Found Deceased CO - Gannon Stauch, 11, Colorado Springs, El Paso County, 27 Jan 2020 #26 **ARREST**

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I totally understand what you are feeling as I am feeling the same way.
I took a break from here and SM tonight to spend time with friends however, I found myself talking about Gannon while out.
I have never said I "hate" anyone as that is such a strong negative word, however, I do HATE the SM. I hate thinking about what she did to Gannon, I HATE wondering what this little innocent guy thought and felt.
I HATE that she took HIS life that was not hers to take.
I am sad, I am heart broken and I am in tears tonight, as I was earlier today during the press conference.
While I know my hatred and disgust towards SM is forefront and real, I can only imagine what Gannon's parents feel and my Heart breaks for them tonight.
I am angry, I want justice and above all, I want the bit**& to tell where Gannon is for his parents sake.
Peace out and God Bless everyone here for Gannon.
I appreciate you all.
Amen!!! And BAM!!!!!!
could be lots of reasons, decomposition could have been found, too much blood for him to survive, all kinds of things.
Calls, email, text and/or FB messages discussing her crime were discovered. Just because she deleted her FB doesn't mean that it went away. This means that warrants were issued and LE found what they were looking for. No passwords were necessary.
I'll have to listen to the presser again but IIRC, they said they were closer to finding him which gives me a bit of hope.

At least we know there is enough probable cause for the First Degree Murder warrant and there has to be some concrete evidence for the child abuse charge. I suppose one or both of the girls could have described that to LE.
Because they were so certain of his death, I think they found him, or very obvious evidence he was murdered. Especially given the other charges. They said it with certainty. And if you think about it from the parents perspective, if they didn't know with certainty he had passed away, I don't think they would have been so certain he did- and they were in the way they spoke. I think they have found him, but we will have to wait for confirmation.
I'm back. Thanks all for posting. Too many to thank. I grabbed the Granddoggy and headed to the Lake. Walked the trails for several hours. Good to find some balance and connect with nature. Nothing really to add. Feeling melancholy. Prayers for Gannon and those who loved him. Kudos to LE for the job thus far and the tough work still to be done. Not the outcome we wanted but it wasn't unexpected. I pray he is found soon. His little body has suffered enough indignities. That's all I got. For now.
Or, to the contrary, trying to charm him—if it’s a man.
You just reminded me that the infamous Karla Holmolka ended up marrying her attorney’s brother. I can’t imagine what kind of man would want to marry a devil like Holmolka. Any explanation I can come up with is entirely nauseating.
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I'll have to listen to the presser again but IIRC, they said they were closer to finding him which gives me a bit of hope.

At least we know there is enough probable cause for the First Degree Murder warrant and there has to be some concrete evidence for the child abuse charge. I suppose one or both of the girls could have described that to LE.
Because they were so certain of his death, I think they found him, or very obvious evidence he was murdered. Especially given the other charges. They said it with certainty. And if you think about it from the parents perspective, if they didn't know with certainty he had passed away, I don't think they would have been so certain he did- and they were in the way they spoke. I think they have found him, but we will have to wait for confirmation.
I am haunted by the fear that can be heard in Gannon's voice on the recording that I heard a few weeks ago. No child should ever be that scared. He truly feared her. I think we all wish we had been there to protect him. Instead, all we can do is heed the words his real mother spoke to us today. May Gannon's cries speak out to the world and help us to put a stop to child abuse. And we'll start that effort by making sure the person who hurt him pays for her evil by spending the rest of her life in a cell. In my opinion, it's a fate too good for her.
All she needs to do is continue talking, everywhere she goes. And she will. She's going to make "friends" in jail and tell them quite a bit.

I agree, like I said, she isn't going to talk to LE about where he is, she will continue to lie but people in a jail cell, that's a whole different thing. IMO
Also, as I was standing on my deck, that faces south and me being close to the edge of Douglas County...hardly any homes behind me...mostly ranches and open land all the way to the Springs.....
It kinda hit me hard knowing how close he close the searchers are. I just kept staring into the distance (I have unobstructed views for as far as my eye can see)....
It is sad. Sad what an innocent life, born facing an uphill challenge resulting in a miracle, only to be met by such evil at the end of his young life.

Admittedly, it causes me to question my faith in God. It just does.

I cant even imagine the couple of you who have actually driven by the areas being searched....the heart wrench you must feel being that close. My deck as close...or as it too much.

/random thoughts out loud
I’ll tell you one thing, Landen is my hero. She is walking through this with dignity and strength. I love that she’s a united front with Al in the loss of their child and she’s not blaming him for bringing that evil into Gannon’s life. Landen said it herself, she trusted T. Bless her heart. She’s a mother who is broken hearted that her son is gone, yet she is a woman of strength and reserve. My hat is off to her. IMO

Landen is strength, grace, love, and kindness, even in the midst of the worst nightmare one could ever face. She is the true meaning of a beautiful person.
I hope that Gannon is not in a shaded area.
In Castle Rock, our temps were really warm in the intense sun. While my front yard (facing north) is still one big snow pile (perfect for snow caves), my backyard (facing south) is completely melted. I could feel the humidity from the wet grass (note, humidity in CO is rare), as I stood on my deck.....and thought about his location, hoping he is in a sunny spot and close to searchers.

Unfortunately being in the sun will aid decomposition and make it even harder to determine the cause of death. I hate to say it, it's so morbid but I hope wherever his body is stays frozen until its found.
I was referring to evidence found per the third interview and wondering about the extent of the evidence mentioned. I wasn't making anything up. I was asking about the amount of blood found on the 2x4.
Eta Re. the bolded ; No, not at all.
I didn't mean you were making anything up.. It's a valuable piece of evidence and it's good they found it.
I haven't made anything up, either -- and if I'm speculating and presenting a theory I label it as such.
We don't know what she did but it will come out at the trial as LE must have tons of evidence they haven't revealed.

The amount is very concerning and why would any boards have Gannon's blood specifically ?
So that's a valid question.
The bloodied board is a fact, sadly.
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Altho I really like your comment, at this moment in time I'm not seeking forgiveness.

I feel, I as well as other have the right to be angry, and the right to be allowed to feel every emotion that comes with that.

For some of us it is way to early to give forgiveness.

And I won't be asking for forgiveness for my anger.
Nor should you! Your anger is a righteous one, which means it is completely justified and warranted. No need to ask to be forgiven it. It's not a thing that needs to be forgiven.
It could be possible they collected hair samples from the car or home, etc that will test positive of post mortem banding, this will indicate that he is deceased.

People defecate post mortem... if his soiled clothes were found, would it be possible to know if it was after death? I thought that cadaver dogs could hit on death moments after it occurred, but I’m not sure...

I saw a post somewhere that someone found soiled clothes. Not sure if it was Gannon’s, so this is just speculation.
I agree, like I said, she isn't going to talk to LE about where he is, she will continue to lie but people in a jail cell, that's a whole different thing. IMO
I think there’s a chance she does lead law enforcement to Gannon, if they don’t find him first.

If the evidence against her is so strong that she cannot deny it, she may attempt to cut her losses.

She would still lie about the circumstances of Gannon’s death, but atleast she would be forced to give up his body.

“I accidentally hurt Gannon, and he died on the way to the hospital. I panicked.”

Who knows though.
I'm sure they have WAY more evidence than has been released that would make them sure enough of this.
If you haven't already, take a look at the Kelsey Berreth / Patrick Frazee case. That case still hasn't produced a body but there is more than enough evidence suggesting a fatality. Happens to be the same area geographically as well. The LE is very good at what they do.
In that case there was a collaborating witness. The prosecutor admitted that without the witness, they would NOT have a case.

So in this case, there is either a collaborating witness, or something equally compelling. They didn't arrest her to lose, they did it because they have what they need to convict.
My mind goes to the worst. These past few weeks I’ve wondered what was so bad that she had to kill him, had to lie so intensely, had to hide him, had to blame others in a desperate attempt to get away with it. What if we are talking serious long term abuse- even medical/drugging or sexual abuse? She just seems too evil and has such a weird record for this to be a one-off or a corporal punishment session taken too far. I’m seriously disturbed that she has fake education and career credits and that she has taught children in the past.
Me neither. Tip line is still open.
They will continue to search.
They did narrow it down to the 4 hr window or later Monday night though by stating all offences took place then.

She returned alone after 4 hrs out with him.
She gave herself another 4 hrs before she called it in at 6.55pm.
It took LE 3 hrs to get there.
She had the whole night after that and we do not know her movements, if any then.

I am wondering if the date of offense is just his last time being seen. They wouldn’t have an accurate estimated date/time of death without his body, so I assume it stands as his reported last seen date.
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