Found Deceased CO - Gannon Stauch, 11, Colorado Springs, El Paso County, 27 Jan 2020 *Arrest* #52

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I see.
Well, murder is usually a culmination of long history of abuse in cases concerning children.
Especially stepchildren.

I can't imagine she treated him very well. I think she was resentful that her marriage was falling apart and she unleashed her rage on Gannon. Maybe in her warped mind she blamed him, or thought that killing him would be a way to get back at AS, LH, or both.

We may never know her true motive but I wouldn't be surprised if she made life miserable for Gannon, especially when his father was away.
Maybe she really is insane. Nothing she's done is normal.

I don't care if she ends up in prison or in a psyche ward somewhere--as long as she never sets foot in public again.

IMO she’s not insane. Twisted, yes, but not insane. She demonstrated consciousness of guilt and came up with multiple stories to explain away the wounds she gave to Gannon. When she was interviewed by LE, she knew enough to stuff the tissues she was using into her pants, which I assume the genius did because she thought it would prevent them from getting her DNA. She was lucid enough to realize she needed to get out of town with the remains.

She’s just the usual, not very bright, sociopathic criminal who is malingering to avoid going to trial.
She is certainly a woman with issues.

Schools where she worked as a teacher terminated her employment - which says a lot in my opinion.


"Al frequently traveled out of town on National Guard training exercises. He was out of town on the day of Gannon’s murder. And an increasingly frustrated Letecia found herself left as the only adult caretaker for Gannon, Laina, and Harley — her 17-year-old daughter from a previous marriage. Al was in Oklahoma when Gannon died."

"Particularly damning Google search phrases included: “Why shouldn’t my husband choose me over his family?” and “I’m over doing everything for my stepkids.”

Reading these posts and so many others before this just reinforces that Gannon suffered so very deeply! My heart breaks for the pain this child suffered! May the person who caused this terror and inflicted this pain on this family be convicted! Time to enforce justice and stop delaying this!
I was in Colorado last week visiting family. I drove through Colorado Springs, saw the signs for Garden of the Gods, was in Manitou Springs and saw the Incline. I saw the PetSmart, the roads, the parks. All places that we talked about, scoured online, for months looking for Gannon. I can't describe the feelings that came up when I saw the actual places where it all happened. I had a hard time being there. My stomach hurt. My heart hurt. All I could think of was Gannon, that he had been there, that he saw these places, that he had no idea what was coming. It was very difficult.
I was in Colorado last week visiting family. I drove through Colorado Springs, saw the signs for Garden of the Gods, was in Manitou Springs and saw the Incline. I saw the PetSmart, the roads, the parks. All places that we talked about, scoured online, for months looking for Gannon. I can't describe the feelings that came up when I saw the actual places where it all happened. I had a hard time being there. My stomach hurt. My heart hurt. All I could think of was Gannon, that he had been there, that he saw these places, that he had no idea what was coming. It was very difficult.
I can only imagine. I get teary-eyed just thinking about it. I can't imagine the pain his family feels when they are there. Heartbreaking.
I can only imagine. I get teary-eyed just thinking about it. I can't imagine the pain his family feels when they are there. Heartbreaking.
Did the children stay only with father after the divorce?

He was changing addresses many times due to his military career.
And was away a lot.
So the kids lived mainly with disturbed stepmother.

I was deleted some of my notepad stuff - and found a timeline for Stauch. Thought I would post this before I deleted it. Maybe someone can move it to "somewhere" where it will stay permanently.

SATURDAY before the murder
Jan 25. 12:16pm - 7:58pm. Saturday
T’s Google searches include: military singles, parenting issues, rich guy, someday people will wish they treated you better.

Jan 25. Saturday
Al spent night in Denver.

SUNDAY before the murder
Jan 26 9:25am-9:27am. Sunday
T’s Google searches include: crappy parents, putting nails before kids

Jan 26. Sunday
Al’s flight departs from Denver.

Jan 26. Sunday
T told LE Gannon knocked over candle and burned carpet. Says she met Edguardo that night while driving around a construction site. (Note to self: this is admission she was driving near construction sites or elsewhere that night? Why? What was she doing?)

Jan 26. Nighttime. Sunday
T told Al Gannon up during night with stomach problems.

MONDAY day of murder
Jan 27. 12:09am, 1am, 4:40am, 6:54am. Monday
T Google searches included: son burned carpet, how get rid of smoke, law regarding kids staying at home, suede repair kit, police number

Jan 27. 4:37am. Monday
T. texted her work that her stepdad was killed in car accident and she wouldn’t be at work. Google search of suede repair kit was immediately after sending this text.

Jan 27. 8:13am, 8:17am. Monday
T took photos of Gannon in bed. His Switch is in photos.

Jan 27. 9:56am. Monday
T. locked her phone.

Jan 27. 10:12am Monday
Last motion in house that morning on ADT security.

Jan 27. 10:16am. Monday
T and Gannon leave home in Al’s Nissan Frontier. T. left her phone at home.

Jan 27. 10:37am. Monday
Text sent from Gannon’s phone to HH: T left phone at home.

Jan 27. 11:22am. Monday
T made purchase at Petco, 30-minute drive from home. Gannon not in store video. (Note to self: This time stamp is more than 30 minutes after they left home.)

Jan 27. 12:06pm Monday
Al text to Gannon. No reply until 1:21pm.

Jan 27. 1:21pm. Monday
Gannon’s phone: reply to Al’s 12:06pm text.

Jan 27. 1:22pm. Monday
T’s second purchase at Petco.

Jan 27. 1:43pm. Monday
Gannon’s phone search: Can parent find cell phone if it is off. LIkely T typed it.

Jan 27. 2:19pm Monday
Al’s Nissan Frontier returns home. T exits vehicle. Can’t see Gannon, but LE think he returned.

Jan 27. 2:22pm Monday
ADT motion detected in house. T killed Gannon in his bedroom some point after entering home.

Jan 27. 2:30-3:30pm. Monday
Back door opened and closed 10 times

Jan 27. 2:45pm. Monday
T unlocked her phone.

Jan 27. 3:15pm. Monday
L home from school. T told her Gannon is in her bed, go outside and play.

Jan 27. 3:30-3:42pm. Monday
L seen on video riding bike outside.

The times she was active on her phone: 3:41 p.m., 3:42 p.m., 3:43 p.m., 3:44 p.m., 3:45 p.m.
Jan 27. 3:41, 3:42, 3:43, 3:44pm. Monday
T texting on her phone. Re headphones for Al?

Jan 27. 3:55pm. Monday
Al texted Gannon. (Text not read until 6:40pm)

The times she was active on her phone: 4:11 p.m., 4:19 p.m., 4:20 p.m.
Jan 27. 4:11, 4:19, 4:20. Monday
T texting on her phone. Re headphones for Al?

Jan 27. 4:42pm. Monday
H arrives home in her VW Jetta. Picked up L.

Jan 27. 4:52pm. Monday
T texted H to get carpet cleaner, trash bags, baking soda.

Jan 27. 5:14pm. Monday
Time stamp on receipt showing H purchased items T requested. LE found receipt in T’s Tiguan, and also found airport parking receipt in Tiguan.

Jan 27. 6:55pm. Monday
T reported Gannon missing. She did not go anywhere to look for him.

Jan 27. 7:40pm. Monday
Earlier text from Al (from 3:55pm) read on Gannon’s phone.

Jan 27. 10:09pm. Monday
LE arrive at home. Searched basement bedroom. Bed different than in T’s photos she took that morning. T’s Tiguan parked in garage, backed in. Gannon’s blood was later found below rear-hatch on floor.

After Jan 27. Not sure of date.
Two ransom notes received on LE tip line. (Not considered to be from actual kidnapper.)

TUESDAY, January 28. Day after murder.
Jan 28. 4:00am’ish. Tuesday
T Google searches included: runaway child, flight from OKC to COS.

Jan 28. 5:14am. Tuesday
T text conversation with babysitter. Said Gannon went to the doctor on Monday (no evidence that he did)

Jan 28. 8:17am. Tuesday
T searched, likely regarding rental car.

Jan 28. 8:30am Tuesday
T’s Tiguan entered airport parking lot.

Jan 28. 8:48-8:54am Tuesday
T texted H to pull H’s car into garage (likely to cover blood)

Jan 28. 8:50am Tuesday
T picked up Al at airport in rented Kia.

Jan 28-29 Tuesday-Wednesday
T drove rented Kia Rio 71 miles. T told Al her Tiguan was near elementary school.

Jan 28. Tuesday
Al allowed LE to search house.

Jan 28. 12:57pm. Tuesday.
T’s Google search: Can Nintendo find my Switch?”

Jan 28. Tuesday
Investigators and Al searched for Tiguan, didn’t find it. It was parked at airport, unknown to them.

Jan 28. 4:04-4:17pm Tuesday
LE got Gannon’s toothbrush for DNA.

Jan 28. 4:18pm Tuesday
T Google searches: Volkswagen, LE wants son’s toothbrush

Jan 28 4:31-4:33 Tuesday
T texted Al that LE hiding something regarding Gannon’s toothbrush

Jan 28. 7:02pm Tuesday
Tigua picked up at airport. (Note to self: T still had rental Kia at this point. Who dropped her off at airport to get Tigua and where was the Kia?)

Jan 28. Evening. Tuesday
T disconnected her phone.

Jan 28. 8:08-8:18pm. Tuesday
T’s Tiguan at King Sooper’s parking lot.

Jan 28. 9:15-9:30pm. Tuesday
T’s Tiguan in area of Hwy 105/S. Perry Park Road. Stopped for 5 minutes in area where Gannon’s blood on particle board later found on Feb 15. Drove to this location Jan 31 too.

Jan 28. 10:26pm Tuesday
H left home to pick up T at Powers and Carefree.

Jan 28. 10:45pm Tuesday
T texted LE: “What do you want from me...I did nothing….I was told I couldn’t go home to sleep.”

WEDNESDAY, January 29 (two days after murder)
Jan 29. 9:00am. Wednesday
Rental Kia returned. T picked up at airport by someone driving H’s Jetta. H’s cellphone shows she was in area.

Jan 29. 10:00am. Wednesday
T’s scheduled for LE interview. T did not arrive at 10am, but two hours late.

Jan 29. 11:30am. Wednesday
Video shows what looks like T’s Tiguan at car wash.

Jan 29. 12:00pm Wednesday
T drove Tiguan to LE interview. Vehicle was wet and clean. T was evasive before interview, was two hours late for interview. DId not want LE at her home. Brought notes with her. Told new story about being raped at gunpoint by Edguardo, who took Gannon. Edgardo demanded a suitcase. T stuffed tissues down her pants. Said she had chest pain and shortness of breath. LE called paramedics who took her to hospital. T left hospital before end of exam. LE tol her they would collect DNA but she left hospital without telling LE. T made phone call from waiting room. T was picked up by someone and met H a few miles from hospital.

Jan 29. Time? Wednesday
T’s Tiguan and phone seized by LE.

Jan 29. Time? Wednesday
T obtained Nissan Altima that her aunt rented. LE put GPS tracker on it.

Jan 29 2:14pm? Wednesday
Text regarding smoke and blood re: carpet. Hard to be a stepmom (Can’t read affidavit clearly about this - is this the correct date and time?)

Unknown date(s)
T gave false stories to her sister and other family members.

Dates after Wednesday, Jan 29
Jan 30-Feb 1. Thursday - Saturday
T. used rental car of her Aunt Brenda Acguard.

The Spencer interview with her back turned and the entourage waiting was sometime before 3:41pm on January 31st (so BEFORE she returned to the dump site and retrieved Gannon's body in the rented Nissan Altima). The interview is not part of the AA

Jan 31. 4’ish-5:13pm. Friday (4 days after murder)
Rented Nissan Altima returned to area where Gannon dumped.

Feb 1. Saturday
FBI searched Tiguan. Found blood, can’t get DNA.

Feb 15
LE found particle board with blood in Hwy 105/S. Perry Park Road area.

Feb 16. 7:28pm
T told TC she lies to Al because he doesn’t believe anything she says.

Feb 17. 4:11pm
T told someone she will take a lie detector test.

Feb 18. 10:14am and 11:16am
T called fake polography company to inquire about her report. During second follow-up call, T was told her questions were illegal and company would not send her a report.

The cars mentioned in the arrest affidavit are:

Red Nissan Frontier. AS's car.

Black Volkswagen Tiguan. TS's car.

White VW Jetta. HH's car

White Kia Rio. T's rental car.

Silver Nissan Altima. Aunt's rental car.
Thanks for the info @MassGuy.

It really doesn't help people to accurately understand the proceedings when reporters sell the hearing as about a "3rd mental evaluation." It's almost as though the idea of a "sanity evaluation" isn't as newsworthy or as exciting as a 3rd evaluation. And I see one (unanswered) reply to her tweet asks "why have there been 3?" I'm pretty sure the reporter knows there's a difference between competency evals and sanity evals. Hope she makes that clear tomorrow.
Thursday, August 25th:
*Status Conference Hearing (Murder) & Review Hearing (escape) (@ 1:30pm MT) – CO – Gannon Stauch (11) (missing Jan. 27, 2020, Colorado Springs; found Mar. 17, 2020 in Pace, FL., Santa Rosa County) – *Letecia Lynn (or Leann) Stauch (36/now 39) aka Letecia “Tecia” Lynn Hardin (maiden name) & Letecia Lynn Hunt (1st married name) Tiffany Taylor Stauch & Taylor Swift arrested (in Myrtle Beach, S.C. 3/2/20) & advised of charges (3/5/20) & formally charged & arraigned (3/11/20) with 1st degree murder of a child under 12, child abuse resulting in death, tampering with deceased human body & tampering with physical evidence. No plea entered. Held without bond. [see below for re-filed charges]
Charged (re-filed 3/20/20) & arraigned (11/4/21) with 2 counts of 1st degree felony murder (after intent & deliberation), 2nd degree felony child abuse resulting in death, 3rd degree felony tampering with deceased human body, 6th degree felony tampering with physical evidence & 8 counts of crime of violence (special enhancer: firearm, blunt instrument, knife or sharp instrument & causing the death of Gannon). Held without bond. Plead not guilty. On 2/11/22 changed plea to not guilty by reason of insanity.
Charged (filed 5/20/20) & charged (6/5/20) with solicitation to commit escape. $2K bond. Plead not guilty.
Trial was set to begin on 3/28/22 was vacated. Judge suggested trial to start in October, 2022 (6 week trial).
Case & court info from 3/2/20 to 6/9/22 reference post #796 here:

6/9/22 Update: Stauch's current mental health evaluation is expected to be completed by July, so her next status hearing was scheduled for 7/28/22 at 1:30pm & review hearing for escape attempt charge.
7/28/22 Update: Stauch refused to be transported from the jail for her court appearance Thursday & once again did not face the judge or Gannon's family in court. The Judge did say in court Thursday that he was planning to require her to appear until he found the report wasn't ready yet. The mental health evaluation for Stauch is still not ready from the Colorado Mental Health Institute. Judge Gregory Werner recommended that they wait to schedule another hearing until the report is ready so the proper travel arrangements can be made. The defense attorney Joshua Tolini has agreed to wait & said they were expecting the hospital to turn over the test results they already had for the evaluation. The Judge said if the evaluation isn’t done in 4 weeks a show cause hearing could be held, requiring someone (doctor) with the State mental health facility to explain why the evaluation has been delayed. Defense says if they don't have an answer by next Wednesday, 8/3/22, they want to file a "show cause order" served to the State hospital to see why they can't have the testing data & videos. Prosecution DA Michael Allen brought up concerns that this would mean the AG's office would have to get involved & this can get drawn out. Judge's proposed plan to both sides is that they wait until report is in hand & then set a date for 2 weeks after that to give people time to get travel plans in order to come hear the results. The Judge said he will schedule a Show Cause Hearing to ask the State hospital to explain what's taking so long to send some of the elements of the evaluation & finish the report. That will probably take place about 4 weeks out. The Judge said if he doesn't have a report in 4 weeks, he will be asking the doctor in charge why not. The date for murder charge has not been set for the next hearing. A review hearing on escape attempt is set for 8/4/22 at 6pm. 8/4/22 Update: Escape attempt review hearing was rescheduled on 8/10/22.
8/4/22 Update: O-23: Notice of receipt of sanity report & order to set hearing. Status hearing on 8/25/22 & defendant ORDERED to appear in person. Also escape attempt review hearing moved to 8/25/22. 8/11/22: People's Notice of endorsement of witnesses (Dr. B. Thomas Gray, Dr. Loandra Torres & Dr. Naoko Hashimoto).
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