CO- Dylan Redwine's case discussed on Dr. Phil ONLY!- 2/26/13 ***SPOILERS***

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JMO, but I felt that ER's biggest frustration is that MR has seemed so damned casual about his child going missing, still being missing after three-plus months, and she just can't believe that a parent could seem to take it so lightly. So she needed to see for herself. And she did. He seemed to be very casual indeed, IMO, had to be reminded by DP that this was about Dylan, and was completely focused, IMO, in trying to get ER to lose it. He was needling her the entire time, as though he could make some sort of sick point if he could make ER jump up and punch him.

I really think I might have hit him, in her place. And I have never hit anyone or anything in anger, not even a wall.
I wonder who else Angie the mail carrier saw that day. You'd think she'd have seen plenty of people, especially if she delivers door to door. Is that correct because I think I read it somewhere back on the thread. Door to door delivery in a rural area? Where most houses are set back far from the road and spaced far apart? That has to be incorrect right? :waitasec:

Anyway...can she name off everyone else she saw out and about that day?


Or at least the other boy 'Dylan' was with?
MR - my mail carrier saw Dylan the afternoon__ he went missing.

Angie the mail carrier. - On the day Dylan went missing, i saw two boys walking down the road, not to far from where Dylan lived, it was around 1:30 in the afternoon, _ when i saw the boys, _ i thought to myself, Hey there's Marks son Dylan. The next day i talked to Mark, and he said Dylan hadn't come home all night and he was really worried about him, _ i really don't think Mark was the last person to see Dylan that day.

When i first watched this mail carrier talk, it appeared she was looking down concentrating on a rehearsed speech. She didn't look into the camera like a normal person speaking about a past experience,

When it comes to Credibilty, Angie the mail carrier, and MR are equal. ZERO CREDIBILTY.

BBM I remember thinking HUH when she said this.
I could have watched. I chose not to. Do you recall what Elaine's questions where? Other than "where is he."

If you chose not to watch, why such interest, if I may ask? I have been trying to answer your question, thinking you were unable to view the show.
Ohhh, ok. I've stopped visiting the FB pages. They really had me wanting to change my major from nursing to pshych. :)

LOL, I'd much rather be in nursing than social work...:floorlaugh:

At least you can give shots!:floorlaugh:
Elaine - i don't think you know the Truth about anything.

MR - and and you and and and and the point is you know the truth.

I think i typed MR statement correctly, it's kinda difficult the way he answered.
I wonder who else Angie the mail carrier saw that day. You'd think she'd have seen plenty of people, especially if she delivers door to door. Is that correct because I think I read it somewhere back on the thread. Door to door delivery in a rural area? Where most houses are set back far from the road and spaced far apart? That has to be incorrect right? :waitasec:

Anyway...can she name off everyone else she saw out and about that day?


We all saw the mail boxes lining the road on MR's street so at least part of the route is not door to door. jmo
I know this is far fetched, but maybe there's parental settings on the TV. I would never let my almost 13 year old watch MTV. If he tried going to MTV, it would prompt him for a password. Heck, even that DeGrassi show on Nickelodeon is a bit much, IMO.

Not far fetched, but MR, allegedly, seemed so loosey-goosey about DR coming and going to the tune that he didn't realize he was for real missing, I just don't see him, the very part-time dad, investing time/energy in parental controls. But that's just MOO.

Mine are 11 and 14 and I don't let them watch MTV. But DR's mother apparently did let her son, and IIRC MR didn't gripe about MTV per se, or say he wasn't allowed to watch it at his house, just that that's not what DR had tuned onto the tv. Seems likely Dylan did watch MTV at mom's house as she was aware of it.

Of course, though this probably IS far fetched, perhaps DR was watching something on TV/cable/video that he shouldn't have been, got caught by dad, and dad got mad.

Why exactly was it pertinent for MR to bring up what was on the TV anyway? Why mention the TV at all? (Is the TV sensitive to Mark?) I don't know all the ins and outs of this case. Help!
Nickelodeon plays more than cartoons geared for 4 year olds. There are shows like iCarly and cartoons such as SpongeBob Squarepants, neither of which (IMO) should be watched by anyone under the age of 13. And actually Spongebob should be reserved for adult swim, there are connotations in that 'cartoon' that even make me cringe.

Or there is the possibility that he was watching Nick at Nite the night before, then the next morning turned the tv back on, but was never really engaged in it. People often turn on the tv, radio, etc just for the noise.

Not saying anyone is innocent or guilty, just stating the obvious.

Oh and as for Dr. Phil today, although he said he he doesn't know if either one of them are innocent or guilty, he sure is bringing the heat down on MR. It's either for ratings, or because he does think he is guilty...imo.
If you chose not to,watch, why such interest, if I may ask? I have been trying to answer your question, thinking you were unable to view the show.

I've been following this case for months. Why does it matter if I chose not to watch vs I was unable to watch?
I just watched the 'show' and I have to say I am very conflicted in what I saw. Elaine's pain is so heartbreaking and so real it really moved me. But, I see that Mark's heart is breaking too. I do not think either of them had anything to do with Dylan's being gone.

But, I think right now their hatred for each other is standing in the way of creating an atmosphere of people working together to find their son.

I just added the last two lines because this post went poof before I finished. I know it is a full moon. jmo

Is that the mail carriers name, Angie? If she rehearsed her speech there has to be a reason. And if she's Mark's girlfriend, she's got zero credibility to me. That's why I feel that Dr Phil did a big disservice by allowing her on his show.

the only disservice to the clip was to seems he wanted it played

and it got played

Dr. Phil treated Dylan, Mark and Elaine fairly....JMO
I just started following this case and had not formed a strong opinion of MR or ER based on anything I've read. I watched Dr. Phil with an open mind. What I saw was an understandably emotional mother demanding answers from the man who was last responsible for her son's well-being. I believe her behavior, her anger, her questions were completely appropriate given the circumstance.

MR did not come across very well. His only display of emotion appeared to be irritation with his ex-wife. I never saw grief for his missing son. I saw him trying to paint his ex-wife as a bad mother with a past (?) alcohol problem who apparently works with criminals and sends her son off in mid-November without a coat.

It appeared to me that MR did not miss one opportunity to get in a dig at "Mrs. Redwine."

All the while he played down his past behavior of domestic violence and failure to return his kids on time.

He played down his polygraph results by saying the person who administered the test was questionable.

Then to say that he suspects Elaine of having something to do with his son going missing.....It's so ridiculous to me that I get tongue-tied with frustration just trying to express how ridiculous it is.

I do not think there will be a happy ending to this story. Unfortunately. And I will stop there because I don't want to violate any terms of service with my very first post.

All of this is my opinion based on what I saw today. If MR passes a polygraph test tomorrow, I will be shocked, stunned and completely speechless.
I've been following this case for months. Why does it matter if I chose not to watch vs I was unable to watch?

Because you are getting various people's impressions, all different, when you could have formed your own. It is very subjective, IMO.
I hate to leave, but I must :eek:fftobed:

Thank you all for a nice discussion this evening. (seriously!) I learned a few new things tonight.
Yup and he'd know they were on to him so he'd better get the heck out of Dodge. He would know that it's a matter of time and take off like a ruptured duck. IMO

I don't think he would panic at all, he is well used to lawyers. IMO I wouldn't be surprised though if he would lawyer up though, instead of fleeing if that is what you mean? IMO MR is a coward, I don't think he has the balls to flee in all honesty.
I have tried to post 2 different comments and they both have screwed up. Obviously I just need to quite. Just praying for Dylan to be found and all this hatred can be put to rest somewhere. jmo

should be 'quit'.
JMO, but I felt that ER's biggest frustration is that MR has seemed so damned casual about his child going missing, still being missing after three-plus months, and she just can't believe that a parent could seem to take it so lightly. So she needed to see for herself. And she did. He seemed to be very casual indeed, IMO, had to be reminded by DP that this was about Dylan, and was completely focused, IMO, in trying to get ER to lose it. He was needling her the entire time, as though he could make some sort of sick point if he could make ER jump up and punch him.

I really think I might have hit him, in her place. And I have never hit anyone or anything in anger, not even a wall.

Yes it did appear as though his purpose there had nothing to do with Dylan but rather to push buttons to try to make ER look bad so he could turn this around and say the only reason why people think he's guilty is because she's got it out for him and she's always been a dramatic ***** and a raving lunatic. And she is the reason why people think he's guilty in his mind. His problem is not Dylan missing. His problem is his ex-wife. Unbelievable. She maintained herself extremely well. Way better than a lot of woman could have. But she knows him. And she knows that's what he was doing so she was able to check her emotions for the most part. Because she knows it's about Dylan.

Does he truly believe that LE are not looking at him? No way. But he's always trying to throw out that they are looking at everyone. To try to deflect the scrutiny. Always deflecting that MR.

JMO, but I felt that ER's biggest frustration is that MR has seemed so damned casual about his child going missing, still being missing after three-plus months, and she just can't believe that a parent could seem to take it so lightly. So she needed to see for herself. And she did. He seemed to be very casual indeed, IMO, had to be reminded by DP that this was about Dylan, and was completely focused, IMO, in trying to get ER to lose it. He was needling her the entire time, as though he could make some sort of sick point if he could make ER jump up and punch him.

I really think I might have hit him, in her place. And I have never hit anyone or anything in anger, not even a wall.

He who angers you, controls you.

Let me just say from experience, I've lived the nightmare of someone who was very controlling and even years after our separation was still the only person able to push buttons that would fire me up! Some people are very calculated when it comes to stuff like this and they are typically sociopaths.

On the other hand, I was talking with my girlfriend about this tonight and how enraged we would both be if our child's father "lost" them as ER accuses MR of doing. As women, we typically have a deeper rooted connection to our children. No offense to any of the guys on here!
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