Found Deceased CO - Gannon Stauch, 11, Colorado Springs, El Paso County, 27 Jan 2020 **ARREST** #34

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Here's something that might brighten your day.

Think of all the theories and speculation of what was done, how it was done, why it was done, the gory details, etc.

And then realize they can't possibly ALL be true.

And we've probably come up with the exact combination of events somewhere within these threads.

Now, fast forward to the unsealing of the arrest affidavit, and the grand reveal of the evidence collected so far.

No matter what it reveals, it will almost certainly be significantly less than the sum of all possibilities.

So no matter what comes out, it likely won't be as bad as what we collectively imagined. That's a good thing, right?

Happy Tuesday.

here's hoping

Perhaps RD did show AS the Jan 26 video of the kids playing in addition to the Jan 27 video of TS and GS alone.

But I believe the "on Sunday" part bolded above correctly refers to when AS was shown whatever he was shown. RD has said he couldn't sleep on Sat night the weekend after GS disappeared. And he said that is when he looked at older footage (having searched for footage showing 3-4 Monday Jan 27 and finding nothing earlier in the week.) He said he then showed the footage of TS and GS to AS **on Sunday.**

Maybe it didn't happen that way. I've said all along we don't have direct knowledge of what AS or RD did or said or when they did it or said it. It was all filtered through a reporter. And AS's words and reaction first were filtered through RD then to the reporter (as the reporter didn't speak to AS directly about the video.)

People have sometimes thought I meant RD was a liar. But that's not it. Maybe the reporter put the wrong words in RD's mouth. After all, according to what RD now says in at least one report, he didn't give the reporter permission to publish his video initially. Yet it was published. So reporters aren't always to be trusted. And people can and do make honest mistakes when quoting. Plus, IMO the "confirmation" by LE has been overblown. They couldn't confirm, for example, what AS said or when he said it because LE was not present at the time.

Regardless, we currently have no real reason to doubt AS first saw RD's video on Sunday Feb 2.


Gannon disappeared on Monday 1/27. The case was classified as missing/endangered on Thursday 1/30. We’ve seen it said by RD etc. all over MSM that the video gave them the break they needed to consider it something more significant than “runaway.” I don’t have time to find MSM links right now, but I thought LE was aware of the video long before Feb 4. I could be wrong. Regardless, my side note about the possible error wasn’t the main point of my post in response to the OP.
We don't have the same opinion. I don't know of any ongoing abuse from TS towards him or any other children in her life.

I would agree. That may certainly change in the future.

I know there have been reports an aunt had some things to say. (I'm not 100% sure that was a MSM report.) But even if the children would not report abuse to AS (because of fear and I know that happens), and even if it was hidden from GS's mandated-reporter teachers, and even if neighbors reports of GS as a "happy child" weren't accurate, and even if ongoing abuse was hidden when AS was home, and even if AS wasn't home much, do we really think adults from LH's family would hide it too? It's much more likely to me it's a matter of what is known now coloring memories of what was known then. And too, if TS really was not an obvious monster before, if she didn't engage in previous abuse, that makes the whole situation more frightening and inexplicable.

Then we'd have to acknowledge past behavior doesn't always predict future behavior. That more often than we know, people we trust maybe can't be trusted.

<modsnip: quoted post was removed>

Every statement she has made has been about defending herself, trying to control the narrative, blaming others, and hindering the investigation. She has not once shown any empathy or concern about Gannon.

She doesn't even understand that posting a picture of Gannon waving goodbye would be upsetting to his parents. Even after it was explained to her she got defensive. She said she wasn't going to 'appease' Landen and was going to keep it because it can be seen as a 'happy memory.'

All this knowing Gannon was dead and his parents were devastated because they still didn't know if he was alive or dead. But she knew, because it was a "happy memory" from when Gannon was still alive.

Anyone who can make statements like that bashing and taunting his parents while she knows exactly what she did to their son is not normal.


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Gannon disappeared on Monday 1/27. The case was classified as missing/endangered on Thursday 1/30. We’ve seen it said by RD etc. all over MSM that the video gave them the break they needed to consider it something more significant than “runaway.” I don’t have time to find MSM links right now, but I thought LE was aware of the video long before Feb 4. I could be wrong. Regardless, my side note about the possible error wasn’t the main point of my post in response to the OP.

The reclassification of GS as "missing and endangered" on Wed Jan 29 was based on his age, the weather, time passed, and his need for medication. Not the video. All reports I've read say they were called about the video on Sunday Feb 2 (not 4) Supposedly AS called after seeing the video.

Gannon Stauch search: Missing Colorado boy, 11, considered endangered, officials say

Family of missing Colorado boy makes tearful plea after new surveillance video revealed
I would agree. That may certainly change in the future.

I know there have been reports an aunt had some things to say. (I'm not 100% sure that was a MSM report.) But even if the children would not report abuse to AS (because of fear and I know that happens), and even if it was hidden from GS's mandated-reporter teachers, and even if neighbors reports of GS as a "happy child" weren't accurate, and even if ongoing abuse was hidden when AS was home, and even if AS wasn't home much, do we really think adults from LH's family would hide it too? It's much more likely to me it's a matter of what is known now coloring memories of what was known then. And too, if TS really was not an obvious monster before, if she didn't engage in previous abuse, that makes the whole situation more frightening and inexplicable.

Then we'd have to acknowledge past behavior doesn't always predict future behavior. That more often than we know, people we trust maybe can't be trusted.

Yes, it's very uncommon to escalate from no past abuse to child abuse so severe and traumatic that it results in death. I suspect there was some sort of abuse in the past, whether it be emotional abuse, neglect, or physical abuse we don't yet know.

The reclassification of GS as "missing and endangered" on Wed Jan 29 was based on his age, the weather, time passed, and his need for medication. Not the video. All reports I've read say they were called about the video on Sunday Feb 2 (not 4) Supposedly AS called after seeing the video.

Gannon Stauch search: Missing Colorado boy, 11, considered endangered, officials say

Family of missing Colorado boy makes tearful plea after new surveillance video revealed

Based on this part of the second article you linked, I’d say you’re right:

Neighbor Roderrick Drayton told ABC News that after the search for Gannon intensified late last week, he decided to search through the footage his system recorded from the day Stauch was reported missing.

Again, my side note wasn’t really important or relevant to the main point of my reply to the OP. I only included it since I assumed others might jump on the “Sunday” part and didn’t want people to waste time going down that rabbit hole so was trying to save them the trouble :p
I don't know much about the law, sorry. But if she had taken him to a hospital when she realized he was really hurt, and if the version of younger sis backed up TSs version, ie possible calamity in the house, maybe his life would have been saved and she would have avoided the murder charge. If you are following the Alex case in Montana, he spent several days with apparent brain damage, one of his alleged murderers tried to pass it off as "drinking" (at age 12 ), another of his alleged torturer/murderers was googling concussion, etc. and he died a couple of days later after even more alleged blows and kicks to the head. He might have been saved too. I doubt that TS did anything more to him than her initial "freak out" probable physical reaction when she may have thought he was harming the house intentionally. She may have pushed him violently away from a source of sudden danger, and that could have been the cause of his wound. Oddly, because we can't discuss what happened Sunday, some conclude that she hauled off and suddenly murdered him because of "jealousy". I don't buy that.

Since I opined last night that I believe T to be jealous of LH, I felt the need to clarify my position. I never said nor meant to imply that T suddenly murdered Gannon because of jealousy. I would venture to say scores of bios and steps are jealous of one another, yet rarely murder each other--let alone an innocent child. I have yet to read anyone say that jealousy of LH is the sole reason T murdered GS (though I admit to being woefully behind on posts because...LIFE). I respect your opinion, as I do all WSers. Perhaps there will be evidence to sway us from our stances at a later date. Until then, it's coffee and sleuthing for me...HERE FOR YOU, SWEET GANNON.
Every statement she has made has been about defending herself, trying to control the narrative, blaming others, and hindering the investigation. She has not once shown any empathy or concern about Gannon.

She doesn't even understand that posting a picture of Gannon waving goodbye would be upsetting to his parents. Even after it was explained to her she got defensive. She said she wasn't going to 'appease' Landen and was going to keep it because it can be seen as a 'happy memory.'

All this knowing Gannon was dead and his parents were devastated because they still didn't know if he was alive or dead. But she knew, because it was a "happy memory" from when Gannon was still alive.

Anyone who can make statements like that bashing and taunting his parents while she knows exactly what she did to their son is not normal.

Whether you call it psychopathic, narcissist, selfish or inhumane makes no difference.


Not taking that video down to appease LH clearly shows a lack of empathy toward the grieving mother. In essence telling her she shouldn't feel that way. As if to say you should feel about the video just like I do because only my feelings matter and are correct. Pathological disregard for LH.
BBM...if she didn't mean to kill Gannon, had she not lied about "going to a friends" & was truthful from the beginning, could this have been a different charge? (Pardon my ignorance, just looking up accidental dealth Colorado Law)
Child Abuse: How It Is Penalized under Colorado Law
IDK, for starters it seems she could have avoided the murder charge by getting him to the hospital right away. If it was a head injury and he remembered what happened, she could have teesplained it away with "of course he doesn't remember" jmo
I think it is fair to say that we know a fraction of what has happened to this child.

He is on the video, walking slowly and didn't pick up an item dropped. (The evidence of the truck returning is disputed--was he there, was the door open so it is not yet known without a doubt.)
<modsnip: off limits>
Her behavior throughout this murder has been concerning and suspect.
She was not back in the family home from when Al came back.
She has been violent in the past.

We believe she lies. But, she has given us a glimpse into her thinking and motives.

We don't know if Gannon's death is the result of systematic on-going abuse (emotional, medical, physical) or if this was a one-off rage episode.

I have my own thoughts and conjecture. It is fair to say that we have divergent views on how this chain of event occurred.

The family history while it is now very public is not really the point, except in how it gives rise to opinions on their character. LE has not shared anything with us. I think this points to a very strong evidence base as they know that anything that comes to the step-mother gets hashed out in the media with stories to explain away the details. As with my pre-teens whenever a situation happens where the first question by them is to elicit what I know as a opposed to just spilling the beans, we know that
there is going to be some interesting bomb shells coming because LE has held their cards tight and she has butchered any opportunity to come clean-- choosing to bob and weave.
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Yes I do.
Not unusual for kids to not tell on an abusive parent out of fear. And if he was away as much as TS complains he was away it all occurred while he was away. When she had the most power and control. Moo
And I think in many cases, if the kids do complain to their parent, when it’s addressed with the step parent, the step parent lies, makes threats about leaving the marriage, makes the argument the kids are conspiring to get rid of her, the kids are being normal children and not getting their way so they make things up. Etc. FWIW
I don't know much about the law, sorry. But if she had taken him to a hospital when she realized he was really hurt, and if the version of younger sis backed up TSs version, ie possible calamity in the house, maybe his life would have been saved and she would have avoided the murder charge.


I doubt that TS did anything more to him than her initial "freak out" probable physical reaction when she may have thought he was harming the house intentionally. She may have pushed him violently away from a source of sudden danger, and that could have been the cause of his wound. Oddly, because we can't discuss what happened Sunday, some conclude that she hauled off and suddenly murdered him because of "jealousy". I don't buy that.


I agree we can't know her motive.... whether jealousy or panic... who knows. One theory is as good as another, imo. But what I've bolded in the quote above, imo, is utterly inconsistent with a decision to murder (which we know was made at some point). One doesn't go from violently shoving a child away from danger to "whoops! That didn't work so well, now I have to murder him."
That doesn't fly with me. Concern for his safety would have had him being rushed to the hospital.
I agree 100%. I don’t think any blame should be put on Al. He is living life’s worst nightmare. And by the off chance he did know a minute something, multiply that nightmare. Maybe he did start realizing she was off (I doubt murder or physical abuse ever entered his mind) and he was planning on leaving. My husband is a wonderful father, but the fact is he’s at work all day and when he’s home it’s fun time with the kids. They perk up when he walks in the door. I’m definitely much more in tune with their emotions just based on being with them more. I bet Gannon felt pure joy seeing his dad.
That probably fed TS jealousy monster. Because, it's all about her. jmo
I have wondered since learning TS went to Play It Again Sports, if Gannon's bicycle was sold (or traded) there. The mention of "looking for a bicycle" for AS, and helping the Girls to get their bicycles out of the garage for their trip to Dollar Tree..... perhaps one of these statements had a small bit of truth regarding bicycles? Only she wasn't looking for a bike to buy- she was looking for a way to get rid of one. We don't know what the video may show, other than what was released. Is it possible Gannon's bike was loaded into the truck before she and Gannon left?
That would be a reason for AS to be upset while watching the video. jmo (I'm looking for an obvious reason, not something that one would want an explanation for before being upset)
BBM...if she didn't mean to kill Gannon, had she not lied about "going to a friends" & was truthful from the beginning, could this have been a different charge? (Pardon my ignorance, just looking up accidental dealth Colorado Law)
Child Abuse: How It Is Penalized under Colorado Law

I think it helps to realize that an adult commuting child abuse is never an accident. It is a wilful action. Sometimes that leads to death, sometimes not. IMO, I think it is possible that Gannon's injury was not fatal. But bad enough that it couldn't be hidden. Which really makes his murder even more sinister if he was killed merely because T wanted to cover her *as.
I think it might be Sunday nights footage that is what made AS break down and cry. AS said she lied but we don’t know which lie he is referring to as there are many. Initially I assumed it was that he never went to a friends house but he could have asked her if she hurt him and she said no and that’s the lie he refers to. Sunday night audio might be the lie that caused him to break down. I’m very concerned that what we see and hear on that video the night before GS disappeared will be extremely disturbing. Jmo
The original video is probably much clearer, esp if put on a large HD TV. Maybe audio is clearer, too. I hope they don't have to do enhancements.
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