, which " he's been (known) to hang out before " Theres a rock wall right directly behind my house that he's been (known) to go stomping around in the woods back there. i mean it didn't i didn't find it so odd that he wasn't sitting there waiting for me.

Elaine - in November mid November.

MR - and you sent him you sent him without a coat.

Elaine - why is it always my Fault, why can't you take any of the Responcebility

BBM This is my take on that little exchange. After MR listed the possible places he knows Dylan to visit while at his place, ER interjects with "November? Mid November?" IMO she is implying that it would be too cold for Dylan to want to do any of those things.

Over the course of all the threads here many posters have implied the same thing IIRC. The thing is, Dylan arrived the evening before wearing a t-shirt and shorts, so IMO obviously he wasn't feeling the cold himself at that point. I have never understood why anyone would then assume he would suddenly be too cold to venture outdoors the next day, when it was presumably daylight and sunny, so probably warmer than it had been the night before?
I'm not getting into the whole "no coat" discussion for the same reason. I am sure Dylan packed what he thought he would have needed - if that was a hoodie or long sleeved top of some sort, so be it. The point that I am trying to make is that Dylan brought and wore the clothes he thought he needed for the visit. Unless there was a cold snap overnight, why should his clothing (or lack of) be an issue or reason to doubt that Dylan could well have been outdoors and possibly the victim of an unknown predator?
Well, as I thought, no matter what MR said would satisfy the mob. Same consistent, calm demeanor and entirely plausible story, same 'outrage' by perhaps misguided, overly-emotional groups of complete strangers who expected, oddly enough, a different outcome. At first I found it perplexing and even a little amusing that some women couldn't seem to understand the general differences in men and women regarding outward displays of emotion, but now I just find it petty, monotonous, and perhaps even a bit disingenuous. Don't mean to offend, that's just how I feel. I'm a man, and stoicism and introversion is not generally a sign of guilt, but rather a perfectly normal display of coming to terms with loss. You won't see a lot of publicly displayed tears and hear a lot of emotional outbursts. Different strokes.

I hurt for both ER and MR, though for separate reasons. ER because she's lost a son and is perhaps wasting valuable time and outrage on the wrong source, and MR because he's lost a son and being demonized by folks who don't know him from Adam. A shame that uninvolved folks can't let this go and let each parent deal with this separately and in their own way. This isn't Days of our Lives.

The only good that came out of this is the chance - albeit slight - that someone was watching and can provide real leads to police that appear to be short on facts and evidence at the moment. That will be my prayer, and I join with both ER, MR, and the rest of you in this regard.


It is NOT just strangers that are accusing him of being involved in this disappearance. It is his ex-wives, grown sons, long time friends---all of whom
KNOW HIM very well. And isn't it fascinating that those whom know him the best are the most suspicious of him.
I would think that since Dylan was at his fathers home when he vanished, that MR was probably expecting that he would be under the greater scrutiny. Kinda goes with the territory. I am sure MR did not expect this to be a walk in the park.

From the comments posted, it appears that through the questions asked by Dr. Phil, some information came out that had not been addressed in this forum regarding ER, which was good to hear, which I believe should be looked at deeper, as I feel there is much more to the story. I hope that makes sense.

True enough, it is very important we stay open minded. Part 2 tomorrow. :what:
Oh yeah, duh. Sorry, I misunderstood. Been emailing a passive aggressive teacher who called my son a procrastinator. My brain's fried.
My dear mijamawi - I am a teacher, a big time procrastinator, and have even been called passive-aggressive on these very threads ... How may I help you??

BBM This is my take on that little exchange. After MR listed the possible places he knows Dylan to visit while at his place, ER interjects with "November? Mid November?" IMO she is implying that it would be too cold for Dylan to want to do any of those things.

Over the course of all the threads here many posters have implied the same thing IIRC. The thing is, Dylan arrived the evening before wearing a t-shirt and shorts, so IMO obviously he wasn't feeling the cold himself at that point. I have never understood why anyone would then assume he would suddenly be too cold to venture outdoors the next day, when it was presumably daylight and sunny, so probably warmer than it had been the night before?
I'm not getting into the whole "no coat" discussion for the same reason. I am sure Dylan packed what he thought he would have needed - if that was a hoodie or long sleeved top of some sort, so be it. The point that I am trying to make is that Dylan brought and wore the clothes he thought he needed for the visit. Unless there was a cold snap overnight, why should his clothing (or lack of) be an issue or reason to doubt that Dylan could well have been outdoors and possibly the victim of an unknown predator?

There is a difference between walking outside for hours and being inside, getting from the airport to the car, etc.
BBM This is my take on that little exchange. After MR listed the possible places he knows Dylan to visit while at his place, ER interjects with "November? Mid November?" IMO she is implying that it would be too cold for Dylan to want to do any of those things.

Over the course of all the threads here many posters have implied the same thing IIRC. The thing is, Dylan arrived the evening before wearing a t-shirt and shorts, so IMO obviously he wasn't feeling the cold himself at that point. I have never understood why anyone would then assume he would suddenly be too cold to venture outdoors the next day, when it was presumably daylight and sunny, so probably warmer than it had been the night before?
I'm not getting into the whole "no coat" discussion for the same reason. I am sure Dylan packed what he thought he would have needed - if that was a hoodie or long sleeved top of some sort, so be it. The point that I am trying to make is that Dylan brought and wore the clothes he thought he needed for the visit. Unless there was a cold snap overnight, why should his clothing (or lack of) be an issue or reason to doubt that Dylan could well have been outdoors and possibly the victim of an unknown predator?

She was jumping down his throat because it was the FIRST TIME since the disappearance, that she had the chance to speak to him face to face. She was interjecting 'November' because she knew her ex was LYING about the fishing pole story. She knows her son and she knows he wouldn't pack up all his belongings and walk 5 miles to the lake by himself to fish. And that was the ORIGINAL STORY that her ex tried to sell.

I don't blame her for jumping down his throat. She has already listened to his rambling word salad 'interviews' for months now. She is tired of listening to those ridiculous circular fabrications. And so am I.
Nothing I saw today made me feel any different about MR. I did not know enough to feel he was guilty before and I still don't, but he confirmed my idea of him as a highly unpleasant, manipulative and just plain vengeful person who seemed to enjoy trying to taunt his ex. I think he got so carried away with this need, that he forgot all about Dylan at times.

His throwing accusations at ER really made me raise my eyebrows. Really? Well I cannot say I was shocked, as he has been just full of ideas if what may have happened to Dylan, mostly making his son out to be irresponsible, not too dependable or just plain dense (fell into a lake?? ) so it was a matter of time before he tried this one out. DP made him look foolish at this accusation, IMO.

Shoving women around is no big deal to him. Trying at every turn to place ER in a bad light seemed to be his main reason for being there. All I got from ER was desperation and exhaustion and much more restraint than he deserved.
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