Found Deceased CO - Gannon Stauch, 11, Colorado Springs, Lorson Ranch, El Paso County, 27 Jan 2020 *endangered* #17

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The Gate and the Key. Driving us crazy. TS throws out odd bits of info when trying to give excuses for evidence that comes to light. She always over expands on everything she says instead of basic facts. However, there is often a kernel of truth that she uses as her basis, so why do these two things pop out of her mouth?
The Gate - right now the only video evidence we know of is RD’s although there is likely more. That may be the only one she knows of right now, too. She may even have looked around the neighborhood to try and determine line of sight from other videos once this one came out. She’s constantly scheming, rearranging excuses and alibis, to fit the currently known facts. From RD’s house video we can not see the Staunch’s gate, so until she learns of another video, she is making up things that include the gate.
I think, like many others here, that there is blood between the garage and the gate that she is trying to explain away.
She said he was checking the gate. What if he was trying to get away from her after she caused an injury that made him bleed? He ran out there and tried to use the key to open the gate, maybe trying to hide in the backyard.
Maybe she is saying that’s how he left on Monday afternoon after she, (didn’t), drive him home from their errands. He went out the garage, thru the gate to the back and jumped the fence. Because of the truck and car parked in the driveway, this could not be seen from RD’s security footage. This will do until LE confronts her with other video.
The Key - what if he had a key, but she took it from him after he tried to bolt? She said he had the only key, but how likely is that? What if they both had one and she dropped hers wherever she dropped poor Gannon?
By saying there was only one key, she was pre-splaining why there might be a key to their gate if they find the drop site. This would fit with, “he had the only key and he ran away with it”. Is this what they were sifting for?
I just had a thought. Is it possible for that video of Gannon getting into the truck to be changed from nighttime to daylight hours? Maybe lightening it? I know with photographs you can achieve this (although not get a sharp result). For instance, what if that video was from Sunday night and made to look like it was actually daytime?
That would be assuming the neighbor is in on something nefarious. I don't believe that.
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The Gate and the Key. Driving us crazy. TS throws out odd bits of info when trying to give excuses for evidence that comes to light. She always over expands on everything she says instead of basic facts. However, there is often a kernel of truth that she uses as her basis, so why do these two things pop out of her mouth?
The Gate - right now the only video evidence we know of is RD’s although there is likely more. That may be the only one she knows of right now, too. She may even have looked around the neighborhood to try and determine line of sight from other videos once this one came out. She’s constantly scheming, rearranging excuses and alibis, to fit the currently known facts. From RD’s house video we can not see the Staunch’s gate, so until she learns of another video, she is making up things that include the gate.
I think, like many others here, that there is blood between the garage and the gate that she is trying to explain away.
She said he was checking the gate. What if he was trying to get away from her after she caused an injury that made him bleed? He ran out there and tried to use the key to open the gate, maybe trying to hide in the backyard.
Maybe she is saying that’s how he left on Monday afternoon after she, (didn’t), drive him home from their errands. He went out the garage, thru the gate to the back and jumped the fence. Because of the truck and car parked in the driveway, this could not be seen from RD’s security footage. This will do until LE confronts her with other video.
The Key - what if he had a key, but she took it from him after he tried to bolt? She said he had the only key, but how likely is that? What if they both had one and she dropped hers wherever she dropped poor Gannon?
By saying there was only one key, she was pre-splaining why there might be a key to their gate if they find the drop site. This would fit with, “he had the only key and he ran away with it”. Is this what they were sifting for?
He had the only key, dang , he'd be in so much trouble if he lost it. I don't think I'd give the only key to anything to a kid. Just brain is scrambled.
Just an observation albeit probably an old one in comparison to other similar cases. In the Lacy Peterson case...her family was behind Scott and publicly stood by his side. Then, when the case went south regarding his involvement they publicly denounced their support. Neither of these things have happened in this case. No public show of support for the stepmom and no public denouncement of support....again, this case is quite strange regarding public information.

It seems there has been a public denouncement of support for LS, by both LH and AS, given the fact that their interview pleading for Gannon’s safe return was done by them, excluding LS. Along with that, the interview with the family spokesperson was very clear about the support being given to LH and AS, no mention of LS whatsoever.
In my opinion, the family has done a classy job of making their feelings clear without dragging LS through the mud. They’ve let her actions (or lack thereof) speak for themselves.

just my opinion/observation
...or back in the front door at 2:19, imo...
This could be the entire reason for her mentioning the gate. I wonder if they have a garage keypad.

Didn't leave from front video.

Difficult to leave from garage without leaving garage door open?

If lock is on the outside of the gate, maybe her story is that he must have pre-unlocked the gate?

Good morning! Wow a whole thread behind and counting....I apologize as I will likely not ever see most of what I have missed but I have peaked in on any short potty break I can muster and seems there r some differing theories and concerns being brought to light. Hmmm
I, myself, have been stuck on the thoughts of one poster who appears to maybe be close to the investigation. Maybe not. But has me thinking on my long drives to and from work non the less. How could someone possibly have good intentions but cross the boundary of the law when a child is concerned. So far only thing I can come up with is that someone (a close or distant relative(s) or a close friend of any of the parents) was concerned about G for whatever reason. Maybe it was a call G made himself? A plea for help? And they went to get him. Good intentions indeed but crosses the line of the law. Makes me now wonder if there are behind the scenes searches going on now by the ever so quiet FBI somewhere outside Colorado?
Anyway, heading to work and G is always on my mind. Have a good Sunday everyone.
I would LOVE for this to be the case... but what responsible adult wouldn't have come forward by now to say that he is in their possession and safe??
He had the only key, dang , he'd be in so much trouble if he lost it. I don't think I'd give the only key to anything to a kid. Just brain is scrambled.

Mmmmmm, maybe. Maybe not. If he loses the key, you just cut the lock w bolt cutters and buy a new $6 padlock set. Inconvenient, but not the Apocolypse exactly. Sorry, but it’s not THAT big a deal if a kid had the only key. MOO

(Edited to acknowledge slight additional complication if you don’t already own bolt cutters. Trip to Harbor Freight and a $10 bill solves that problem too. :cool:)

In fact, the more I think of it, the more it sounds like the perfect low-risk way a dad who leaves town often could make a little feller feel like a man.
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How are you so sure that those are "real-life shadows? We should see his feet if he stepped out of the vehicle.

So you're saying that someone definitely got out of the truck? There is just no proof that it was Gannon? So it was someone else getting chauffeured around in the back seat? Who could it have been? How and when did this person alledgedly leave the house later that day?

I really don't want to have this argument with you.....again. You seem to have your mind made up about a lot of things. Curiously, you seem to keep arguing in LS's defense.

Do you just like to argue? Or play devil's advocate? True, very little has been "proven" and there are many "possibilities". If this does ever go to trial, we will undoubtedly find out a lot that we didn't know and that "we" were wrong about.

I'm just curious why you seem so hell-bent on constantly pointing out these "unpopular opinions".

I'm totally of the opinion that Gannon did not return home that Monday, that he disappeared while out with LS "shopping." However , the shadow bothers me. It does look to me like it appears, then moves towards the house. Someone has suggested that certain trucks have automatic steps/running boards that fold out when doors open. Does anyone happen to know if that is possible?
Yes. THANK YOU. This is certainly, IMO, "a" reason (if not the reason) TS conjured the gate story.

Regarding speculation of a motive: observations (via MSM video/letter) of TS's distorted and fragile ego lead me repeatedly to GS's phone. Likely ALL communications GS shared with his mom left TS livid. Add to that the prospect of GS informing BM AND BD of TS "freaking out"... = (premeditated) motive. IMO

HERE FOR and heartsick for GANNON and his loved ones.

MOO if a ring on Stauch door, two absences of Gannon woild need explaining, return from shopping and leaving for a friend's.

MOO. He came back with her, something happened and he was taken away in another vehicle when going out to search.

I am looking for the snippet of RD talking about the video the day after it went public, its embedded at the end of one of the news stations evening coverage of the EPSO press conference Feb 4.
Problem with the reporter in this article is saying EPSO didn't dispute RDs description of what purportedly is in the truck video, in fact the EPSO said they were not going to comment and it was part of the investigation.
RDs comments "quoted" in the article needs confirmation as this reporter intentionally mislead with the EPSO "did not dispute."
MOO an old school class editor would fire any reporter who used their own interrogative questioning to be cited as words from someone elses mouth, who in fact answered the question with "I can't confirm" and repeatedly declined to answer questions regarding the truck video content.

Family of missing Colorado boy makes tearful plea after new surveillance video revealed
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How are you so sure that those are "real-life shadows? We should see his feet if he stepped out of the vehicle.

So you're saying that someone definitely got out of the truck? There is just no proof that it was Gannon? So it was someone else getting chauffeured around in the back seat? Who could it have been? How and when did this person alledgedly leave the house later that day?

I really don't want to have this argument with you.....again. You seem to have your mind made up about a lot of things. Curiously, you seem to keep arguing in LS's defense.

Do you just like to argue? Or play devil's advocate? True, very little has been "proven" and there are many "possibilities". If this does ever go to trial, we will undoubtedly find out a lot that we didn't know and that "we" were wrong about.

I'm just curious why you seem so hell-bent on constantly pointing out these "unpopular opinions".


THIS is why I love websleuths. I am open to other opinions offered on these threads.

I believe those shadows cannot be ignored. I don't know for SURE they are not random pixel changes, but I feel they deserve attention and discussion.

Just because it is not a "popular opinion" does not mean it is the wrong opinion.

Thank you ChuckMaureen for thinking outside the box. I too have concerns about that "shadow" and I cannot just ignore it.

I have a very strong feeling SM is involved, but I am not totally convinced as I don't have enough "FACTS". jmo
ITA. That shadow bothers me as well. It is the one thing that does not fit.
The relevant shadows (no, they are not random pixel changes, they are real-life shadows) I focus on appear after the truck returns from the trip. The shadows coincide, indicating a door opening and someone stepping put of the vehicle at the same time. I just can not determine who it is. Assuming it is GS is one thing, knowing it is GS is another.

We may safely assume SM traveled a distance to get rid of somethings, based on recent, intensive, intricate searching. If there were blood stains from GS' injury/ies on carpeting for instance, why drive 40+ miles to dump a carpet? Trash container right there.

And here is the bottom line:

I am not sure if the somethings included GS, and those darned shadows keep gnawing at me. If I ignore the shadows, GS was included in the discard package. If I hang on to the shadows, with assumption, the possibility remains of a still-alive GS returning home.
Then with all due respect what is your logical theory on where he is? I really want to know. You think he ran away? Was abducted? Being held hostage? On foot in that weather wouldn't he have been seen?
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