Found Deceased CO - Gannon Stauch, 11, Colorado Springs, El Paso County, 27 Jan 2020 **ARREST** #43

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Thanks. It’s so hard for me to remember posters names or how to go back and find a post to quote it.
This case has me so intrigued. She is so dumb on one hand and so evil on the other. I can certainly imagine her abusing Gannon (daily) but I can’t understand the need to kill him to cover it up. A few years in prison versus life without parole must have never crossed her mind.

I really believe this wasn’t her first time to hurt him badly. I also believe she hated him and was jealous of him. But I can’t get over her killing that precious boy.

I wish there was a way to make these killers talk and tell the whole story, the true story. there is so much we may never know. Generally when
someone like her decides to talk, its a story told their way and it’s all lies. :(
Since we know she lies, the trial will hinge on what they can prove.
Thankfully with his body found, Gannon may be the best witness to what he suffered !
Older, healing injuries are going to be evident as well.

And the prosecutor will have to weed out her gleeful fantasies. Smh.
Only this perp and those who think like her would describe hurting a child and even killing him was in any way 'gleeful'.
Some strange people out there.

The perp mentioned his blood on the woodworking tools, and it's not a stretch by any means to think that any amount of injuries could have been inflicted by TS in a rage.

Re. lavender bolded :
Let's hope so.

Somehow it's not promising--- if someone is not cooperating (as the AA indicated) before; there's not going to be much to change their mind now.

Except someone is coming of age in a few weeks and could then face possible charges, as was helpfully pointed out in the post that needed no bolding. ;)
The actual trial is so far away and we will likely hear so many rumors of HH and what her plans are as far as her cooperation. I doubt DDA Allen will tell us anything.

I am hoping there is something good and decent inside her that will cause her to just sit with LE and answer questions truthfully. Maybe she doesn’t realize that her answers would be crucial to finding the truth.
Just living daily with someone and knowing their routines can give LE a lot of answers.

I wonder if AS had to be gone a lot due to his job and it left him clueless.
I also wonder if he was fed up with life having to be about her one hundred percent of the time. She was certainly high maintenance.

He did say he gave more to her than anyone. I can’t imagine his anger and guilt right now.
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Out of curiosity, what are the chances her attorney says they have to roll with this Eguardo thing throughout the trial? That's the statement she gave police on record, so isn't their best defense to embrace and own it?

I would assume her attorney knows she's guilty and crazy and won't plea out. Why not just stick with the facts your client made up, lose the case, and move on with your lawyering life?
That is exactly what Frazees attorneys did.
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Do we have a consensus here that she'd been planning to murder Gannon for a while? That she knew her and Al were over so this was like her psychopathic version of cutting up all of her soon to be ex's nice suits? Or that Gannon did something to set her off and it was a rage attack?
I think there was a rage attack Sunday night, and the murder on Monday was to cover her abuse.
Responding to this from Love Never Fails:
"That’s where I am at right now. I can’t argue with LE findings at all but the timeline doesn’t make sense to me. Now they have the body, they maybe able to determine a lot more. And maybe HH has had time to absorb the enormity of what her mother has done and maybe she can talk with LE and help with the timeline."

One finding from LE that I have the most trouble with is the blood found on the back of LS's car. They found blood on the rear bumper and on the step plate bumper, but not in the trunk. They believe this blood came to be there as a result of her putting Gannon's body in the trunk. They noted that where her rear bumper was, was right over where the blood on the garage floor was found. So, according to this we must believe that blood somehow left his body (or the suitcase or garbage bag or whatever she had him in or didn't have him in) while she transferred him from the floor to the trunk, but somehow no blood dripped onto the trunk itself? How likely is that? Perhaps she had the entire trunk covered with plastic but missed the bumper? I suppose that's possible, but how likely is it that she managed to get blood on the back seat, a front seat, the glove compartment, the bumper, the step plate, but not the trunk itself? Even with the plastic, she was moving so fast and so frantically, it just doesn't seem likely that the place where he was most present would be the cleanest. Especially if she left him there overnight and throughout the day Tuesday, then removed him in the dark of night. Just seems hard to envision being so sloppy everywhere else but not there. Even if she used plastic, at some point she had to remove it without anything dripping off it

I agree with you the complete lack of blood in the trunk area is a puzzle. But IF GS was killed away from the house, dumped, and then retrieved in the SUV no sooner than the next day, why would the blood that was found in the garage and on and in the SUV be there at all?

It's possible the blood on the SUV was transfer from TS's clothes or person. If the AA discussed the blood pattern of the car blood I don't recall it. But obviously TS wasn't drenched in blood when the step-daughter came home. And that wouldn't explain the blood on the garage floor.

I know very early on we discussed the horrifying possibility GS had been left somewhere on Monday midday mortally wounded and she went back the next day, found him alive and finished him off. That wasn't ever likely to me and now that we know how much blood was in the house, I don't think that's at all possible. Even if the blood loss wasn't quite as severe as it sounds like it was, no way he could have survived a cold night (temperatures in the 20s) having lost significant blood. So it can't be that the car got bloody the next day because he didn't die until the next day.
She could have pulled the bed out, initially, in order to attack Gannon by blunt force. Then she realizes the clean-up problem and takes him (medicated on something and likely poisoned with something like Epsom salts) to the truck, probably says they are going to the doctor.

Ultimately, after he doesn't die in the truck nor can she find a place where she can shoot or bludgeon him out in public. Not surprising that she can't find a suitable place.

To her, not getting caught is the Theme of Life. She's used to breaking ordinary rules and some laws.

This is such an extraordinary departure from her prior behavior, in any case. There's something we don't yet know about what was going on between her and AS that made her think this was what she wanted to do.
Perhaps the blood transferred to the bumper not from Gannon's body, which was secured in trash bags and suitcase; but from T, her clothes or her shoes, as she arranged and hid the suitcase.

I thought about that and it makes more sense than the idea that it originated from Gannon himself. But then one could argue that the blood got there (on the outside of the car) not from transferring him, but from the clean up of the rooms.
Is Colorado one of those states where, if the defense is going to involve naming another suspect, they have to declare that and convince the Judge (with their own affadavit) before the Judge will allow it?
I may be mis-remembering, but I thought the job she "lost" was one that she didn't actually have yet. I thought it was a job offer or a position she was being considered for, but they rescinded the offer after finding discrepancies in her resume/history or something.
Yes, she was apparently attending the orientation. I'm just not sure where the "assistant" came from but it's probably not important.
There seem to be some inconsistencies regarding when she was actually told she was not being hired for the position.
That's the part I'm curious about, since if she knew this on Friday it might play a role in what happened that weekend.
She mentioned something about being upset and crying that weekend after hearing about the death of Kobe Bryant.

I'm wondering if the real reason she was upset was because she had lost the job she was expecting to start on Monday.

But I do think her life had started to fall apart in the days or months before the murder. There were problems with the marriage, and her googling suggests she wanted to put the old life behind her and start a new one.

I also think there was a great deal of anger and resentment towards her husband, LH, Gannon, and her present situation.

Agreed, a poster pointed that out.

The AA verified that there were two trips to Petco; but not what was purchased.
Safe to assume it could have been related to disposing (sorry I hate to type that) of poor Gannon's remains.
Again I'm thankful that he can be buried with respect.

Letecia shared, that SHE told LE about the Petco trips and even provided receipts for her purchases. I can't recall if it was the Leigh Egan or DWAP interview?
Because of this, I suspect her purchases were mundane and unrelated to Gannon's murder. The Petco stops were for another purpose, which in IMO, might have been to leave & pick-up Gannon's phone to avoid tracking.
Someone please help me with some dates.

When does LS say she took lie detector?

Looks like she called for results on 2/18? Her 4th question was about the murder of little Gannon.

But she wasn't arrested on murder until early March, right???
I’m already six pages behind on the new thread. And I apologize if these questions have been asked and answered—in some threads I have had to skip pages to catch up. Sorry.

I ask these questions because I do not have a good rendering of either the pic of Gannon in the bed that Monday morning, or the video of the pickup leaving the house later that morning and its return.

The photo of Gannon in the bed Monday morning: Can you tell for sure it is Gannon? And if so, is he positioned in such a way that a head injury could be concealed? Or does he appear unharmed.

The video: Is there any possibility Gannon did not get in the truck and leave with TS? If someone got in the truck with TS, could it have been Gannon’s little sister being taken to school or something? Could it be nobody, or somebody else?

Is it true TS came back in the pickup alone? (If she indeed had someone with her when she left?)

If Gannon never left the house on Monday, I think everything else pretty much fits.
Do we have a consensus here that she'd been planning to murder Gannon for a while? That she knew her and Al were over so this was like her psychopathic version of cutting up all of her soon to be ex's nice suits? Or that Gannon did something to set her off and it was a rage attack?

I believe all of it was totally premeditated.

Imo this was a diabolical revenge murder. She used precious Gannons murder as a way to stab his dad in the heart knowing he will never heal.

There isnt anything any little 11 year old boy could do that caused this wretched woman to kill him. He was the tool she used to get revenge against his dad, and mom.

This isnt the only female murderer who has done this. The offenders have been both bio moms, stepmoms, and girlfriends or exes.

She could have pulled the bed out, initially, in order to attack Gannon by blunt force. Then she realizes the clean-up problem and takes him (medicated on something and likely poisoned with something like Epsom salts) to the truck, probably says they are going to the doctor.

Ultimately, after he doesn't die in the truck nor can she find a place where she can shoot or bludgeon him out in public. Not surprising that she can't find a suitable place.

To her, not getting caught is the Theme of Life. She's used to breaking ordinary rules and some laws.

This is such an extraordinary departure from her prior behavior, in any case. There's something we don't yet know about what was going on between her and AS that made her think this was what she wanted to do.

I don't think LS pulled the bed out prior to assaulting GS. The police entire theory that LS moved the furniture after the murder to clean up the evidence is based on evidence found on LS phone. This evidence included a photo of GS in bed on Monday morning and where the bed is located closer to the wall -- same position AS described as the normal layout of GS bedroom.
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I agree with you the complete lack of blood in the trunk area is a puzzle. But IF GS was killed away from the house, dumped, and then retrieved in the SUV no sooner than the next day, why would the blood that was found in the garage and on and in the SUV be there at all?

It's possible the blood on the SUV was transfer from TS's clothes or person. If the AA discussed the blood pattern of the car blood I don't recall it. But obviously TS wasn't drenched in blood when the step-daughter came home. And that wouldn't explain the blood on the garage floor.

I know very early on we discussed the horrifying possibility GS had been left somewhere on Monday midday mortally wounded and she went back the next day, found him alive and finished him off. That wasn't ever likely to me and now that we know how much blood was in the house, I don't think that's at all possible. Even if the blood loss wasn't quite as severe as it sounds like it was, no way he could have survived a cold night (temperatures in the 20s) having lost significant blood. So it can't be that the car got bloody the next day because he didn't die until the next day.
Your last paragraph isn’t how I see it. I do believe she severely injured him Sunday night and then finished him off on Monday while they were shopping. I believe she hid his body somewhere and went back home and sent the girls out while she cleaned and sent HH a text to get more supplies (I think it was vinegar and baking soda). I think she moved his body Tuesday evening and when she left town I think she had the body in the trunk of her rental or in the moving van.

I am assuming she is so controlling and manipulative that if anyone asked her what all she was moving or why a suitcase was in the trunk she talked a mile a minute and cut them off. She does that.

If DDA Allen goes to trial with the story that Gannon was killed at home, I will accept it. They know a lot more than the AA tells us.

LS has a rap sheet. She doesn’t respect nor like LE. She has always thought she is smarter and can outtalk or manipulate anyone into believing her. With some of her past charges, I would say she was even able to convince some judges that things just weren’t her fault.

The above is just my theory for now. She is capable of anything and at this point, nothing would surprise me.
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I’m already six pages behind on the new thread. And I apologize if these questions have been asked and answered—in some threads I have had to skip pages to catch up. Sorry.

I ask these questions because I do not have a good rendering of either the pic of Gannon in the bed that Monday morning, or the video of the pickup leaving the house later that morning and its return.

The photo of Gannon in the bed Monday morning: Can you tell for sure it is Gannon? And if so, is he positioned in such a way that a head injury could be concealed? Or does he appear unharmed.

The video: Is there any possibility Gannon did not get in the truck and leave with TS? If someone got in the truck with TS, could it have been Gannon’s little sister being taken to school or something? Could it be nobody, or somebody else?

Is it true TS came back in the pickup alone? (If she indeed had someone with her when she left?)

If Gannon never left the house on Monday, I think everything else pretty much fits.
Gannon left the home Monday morning. He is on video getting into truck with LS. He looks ill or drowsy.
I believe all of it was totally premeditated.

Imo this was a diabolical revenge murder. She used precious Gannons murder as a way to stab his dad in the heart knowing he will never heal.

There isnt anything any little 11 year old boy could do that caused this wretched woman to kill him. He was the tool she used to get revenge against his dad, and mom.

This isnt the only female murderer who has done this. The offenders have been both bio moms, stepmoms, and girlfriends or exes.

I’m with you on this one. I do believe she premeditated this and thought about it for awhile. She was full of rage and yet, I don’t think this killing was spur of the moment just to cover a one time abuse.
I believe all of it was totally premeditated.

Imo this was a diabolical revenge murder. She used precious Gannons murder as a way to stab his dad in the heart knowing he will never heal.

There isnt anything any little 11 year old boy could do that caused this wretched woman to kill him. He was the tool she used to get revenge against his dad, and mom.

This isnt the only female murderer who has done this. The offenders have been both bio moms, stepmoms, and girlfriends or exes.


I tend to think more revenge than rage too, based on how things are lining up. Reminds me of Brandi Worley killing her kids the day after her husband filed for divorce. She didn't try to get away but yeah, lots of examples of jaded spouses out there.
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