Found Deceased CO - Gannon Stauch, 11, Colorado Springs, El Paso County, 27 Jan 2020 **ARREST** #38

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My gut feeling is they don't have that sort of incriminating video but it's possible. To be clear, I'm not saying they don't have evidence to convict her. I expect they do. But I doubt they have evidence to determine he's definitely in the landfill. In other cases that I know of where kids have been assumed to have been put in landfills but not found, they either had a belated confession or had testimony from witnesses. Maybe I'll be surprised. But I'm not sure if they did have belatedly discovered video showing TS at a dumpster on X date, why there wouldn't be efforts to find him. It might be difficult but likely not impossible given that truck dumping isn't done randomly. I'd also be surprised if they have been searching the landfill in secret. I think that would get out. But maybe not. JMO

I agree with you.

If LE had any other type of direct evidence indicating that GS had been disposed of at a landfill, they would without question have conducted a large-scale search along the lines of what we saw in the landfill search in the Kelsey case.

There's no keeping searches of such scale and import hidden from the media.

In turn, MSM would have made sure the story was covered, i.e., the public would have been made aware.

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I am not sure if you may be referring to a post of mine a few threads back. I had posted a Google street stroll down Squirrel Creek Road, showing the many culverts under the road in which it would have been no difficulty to place his body very quickly. There were no barrier fences. I wondered at the time if her wanderings up north during those four hours were simply to lay a track to pull LE into an area she KNEW she hadn't placed him.
I have always been taken by the fact that she seems absolutely confident that he won't be found.

She also could have known about the landfill and randomly found a 'better place' on the drive. I don't think she would have searched online for anything more specific than a map for the city or stores, then looking NEAR the stores. MOO
I agree with you.

If LE had any other type of direct evidence indicating that GS had been disposed of at a landfill, they would without question have conducted a large-scale search along the lines of what we saw in the landfill search in the Kelsey case.

There's no keeping searches of such scale and import hidden from the media.

In turn, the MSM would have made sure the story was covered, i.e., the public would have been made aware.


Agreed. I think we're going to see that she was out and about Sunday night "after" the supposed candle accident. She made plans that night and already had a location in mind when she left with him on Monday morning. and Information.pdf

Anybody have any idea what the numerous ", XX" entries on the Endorsed Witness List included in the complaint mean?

Anyone, anyone?

@oviedo, @gitana1, anybody else have a clue?

Also, another thing about the witness list:

I'm not seeing any names with an "MD" or "DO" credential, which is surprising to me.

I would absolutely expect LE to interview Gannon's pediatrician and/or to obtain a search warrant to review his medical records in these circumstances.

I'm wondering whether or not the ", XX" designations could be witness names that have been withheld.


I was looking at the list today and noticed some of the addresses under the names have been redacted (whited out, actually) so it's possible some of the titles may have been as well.

“I know we have a lot going on, but people are still asking questions about #GannonStauch. Here’s what the sheriff’s office had to say this morning about progress in the case, and the move to unseal #LeteciaStauch’s arrest affidavit. Say they are still searching.”
10:51 AM · Mar 19, 2020 from Colorado Springs, CO
Spencer Wilson on Twitter

“The release of the AA will be decided by the judge. there are now new updates to report on the case at this time.”
10:39 AM· Mar 19, 2020 (local/MST)
EPCSheriff on Twitter

[EPCSheriff meant to say, “there are *no* new updates to ...,” IMO.]

ETA: Once released, the arrest affidavit should be posted here: Colorado Judicial Branch

Dear @inmyhumbleopinion

Thank you so much for providing these updates to us!

You are greatly appreciated!:)
I agree. I think he is still "findable" and still relatively close to their home where we saw her and him leave in the vehicle.

She even seemed to get frustrated when he was not found because I think she expected it would be easy to find him.

From looking at past cases involving a missing child that got lost, one of the most common mistakes when searching is we want to always keep moving and keep looking "elsewhere" instead of stopping and looking in 360 degrees all around where you stop. Then only take 1 or 2 steps and stop and look all around again. It is amazing how just a couple steps you get a whole different view of behind things, around things, under things, etc. Its very difficult to stop and spend enough time really looking closely before moving on.

I know most everyone here has seen cases where so many times they end up finding the person in a place that was already searched.
Its very difficult to really search thoroughly to really spot any small minute thing that sticks out and ends up being the missing person.

We humans have a tough time with that because we want to keep trying to help and so our minds think that moving and looking "elsewhere" is the thing to do after just a quick glance around.

Someone once said when searching that its best to count to 20 and look all around 360 degrees while counting to 20 before only taking 2 more steps and then rinse and repeat.

I think searches need to have a team that moves and looks quickly, followed by a slower, more methodical team when looking for a missing person.

I can’t remember the young boy who went missing in a forested area, but the search was conducted within an arbitrary radius, determined by someone who felt the child could not have gotten further than that radius in the time since missing. (Iirc) Searchers were slow and very thorough, but it wasn’t until they expanded the search radius that he was found. Thankfully alive.

I very much agree with Hatfield to stop, listen, look up, down, around, behind, on the slower searches. I think Gannon is findable, too.

In this case, I’d love to have a searcher in a pickup (for same sight lines stepmom had), and start at the house. Go several miles on every road in each direction, and really look at the landscape and what’s out there. Stop and look in every culvert, every brushy draw and drainage, off the main streets and roads.

I’d start by going east.

Hatfield, or imstilla.grandma, or anyone who followed Lucas’ case: Wasn’t there someone who mentioned a certain mileage radius within which many missing children were found?

I really should take notes on cases. :(
I could see it being either way. Hide him close so that he is found, as if someone kidnapped him and murdered him close by. Or take him far away and dump him. I just know she didn’t have much time either way. The most popular theory, and mine as well, is that she abused him and had to kill him to cover up the abuse. I still wonder though if, in her mind, she hadn’t planned this for awhile.

I'm in the camp that believes TS used murder as a means of covering up abuse, too.

I believe she assaulted GS on Sunday night, and inflicted injuries on him that she could not explain away.
She then decided she needed to make the evidence of her crime, namely, GS, disappear.

Because I subscribe to the theory that TS murdered GS to hide the evidence of her assault against him,
I have a hard time buying into the idea that she then placed him somewhere close to home with the goal of his body being found.

Logically, that makes no sense.

If you're willing to take the extreme measure to kill a child to conceal your abuse of him, then it's unlikely that you're going to place the child somewhere that he's likely to be found.

I'm convinced GS's injuries were such that she could not risk him being discovered, because if his body were to be found, the evidence of the injuries he suffered would be evident.

I've always believed the motive for GS's actual murder was self-preservation.

TS hid him for the sole purpose of ensuring he would not be discovered.

That was the whole point of killing him, i.e., she was desperate to avoid the consequences for her assault.

She had to get rid of the physical evidence.

GS himself was the biggest, most damning piece of physical evidence against her.

She's put him somewhere she thinks he can't possibly be found.

FWIW, I think she's wrong about that.

I still believe his body is going to be recovered. Eventually.

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Agreed. I think we're going to see that she was out and about Sunday night "after" the supposed candle accident. She made plans that night and already had a location in mind when she left with him on Monday morning.

I also think something big happened Sunday besides her disgusting actions towards G.

Let me put my tin foil hat on for a sec, bear with me.

Does anybody else remember when we first got wind that they were going to release footage, what was shown on the news teaser was the stills during night time that looked like there was a car in the street with the headlights on. I just having this sneaking suspicions that whatever was captured that Sunday night is going to be as important, if not more, than the video of him getting in that truck and never coming back. This is where my hat will come into play. I have always thought the way RD video was released and the reactions from the EPSO was strange, the whole thing was weird to me. I really feel that a news stationed would not release footage from an active investigation when LEO was adamantly asking not to. This is a missing 11 year old child, not somebody stole a couple oz from a pot shop. This may be wayyy out there, but I think the original video that was so important and such a break to the case, wasn't the one of him getting in the truck during the day, but what happened in that driveway the night before. I don't know if something like this is even possible, but maybe media got wind that there was a video, they jumped all over it, LEO and Media went back and forth until they chose a video to release that would do the least amount of damage to their case. Give the media info to give the public and they get their clicks and LEO gets continued/renewed interest in the case and shake the crap out of the suspect. Or the Media was like were gonna release some video, which one would you rather have out there.
I always thought it was strange that when they were giving previews to the upcoming video, they were at night, then when we finally see it, it was during the day. Maybe it was just bad editing, or a switch in what they were to show everybody. I think when trial comes, we will find out that RD camera picked up so much more than we could imagine, and I think a huge part will be on that video from Sunday night.

Ok, Ok. Putting my tin hat back up. LOL

Edit: Expanding on a thought. The night time video also fits better into something RD said than it would the daylight video. He said he watched a part of a video many many time to understand what he was seeing (I'll find the link and insert. I think it was the PEOPLE article). Him saying that in reference to the daytime video never meshed well in my over active imagination. With the video that was released, yes it may have taken a second to click or a rewind to understand what was going on, but I don't think is something that would take numerous views to register. Now, with a video that is recording in the dark, this to me matches having to replay many times to really put everything together. It's dark and with lights from houses and cars, it illuminates it enough to see, but not as - clear as day -, and could be easily missed while scanning through. I hope I'm explaining clearly.
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I can site two cases where a child was disposed in a landfill, but never found. Jhessye Shockley, in Az. Her mother was convicted.

Duke Flores in Ca., mom and twin sister were charged. Case hasn't made it to trial yet.

I have zero concerns if this turns out to be the case with Gannon, that the DA will get a conviction. Or even if he's never found and not in a landfill, same. TS will be convicted of Gannons murder :)

Number 1 suspect in murders, last person to see the victim.
And this was the caretaker of a child.
MOO she assumed neighbors camera was focused on his driveway, but it was focused on the entrance to Mandan.

If not for the video they would still be scrambling around on the departure time and method.
Runaway not a runaway etc.
These criminals depend on the surface story that is hard to break.
But the stories don't stand up once all the resources of the local police, FBI and other agencies bear down the entire world the incident occurred in.
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I think searches need to have a team that moves and looks quickly, followed by a slower, more methodical team when looking for a missing person.

I can’t remember the young boy who went missing in a forested area, but the search was conducted within an arbitrary radius, determined by someone who felt the child could not have gotten further than that radius in the time since missing. (Iirc) Searchers were slow and very thorough, but it wasn’t until they expanded the search radius that he was found. Thankfully alive.

I very much agree with Hatfield to stop, listen, look up, down, around, behind, on the slower searches. I think Gannon is findable, too.

In this case, I’d love to have a searcher in a pickup (for same sight lines stepmom had), and start at the house. Go several miles on every road in each direction, and really look at the landscape and what’s out there. Stop and look in every culvert, every brushy draw and drainage, off the main streets and roads.

I’d start by going east.

Hatfield, or imstilla.grandma, or anyone who followed Lucas’ case: Wasn’t there someone who mentioned a certain mileage radius within which many missing children were found?

I really should take notes on cases. :(
All that driving.
Like she hid a needle and then drove a haystack. I think he is within a mile of the corner of Bradley and Marksheffel.
The bottom of the haystack.
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I was looking at the list today and noticed some of the addresses under the names have been redacted (whited out, actually) so it's possible some of the titles may have been as well.

Yes, Interesting.
I have been looking through the list today more extensively than my first glance-over.
I looked up a few of the names that do not have any info underneath them and have found a few interesting facts.
I plan on continuing through the list tonight just to see what else I can find out. :)
I think searches need to have a team that moves and looks quickly, followed by a slower, more methodical team when looking for a missing person.

I can’t remember the young boy who went missing in a forested area, but the search was conducted within an arbitrary radius, determined by someone who felt the child could not have gotten further than that radius in the time since missing. (Iirc) Searchers were slow and very thorough, but it wasn’t until they expanded the search radius that he was found. Thankfully alive.

I very much agree with Hatfield to stop, listen, look up, down, around, behind, on the slower searches. I think Gannon is findable, too.

In this case, I’d love to have a searcher in a pickup (for same sight lines stepmom had), and start at the house. Go several miles on every road in each direction, and really look at the landscape and what’s out there. Stop and look in every culvert, every brushy draw and drainage, off the main streets and roads.

I’d start by going east.

Hatfield, or imstilla.grandma, or anyone who followed Lucas’ case: Wasn’t there someone who mentioned a certain mileage radius within which many missing children were found?

I really should take notes on cases. :(
It might have been @katydid. She’s really good on the stats. I have some child murder databases on my google drive I’ll try to go look through. This is the only stat I could quickly find and not sure is completely relevant.

A unique pattern of distance relationships exists in child abduction murders. The initial contact site is within 1/4 mile of the victim's last known location in 80% of cases. Conversely, the distance between the initial contact site and the murder site increases to distances greater than 1/4 mile (54%). The distance from the murder site to the body recovery site again decreases, to less than 200 feet in 72 percent of cases.
I'm in the camp that believes TS used murder as a means of covering up abuse, too.

I believe she assaulted GS on Sunday night, and inflicted injuries on him that she could not explain away.
She then decided she needed to make the evidence of her crime, namely, GS, disappear.

Because I subscribe to the theory that TS murdered GS to hide the evidence of her assault against him,
I have a hard time buying into the idea that she then placed him somewhere close to home with the goal of his body being found.

Logically, that makes no sense.

If you're willing to take the extreme measure to kill a child to conceal your abuse of him, then it's unlikely that you're going to place the child somewhere that he's likely to be found.

I'm convinced GS's injuries were such that she could not risk him being discovered, because if his body were to be found, the evidence of the injuries he suffered would be evident.

I've always believed the motive for GS's actual murder was self-preservation.

TS hid him for the sole purpose of ensuring he would not be discovered.

That was the whole point of killing him, i.e., she was desperate to avoid the consequences for her assault.

She had to get rid of the physical evidence.

GS himself was the biggest, most damning piece of physical evidence against her.

She's put him somewhere she thinks he can't possibly be found.

FWIW, I think she's wrong about that.

I still believe his body is going to be recovered. Eventually.

i am a believer G-man will come home to rest too. i’d walk my private property where it in the scope of possibility. i pray every local homeowner/property owner walks theirs regularly.
I also think something big happened Sunday besides her disgusting actions towards G.

Let me put my tin foil hat on for a sec, bear with me.

Does anybody else remember when we first got wind that they were going to release footage, what was shown on the news teaser was the stills during night time that looked like there was a car in the street with the headlights on. I just having this sneaking suspicions that whatever was captured that Sunday night is going to be as important, if not more, than the video of him getting in that truck and never coming back. This is where my hat will come into play. I have always thought the way RD video was released and the reactions from the EPSO was strange, the whole thing was weird to me. I really feel that a news stationed would not release footage from an active investigation when LEO was adamantly asking not to. This is a missing 11 year old child, not somebody stole a couple oz from a pot shop. This may be wayyy out there, but I think the original video that was so important and such a break to the case, wasn't the one of him getting in the truck during the day, but what happened in that driveway the night before. I don't know if something like this is even possible, but maybe media got wind that there was a video, they jumped all over it, LEO and Media went back and forth until they chose a video to release that would do the least amount of damage to their case. Give the media info to give the public and they get their clicks and LEO gets continued/renewed interest in the case and shake the crap out of the suspect. Or the Media was like were gonna release some video, which one would you rather have out there.
I always thought it was strange that when they were giving previews to the upcoming video, they were at night, then when we finally see it, it was during the day. Maybe it was just bad editing, or a switch in what they were to show everybody. I think when trial comes, we will find out that RD camera picked up so much more than we could imagine, and I think a huge part will be on that video from Sunday night.

Ok, Ok. Putting my tin hat back up. LOL

Not so far fetched. Watch the interview with Heidi Broussards husband Shane. We now know that he was privy to way more details (as he should be) then the public. His video's made him appear guilty to some, but he had been fed lines by LE.
LE is the one in charge, without a doubt, the media know that and while they skirt boundaries per se I don't think they will ever do anything that would jeapoardise the safety of a child.
As we saw, with a short time LS was ready to explain away the footage. They gave her something she could talk about because we know she loves to talk and so do LE. They had at that time spent more time with her than we realise.
It was a classic exercise in baiting and she fell for it hook line and sinker.

RD has been very particular about the fact that his video picks up sound. I am 100% certain they released what they needed to get her to talk. If we ever see all of the video I think it will show this started well before 10am Monday morning when sweet Gannon hopped in that truck never to come home. JMO
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