Found Deceased CO - Gannon Stauch, 11, Colorado Springs, Lorson Ranch, El Paso County, 27 Jan 2020 *endangered* #17

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They have a ring doorbell cam. She needed a way to explain how he left and wasn't captured walking out the front door.

Yes. THANK YOU. This is certainly, IMO, "a" reason (if not the reason) TS conjured the gate story.

Regarding speculation of a motive: observations (via MSM video/letter) of TS's distorted and fragile ego lead me repeatedly to GS's phone. Likely ALL communications GS shared with his mom left TS livid. Add to that the prospect of GS informing BM AND BD of TS "freaking out"... = (premeditated) motive. IMO

HERE FOR and heartsick for GANNON and his loved ones.
2 car garage, a family with three kids, garage space at a premium, I imagine their trash cans easily could be set alongside the house, behind the gate, away from curb view. I can even imagine a scenario where the 11 year old is in charge of getting trash to and from the curb on trash days, man of the house when dad's away. What's troubling to me is that TS volunteers this story, unprompted and with excessive details. Someone upthread aptly described it as not lying so much as overtalking to scramble the listener's brain. We've got the cut and the flowerpot and the edge of a car and a key and repeated gate action. Has to be her pre-splaining evidence because why else would anyone need to know any of that?

Because of the neighbor with the case-breaking video, I bet LE has a wealth of new video bringing much of that Saturday-Sunday-Monday into focus.

Lies won't matter.

I find there's some truth in lies also...makes it easier to keep your story straight when trying to recall it.

Perhaps he was "checking gate" going out a back door to account for blood in the house. Could say "the bandage fell off or became saturated. He was tracking blood all through the house". She doesn't specify he was going out of the garage to check gate, just that she bandaged him there.

Also....injury/cut from dirty tool that's not treated or cleaned properly could lead to sepsis, which could be fatal. It progresses fast. Just a thought.

True, she did not say "he exited from the garage to the gate" but she did imply that once she bandaged his cut and he was "good to go" that then he kept going to the side of the house to check the gate. If she was attempting a "pre-splain" of blood evidence found in the house, she would have mentioned something about the sliding glass door that is the only other exit to the back yard, providing access to the gate. But she didn't.
Uh... 'speculation' follows:

LE holds hope that GS might still be alive, thus, we see this waiting game.

It is not exactly clear, but what is their game plan (not LE's but other individual_s_)? To keep GS away for a while until such a time certain evidence disappears (bruises and/or cuts heal)? No evidence of physical harm, CPS can't take him away? A master plan (insert major eye-roll here), that.

WS's TOS indicates we are not permitted to sleuth family victims, but does that include real property, i.e., houses? I think not, so...

A rental house.

GS bled, according to SM. Is that all? Well. What was damaged in the home that a someone believed might cause a problem with the property owner? Stains? Maybe something else?

Many angles at play in this case.

As LE commented, "a very, very, very large puzzle."

Since my thoughts on what could have happened have mostly gone poof I see your wheels are still turning trying to riddle this out. Whoever would be involved in the hidden away theory would be in deep dodo. Wouldn't that amount to kidnapping in the least in addition to whatever assault injuries were inflicted? Hiding a child until his injuries, that you caused, are healed and no longer visible? What chump could be recruited to participate in such a hoax? And after the child magically appears he has nothing to say about his ordeal? If all parties involved didn't receive jail time I see them having to make restitution for the unnecessary searches and such. Makes me think of the hoax “balloon boy” and the thousands of dollars the parents were fined in addition to their attorney fees.
It would require for KD, AS and Le and Journalists and news stations to be complicit in a lie.
Only way he made it home that day was either dead or unconscious.
I think something happened Sunday night, a mortal wound/poisoning that didn't kill him right away, then on Monday he was dumped, with the help of an accomplice that went along,or met up with her in another vehicle. MOO
Is it a fact that video of Gannon getting into the truck was from Monday? It could be from another day. I believe the neighbor has video incriminating LS, but just not sure Gannon was last seen on Monday morning at 10am. Maybe that’s why he stated AS was crying and said LS lied....maybe AS saw a different video incriminating her. All I know is we don’t even know 1% of what LE knows and that’s good. I just want that sweet boy home. I still have hope somehow.
Trying to sort all this so it makes sense. The problem is we know TS is a liar, but we can't be sure about exactly how much she's lying about, and which parts are true.

TS stated:

"Saturday Night, G [Gannon] was helping me unload in the garage and cut his foot because there are a lot of tools because Albert does woodworking. He sat on the edge of the car and we bandaged it up. He was good to go. He always loves helping his dad in the garage build things like his LEGO tables and the flower pot they built for me as a gift. After this, I noticed G kept going to the side of the house. He told me he was checking to see if the gate was locked because he was the only one with a gate key. It made him proud to be the man of the house while Albert was away. Fast forward, we did a hike on Sunday (cleared), and shopping on Monday (cleared as well for him getting out of the other side).”

Based on what we do know, Gannon would have had to exit the garage into the driveway, and accessed the gate from the outside to "check if was locked"
Here's the gate again, as shown on street view Sept. 2019

View attachment 234091
Source خرائط ‪Google‬‏‏

I've looked at this gate from several different angles and cannot find a lock on the latch at all. I've compared it to the latch on the left side, and to various gates along that road and it looks identical, with no lock. Now that doesn't mean there isn't some tiny little padlock on there that can't be seen, it just means I can't find it.

After a brief chat with hubby, we both agreed that if we had locks on our gates they'd be on the inside of the gate where only we had access. Putting them on the outside of the gate would give anyone access and that doesn't seem like a smart move. Then again, we'd never give a kid in our house the only key to anything, so there's that.

I'm starting to wonder if the key could be what they were sifting for in the snow. But why? Did Gannon take the keys to SM's car for some reason? Is this why she took the truck? MOO
Either a head injury from an accidental or intentional blow which caused a brain bleed or a blow to the abdomen which could rupture in intestine or cause other intestinal bleeding could easily cause progressive symptoms of vomiting, and increasing motor in-coordination etc. Either circumstance could cause death in less than 24 hours.
I had a friend who had a perforated colon from a colonoscopy and she was near death in less than 7 hours. Same condition just different cause.

Thank you for that information. So that internal injury happening the day before is entirely possible. I hope your friend survived her ordeal.
Not nosy. Lock is on outside of gates, key stays in the house. Bought the house 22 years ago and back then they had meter readers come around on foot. Without locks, they could just stroll in and out and maybe not shut the gate good. So it started as safety for my dogs.

We have neighborhood kids that toss their soccer balls in our yard. (We toss them back as we find them.) No way I want the kids retrieving the balls and not securing the gate when they leave, as we have dogs. Our gate is locked.
I'm going on recall here but was there not a patch of stone by the backyard gate? If so would he have walked from the garage to the gate multiple times barefoot/cut foot. I don't have time right this minute to look up the house pic. Anyone??? TIA "If" that is an excuse to explain any blood not plausible to me. IMO
AS has a job at a military base that is higher security (from my experience with family that has worked there) than many of the other bases in town. I think his job/his security clearance/his chain of command could have something to do with him not giving interviews. It doesn't mean he doesn't care or isn't grieving strongly that he hasn't been on TV.
I think AS is in shock too, and doesn't know what to believe. He's been blind sided.
MOO - Regrding the RD video, I think LE didn't want it released straight off because they wanted time to question TS about her comings and goings that day and ofcourse why Gannon appears to not get out of the truck!! It was probably their biggest piece of damning evidence at that point in time. Hopefully they have much more evidence now. At the very least if she lied to them when questioned then they have that also as video evidence now!
The version of the RD video we have seen is such extremely poor quality, I imagine it has to have been taken on lets say a mobile phone camera by a journalist rather than RD actualy handing out a physical or digital copy.

It’s the reason they always stay quiet on what they know. If you’re telling the truth, it doesn’t matter. But if you’re lying, you have no idea what they already know. You’d better get a lawyer or you just might say something stupid enough to convict you. Especially if you can’t stop talking.
I can't shake the impression that the only reason she said that, was to make a show for how adorable she thinks it is that a little kid is the "man of the house" while dad is away. And the fact that she does give the impression (for me anyway) that it's a show, tells me she probably resents Gannon and doesn't find it adorable at all.
But she said it, to attempt to further sell the whole fake picture that Gannon adores her (flower box, just for her) and she adores him (had to look after them cause mom didn't want them).

She's just so full of baloney it's hard to get a feel for what's real and what's a complete lie.
I so agree with this. Her apparent narcissism would make it hard to give Gannon kudos for being "the man of the house".
Morning here’s to hope they find Gannon today this has gone on to long for those poor parents. I’ve got to go back and re read the msm thread to remind myself what’s legit and what’s social media . My hearts broken for the mom landen she’s out there on social everyday pleading for her boy . This is all so sad the person who disappeared this boy really needs karma to bite them in the *advertiser censored* soon moo smo jmo
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