Found Deceased CO - Gannon Stauch, 11, Colorado Springs, El Paso County, 27 Jan 2020 **ARREST** #45

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BBM I think AS was confusing lust with love. IMO
I totally agree with your last statement.
I think LS ruled that household and I wonder if she allowed Gannon and his Dad any alone time. If LS was abusing Gannon in any way, maybe he would have told his Dad about it during a father/son fishing trip, camping trip, etc. IMO

I think Landen basically had to say she trusted LS. People could start pointing fingers and asking questions as to why her kids were living with someone she never trusted. It's a no-win situation for Landen. IMO
I agree with this.
Search continued for 11-year-old Colorado boy Gannon Stauch on Thursday

Just think, during this interview G’s body was probably only a few feet away in that moving van. I pulled this up to try and get a closer look at her fingernails, as I noticed on a picture with HH that her nails were extremely short stubs. They looked like the nails of a guy I know who has a problem with biting his nails down to stubs.

Also, it’s interesting how HH says she was NOT on the hike Sunday evening. How easy it would have been for TS to just push him off a cliff, unless other people were around, and we know from online photos posted by other hikers nearby, that was the case.

Also I was noticing in the extremely short nail pic with HH and the little sister just how much she looks like her mom LH. They could be twins. That HAD to bother TS.
BBM I think AS was confusing lust with love. IMO
I totally agree with your last statement.
I think LS ruled that household and I wonder if she allowed Gannon and his Dad any alone time. If LS was abusing Gannon in any way, maybe he would have told his Dad about it during a father/son fishing trip, camping trip, etc. IMO

I think Landen basically had to say she trusted LS. People could start pointing fingers and asking questions as to why her kids were living with someone she never trusted. It's a no-win situation for Landen. IMO
I agree with this.
No. I think she was in a rage.

She didn’t just kill him, as much as she destroyed him. I think the autopsy results are going to be shocking.
Yes, I’m not sure I’m ready to hear the ways she killed him. All of the evidence will be hard to hear. And if they bring in people who knew her and her background it will be hard to hear. I’m not sure AS will be able to bear it.
Good morning, friends...

Here for Gannon!
MOO think possibly she moved him out of the house on Monday while HH and youngest were at Dollar General.
Since the shadow was pointed out, I have believed he returned home and was killed right after returning. I have puzzled how he was taken out of the house.

MOO LS is especially bold and dumb, but it is still hard to believe she would invite police to search a house with a body in it.
But taking him in a suitcase to hide it some where close along a road for the night seems like her MO.

My suspicion is that she hid the suitcase along the road on a route to the airport on 1/27 before 6pm.
The search at Big Johnson Reservoir which is between
Lorson Ranch and the CS Airport was large, and in full swing by Thursday Feb 6th.
That search included dogs and underwater drones.
I think by that Feb 3 week they had the Tiguan locations.
It will be something to hear what the neighbors videos show of her vehicles on Sunday night.
A lot of ppl are questioning LH's "trust" statement. This is how I take it, MOO, JMO, IMO

I know ppl, specifically women, whom I wouldn't trust around my husband. My own sister is one of those kinds of women. BUT I would trust her with my kids' safety. Being a (insert your own word/phrase here) doesn't automatically make a woman a bad person OVERALL.
But, I also have an uncle whom I wouldn't leave alone with a kid (male or female) for two hot seconds. And if I ever made that mistake, there's no way on Earth I could ever truthfully say "I trusted him" unless the rest of that sentence was "to ruin this kid".
I have friends who I would trust with my life if I needed someone to make to right call on whether or not to pull the plug, but I wouldn't leave 50¢ on the coffee table in front of them if I wanted it to be there when I came back.
Basically, there different levels and types of trust. LS probably came across as someone you couldn't trust with your guy, but who would go the ends of the Earth for your kid.
Plus, it's being said that LS and LH were weren friends before LS took up with AS. So maybe LH really did trust her as far as the kids were concerned.
The fact that the courts gave custody to AS and LS speaks to that. If LH had any concerns she could have pushed the issue in family court possibly had the children awarded to one of her own family members or one of AS family members that she felt comfortable with. I haven't heard anyone saying they tried to get the kids, or they never felt right about LS etc, so I really don't think this was some ongoing animosity toward Gannon. Not like ongoing abuse or some murder "plot" per se.
Ok I'm rambling...the point it I think LH was being completely honest when she said she trusted LS (at least as far it concerns the kids.)
I cannot imagine different levels of trust. Either I trust you or I don’t. And I don’t trust easily. And very few would I trust with my children. I’m a private person and in this day and time everyone should be vetted.
I have wondered in the area where Landen and LS were from if everyone knew everyone else. I just wonder a lot about all the backgrounds of the adults in this case but I know if it is important, it will be brought into the trial.
Going to be some fireworks I bet.
Does anyone know why it took LE 3 HOURS to come out to house when a little boy is reported missing? That’s scary. Unless, TS was acting like it was no big deal and that she just called to have it registered as a report in case AS asked. Which, if true, should have sent up red flags to LE. Also, if after a door to door of neighborhood, LE found out that she never bothered asking neighbors if they saw him. More red flags. It’s not like he was 16 or 17. He was a little boy. I’m shocked they didn’t send someone out immediately. Anytime I’ve ever called the cops for any reason, they’ve always sent someone out immediately, whether it’s for kids drag racing down the street or a suspicious vehicle parked nearby, literally anything. It’s almost like she said, “Hey don’t bother coming out. Just wanted to call in case husband asks.”
I had the same question a few threads back. It is common for LE to handle other calls before a run away. This was discussed here.
Apparently three hours is a short time in some places and likely depends on what the caller says. I’m sure LS was calm about the whole thing. She knew he wasn’t going to be found.
Does anyone know why it took LE 3 HOURS to come out to house when a little boy is reported missing? That’s scary. Unless, TS was acting like it was no big deal and that she just called to have it registered as a report in case AS asked. Which, if true, should have sent up red flags to LE. Also, if after a door to door of neighborhood, LE found out that she never bothered asking neighbors if they saw him. More red flags. It’s not like he was 16 or 17. He was a little boy. I’m shocked they didn’t send someone out immediately. Anytime I’ve ever called the cops for any reason, they’ve always sent someone out immediately, whether it’s for kids drag racing down the street or a suspicious vehicle parked nearby, literally anything. It’s almost like she said, “Hey don’t bother coming out. Just wanted to call in case husband asks.”
In Arvada (which I always saw as Denver) my niece was talked to through the bedroom screen one night. She came screaming out of the room. It took LE four hours to come to our home.
I thought the same but then remembered that that comment hasn't been verified by LE to be a true accounting of a verified employee. So if the petco employee ever gets on the stand, then we will know its what really happened. I have to admit reading that at first gave me pause.
Right now very little is being verified by LE. They are keeping way more close to the best.
Oh, the premeditation is clear from that Google search alone (track his phone).

She likely made it in the parking lot of the Petco, and it set the stage for the runaway story. She was going to kill him, and figured she had the perfect way to misdirect law enforcement.
Even her great plan was started with a seriously flawed google search. It does not sound at all like an emotional 11 year old boy. He’d more likely be googling “how can I tell my dad my stepmom is mean”. Not to mention a good number of runaways actually want to be found and it’s just a cry for attention...they would want to have their phone and be tracked. Not true of seriously abused or sexually abused runaways....but then LE would really want to grill LS in what led up to the “runaway”. From inception her plan was full of humongous holes.
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Can we talk about why Petco employee #1 remembered her? Is that in MSM?

What's weird about that stashing the phone at Petco between trips theory is that the Gannon phone search “can my parent find my cell phone if it's off” didn't occur until after she made her second trip. Wouldn't you check that first before stashing a phone, katydid? I know I would. moo

Released affidavit reveals information on Gannon Stauch murder
But I think that search for “can my parent find my cell phone if it's off” was a staged one, and was only done to make it look like G ran away.

I don't think Tee needed to ask that question. She already knew the answer. She was a member of several True Crime forums and had followed many cases herself, in which cell phones were tracked by LE.
Hi. I did not say she was intentionally starving him. More like neglect, like a teen mom more interested in playing video games than shopping for fresh food and cooking. You know, like those uneducated young mothers who feed their kids fast food most of the time instead of cooked fresh food. I could definitely see T being more interested in her own hobbies than in cooking for them. And feeding them once a day instead of 3x, bc it’s “a major hassle to deal with.” In fact she googled that she was “so over taking care of the step kids.” And she was so proud of taking him to Burger King she must have mentioned it 10 times. Not taking the time to shop for and prepare proper healthy food is just one form of neglect.
It was interesting that she kept 'boasting' about going to get them Burger King, like that was some amazing mothering or something.

Just like she thought the candle wax tape was going to show her sensitive mommy side. :confused:
Even her great plan was started with a seriously flawed google search. It does not sound at all like an emotional 11 year old boy. He’d more likely be googling “how can I tell my dad my stepmom is mean”. Not to mention a good number of runaways actually want to be found and it’s just a cry for attention...they would want to have their phone and be tracked. Not true of seriously abused or sexually abused runaways....but then LE would really want to grill LS in what led up to the “runaway”. From inception her plan was full of humongous holes.


Of course it was, on account of TS is a moron.

I would say she's a total birdbrain, but that would be an insult to birds.

To the rest of us, TS's words and actions are utterly damning.
To her, they appear to be the perfect foil…she actually thinks she's concocted a believable story.

The fact that the people closest to her have probably never confronted her with her unending stream of lies has likely further fostered this false self-belief in her ability to successfully deceive others.

Her thinking is warped, and her sense of perception completely distorted.

Hubris and Moronity are never a winning combination…as TS is about to discover.

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I hope I’m not violating policy, but knew you’d all be interested to see 2 new pics. They’re not MSM so I don’t have a link but I’m sure googling will locate them. One is a clearer colored pic of Gannon in bed that Monday morning that was in the AA. The other is a candle and spilled wax. I somehow never believed there was any candle incident since she never said the word candle in that heart wrenching “accidental” video she posted making Gannon pinky swear it wasn’t on purpose. I’ll report myself just in case this isn’t allowed.

Thanks for your inquiry before posting as the same pics were posted earlier and removed for violating TOS. Tricia trying to verify.
Hey everyone,

We are trying to verify the picture that you all keep posting and we have to keep removing.
The pictures was sent to a YouTube host. The host said it just showed up in her email.
Please stop posting this picture. We have no idea if it is legit. We are trying to find out now. Until then please do not post ANYTHING unless it is from a mainstream media source.
Thank you,
So she puts him in the back of her Tiguan, likely in a suitcase. She calls the police, but they don’t look inside the car.

The next morning she goes to the airport to pick up Al, and leaves her car there (with Gannon’s body) and she rents the Kia.

She comes back later that night, picks up her Tiguan, and drives Gannon’s body to the dumpsite.

The body remains there until she returns in yet another rental car (the Altima rented by her aunt), and gathers his body.

It’s a guessing game from this point, but I guess she put the suitcase in the back of whatever vehicle she used to travel to Florida.
If Gannon was in the trunk while LE was at the house, she must have had a lot of confidence in her plan. I don’t know whether that indicates stupidity or brazenness or a lot of both. The way her family rallied and helped her get out of town has me thinking they’ve been enabling and/or covering up her lies and criminal behavior for years.
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