Found Deceased CO - Gannon Stauch, 11, Colorado Springs, Lorson Ranch, El Paso County, 27 Jan 2020 *endangered* #15

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Who’s here for Gannon?!

Your avatar - that is such a beautiful photo of GS. This would be a good photo for BM to use as her profile or cover photo on social media. (sad his face is blocked on her current cover photo)
Playing devil's advocate here. Let's say that you were in TS's shoes right now and you had nothing to do with GS disappearance but everyone is looking at you as a suspect. What would you do differently at this point in the investigation? (I know, acting shady has not helped her at all, but let's just say she is socially inappropriate and innocent).

The only thing I can think of is to be more active in finding GS. Pass out flyers, help in any events and mostly stop talking ill of LH.


Shut my mouth & close all social media accounts.
Shut my mouth & close all social media accounts.
Absolutely! Then you would find me in a heap on the floor. I would feel such a heavy burden of worry and responsibility. I would need help just putting one foot in front of another, and I would need a strong person around me to hear my cries for forgiveness.

If I had to speak publicly, all I would say is, "Find Gannon. Thank you, police officers. Everyone, look for Gannon!"

I honestly don't think she has a circle around her giving her wise advice. I'm not surprised she doesn't have that support system, but it is apparent, imo.

Playing devil's advocate here. Let's say that you were in TS's shoes right now and you had nothing to do with GS disappearance but everyone is looking at you as a suspect. What would you do differently at this point in the investigation? (I know, acting shady has not helped her at all, but let's just say she is socially inappropriate and innocent).

The only thing I can think of is to be more active in finding GS. Pass out flyers, help in any events and mostly stop talking ill of LH.

For starters, i’m not on SM now so I know I wouldn’t be putting in all that negative energy there. Tho admittedly, I would likely be here pleading to all of you for help.
I would definitely be cooperating with LE and not bashing the very people trying to find my son.
I’d be hanging flyers and ribbons in all the places I think my son might go.
Any detail I could remember that I thought would help locate him would go directly to LE.
I definitely would show my face to my son on live TV and plead for him to come home.
Most of all, I really wouldn’t give 2 hoots what strangers think and wouldn’t feel the need to defend myself.

But that’s just me and thankfully I have never been in a parent’s shoes who’s child has gone missing and have never been placed under a microscope.

You know what would prove her to be not guilty of a crime? Finding Gannon. She should be busting her tail trying to find him and hoping against hope that he is ok because 1) it’s the only right thing to do, and 2) the actual evidence should prove her innocence. I’m not seeing any of that - just defensive behavior and a narcissistic personality.

snipped for attention..
''She should be busting her tail trying to find him''
A sit down with GS's dad for a long talk about what they can do would help.
I don't believe SM has stated she is innocent?? Only that she would ''never harm this child''.

And if she is determined to prove her innocence.. release a statement (through a lawyer) with ALL the details of Sunday and Monday. If you're do what you have clear your name.

<mod note: repaired broken quote>
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Absolutely! Then you would find me in a heap on the floor. I would feel such a heavy burden of worry and responsibility. I would need help just putting one foot in front of another, and I would need a strong person around me to hear my cries for forgiveness.

If I had to speak publicly, all I would say is, "Find Gannon. Thank you, police officers. Everyone, look for Gannon!"

I honestly don't think she has a circle around her giving her wise advice. I'm not surprised she doesn't have that support system, but it is apparent, imo.

Playing devil's advocate here. Let's say that you were in TS's shoes right now and you had nothing to do with GS disappearance but everyone is looking at you as a suspect. What would you do differently at this point in the investigation? (I know, acting shady has not helped her at all, but let's just say she is socially inappropriate and innocent).

The only thing I can think of is to be more active in finding GS. Pass out flyers, help in any events and mostly stop talking ill of LH.


At this point? After all of her wildly inappropriate behavior and contradicting statements?

I would sit down with someone more intelligent than I am and explain to them every single second of the timeline from Saturday through Monday. I would be honest and include every detail that I can recall. Then I would have that person write a timeline for me based on my version of events (aka THE TRUTH). After that, I would read the statement on the news, facing the camera, and apologize for my previous behavior - especially to my husband and Gannon's grieving mother. Beyond that, I would do everything in my power to cooperate with investigators and bring Gannon home.
I would love to be a fly on the wall at two locations. The Gannon case command center and the U.S. Army Criminal Investigation Command. The Army has an asset (father) involved in this case (to what degree we do not know). I'm darn sure they are keeping tabs on what is transpiring, even if they are not on the list of involved agencies. Probably getting updates from the FBI. Sometimes I have to sit on my hands when I am not on a "need to know" status on a case.
At this point? After all of her wildly inappropriate behavior and contradicting statements?

I would sit down with someone more intelligent than I am and explain to them every single second of the timeline from Saturday through Monday. I would be honest and include every detail that I can recall. Then I would have that person write a timeline for me based on my version of events (aka THE TRUTH). After that, I would read the statement on the news, facing the camera, and apologize for my previous behavior - especially to my husband and Gannon's grieving mother. Beyond that, I would do everything in my power to cooperate with investigators and bring Gannon home.

Perfectly said. Thank you.
For starters, i’m not on SM now so I know I wouldn’t be putting in all that negative energy there. Tho admittedly, I would likely be here pleading to all of you for help.
I would definitely be cooperating with LE and not bashing the very people trying to find my son.
I’d be hanging flyers and ribbons in all the places I think my son might go.
Any detail I could remember that I thought would help locate him would go directly to LE.
I definitely would show my face to my son on live TV and plead for him to come home.
Most of all, I really wouldn’t give 2 hoots what strangers think and wouldn’t feel the need to defend myself.

But that’s just me and thankfully I have never been in a parent’s shoes who’s child has gone missing and have never been placed under a microscope.


I agree with you on all your points. I think she either is not a very evolved person; meaning that she can only react to what happens to her and she lacks introspection and the ability to consider how she comes across - IMO she doesn't think before she reacts, or she is guilty on some level and we are seeing her poor attempts to deflect suspicion, or some combination of the two. JMO
It seems that when these horrible crimes happen we will all spend a lot of time trying to figure out the mind set of possible perpetrators and it almost isn't possible from a 'normal' person's point of view. The people involved are very hard to understand. MOO
At this point? After all of her wildly inappropriate behavior and contradicting statements?

I would sit down with someone more intelligent than I am and explain to them every single second of the timeline from Saturday through Monday. I would be honest and include every detail that I can recall. Then I would have that person write a timeline for me based on my version of events (aka THE TRUTH). After that, I would read the statement on the news, facing the camera, and apologize for my previous behavior - especially to my husband and Gannon's grieving mother. Beyond that, I would do everything in my power to cooperate with investigators and bring Gannon home.

OMG, can you imagine a real tv interview? Who would be a good person to do the interview? (Sorry i just couldn't help myself.) BTW, I loved your answer/response.
If I never hear about that low quality video of a video again, I'd be okay with that.
Although I do confess, it would be really interesting to have a professional videographer/video editor watch it, and explain what we're actually seeing.


Agree, if only a professional, or better yet group of professionals, could give their opinions on the original video (not a pixilated copy).
Please fact check me, but regarding the suspension of TS's teaching license, it looks to me like AFTER THE FACT she claimed harassment (unsubstantiated) and a military transfer. But the article goes on to say that, after her suspension ended, she took two other positions IN THE AREA. So there must not have been a transfer order, right? That all happened in 2015....

She seems to have a pattern of making things up, to suit herself.

If Gannon somehow left on foot, to go play at an unnamed friend's house AND was picked up by a mystery person in an invisible car AND he ran away, after THREE WEEKS, you'd think she might be worried about him. You'd think she'd feel some ounces of responsibility, if only because he went missing under her watch, both while she was conveniently working out with headphones in the basement AND watching him leave by the side door/gate.

I'm starting to think the Marshall's incident didn't even happen AT Marshall's. A traffic stop makes a whole lot more sense. The keys in HER POCKET, that's an overt attempt to obstruct!!! Guns drawn? Doubt it. Guns visible? Probably. That's where they are, on LE belts, visible. She just doesn't seem bound by facts.

I don't even know her but she exhausts me.

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