CO- Dylan Redwine's case discussed on Dr. Phil ONLY!- 2/26/13 ***SPOILERS***

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do you have to answer most poly questions with a yes or no?

I believe they are all "yes" or "no" questions. At least, they were in my case and others i have heard of. You can say "I'm not sure" perhaps.
ITA. Dr. Phil says that everybody else who had a missing child took a polygraph on his show. Even the guilty ones. So what makes MR so special that he is the only one who wouldn't take it?

I believe it was actually the professional who has been performing these tests for 35 years that said it was the first time ever for him. Not just on Dr Phil but in this man's whole career.

And it was also very telling that this man with 35 years of experience said that MR "wore him down" with his twisted and convoluted answers to everything.

I believe ER was 100% accurate when she said MR likes to play games. I think the entire Dr. Phil fiasco was a game for him....just another way for him to make ER even more miserable. I don't believe he truly cares about Dylan one iota.

I don't think that Dylan was there for a week in September was he? I thought it was just over Labour Day. Do they start school before Labour Day in Colorado? Like in late August? Was Dylan already in school that week?

I don't think there has been a week recently other than November 18th that Dylan spent with his father at his home?

And if there was, well there goes another lie from MR about how when he has Dylan it's just the two of them.


I think Labor day is a 4 day weekend in some school districts. So he may have been at his dads for 4 or 5 days. But you might be right and it was a lie.
The one on one with DP backstage where MR was getting red in the face looked really bad, as in guilt bad. But, on the other hand, it could have just been that he was simply upset.

I can't say that I blame him for drinking JB. I'm not much of a drinker, but can assure you that I would have wanted a glass of wine to calm me down after that fiasco of day 1. He was attached in a sense, and I would have been defensive as well. It is obvious he didn't feel comfortable going on the show from the beginning and probably because he knew he would be under fire.

I have never taken a poly graph, but boy I used to get nervous going take drug tests! I had one coworker who was straight as an arrow, but every time he was called for a random drug screening, you'd swear the kid was going to vomit. The point is, MR not feeling he was capable of taking the poly doesn't necessarily mean guilt.
He did or he wouldn't have been there in the first place. There was absolutely NO advantage to him to be there. IMO
I think there could have been. There was an opportunity to take another polygraph that he could have passed. Sure, there will still be naysayers (on both sides of the equation) but for some who are unsure what to think about Mark's behavior, passing a polygraph would have made him look far more favorable.

I haven't seen any evidence that tells me Mark killed Dylan. However, IMO, Mark is lying about something.

I'm waiting for evidence in this case, but it would have made a good impression on me if he had taken the polygraph and passed.
I took one for employment purposes years ago. There were 10 or 12 questions, all yes or no answers. I was read the questions before the test, so I knew in advance exactly what they would be asking, but not the order they would be asked. I was told that if I wanted to explain or clarify anything with more than a yes or no, I would have the opportunity to do it after the test was done.

I wasn't facing any criminal charges or anything like that, but I really wanted the job and I was very nervous at the idea of taking a polygraph. I ended up passing with no problems, but it was stressful for me and I made sure I went into it well rested. I would not want to do it any other way.
I think Labor day is a 4 day weekend in some school districts. So he may have been at his dads for 4 or 5 days. But you might be right and it was a lie.

Could be the gf was there for a week and DR only for a long weekend. OR my other thought was this could have been a year or two ago on a summer or spring break visit!
He did or he wouldn't have been there in the first place. There was absolutely NO advantage to him to be there. IMO

Well there was a huge advantage for him to be there. Someone from a national TV program was willing to devote 2hrs to broadcast to the country that his son was missing. If he didn't do anything, that is huge. Especially if Dylan were actually abducted and being held alive.

But that was not the advantage he was thinking of when agreeing to do the show. He was bound and determined to make everyone believe that the only reason why people think he's guilty is because of his ex-wife and her "mob". And to get in more of his digs at her.

I guess that mob would include all his children? How about his own relatives? They're obviously not supporting him, are they part of the mob?

I do not post on facebook and I have not read anything that has been posted by any person associated with ER or any of FB pages that I'm sure are out there other than information from our own verified poster here and occasionally when someone here directs to a post on the FMDR page. And I'll bet neither have a lot of other people who believe that he is guilty of hiding his youngest son either dead or alive. Especially the one's who just watched Dr Phil and had no idea about this case.

Does anyone know where the links are for the shows. I need to get them to Tricia.. Thanks in advance
He did or he wouldn't have been there in the first place. There was absolutely NO advantage to him to be there. IMO

The only advantage of him being there, was to get Dylan's face in however many thousands/(millions) of homes DPs stats rate. The stipulation of DP covering the story was MR had to be there, if I am not mistaken.

Overall, I feel like I was robbed of 2 of my daytime hours by taking a 'lunch break' at 3pm when I normally don't break at all... DP was a total waste and nothing more than a gossip cesspool.

**edit - not a total waste, DRs face made it out there and that is extremely important
I saw the 2nd show. After I heard about this show being taped and that MR was being asked to take a poly, I wondered how that was going to work, spending several hours in the hotseat on stage facing 4 people that hate him, how he was going to be calm enough to get an accurate reading on a polygraph test.

And apparently that was a problem. And it was a problem the next day and later on. How do you go through something like that and NOT have it affect you?? How do you calm down the adrenaline of those hours of being ganged up on by everyone that was once important in your life?

I had a feeling it was going to be like Jerry Springer. It pretty much was only someone didn't come out from back stage pregnant. To me it was an ambush. I could see it coming a mile away, not sure why MR didn't and even agreed to go on the show.

And for those who say he showed no emotion, he got teary eyed the next day when he talked about Cory screaming at him how he hated him. He showed emotion on that and to me, if he is that hurt over Cory saying those words to him, then he loves his son and if he loves his son, he loves his younger son who didn't say that to him so why would he harm him???

Cory stated awhile back that MR never harmed him or Dylan. He never got physical with them. If he never even hauled off and hit one of them then how could he get to murdering one of them?? None of them claimed during the show he harmed his younger two boys in the past.

Again, this is my opinion of what I see.

MR loves his son Cory so much that he'll "never forgive him." MR showed plenty of emotion. Unfortunately, it was of the pity poor me variety. Not a word of concern about where Dylan might be, whether he is suffering, whether he is alive or dead. I knew MR would never take that LDT, just as I firmly believe he's stalled and avoided taking a second LDT from LE. He's definitely shrewd though with his Jim Beam strategy. If it's not enough to level him off enough where he feels like he can fool the test, it's a ready made excuse to decline. All MOO
Does anyone know where the links are for the shows. I need to get them to Tricia.. Thanks in advance

[ame=""]Dylan part one, Mom and Dad interview teresarobertson10236 on USTREAM. Other Entertainment[/ame]

[ame=""]Dylan Part Two, Polygraph Drama teresarobertson10236 on USTREAM. Other Entertainment[/ame]
Regarding Mark I must say that he has just further solidified what many of us suspected for quite some time now.. his behavior is so disturbing due to that fact that these are his actions and behaviors regarding his son's "disappearance"..the actions/behaviors are all consistent regardless of the situation..

IMO this man should not be on national television having to be asked or coaxed into taking a polygraph, he should have already long since taken the LE polygraph to clear up the fact that his initial test results were fail or inconclusive..either of those results require a follow up polygraph so that LE can clear him or better hone in on the questions that he is showing deceit about.. he has failed to do this and IMO that fact alone is proof positive that he is not working to find his son..

why would this father refuse to do the follow up polygraph with LE?...THATS THE IMPORTANT QUESTION..NOT WHY HE DIDNT DO IT ON DR PHIL, BUT WHY THE HELL HAS HE NOT DONE IT FOR LE?

Because he didn't believe LE when they told him that the FBI have the best polygraph technicians. I recall him saying something to that affect on the show.

None of that would matter if he was telling the truth. He would have been able to take the poly the next morning, no matter what his son had yelled at him.

You don't think that every one who takes a test like this in missing person cases doesn't have a lot of stress?

It is amazing to me that he is getting a pass for going out and drinking on the eve of his polygraph. Nobody finds that a bit suspicious?

Couple of thoughts...

Yes, I agree that everyone in this situation would be stressed. I think he was probably extra overwhelmed because of the interview he'd just finished, but I really hoped that he'd at least come through after having the night to calm down and sleep.

Second on "going out and drinking" - I don't know of course, wasn't there, but I doubt he went out. I'm picturing him alone in his hotel room "drowning his sorrows" so to speak. Again I don't know, all we know is that he says he drank 1/2 bottle of Jim Beam, but I think if he'd been out somewhere he would probably be catching even more flak than he already is.

Don't get me wrong, I think there's still no excuse for the way he got himself out of the poly after saying he'd do it. If he refused up front I would've understood it a whole lot better than him first being too stressed, then the next morning being too hung over (or drunk?) to do the poly. All MOO.
I was a little taken back by MR's initial reaction to that. His stare down at CR and calling him disrespectful kind of jolted me. Kind of seemed like if he wasn't sitting there on that stage he would have taken a swing at him for saying that. How many kids say I hate you to a parent at some point? And most parents would understand what their other child was going through with a little brother missing and with him being the last person to see him. We've seen the exchanges between these two so it couldn't have been a big surprise to MR to hear CR lash out at him. But he still looked beyond po'd at it. Just a strange look in his eyes. Was Dylan being "disrespectful" that day?


Re: your last sentence..
Kamille, this is exactly what Elaine expressed early on ..her fear that Dylan may have said something that Mark didn't like or want to hear that night after he picked him up from the airport..

MOO..The more we see and hear from Mark Redwine himself, the more I become aware that this situation could in fact have been the catalyst for which this tragedy occurred..

IMO as someone mentioned upthread it definitely appears as tho, Mark Redwine was more focused on the fact that how dare Cory have said that to him..much much more hyper focused on that rather than the disturbing fact that his youngest son is no longer here...

For me that really makes me look at the possibility of was it in fact something that young Dylan said that night that Mark became hyper focused and enraged about...and obviously IMO Mark's reaction would have been likely a thousand times intensified than what/how we saw the man act/react on national television.. It would have just been he and Dylan with that type anger and rage over something said that was not to Mark's liking...

With Elaine's having so very early on voiced her fears over this exact possibility and now combined with seeing his reaction when Cory said that on the show...well..for me it becomes much more of a very real possibility of something similar having occurred that Sunday night between Mark and Dylan...not to even mention the possibility of alcohol being involved...IMO just a really really bad situation for young Dylan AND it hurts my heart to think about just how very bad his last moments quite possibly were..
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