Found Deceased CO - Gannon Stauch, 11, Colorado Springs, El Paso County, 27 Jan 2020 **ARREST** #29

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Personally, I doubt she will attempt an insanity plea, because that would mean not only admitting guilt, but also giving up Gannon’s location. Those with NPD, crave power and control...and unfortunately the only power she has now is the truth and his location, something I feel she’s not likely to give up.
Do some self care for yourself. As I have said many times do something good from this tragedy in his honour. For a loved one, stranger, community. I tend to move quickly past details once known. It's just how I roll. Gannon wouldn't want anyone to get bogged down by this. I walk, I walk more at times like this at a place where I can connect with nature. Gives me balance. Yoga too.
Gannon is my hero! Good advice! if we can make something good come out of this tragedy, TS loses again
I think he'll be found, if not already-- and perhaps they continue the ruse so she believes she still has this power and keeps incriminating herself. In intel circles it's standard tactic to lay a trap with disinfo. She's truly not wise enough to disappear him without a trace. The other thing about this entire area from Lorson to Palmer Lake to Castor Rock and along 105/83 is that it's predominantly military or govt families, wealthy gated communities, always pass several LE vehicles patrolling-- meaning lots of cameras along the way.

Thank you. It helps to know that GPS isn't the only way to find Gannon.
A friend was kind of putting me down earlier today, saying she didn’t see the point in anyone wasting time following a case, as opposed to just reading about it after it’s been solved or whatnot, etc. I wondered how all of you would have responded or explained it to her; I’m fairly new here and I know many of you are veterans. Some of her words:

I just don’t understand that I guess ....getting so wrapped up in a case.

It’s the police/detectives job to figure out what’s going on and build the case to arrest.... And from the minute I heard the story we all knew the stepmother did it. I’m not quite sure what is so exhausting or getting wrapped up in it, anything you’re reading online is just people guessing or saying a friend of a friend knows this that’s all hearsay and nonsense honestly

It’s a terrible tragedy and every day I read a story about a child being murdered and it rips my heart out

ETA that her emojis won’t show up here
I’ve heard this too. My reply is that I am fascinated by the behavioral science of it, and that her interests are different then mine. She might knit and I don’t. She might play tennis and I don’t. We are all different and I am fascinated by crime and what makes people tick.
No offense but the last thing on my mind would be a lease or my credit at a time like this. JMO
When you have money struggles, you have them even during tragedy. Using that logic, going house hunting at this time might also be the last thing on someone’s mind, especially when your wife is being extradited for your sons murder and you are on pins and needles that she will give up his location. MOO
No offense but the last thing on my mind would be a lease or my credit at a time like this. JMO

The home has been staked out by reporters , umm why are they stalking him?
They had NO IDEA whose belongings were in those bags.
I believe I saw pink stuff.
They should leave that family in peace and go hang out at the courthouse and wait for Cousin IT.
Thanks for your kind words.
I didn’t watch the video, but listened. I immediately regretted it. I realized how T must have terrorized poor Gannon. It became obvious to me that this was not the first incident, but it probably was one of the last. I don’t understand how anyone can be so cruel to another human, especially a child.
Once I became a mom, I changed. I not only have the mama bear protective instinct for my own son, but became very aware and protective of children in general.
I’ve always been a very sensitive person - I know this is going to sound crazy, but I don’t even have it in me to kill spiders in my house (they get covered with a cup and tossed out the door).
I’m the person who pulls off the road to retrieve the turtle trying to cross and carry it to the other side.

Bottom line is I’m grieving for a little boy that I never knew and for his family. I hope that Gannon changes the world in death, since he was robbed of his chance to grow up and change it.
I don't think it sounds crazy to show your sensitive side unless it keeps you from doing the things that you enjoy. My children were taught why spiders are important to be safely removed back into the outdoors. Children should be taught to respect, understand and to have compassion for people and living things. My opinion
i know nothing about travelling this area but google says it’s a 26 hr drive from myrtle beach to CS and anywhere from 6-15 hr flight depending on layovers etc? ... she left myrtle last night around 7pm right?

Gotta wonder what class she was flying with her new best friends.

Did she get the pretzels or the nuts?

She was probably not on the window or the aisle, sadly.

As I recall, she took her family on some great vacations...Hawaii, Disney. Her new situation precludes vacation time or even plane rides.
Thank you, kind sir. In LS's mind, she's good if she comes up with a reason for her every move, the reason doesn't need to make any sense, just need to 'splain it...

If the body was moved in the rental, dogs would hit on that, hence the knowledge of GS being deceased.

But the rental car also has GPS, LE would know her movements, and exactly where to search. And they have not found him yet.

IMO, the tampering with a deceased body charge can refer to simply hiding a body, not specific to moving it (or worse). I'm not convinced that she moved and hid the body to a "better place". So I lean towards the rental car was used to clean up evidence, which may include dumping bloody clothes and a chuck of wood. We don't know where these items were found, but I might guess it was at the snow sifting area on South Perry Park Road. LE knows LS was there for a period of time, IMO.

Found this:
2016 Colorado Revised Statutes :: Title 18 - :: Criminal Code :: Article 8 - :: Offenses - Governmental Operations :: Part 6 - :: Offenses Relating to Judicial and Other Proceedings :: § 18-8-610.5. Tampering with a deceased human body
Right off hand, I will say I think it’s apparent she suffers from some personality disorder. A diagnosis of multiple personalities would entail a historical study of her medical psychological and social investigation backed up with professional documentation. I haven’t any knowledge as to how an insanity defense works. Rest assured, plenty of sharp WS members will have some thoughts to share. imo

She does not have a Dissociative Identity Disorder.

She doesn't have what was formerly referred to as "Multiple Personality Disorder."

What she does have are multiple personality disorders.

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Do some self care for yourself. As I have said many times do something good from this tragedy in his honour. For a loved one, stranger, community. I tend to move quickly past details once known. It's just how I roll. Gannon wouldn't want anyone to get bogged down by this. I walk, I walk more at times like this at a place where I can connect with nature. Gives me balance. Yoga too.

Of course. I'm just giving myself permission to grieve instead of telling myself I am somehow "wrong" for feeling this way over a stranger. I am typically a stoic and somewhat cynical person so this is unusual. I'm sure it will take the normal grieving path. I won't dwell in it but I won't rush it either.

Gah, it has literally been raining where I live for at least a month solid, which doesn't help. I need some fresh air and sunshine.
Do some self care for yourself. As I have said many times do something good from this tragedy in his honour. For a loved one, stranger, community. I tend to move quickly past details once known. It's just how I roll. Gannon wouldn't want anyone to get bogged down by this. I walk, I walk more at times like this at a place where I can connect with nature. Gives me balance. Yoga too.
Gannon is my hero! Good advice! if we can make something good come out of this tragedy, TS loses again
@MtnMama and @dirt_girl
And all of us who are the “feelers”


It is nice to not feel alone. I know people in my life wonder why I am so messed up over this, my husband and kids included. My husband has seen a bit of my grief and my kids know I’m sad but I’ve largely kept details from them.
I left work early Monday and worked from home yesterday. Today, though, frankly, I just took a personal day. I’ve been considering talking to a therapist friend of mine. I know a lot of y’all are old hats at this, but this is the first case I’ve followed from the start. And there is just so much to be sad about in this one. I’m grieving like Gannon was a boy I knew personally. I’ve cried more for him than an acquaintance friend whose funeral I went to last Saturday. It’s awful. :(
Gannon is my hero!
possibly you are grieving for both and that is something positive for yourself, I am not a dr, and But I have stayed at a Holiday Inn Express... humor helps are not alone... believe I have gone thru denial, acceptance, fear, all at once, I am now in ANGER, if it wasn’t winter, I’d go did some dirt and plant some flowers. Physical exertion can be helpful...
I should just go back to reading, not posting. This case sometimes is just too close to my own situation. I once again find myself living not 50 miles from the crime scene of the ex spouse. I will only view the house online. Not sure if I could deal with seeing it again in person. Too many painful memories.
G-man, knowing he is out there prob deceased, cold, and not located....just breaks my heart. As well as the pain his family is suffering.
Gannon is my hero! Good advice! if we can make something good come out of this tragedy, TS loses again
Gannon is my hero!
possibly you are grieving for both and that is something positive for yourself, I am not a dr, and But I have stayed at a Holiday Inn Express... humor helps are not alone... believe I have gone thru denial, acceptance, fear, all at once, I am now in ANGER, if it wasn’t winter, I’d go did some dirt and plant some flowers. Physical exertion can be helpful...

I should get a punching bag and tape someone's mug shot on it and go to town! ;)
This Community continues to amaze me.
A family that lives in Gannon's neighborhood also own a Clothing Brand. They are having these T-shirts printed locally.
All proceeds from this collection will be donated to Gannon’s family.
I remember seeing the blue boy with the cape on Landen’s shirt at the presser. Very kind of these neighbors!
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