CO- Dylan Redwine's case discussed on Dr. Phil ONLY!- 2/26/13 ***SPOILERS***

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The one on one with DP backstage where MR was getting red in the face looked really bad, as in guilt bad. But, on the other hand, it could have just been that he was simply upset.

I can't say that I blame him for drinking JB. I'm not much of a drinker, but can assure you that I would have wanted a glass of wine to calm me down after that fiasco of day 1. He was attached in a sense, and I would have been defensive as well. It is obvious he didn't feel comfortable going on the show from the beginning and probably because he knew he would be under fire.

I have never taken a poly graph, but boy I used to get nervous going take drug tests! I had one coworker who was straight as an arrow, but every time he was called for a random drug screening, you'd swear the kid was going to vomit. The point is, MR not feeling he was capable of taking the poly doesn't necessarily mean guilt.

Agreed, not 'necessarily.' But it makes it more likely than not, imo.

If you know you are innocent, then you look forward to clearing your name.

I would have had more respect for him if he took the test and failed, then him punking out and getting drunk instead.
I believe they are all "yes" or "no" questions. At least, they were in my case and others i have heard of. You can say "I'm not sure" perhaps.


That pretty well answered my questions as to why Mark got a failed/inconclusive on his 1st/2nd polys. He has a problem with answering simply questions, every answer has to have his "spin" on it. He had an opportunity to receive a poly from an ex-FBI examiner (since he thought the other guy was not qualified). He loves to listen to himself talk. If he told me it was raining outside, I would go to the window and look out.....

Oh, not to mention just a few simple questions:

Mark, do you know where Dylan is?
Mark, did you have anything to do with Dylan's disappearance?
Mark, have you ever hit a woman?
Well there was a huge advantage for him to be there. Someone from a national TV program was willing to devote 2hrs to broadcast to the country that his son was missing. If he didn't do anything, that is huge. Especially if Dylan were actually abducted and being held alive.

But that was not the advantage he was thinking of when agreeing to do the show. He was bound and determined to make everyone believe that the only reason why people think he's guilty is because of his ex-wife and her "mob". And to get in more of his digs at her.

I guess that mob would include all his children? How about his own relatives? They're obviously not supporting him, are they part of the mob?

I do not post on facebook and I have not read anything that has been posted by any person associated with ER or any of FB pages that I'm sure are out there other than information from our own verified poster here and occasionally when someone here directs to a post on the FMDR page. And I'll bet neither have a lot of other people who believe that he is guilty of hiding his youngest son either dead or alive. Especially the one's who just watched Dr Phil and had no idea about this case.


There are new posts everywhere...not just FB pages. Just about all of them said they've never heard of the case prior to Dr. Phil's show and most of them are pointing the finger directly at MR. That said, I have to discount most of that because they obviously don't have all the facts of the case and haven't been following along since the beginning....BUT, the one common theme I do have to give some thought to, and is repeated OVER and OVER, is how just about ALL of them got that "bad" feeling that something is "wrong" with MR. Even if they aren't sure if MR has Dylan in hiding or what; just a lot of people saying something is "off" with MR, something is wrong with MR, he is hiding something. They sense it without knowing anything. Our senses are very powerful....and should ALWAYS be listened to. Thousands of people aren't wrong. This is not some grand conspiracy theory.
BBM - I've been thinking that too.

His little buddy..."Dilly Boy". Just a plaything for dad, not a person with his own desires and opinions.

BBM I know this is probably just my personal thing but I nearly gagged the first time I heard this, and again when I went to re-watch it to make sure I got the quote right. I don't even know why exactly but it really hit me wrong.
Couple of thoughts...

Yes, I agree that everyone in this situation would be stressed. I think he was probably extra overwhelmed because of the interview he'd just finished, but I really hoped that he'd at least come through after having the night to calm down and sleep.

Second on "going out and drinking" - I don't know of course, wasn't there, but I doubt he went out. I'm picturing him alone in his hotel room "drowning his sorrows" so to speak. Again I don't know, all we know is that he says he drank 1/2 bottle of Jim Beam, but I think if he'd been out somewhere he would probably be catching even more flak than he already is.

Don't get me wrong, I think there's still no excuse for the way he got himself out of the poly after saying he'd do it. If he refused up front I would've understood it a whole lot better than him first being too stressed, then the next morning being too hung over (or drunk?) to do the poly. All MOO.

I agree. I shouldn't have used the term 'going out' to get drunk. I didn't mean that even. I did assume he sat in his hotel room with a bottle, not that he went to a club or anything.
Because he didn't believe LE when they told him that the FBI have the best polygraph technicians. I recall him saying something to that affect on the show.


well then that makes perfect sense.. Once again an excuse and boy what a crock of crap excuse it is..

Mark to LE: "Since LE/FBI's polygraphers suck I'll not be taking another polygraph."

That pretty well answered my questions as to why Mark got a failed/inconclusive on his 1st/2nd polys. He has a problem with answering simply questions, every answer has to have his "spin" on it. He had an opportunity to receive a poly from an ex-FBI examiner (since he thought the other guy was not qualified). He loves to listen to himself talk. If he told me it was raining outside, I would go to the window and look out.....

Oh, not to mention just a few simple questions:

Mark, do you know where Dylan is?
Mark, did you have anything to do with Dylan's disappearance?
Mark, have you ever hit a woman?

Pretty sure if he can't answer any of those questions without beginning with the word "well" and then heading into a spin answer that has nothing to do with the question then he wouldn't have enjoyed that polygraph.

Did anyone notice in part one how flustered MR got when DP asked about EH and MR taking LE polygraphs? MR didn't even want to go there. It hit me then that MR would not take a polygraph test on DP's show. If MR was worried about his stress showing up as a marker in the test, he could have discussed his fears with the examiner before the test. I am disappointed MR didn't go through with it and even worse, imbibed the night before. He had such a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to dispel suspicions, but blew it. He is either very self-destructive or has emotional problems IF he is truly innocent. I see him coming to a bad end because his demons will overpower him at some point. The truth is so much easier. No one has that good of a memory to remember all their lies.

My heart is heavy for EH and CR, and especially DR.
When MR delayed the first Dr Phil show, He never gave a reason, i wonder if it had to do with this former ex girlfriend he was with for ( SIX ) months, it's possible she needed to schedule time off from her employer.

It's about time for Law Enforcement to name a certain person,
I'm still in shock. I haven't read back in the thread yet to see any other opinions, except this last page, but I have to say, I. AM. SHOCKED. I thought for sure he would agree to take it, and he refused. Twice. I can't get over it.

Now I'm going to read back a few pages and sit on my hands. I may owe some of y'all an apology, but not right now. My heart is hurting and I just want to gather my thoughts.

And btw, AZgrandma is a very pretty lady!!
well then that makes perfect sense.. Once again an excuse and boy what a crock of crap excuse it is..

Mark to LE: "Since LE/FBI's polygraphers suck I'll not be taking another polygraph."

Actually from what I understand it was not an FBI technician that administered the first one. I believe LE were trying to convince him to take a second one with an FBI technician saying that they were the best. Also from what I understand he's been dodging that second one for months.

Did anyone notice in part one how flustered MR got when DP asked about EH and MR taking LE polygraphs? MR didn't even want to go there. It hit me then that MR would not take a polygraph test on DP's show. If MR was worried about his stress showing up as a marker in the test, he could have discussed his fears with the examiner before the test. I am disappointed MR didn't go through with it and even worse, imbibed the night before. He had such a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to dispel suspicions, but blew it. He is either very self-destructive or has emotional problems IF he is truly innocent. I see him coming to a bad end because his demons will overpower him at some point. The truth is so much easier. No one has that good of a memory to remember all their lies.

My heart is heavy for EH and CR, and especially DR.


Yes, I saw him getting flustered then. I also thought that he was flustered at the thought of MH. I think his ex wife's fiance is a big trigger for this whole thing. He seems to be very upset and jealous of her new life. JMO
I'm still in shock. I haven't read back in the thread yet to see any other opinions, except this last page, but I have to say, I. AM. SHOCKED. I thought for sure he would agree to take it, and he refused. Twice. I can't get over it.

Now I'm going to read back a few pages and sit on my hands. I may owe some of y'all an apology, but not right now. My heart is hurting and I just want to gather my thoughts.

And btw, AZgrandma is a very pretty lady!!

He refused Three times, one yesterday, and Twice today, just prior to the show ending he was asked the Third time.
OMG...this case just keeps getting worse and worse. I do believe MR world is falling apart in front of my eyes....beyond my suspicions about poor, sweet Dylan. All we need to do is look around....
Actually from what I understand it was not an FBI technician that administered the first one. I believe LE were trying to convince him to take a second one with an FBI technician saying that they were the best. Also from what I understand he's been dodging that second one for months.


yep, IIRC Mark stated something to the effect that the reason for his failed or inconclusive result was due to the polygraphers abilities or something similar..iow of course it was someone else's fault as to why he failed or had inconclusive result.. and at that point LE stated that the follow up polygraph could be administered by an FBI polygrapher...

which as you said above it appears as tho that polygraph being administered has been dodged for months now..

IMO I see it as nothing but the same old, same old excuses for everything and the majority of Mark's excuses always involve the blame being placed on anything/anyone OTHER THAN MARK REDWINE, HIMSELF..

Yep, I did know this was the excuse for why there had been no follow up polygraph taken but IMO my original question still stands in why in the hell this father has failed to follow through with LE polygraph??...cuz IMO his excuse given doesn't begin to hold nary even a single drop of water..jmo, tho.
Chiming in before bed. The sad part is after two days of watching Dr. Phil. Dylan is no closer to getting home. I know the show got Dylan a lot of exposure. But, I was really hoping for closure, not blame games. I can only pray that wherever Dylan may be that he is at peace and safe.
I've seen the question of why would MR agree to appear on the show asked several times. I have a theory about that:

Like many narcissists, MR doesn't like being called out. His reaction to the "rally" (good strategy, btw) made that apparent so I don't think he could resist the temptation to further insult ER. For him, this is just the last installment of a years long game of brinksmanship in which he is determined to "win". He took this opportunity to project by accusing ER of being violent, a drunk, a poor parent and a liar. His enjoyment of getting under ER's skin is so enormous that he doesn't care if he looks bad or who else gets hurt, including his own children. All MOO
I have the second day recorded. But, after seeing the way Cory was acting in the tease video I am not going to watch it. To me it was way over the top. No child should talk to his father that way especially since he does not have the best record himself. And on National t.v. Yea, Dr. Phil was trying to help this family big time. Not so much I think. But, we all knew what it was going to be so why is anyone surprised? jmo

No child should talk to his father like that? Never ever? BTW, CR is not a child. He's an adult who spoke to another adult who has not earned his respect. Hell would freeze over before I showed my abusive elders any respect.
yep, IIRC Mark stated something to the effect that the reason for his failed or inconclusive result was due to the polygraphers abilities or something similar..iow of course it was someone else's fault as to why he failed or had inconclusive result.. and at that point LE stated that the follow up polygraph could be administered by an FBI polygrapher...

which as you said above it appears as tho that polygraph being administered has been dodged for months now..

IMO I see it as nothing but the same old, same old excuses for everything and the majority of Mark's excuses always involve the blame being placed on anything/anyone OTHER THAN MARK REDWINE, HIMSELF..

Yep, I did know this was the excuse for why there had been no follow up polygraph taken but IMO my original question still stands in why in the hell this father has failed to follow through with LE polygraph??...cuz IMO his excuse given doesn't begin to hold nary even a single drop of water..jmo, tho.

So I guess you could say that he's not "fully" co-operating with LE then.

Anyone notice that when Dr. Phil asked if Mark would sit down with a top level polygraph operator and take the test, Mark replies "I will sit with a polygraph operator." He does not say he will take the test. That is what I keep hearing and seeing. Someone asks him a question, but he doesn't really answer the question. He half answers the question. I think that is what my son was referring to yesterday, too.
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