Found Deceased CO - Gannon Stauch, 11, Colorado Springs, El Paso County, 27 Jan 2020 #26 **ARREST**

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Yes...doing damage control and also quite possibly, misleading the investigation as well as jeopardizing the integrity of the case. The answers lie somewhere in her narrative, here's to hoping they can sift through the bs and get to the truth!
Yes damage control. Yes she's been taking measures to offset or minimize damage to: her reputation, her credibility, and her public image.
I think the most likely scenario (if she did move his body), is that she killed him in one location, and left him there.

She then returned, and moved the body (so she would have moved it once).

I’m just trying to make sense of how they were able to actually file the murder charge, as they don’t have his body, and he left that house alive. There likely aren’t any witnesses who can say they saw a murder or his dead body (like the Frazee case).

That’s the only reason that I’m even open to her moving the body, as it would provide this evidence (DNA, and/or decomposition where it shouldn’t be).
That makes sense to me.

I guess I’m just wondering if someone merely conceals a body after murder, can this constitute the “tampering with a human corpse” charge?
I don’t know the case of Heather Elvis but was it ever revealed that LS lived in the same complex as the missing girl?
I can’t think of a possible scenario where this case could be related to the Heather Elvis case in any way, shape, or form. The two people responsible for Heather’s disappearance are both currently serving 30 year sentences on charges of kidnapping and conspiracy to commit kidnapping.

ETA: Although, I wouldn’t be surprised if LS took a page or two from Tammy Moorer’s playbook — Insecure about her marriage? CHECK. Acts like a bratty child? CHECK. Has a penchant for telling ridiculous and outlandish stories that nobody believes? CHECK. Makes a spectacle of herself on social media? CHECK.

Then again... this behavior may just be typical of a desperate woman who knows she’s living on borrowed time.
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So if Al knew about the pool of blood in Gannons room all along there must be something else and a lot more evidence they have on her now in order to charge her. Maybe the rental car analysis or intel from her phone or computer. I wonder why they didn’t charge her as soon as they found the pool of blood. This is the first I’m hearing of it.
JMO but I believe LE was onto her within hours of her calling to report that Gannon had "run away." I also believe they kept returning to the house to continue collecting evidence, particularly blood evidence.

It probably took some time to get all the search warrants in place, get the cell phone info and forensically analyze the various electronic devices in the home.

Since there's no statute of limitations on murder and it was not likely that LS would or could harm another child I think LE worked with the DA to establish a very strong probable cause for arrest before making their move. MOO.
She wanted him seen on camera. If damage was to right side it wouldn't be on camera. I suspect she hurt him late Sunday night (video) Maybe he wasn't bleeding a lot at the time but it ended up being a lot over time.
Thanks for responding to the post you quoted.
I was going to give it a go, but you said it best.

Also he could have been badly injured but still mobile; which I described in my earlier comment and can re-quote it sometime.
The bleeding probably occurred Sun. night or could have been injured a different time but survived that beating or whatever caused the blood pooling.
If they can find him in time his body will provide the last pieces to this puzzle. :(
Are we allowed to talk about the carpet and candle yet? I’ve seen references to it in other postings today but since it came from a video on FB, I thought we were gonna get a time out in WS jail for a week if we talked about it.

Now that she has been charged, there are no holds barred on her social media.
She wanted him seen on camera. If damage was to right side it wouldn't be on camera. I suspect she hurt him late Sunday night (video) Maybe he wasn't bleeding a lot at the time but it ended up being a

I think she started the fire to the carpet after she had already hurt Gannon and needed a reason to replace it due to the blood evidence. Then she convinced Gannon in his confused state that he did it and recorded that video as proof. He seemed so scared of her to begin with and then if he was hurt on top of that, I believed he would have agreed with anything she said.
Why......and I ask this in all sincerity.......Does anyone think she murdered him at the house. He walked out of the house and never came back. Out of all the messed up things with this case that is the one thing we know to be true, because we have seen it with our own eyes.
He was not murdered at home. Assaulted yes, possibly causing his death yes, but not killed in the home.
She wanted him seen on camera. If damage was to right side it wouldn't be on camera. I suspect she hurt him late Sunday night (video) Maybe he wasn't bleeding a lot at the time but it ended up being a lot over time.

I think she started the fire to the carpet after she had already hurt Gannon and needed a reason to replace it due to the blood evidence. Then she convinced Gannon in his confused state that he did it and recorded that video as proof. He seemed so scared of her to begin with and then if he was hurt on top of that, I believed he would have agreed with anything she said.
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I think the most likely scenario (if she did move his body), is that she killed him in one location, and left him there.

She then returned, and moved the body (so she would have moved it once).

I’m just trying to make sense of how they were able to actually file the murder charge, as they don’t have his body, and he left that house alive. There likely aren’t any witnesses who can say they saw a murder or his dead body (like the Frazee case).

That’s the only reason that I’m even open to her moving the body, as it would provide this evidence (DNA, and/or decomposition where it shouldn’t be).

Maybe she took a selfie.
If they were dishonest about having found him, they would be seen as terribly cruel to Gannon's family. I think it would border on unethical. We saw these people stand behind LE a 1000 percent. The betrayal of withholding is remains from his family is not something I think they would do. In this there is the importance of the investigation but balanced against returning him it would make no sense to lie to the people who expressed their great trust in LE.
I agree. This is not something LE would do and IF they did they told mom. But, there would be absolutely no reason to not disclose this at this point. They may think they know his whereabouts or a general location, but I don’t for a second think they would lie about that.
So I just watched the PC again and when Dan May is thanking the various agencies and individuals, he thanks Kevin Clark of the CSPD. In fact, he says Kevin will be getting special recognition from the FBI. So I googled Kevin Clark and find that he worked on the Frazee case. And ... as Lt. Joe Kenda would say WELL MY.MY.MY. ...

Prosecutors called Kevin Clark, a senior criminal intelligence analyst with the CSPD Metro Vice Unit, to testify. Clark said he is regularly asked to create visual aids to support investigations from other law enforcement groups, and that Agent Hoyland asked for his help on Dec. 17.

Clark used phone records from Verizon, from phones belonging to Frazee, Berreth, and Kenney to build a “toll analysis” to determine other numbers that phone called and how frequently, among other information. He also compiled a thorough timeline of locations for Kenney, Berreth, and Frazee on the day Berreth is believed to have been killed and the following days.
Agent testifies evidence would not have been found without Kenney
Well my my my indeed! So seems like he is an expert called upon by a higher power. We may have some powerful forces helping us with this case. Let's hope there's more to come but that was the big turning point. IMHO
Yes damage control. Yes she's been taking measures to offset or minimize damage to: her reputation, her credibility, and her public image.
And just like that all three - her reputation, her credibility, and her public image - went Poof! today. LS is just another lying liar who lies and nothing special. I guess she won't be getting those apologies any time soon. :rolleyes:
Perhaps he was bleeding internally from abuse and was vomiting blood. I hated typing that but I also struggle to think how he could have walked to the truck and died within a 4 hour window of being gone with LS and not returning with her. Some kind of abuse or over medicatting, drugging, poisioning???

And I hated typing anything about what the monster did but it must be considered and theorized as she gave clues in her rambling lies about where LE could find blood in the house.
How long had she been mistreating him ?
He must have been too afraid to even tell his dad who lived there when not at work.
Did Landen have misgivings ?
Most likely she did at some point.
Maybe the first few missed calls to her from Gannon started her panicking ?
Horrible to think she had trusted LS.
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