CO- Dylan Redwine's case discussed on Dr. Phil ONLY!- 2/26/13 ***SPOILERS***

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Anyone notice that when Dr. Phil asked if Mark would sit down with a top level polygraph operator and take the test, Mark replies "I will sit with a polygraph operator." He does not say he will take the test. That is what I keep hearing and seeing. Someone asks him a question, but he doesn't really answer the question. He half answers the question. I think that is what my son was referring to yesterday, too.

After spending days listening to Jodi Arias I'm starting to get this kind of deflection speak.

Finally got to watch today's show. Gotta say, Brandon was the most rational and logical one there. AZGrandma was the only one in two hours of tv that actually called Mark out on his BS though. There was so much talk about "questions that needed answered" - maybe they got edited out?

There's no way that Mark didn't know there'd be a polygraph. No way. IMO. This is either the stupidest man walking or there's a set up for a part 3 coming.
Anyone notice that when Dr. Phil asked if Mark would sit down with a top level polygraph operator and take the test, Mark replies "I will sit with a polygraph operator." He does not say he will take the test. That is what I keep hearing and seeing. Someone asks him a question, but he doesn't really answer the question. He half answers the question. I think that is what my son was referring to yesterday, too.

I'd bet that he's getting a lot of pointers from that criminal defense atty he consulted with early on...
I'm still in shock. I haven't read back in the thread yet to see any other opinions, except this last page, but I have to say, I. AM. SHOCKED. I thought for sure he would agree to take it, and he refused. Twice. I can't get over it.

Now I'm going to read back a few pages and sit on my hands. I may owe some of y'all an apology, but not right now. My heart is hurting and I just want to gather my thoughts.

And btw, AZgrandma is a very pretty lady!!

I still haven't watched the show, but have read the thread while waiting for links to be posted (thanks to the kind person who has now added them a while ago :) )
I'm not shocked at all that MR didn't take the test under those circumstances. He may very well be guilty and have realised that his number was fast coming up and the pressure and drama of the show was just hastening the inevitable.

There is also a chance that, as unlikable as most find MR (for all the reasons repeated here many times) he may not be the person responsible for Dylan's disappearance. He already had difficulties with the first poly, and could well be terrified that the next one will go the same route or worse. Just another theory to consider and MOO.

IMO I don't think any result would have abated the frenzy of public opinion against him - people were baying for blood after part one of the programme, even though he had agreed to take the test at that point.

All just food for thought anyway. I'm still teetering on the fence, but am being stubborn about staying there without the evidence or facts. I have enough life experience to know that there are always going to be people (and more of them than we care to admit) who just do not act in the way we expect "normal" folks to behave. MR may well be one of them, which is compounded by the fact that he has obviously had a lot of difficulty relating to others in the past. Not discounting any of his past (or present) failings and problems at all - just not ready to equate that with the murder of his youngest child.

Could be the gf was there for a week and DR only for a long weekend. OR my other thought was this could have been a year or two ago on a summer or spring break visit!

BBM that's what I'm thinking. I really wish they'd given some kind of time frame about when this visit was. If I understand the dates correctly it's possible the visit was even before ER/CR moved to Colorado Springs. I'm interested in what the visitation schedule looked like at the time she was visiting, and how old Dylan was at the time. If her visit was before the move, maybe MR saw Dylan more then and the "it's just me and Dylan" refers to visits since the move?
IMO only an alcoholic would be able to drink 1/2 bottle of alcohol, sleep for less than 3 hours and then HAVE to tell that to the people they are talking to. In otherwords, to appear to be sober when the BAC is most likely up there.

The BBM are excuses to drink. It's one thing to drink when under stress, it's another to drink when under the stress you caused yourself. (you is general)

ETA - Stash, I was jumping off your post, I don't disagree with what you said and hope it didn't sound like that :)

The show makeup on day 1 covered it up, but in all the video of MR taken off set, his face is clearly an alcoholic face, as soon as I saw him I knew this is a man who abuses alcohol.

The only benefit of the doubt that could possibly be given to him (and I don't) is he blacked out and when he became aware again Dylan was not here anymore. He won't take a poly because even if he doesn't "remember" what happened, he knows he did something.

I am just as positive he was aware and oriented when he hid Dylan. So he COULD help bring some kind of closure, but he won't.

A piece of video they showed yesterday and today was MR saying "I loved that boy." THAT BOY? Not "my son", my child, Dylan....THAT BOY. Disassociating himself.
OMG...this case just keeps getting worse and worse. I do believe MR world is falling apart in front of my eyes....beyond my suspicions about poor, sweet Dylan. All we need to do is look around....

I was able to read your response before both our comments disappeared, :waitasec:, but as I was saying, I can imagine that you have a very unique perspective about this situation. I frequently work with reps from CPS in my state when they become involved in my cases, I know it's an extremely tough and often thankless job to have. Of course everyone is entitled to an opinion, but when you deal with crime victims every day, it's hard not to be frustrated when you see serious red flags in a case and others (as in MR's girlfriend) seem to think those red flags are perfectly normal. I bet that happens to you a lot. In my line of work, I try to have the attitude that--as long as long as a person doesn't have "The Honorable" in front of his/her name and can make life-or-death decisions about a child's safety--I can live with their differing opinions. This helps in dealing with other attorneys. KWIM?
Is anyone else's webpage lagging tonight? I don't think it's my internet (or my old crappy laptop).
Because he didn't believe LE when they told him that the FBI have the best polygraph technicians. I recall him saying something to that affect on the show.


IMO I think he was using this as his basis for hesitating on taking Dr. Phil's poly. As soon as he said it I immediately started thinking he was working on either discrediting the test results, or getting out of the test entirely. Here's specifically what he said: "I will sit with a polygraph operator. You know I've been told by the FBI that their people are the best. And I'm telling you... I'm hearing from you that you have people that are the best."

It sounded like he was kind of saying yeah whatever, everyone says they have the 'best' and dismissing the poly tests in general. I think it probably threw him a bit when Dr. Phil responded by saying (paraphrasing) that he has "the best of the best" and that his poly operator Trimarco trains or has trained the FBI.
are you guys following some of the posts on FB about things that were discussed during the taping but was edited out?
A few weeks ago I posted that MR reminds me of Drew Peterson in his behavior and after watching him on Dr Phil...I still feel that way. I think MR believes he's "untouchable." Hopefully, karma will come round just like it did with Drew.
I was able to read your response before both our comments disappeared, :waitasec:, but as I was saying, I can imagine that you have a very unique perspective about this situation. I frequently work with reps from CPS in my state when they become involved in my cases, I know it's an extremely tough and often thankless job to have. Of course everyone is entitled to an opinion, but when you deal with crime victims every day, it's hard not to be frustrated when you see serious red flags in a case and others (as in MR's girlfriend) seem to think those red flags are perfectly normal. I bet that happens to you a lot. In my line of work, I try to have the attitude that--as long as long as a person doesn't have "The Honorable" in front of his/her name and can make life-or-death decisions about a child's safety--I can live with their differing opinions. This helps in dealing with other attorneys. KWIM?

Bless You :blushing: I wish I could retire. Soon, but meanwhile, the fire remains in my blood. I. just. can't. let. it. go. ever.
I wish I could. It isn't a popular place to be most of the time. But I have met some really great people along the sound like many of them! :rocker:
BBM Clicking Thanks wasn't enough! The show was exactly what I thought it would be, a train wreck. Lie Detector test for Mark should have been on the table and done before the show was even taped. Drama, drama, drama. :twocents:

No, actually not drama. MR should have known (if he bothered to find out) that Dr. Phil has used Jack the polygraph expert on dozens of shows when it's the only way to prove or disprove what someone says.

If MR merely had kept Dylan too long and had him hidden, there is no doubt Dr. Phil WOULD have helped him deal with the legalities---he doesn't say he will do something and then not do it.

The only "drama" here is MR waffling and wavering and attempting to manipulate people who already know what he is. He could have simply said "yes I will take it" the first day. Instead, he did his usual falling into a bottle of alcohol (look at his face, a weary alcoholic) knowing he could always answer "no" to the question of whether he felt well or not, had alcohol or drugs or not.

Dylan will be found, there will be evidence and then all the people defending MR will act shocked and try to find another excuse for showing exactly what he is.
Anyone notice that when Dr. Phil asked if Mark would sit down with a top level polygraph operator and take the test, Mark replies "I will sit with a polygraph operator." He does not say he will take the test. That is what I keep hearing and seeing. Someone asks him a question, but he doesn't really answer the question. He half answers the question. I think that is what my son was referring to yesterday, too.

I noticed that too.
Good evening. I'm trying to view part 2 via the ustream link (thanks again dg and tr), but it doesn't work after 7 minutes.

Does anyone know if there's another link to part 2 online?
Thank you.

I've been up on this old fence the whole time .... Now I just don't know what to think......

I just can't even think of why a father would harm his son. And that's why I have been hesitant to believe that MR is responsible for Dylan's disappearance.
But there comes a time where enough is enough , and I'm referring to the poly. .....:waitasec:

Two separate opportunities.
No idea what to think anymore.

My heart breaks for you Dylan!
I hope LE received a copy of the whole uncut video of Dr. Phil's show.

Does anyone remember Dr. Phil's comment to Mark - about something seriously wrong with him (Mark) or something like that?

Interesting - that other facebook page that popped up today got shut down. That's good. :)
I hope LE received a copy of the whole uncut video of Dr. Phil's show.

Does anyone remember Dr. Phil's comment to Mark - about something seriously wrong with him (Mark) or something like that?


Yes, he said 'either you're guilty or there's something seriously wrong with you!' (or something similar to that)

Interesting - that other facebook page that popped up today got shut down. That's good. :)

The MR "support" page? If so, I would venture a guess it was due to admin illiteracy, lol. :floorlaugh: But seriously, I didn't think it would last long....
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