CO- Dylan Redwine's case discussed on Dr. Phil ONLY!- 2/26/13 ***SPOILERS***

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Domestic violence is domestic violence.

MR knows what he did and this kids and ex's know what he did now they want to know what hes DONE!

snipped and BBM

You're welcome! I think most plans 'come with it', as in, no extra charge, but I believe most VM can be shut 'off'.

Regarding BBM, I didn't find it odd. I don't have a lawyer. I've used real estate lawyers for real estate closings, but if I found myself suddenly needing a criminal one, or one to represent me for any other reason, geez, aside from the yellow pages, I might call my BIL in MI and ask who he can recommend where I live, or my best friend's father who he'd recommend, since he only does estate planning law.

The reason I didn't find her calling her divorce lawyer hinky is because she knew MR had 'problems' in the past regarding taking/bringing back both his sons from his first marriage, and with DR and his brother. This visit itself was court mandated so the divorce lawyer is in the current loop, I would think.

If my ex with a track record of visitation snafus suddenly calls and says the kid I just sent him seems missing, maybe you've heard from him?, my first thought would be to his past shananigans and I'd want my lawyer to advise me how to proceed with what I'd been told by my ex. Not on a divorce perspective, on a 'what the heck do I do, do I call local police/the police where he went missing, do i drive there, do I need to file a legal something/anything here/there/anywhere.... HELP!!!!!
you have taken the words right out of my mouth and saved me a lot of one fingered typing.Thank you.
I just managed to get the videos buffered at the Dr. Phil Site. I was impressed by Cory. He was honest, he was direct, he was rational and his whole demeanor is that he cares about his brother. IMO, Cory manages to show how much he cares about Dylan in 5 minutes, when I haven't seen that same level of caring in anything Mark has done. It was an interesting visual comparison.
I don't often post, (and normally only on Caylee's thread,) but I am wondering if anyone one else caught MR's referring to Dylan as "that boy"? It is oddly reminiscent of the Anthony family saying "that little girl". It seems like a weird way to mention a beloved child...verbally distancing themselves from the emotional connection. Just musing...

Yes, that stuck out to me as well. Odd.

I also thought it was an odd choice of words when he said, "I want everyone to know how much I love that boy......."

It struck me as odd because:
a. people naturally assume a father loves his son - no need to declare it in such a way that you just "want everyone to know"

b. your actions make it obvious how much you love or don't love your son

Lots of MR's behavior and choices of words strike me as "odd."
Hello, all. I'm a long-time lurker (I believe I started reading WS during the beginning of the Kyron Horman fiasco), but first-time poster. I'm about 45 minutes west of Durango, so Dylan has been a focus of mine since November.

This website is a searchable database of all current bookings in Colorado, whether it be county or city. There is no Mark Redwine currently in custody in Colorado. MAYBE the producers of the Dr. Phil Show could convince LE to keep an arrest quiet until after the airing this afternoon, but I kinda doubt LE could be convinced not to book him at all...

I so appreciate everyone's efforts for ALL the missing. You all are amazing!
My "0" is broken, and the etter after m. S00ry!

Is s0me0ne transcribing when it starts in the first timez0ne? 12 Central time I think.
Thank you . I'm easily excitable and need to be reigned in some. That' why I wanted everyone else's opinion !



Wouldn't want you any other way!!
A very big deal IMO. What happens on today's show?

Mark refuses the polygraph?
Mark takes it and fails?
Mark takes it and passes?
Mark confesses?

I think if anyone can break him down it's Dr Phil (as witnessed in this clip). Dr Phil will not take any of his BS!! I'm beginning to wonder if he confesses? There have been lots of rumors around the rumor mill that MR has not been seen since the show.

If detectives and highly trained FBI can't break him down, I doubt that Dr. Phil would be able to. Sorry to disagree but this is just DRAMA!! There was no confession, no lightbulb moment, no breaking down. The show was taped last week... if he had confessed, he'd be sitting in jail right now. And if that were true, we would know about it. This did not happen just yesterday, folks... it's been DAYS since those shows were taped, and zip, nada, nothing. Let's be real.
IMO MR stinks to high heaven and knows what has happened to poor Dylan. If he didn't want him around, he could have just said so. I'm sure ER wouldn't have had any qualms with finally cutting off any and all contact with him in her life.
Dr. Phil uncensored video clip...

Dr Phil tells MR if something has happened that he will help him deal with it now.
It almost looks as if MR is thinking about saying something then doesn't. Check it out!

Dr Phil's words to Mark...Video mark 1:50
"If your not involved in this then there's something seriously wrong with you. Because your reaction to this, something's wrong."
If detectives and highly trained FBI can't break him down, I doubt that Dr. Phil would be able to. Sorry to disagree but this is just DRAMA!! There was no confession, no lightbulb moment, no breaking down. The show was taped last week... if he had confessed, he'd be sitting in jail right now. And if that were true, we would know about it. This did not happen just yesterday, folks... it's been DAYS since those shows were taped, and zip, nada, nothing. Let's be real.

I agree totally and you beat me to the post I was going to make. Almost word for word. Especially your last sentence. The whole show is exactly what I was afraid it was going to be. A lot of accusations and nothing concrete. We already knew all this--nothing new. jmo
Dr. Phil uncensored video clip...

Dr Phil tells MR if something has happened that he will help him deal with it now.
It almost looks as if MR is thinking about saying something then doesn't. Check it out!

Dr Phil's words to Mark...Video mark 1:50
"If your not involved in this then there's something seriously wrong with you. Because your reaction to this, something's wrong."
Oh my gosh, I was just coming here to post this! Dr. Phil totally calling him out.
OT (slightly as I know this is the Dr Phil thread) but they have posted on FMDR about the dogs getting hits on the lake and they do believe there is a body in there. Obviously it may or may not be Dylan but the issue is how to get to it through the ice. I know they were able to recover Samantha Koenig's body through a frozen lake so it is doable.

Maybe they will need to hire some professional people as I doubt they want to wait months for LE to do it .
I pretty much agree with you. Except that the shoving COULD have been his attempt to keep her from hitting/slapping him. Not saying she did, IDK.... but seeing how she spoke to him yesterday, I would say she can be a very angry woman. I guess a lot of folks expect a man to stand there and take it if a woman is punching, slapping or hitting him, but most men won't do it, they will go into self-defense mode.They will shove them back, grab an arm to stop them or something, it's human nature.

As an example... my husband does not have a violent bone in his body and would never hit a woman, but he would definitely shove me away or grab my arm if I was hitting him in the face. That's not abuse, that's self-defense.

Not saying what happened there, but it's a possibility.

Please note that I said that about the shoving with some experience. I'm now good friends with my ex after having him arrested for kidnapping and assault during our divorce. Violent behavior is violent behavior. But it takes two to tango, and we got past a lot of stuff a few years later when, having got out of the environment, I was able to see my own contribution to the problem.

And I absolutely do not intend to demean or criticize or place blame on women in truly abusive situations at all. I'm just saying what was happening in my own situation.
Go to this site and scroll down to the must see video it on theleft with marks pic.

"Boy, I just struggle with this whole thing...."


What's to struggle with, Mark? The polygraph? It's a struggle? If you want your son found and you want LE to rule you out so they can focus exclusively outward in finding Dylan (and get off your back), TAKE THE DANG TEST.

Obviously, we won't know for sure until the full show airs if he was refusing to take the test, (tricky editing possible?) but I gotta say, if my kid were missing, and Mr. Magdalyn refused to take a polygraph to rule himself out in our child's disappearance....I'd 'know' what was what, as it appears ER 'knows' what's what,...and I'd throttle him on live TV or worse.
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