Found Deceased CO - Gannon Stauch, 11, Colorado Springs, El Paso County, 27 Jan 2020 **ARREST** #29

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I had to step away and take a breather so I missed several pages (and deleted all my convos, and accidentally left them all too, ugh) and what appears to be a lot of details.

I've seen it mentioned several times about TS driving the truck to the airport to pick up AS and get the rental car, but the Crime Online article clearly said she drove her car to the airport. So, did I miss a new detail or... ?
@MtnMama and @dirt_girl
And all of us who are the “feelers”


It is nice to not feel alone. I know people in my life wonder why I am so messed up over this, my husband and kids included. My husband has seen a bit of my grief and my kids know I’m sad but I’ve largely kept details from them.
I left work early Monday and worked from home yesterday. Today, though, frankly, I just took a personal day. I’ve been considering talking to a therapist friend of mine. I know a lot of y’all are old hats at this, but this is the first case I’ve followed from the start. And there is just so much to be sad about in this one. I’m grieving like Gannon was a boy I knew personally. I’ve cried more for him than an acquaintance friend whose funeral I went to last Saturday. It’s awful. :(
I know exactly how you are feeling. I felt this way for the first time when I followed Lucas' case here from the beginning and said I was never going to follow another kids case this closely, yet here we are, because WE CARE !!!
I also took a "mental Health" day Monday afternoon to regroup and it helped. Until today looking at the family's FB page and seeing the pictures and reading the tributes to them and while it overwhelmed me with all the kindness being shared and expressed, it also brought me to tears... again.
It is OK for us to feel this way, and honestly, I would not want to share or follow Gannons case anywhere else but here on WS with all the compassionate, caring members, the TOS to keep straight on the Facts only and knowing that we all are feeling the exact same way, we are not alone.
Just tell your friend "You do you and I'll do me" I don't share my experience here with too many. Altho sometimes people will ask me questions in a high profile as they know I likely have followed.

Apparently she is interested in the Lori Vallow/Chad Daybell case and the Evelyn Boswell case, mostly only because people believed all those kids might still be alive and she wants to believe that. I guess she doesn’t realize this was also the case with Gannon. I tried to explain to her that we’ve been able to follow this case/LE activity in real time (beyond just a bunch of people sitting around spouting nonsensical theories and hearsay), like the livestreamed searches, hearings, etc.—as a newbie I’m not sure how unusual that is or if it’s fairly normal these days?

Her close (best?) friend happens to live somewhere in the greater Denver area, could even be in/near COS for all I know. I asked her several times to ask her friend if she was following the case or aware of it or tell her that I’m following it, and she just keeps saying her friend doesn’t care about things like that blah blah blah and won’t ask/mention it. I have a feeling she might be surprised.

Now with my luck she’ll try to come check out WS just to see what I’m talking about and read these posts! LOL :p
How does that work with multiple personalities? Meaning, if she has or has had multiple personalities is that an insanity type of defense?
Gannon is my hero! My understanding is that it is very rare, and difficult to prove, thus far I have seen only two possible personalities, evil and stupid... both knew she had committed a crime, hence the attempted cover up...Expect all sorts of “poor me” excuses...she gave Gannon the benefit of an accident? Nope, just nope,
I had to step away and take a breather so I missed several pages (and deleted all my convos, and accidentally left them all too, ugh) and what appears to be a lot of details.

I've seen it mentioned several times about TS driving the truck to the airport to pick up AS and get the rental car, but the Crime Online article clearly said she drove her car to the airport. So, did I miss a new detail or... ?
In the CrimeOnline 3 interview, T stated that she drove her own car to the airport.
Does anyone know how it works for the landlord in this situation? Is it still a crime scene and do they have to leave it alone for a certain amount of time? Can they still rent it out? Do they have to declare that if the sell the home? ETC...
Once LE is finished with the house they release it back to the owner.
It doesn't matter what she says, she's a nutcase.
We are not permitted to discuss non MSM tweets here. Only certain verified MSM accounts are allowed.
She can say what she likes and she can invent screenshots and he says she says and everybody is in a mess and that is their intention and hijacks conversations and threads. People do this for attention. It does not mean she is real or that her information is good or verifiable.

I never endorsed the information as verifiable, simply pointed out it's been acknowledged and replied to by EPSCO twitter so it's data we know they have to consider.
How does that work with multiple personalities? Meaning, if she has or has had multiple personalities is that an insanity type of defense?

Dissociative Identity Disorder could be used in an insanity defense. But I doubt she'll go that route myself.

Although state law differs on the insanity defense, apparently in Colorado the prosecution has the burden to prove the defendant is sane. In other states, the burden is on the defense to prove the defendant is insane. The Insanity Defense in Colorado

Either way, I'm pretty sure it's an "affirmative defense" in the sense that the defendant is essentially admitting guilt. In other words, it's not a matter of "I didn't do it but if I had I'm insane." I don't think TS is likely to admit she did it. But I could be quite wrong. Perhaps her current cross-country trip will have an effect. JMO
Gannon is my Hero! Now that we know the wicked step witch is in jail, (I had a hard time typing mother)is in jail, I am going to sit back and reread all 29 threads... I believe if I plot things out, removing my insane hope that somehow Gannon could be alive, I will find her confession somewhere, she has presplained everything else...
I appreciate this so much. I do. I do. I held on to faith for so long - my view was biased. I’ve been trained for many years to first believe the subject’s words in an open statement with little to no closed questions. Especially the initial interview. I believe until proven wrong via her own words. I put my hands over my ears screaming “I can’t hear you!” to all the social media as suspicion exponentially grew. I resisted her contradictions and patterns of lying by omission in her sequels. Blind faith influenced my objectivity. Review is a helpful tool. Reflection can be cathartic.
If it were me god forbid I would remove his items. I would want his things close to me because that is all that I would have of him. Those items are treasures.

If LE is finished with the investigation, maybe AS has requested a transfer somewhere else for his duty. Pack up his precious sons things, taking them with him. That is all he has left of his G-man. I don't expect AS would even desire to remain living in the house where the potential that GS suffered.

I didn’t realize he had completely moved out of the house.
I do not know that for sure. I have seen a few MSM posts that said the house was empty (of course I can't seem to find them now). Now with that said I don't know if that means he literally moved out or no one was home. But, I know that if my home was a possible crime scene I would step away and let LE do what they need to. JMO
If LE is finished with the investigation, maybe AS has requested a transfer somewhere else for his duty. Pack up his precious sons things, taking them with him. That is all he has left of his G-man. I don't expect AS would even desire to remain living in the house where the potential that GS suffered.


Don't you think he'd want to stay in the area for the trial?
I wonder if there are many people outside waiting for her to arrive.
You know with cameras, maybe wrotten tomatoes:mad::mad::mad:
yes and its sad that they will just get to see the car pull into the loading dock and the door close before they ever get her out of the car. they should make her walk right by all the cameras and let them tell her just what they think of her and ask her where Gannon is!!
@MtnMama and @dirt_girl
And all of us who are the “feelers”


It is nice to not feel alone. I know people in my life wonder why I am so messed up over this, my husband and kids included. My husband has seen a bit of my grief and my kids know I’m sad but I’ve largely kept details from them.
I left work early Monday and worked from home yesterday. Today, though, frankly, I just took a personal day. I’ve been considering talking to a therapist friend of mine. I know a lot of y’all are old hats at this, but this is the first case I’ve followed from the start. And there is just so much to be sad about in this one. I’m grieving like Gannon was a boy I knew personally. I’ve cried more for him than an acquaintance friend whose funeral I went to last Saturday. It’s awful. :(
Do some self care for yourself. As I have said many times do something good from this tragedy in his honour. For a loved one, stranger, community. I tend to move quickly past details once known. It's just how I roll. Gannon wouldn't want anyone to get bogged down by this. I walk, I walk more at times like this at a place where I can connect with nature. Gives me balance. Yoga too.
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