Found Deceased CO - Gannon Stauch, 11, Colorado Springs, El Paso County, 27 Jan 2020 **ARREST** #34

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MsBetsy, I agree with all of that except the last sentence. My eyes were really opened on reading that book about CW by Derhally. The last half discusses narcissism in depth.

I didn't say it doesn't apply in this case, I said that I myself am not comfortable applying that term. (Because I see it used so much it can't apply to every single criminal IMO)
Not every criminal, but a very high percentage of family murderers are on the NPD spectrum. A lot of murder suicides are just that person avoiding a humiliating situation. That’s not normal but they work so hard on a facade it’s unbearable when it cracks and the debt, unemployment, sexual deviance etc is about to be revealed.
Unfortunately most people, even victims, are slow to recognize emotional and verbal abuse which is highly destructive and generally leads to physical abuse. Gaslighting and manipulation hide these abuses. Children are powerless alone with these types of people and it’s hard to prove. Her own recording and interviews reveal her character. She could not provide Gannon dignity even in death but instead discussed him “pooping his pants”. LE and the DA included the charge so doubtless we will one day see the rest of those facts. AS was and probably remains in denial.

Well, as you say, we'll find out.

The charge of child abuse resulting in death doesn't require, so far as I know, that the abuse had to be ongoing. The charge still could be made and could be proven even in a one-time situation.

We may very well learn it was an ongoing situation. My point was merely that we don't have any real evidence that it was before that Sunday/Monday. It's "easier" in some ways to believe it was ongoing (as awful as that would have been for GS) because that would suggest people don't "snap" and suddenly do awful things to kids. But sometimes they do.

[...] do we really think adults from LH's family would hide it too?

Snipped. Much of my extended family knew of some of the neglect and abuse coming from my parents growing up. None of them ever did anything about it, and if you asked, they'd probably still tell you I was a happy kid and my upbringing was pretty good. Why? Denial, guilt. Because if they admitted that they knew I was being abused my entire childhood, the obvious next question is "why didn't you do something about it, as her grandma/uncle/etc?"

Give it time. We may hear more about it as time goes on. I just wouldn't be surprised at all if family members had their suspicions but kept silent.
And I think in many cases, if the kids do complain to their parent, when it’s addressed with the step parent, the step parent lies, makes threats about leaving the marriage, makes the argument the kids are conspiring to get rid of her, the kids are being normal children and not getting their way so they make things up. Etc. FWIW
As an adult with a good career and an MBA, you’d think I could have recognized abuse, but my ex had me convinced that I was the cause of my own abuse. That I deserved it. I HAD left the lid off the dish detergent proving my constant carelessness. So an hour raging at me for being lazy seemed to make sense. They won’t stop until you admit you were at fault. So you learn to accept blame faster. It’s the only way to stop the yelling and the insults. The longer you argue the more vicious and personal the insults become. I have severe PTSD and still believe after 4 years free that my ex could kill if triggered. No child can explain verbal abuse in a way that would be understood by a non-witness. People shrug it off.
Snipped. Much of my extended family knew of some of the neglect and abuse coming from my parents growing up. None of them ever did anything about it, and if you asked, they'd probably still tell you I was a happy kid and my upbringing was pretty good. Why? Denial, guilt. Because if they admitted that they knew I was being abused my entire childhood, the obvious next question is "why didn't you do something about it, as her grandma/uncle/etc?"

Give it time. We may hear more about it as time goes on. I just wouldn't be surprised at all if family members had their suspicions but kept silent.
I agree and I’m sorry. The abusers often still charm folks.
This imo is no accident; a pattern of escalating and cruel abuse until a line was crossed where she couldn’t manipulate or hide it. What kind of calamity would warrant a life threatening injury. Jealousy was not the motive. Control and vengefulness and an extreme need to preserve a lifelong manufactured image. An image that was THAT important. From what we know he was injured Sunday. No medical attention sought. Coldly dispatched in the AM.
I was typing as you wrote yours. Your answer is way better than mine!!
The headline here is that the state doesn’t object to the affidavit being unsealed. With only the defense against it, I think there’s a pretty decent chance we might see it as soon as Wednesday.

The state is not opposed to the unsealing of the affidavit. However, Stauch’s legal counsel says she is opposed to it.

Zansberg argues that while sealing the affidavit is common prior to a warrant being executed, the affidavit is typically unsealed — even in high-profile cases — once the warrant has been executed and the preliminary investigation is complete.

Good morning all! I have not seen the actual motion filed on behalf of the media, has that been released anywhere?

I'm wondering if the bold potion about is just a misinterpretation (ETA: misinterpretation my the media) or if they have some other information? The only thing I have seen is the Defendant's Motion for Immediate Production, Pursuant to Protective Order, of Any and All Warrants and Arrest Affidavits which states:

"The defense has no objection to keeping the probable cause affidavit under seal, and would consent to a protective order so that the affidavit is only available to Ms. Stauch's defense team..."

The defense is requesting any and an all search warrants, arrest warrants, and associated affidavits. The are willing to CONSENT to keeping the probable cause affidavit under protective order. They make no mention of keeping any warrants or other affidavits under protective order, and they do not request that anything be or remain sealed.

Now, I am reading this with experience in NC law only, but I would interpret this to mean that there must already be a motion (presumably by the prosecution) asking for warrants and affidavit to be sealed, and possibly even an order to that effect.

I'm really hoping for some insight from those with knowledge of CO laws. :)

Unless there are additional pleadings I haven't seen yet, I don't see where the defense has objected to the release of any of these documents?
The statue in our state has its murder 1 definition, which cites premeditation and malice aforethought, then cites the scenarios in which first degree murder occurs. Child abuse resulting in death of a child under 12, by a person of trust, is the one that fits what she did. That section of the statute includes the word “knowingly”.

I think the affidavit will clarify how the DA is viewing what went on in the home, vs, or alongside, what happened after she left with him, since he was alive and mobile at that time. My guess is, especially after the neighbor’s latest remarks about Gannon that day, is that it was obvious to LE he came into harm, and they also have physical evidence in the house that connects that with his observable condition.

The good news, if “good” is a word we can even use, is if Dan May committed himself and the State of Colorado to first degree, he means it and he can prove it.
So are you saying that any first degree murder charge in Colorado is automatically premeditated? At this website they use the word "or" between the different types of first-degree murder.

First degree murder laws in Colorado |18-3-102 C.R.S.

1. What is first-degree murder?

Section 18-3-102 (1) C.R.S. of the Colorado criminal code provides:

A person commits the crime of murder in the first degree if:

  • (a) After deliberation and with the intent to cause the death of a person other than himself, he causes the death of that person or of another person; or
  • (b) Acting either alone or with one or more persons, he or she commits or attempts to commit arson, robbery, burglary, kidnapping, sexual assault as prohibited by section 18-3-402, sexual assault in the first or second degree as prohibited by section 18-3-402 or 18-3-403 as those sections existed prior to July 1, 2000, or a class 3 felony for sexual assault on a child as provided in section 18-3-405(2), or the crime of escape as provided in section 18-8-208, and, in the course of or in furtherance of the crime that he or she is committing or attempting to commit, or of immediate flight therefrom, the death of a person, other than one of the participants, is caused by anyone; or
  • (c) By perjury or subornation of perjury he procures the conviction and execution of any innocent person; or
  • (d) Under circumstances evidencing an attitude of universal malice manifesting extreme indifference to the value of human life generally, he knowingly engages in conduct which creates a grave risk of death to a person, or persons, other than himself, and thereby causes the death of another; or
  • (e) He or she commits unlawful distribution, dispensation, or sale of a controlled substance to a person under the age of eighteen years on school grounds as provided in section 18-18-407(2), and the death of such person is caused by the use of such controlled substance; or
  • (f) The person knowingly causes the death of a child who has not yet attained twelve years of age and the person committing the offense is one in a position of trust with respect to the victim.
LS may not have beaten Gannon in an ongoing manner (like Gabriel Fernandez) but I'm willing to bet Gannon was subjected to regular, verbal abuse from LS for a long period of time. When did she resort to physical violence? I don't think January 26th/27th was the first time but I do think that was the first time it was extreme to the point that she wouldn't have been able to hide it from AS and/or other people.
I'm sorry I just can't contribute to analyses concluding Narcissism. I see that term on nearly every case I follow. Anything could have triggered her action or reaction, that is still unknown to us.

Love, marriage, divorce, remarriage = takes 2 to tango.
During trial you will see her pattern of Narcissism come with every piece of evidence they present.

It takes a lot of energy to stay angry and stoke the fires of hatred for years, but this is precisely what classic narcissists do. In fact, they enjoy it.

TS has had a hatred for LH---it oozes out of her.

Her jealousy and hatred fall hand in hand with her Narcissistic behavior.
But in this case it refers to her abuse causing the death of a child under 12, who is in her care, that is automatically first-degree. Others have explained it better, like MassGuy, but in this case it doesn't mean necessarily pre-meditated.
And I think given all we know, she wanted him dead and unable to speak of her abuse.
Good morning all! I have not seen the actual motion filed on behalf of the media, has that been released anywhere?

I'm wondering if the bold potion about is just a misinterpretation (ETA: misinterpretation my the media) or if they have some other information? The only thing I have seen is the Defendant's Motion for Immediate Production, Pursuant to Protective Order, of Any and All Warrants and Arrest Affidavits which states:

"The defense has no objection to keeping the probable cause affidavit under seal, and would consent to a protective order so that the affidavit is only available to Ms. Stauch's defense team..."

The defense is requesting any and an all search warrants, arrest warrants, and associated affidavits. The are willing to CONSENT to keeping the probable cause affidavit under protective order. They make no mention of keeping any warrants or other affidavits under protective order, and they do not request that anything be or remain sealed.

Now, I am reading this with experience in NC law only, but I would interpret this to mean that there must already be a motion (presumably by the prosecution) asking for warrants and affidavit to be sealed, and possibly even an order to that effect.

I'm really hoping for some insight from those with knowledge of CO laws. :)

Unless there are additional pleadings I haven't seen yet, I don't see where the defense has objected to the release of any of these documents?
Local media file motion to unseal Letecia Stauch’s arrest affidavit

I don't see the actual motion included.
I respectfully disagree. The writing is on the wall. She has a history of violence. Like other abusers she has tried to explain injuries as accidents. In 2 days we are to believe he had nose bleeds, a cut foot, an accident in his pants, and perhaps another injury we can not discuss.
On top of that Monday morning she claims to have called a nurse questioning medication dosing. She didn’t call his pediatrician. Why? Because she either knew the pediatrician had suspicions or she was avoiding raising suspicion.
Then the day after he went missing LE stated we hope to find him, bring him home, and put him in a safe environment. That is telling. That is saying he wasn’t living in a safe environment.
And lastly the charges include child abuse that lead to death.
Yes I do believe we are going to hear evidence of a pattern of child abuse that went under the radar explained away by “accidents” until it couldn’t be explained anymore. JMO

With Tricare, the nurse advice line is often a lot easier to use than making an actual appointment. Depending on the clinic that Gannon was assigned to, appointments can take up to a week to be seen. Generally, we are unable to just "call" our DR's. The fact that she called the nurse line is not very alarming to me personally. I've had to call several times for issues with my own children.
JMO as a cybersecurity thought is that the video LS leaked from Sunday evening is actually just an edited version where the original video is actually much longer. Just deleting portions of a video does not remove them in its entirety and deleted portions can very easily still be recovered. MOO but this is the only thing that makes sense for LE to come to a charge for “child abuse resulting in death.” Especially without a live witness or confession....again MOO.
I'd personally rather see her sit her entire life in prison than for her to get taken out by someone. I'm ok with the extra security. Even the death penalty is too easy for this chick. She needs to sit in a cage for the rest of her life IMO.

Well yeah,but it wouldnt hurt if while she was in that cage she was never sure who was waiting outside,or round the corner or who is making her food;),I mean I wouldnt want her to get too complacent :)
Here you go...found a copy of the motion here:

News organizations ask court to unseal arrest affidavit for stepmother facing murder charge | Colorado Freedom of Information Coalition

*Click on the blue bolded word "motion" in the article and it links to the actual motion that's been filed.

I think we're going to see that affidavit sooner rather than later.

The attorney who filed the motion on behalf of multiple MSM outlets is the President of Colorado's FOIC, so he clearly knows his stuff.

I fully anticipate that we may well be reading it here as early as tomorrow after her court appearance.

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Unfortunately most people, even victims, are slow to recognize emotional and verbal abuse which is highly destructive and generally leads to physical abuse. Gaslighting and manipulation hide these abuses. Children are powerless alone with these types of people and it’s hard to prove. Her own recording and interviews reveal her character. She could not provide Gannon dignity even in death but instead discussed him “pooping his pants”. LE and the DA included the charge so doubtless we will one day see the rest of those facts. AS was and probably remains in denial.
I lived the above with that abuse. A lot of verbal and emotional with a side of gaslighting. I didn’t know it wasn’t normal.
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