Found Deceased CO - Gannon Stauch, 11, Colorado Springs, Lorson Ranch, El Paso County, 27 Jan 2020 *endangered* #17

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Thanks. And, like others have pointed out, doesn't look like a lock with a key. A padlock is an idea, but why?

I raised sons (and daughter) who were responsible kids....and no way would any of them have the "one" key to anything in the household at age 11.

The key detail is really odd. Makes me wonder if the emphasis should be on how Gannon enjoyed a responsibility while his dad was out of town. I can picture something like that, so perhaps there is a link to that "man of the house" task that we haven't hit upon yet.

I don't have a theory for what happened, because I don't know enough about what kind of accidental abuse would kill a child. IMO the life force is strong and people in the movies/TV unrealistically drop dead at the first blow. Even Patrick Frazee commented that killing Kelsey took more than he expected (paraphrased) and he is an experienced horse and cattle handler (which is where my understanding of life force comes from). It is hard to imagine anyone actively killing Gannon, although I know horrible people kill children every day. Would a kick cause a bleeding spleen or some other internal bleeding that would actually cause him to die during the car ride or did she have to asphyxiate him? I hate to imagine any of this but I wonder if anyone can weigh in on this in a factual way - what could have happened that wouldn't take too much effort? I have a hard time imagining TS really doing anything actively vs. passively. Of course, we don't know, but just trying to theorize what happened. MOO, JMO
Either a head injury from an accidental or intentional blow which caused a brain bleed or a blow to the abdomen which could rupture in intestine or cause other intestinal bleeding could easily cause progressive symptoms of vomiting, and increasing motor in-coordination etc. Either circumstance could cause death in less than 24 hours.
I had a friend who had a perforated colon from a colonoscopy and she was near death in less than 7 hours. Same condition just different cause.
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What I find odd, is it is MY eXperience that
1. when only 2 people are in a vehicle, that both sit in the front of the car
2. when you do pick a seat in a vehicle that you usually stay in that one for the entire trip.

Or do the kids ride in the back all the time for safety? If so, he still got in on the drivers side before the truck left for the day. Why switch to the otherside for coming home?

Just my thoughts this morning.
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Uh... 'speculation' follows:

LE holds hope that GS might still be alive, thus, we see this waiting game.

It is not exactly clear, but what is their game plan (not LE's but other individual_s_)? To keep GS away for a while until such a time certain evidence disappears (bruises and/or cuts heal)? No evidence of physical harm, CPS can't take him away? A master plan (insert major eye-roll here), that.

WS's TOS indicates we are not permitted to sleuth family victims, but does that include real property, i.e., houses? I think not, so...

A rental house.

GS bled, according to SM. Is that all? Well. What was damaged in the home that a someone believed might cause a problem with the property owner? Stains? Maybe something else?

Many angles at play in this case.

As LE commented, "a very, very, very large puzzle."
What I find odd, is it is MY eXperience that
1. when only 2 people are in a vehicle, that both sit in the front of the car
2. when you do pick a seat in a vehicle that you usually stay in that one for the entire trip.

Or do the kids ride in the back all the time for safety? If so, he still got in on the drivers side before the truck left for the day. Why switch to the otherside for coming home?

Just my thoughts this morning.

It is common for children up to a certain age are best placed in rear seating for safety; airbag and windshield impact and fly-through avoidance.

Note that the rear seating in the red truck is bench style, not bucket. One may easily slide from one side to the other without obstruction. So entering on one side and exiting the other presents no hardship for a rear passenger unless the armrest pullout is down (but is easily returned to its storage position) or there are items stored on the other side of the bench or floor board.
Thanks. And, like others have pointed out, doesn't look like a lock with a key. A padlock is an idea, but why?

I raised sons (and daughter) who were responsible kids....and no way would any of them have the "one" key to anything in the household at age 11.

The key detail is really odd. Makes me wonder if the emphasis should be on how Gannon enjoyed a responsibility while his dad was out of town. I can picture something like that, so perhaps there is a link to that "man of the house" task that we haven't hit upon yet.

I can't shake the impression that the only reason she said that, was to make a show for how adorable she thinks it is that a little kid is the "man of the house" while dad is away. And the fact that she does give the impression (for me anyway) that it's a show, tells me she probably resents Gannon and doesn't find it adorable at all.
But she said it, to attempt to further sell the whole fake picture that Gannon adores her (flower box, just for her) and she adores him (had to look after them cause mom didn't want them).

She's just so full of baloney it's hard to get a feel for what's real and what's a complete lie.
Is TS trying to justify him possibly getting out of the passenger side since he immediately wanted to check if the gate was locked once getting out of the car? She was backing into the garage, right? Or did she stop to park and leave the truck in the driveway?
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AS has a job at a military base that is higher security (from my experience with family that has worked there) than many of the other bases in town. I think his job/his security clearance/his chain of command could have something to do with him not giving interviews. It doesn't mean he doesn't care or isn't grieving strongly that he hasn't been on TV.
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What I find odd, is it is MY eXperience that
1. when only 2 people are in a vehicle, that both sit in the front of the car
2. when you do pick a seat in a vehicle that you usually stay in that one for the entire trip.

Or do the kids ride in the back all the time for safety? If so, he still got in on the drivers side before the truck left for the day. Why switch to the otherside for coming home?

Just my thoughts this morning.
That was a pretty big topic of conversation here when the neighbor's video first came out.
Most parents don't let kids of Gannon's age ride up in the front for safety's sake.
A deployed airbag impacts on a child's body in a much different way than it does an adult body, and for that reason alone, safety protocol has kids riding in back.
I would say I live here in the Springs, but a different neighborhood and more north. With it being winter, our windows are normally closed. And I absolutely couldn't hear an argument in someone's home, especially if it happened in the basement. And even more so if we had the TV on, etc. Just my perspective from my home :)

I agree with this. I am also in the Springs, some fifteen miles due north. Despite VERY close neighbors, I rarely hear anything in the winter that isn't other people's dogs barking. When it isn't winter, if we have the air conditioning off and the windows open, we can hear quite a lot. I don't even hear aircraft unless it is late at night, and we are very near the approach to the Colorado Springs airport.
I can't shake the impression that the only reason she said that, was to make a show for how adorable she thinks it is that a little kid is the "man of the house" while dad is away. And the fact that she does give the impression (for me anyway) that it's a show, tells me she probably resents Gannon and doesn't find it adorable at all.
But she said it, to attempt to further sell the whole fake picture that Gannon adores her (flower box, just for her) and she adores him (had to look after them cause mom didn't want them).

She's just so full of baloney it's hard to get a feel for what's real and what's a complete lie.
I totally agree....just curious what are some of the tasks the dad would tell Gannon to do? Take garbage out? Make sure house is secure at night before bed?

I think we're missing something about Gannon's chores or responsibilities that his dad gave him to do - this is one more example of her distancing herself and blaming all activity on someone else.

But....honestly....I don't know. Trying to think of new angle to all this.

Damn the 'shadow'. Since I am unable to verify if it was GS who exited the red truck that Monday and there is no way GS could have left the dwelling later that Monday without being captured on video, I'm convinced he did not return with SM.

I've also found out quite a bit of other information that I can not discuss here but I will comment this: when LE commented this is a "very, very, very large puzzle", they may have been understating.
Welcome to the dark side ;)

Can you provide a link to any article or video that shows RD describing how GS presented in the video, as per his gait, movements, perceived injuries, etc.?

I've never seen nor read any such report. I know what I can see in the video. The video file I have is not of the best quality by any stretch, but it is clear enough to present movements of the individuals involved. For that aspect, fine video detail is not required.

It is amazing how so many people seem to want the video to be a damning piece of evidence that shows an almost-passed-out GS crawling from the house with a bloodied stump and struggling to get off the ground and in to the truck. It just isn't the case.

The video's importance is that it revealed SM and GS left the premises in the truck and SM is seen exiting the vehicle upon return, with only a shadow appearing on the ground along the passenger side at nearly the same time.

Everyone is entitled to their opinion, but I am unable to explain why people state they do not see the shadow or simply outright dismiss it. It's there. It's 'fact' to my own eyes, and I have no problem commenting that I believe LE sees it as well.

Now, given that, I can not definitively state it was GS who exited the vehicle on the passenger side. I suspect LE is also unable to 'prove' it was GS. I have to assume it was GS because I saw him enter the vehicle before they drove away. I believe it is a safe assumption, and will accept the '*advertiser censored* u & me' consequences.

IMO, whatever happened to GS (disappearance) occurred sometime after having returned from the shopping trip.

If I should be proven wrong, I will gladly accept that and be hopeful that whatever the case, justice will have eventually be served for GS and the family, as would be necessary.
It wasn’t just a shadow when he was climbing in to the car. And if you watch it you see black blotches appearing randomly as shadows. I believe LE has plenty of other video of her shopping trip as she will have provided locations to LE. Those videos should clear up where Gannon was during the trip.
I agree with this. I am also in the Springs, some fifteen miles due north. Despite VERY close neighbors, I rarely hear anything in the winter that isn't other people's dogs barking. When it isn't winter, if we have the air conditioning off and the windows open, we can hear quite a lot. I don't even hear aircraft unless it is late at night, and we are very near the approach to the Colorado Springs airport.
Hi @COSCitizen and welcome to WS :)

Can you provide a link to any article or video that shows RD describing how GS presented in the video, as per his gait, movements, perceived injuries, etc.?

I've never seen nor read any such report. I know what I can see in the video. The video file I have is not of the best quality by any stretch, but it is clear enough to present movements of the individuals involved. For that aspect, fine video detail is not required.

It is amazing how so many people seem to want the video to be a damning piece of evidence that shows an almost-passed-out GS crawling from the house with a bloodied stump and struggling to get off the ground and in to the truck. It just isn't the case.

The video's importance is that it revealed SM and GS left the premises in the truck and SM is seen exiting the vehicle upon return, with only a shadow appearing on the ground along the passenger side at nearly the same time.

Everyone is entitled to their opinion, but I am unable to explain why people state they do not see the shadow or simply outright dismiss it. It's there. It's 'fact' to my own eyes, and I have no problem commenting that I believe LE sees it as well.

Now, given that, I can not definitively state it was GS who exited the vehicle on the passenger side. I suspect LE is also unable to 'prove' it was GS. I have to assume it was GS because I saw him enter the vehicle before they drove away. I believe it is a safe assumption, and will accept the '*advertiser censored* u & me' consequences.

IMO, whatever happened to GS (disappearance) occurred sometime after having returned from the shopping trip.

If I should be proven wrong, I will gladly accept that and be hopeful that whatever the case, justice will have eventually be served for GS and the family, as would be necessary.
It wasn’t just a shadow when he was climbing in to the car. And if you watch it you see black blotches appearing randomly as shadows. I believe LE has plenty of other video of her shopping trip as she will have provided locations to LE. Those videos should clear up where Gannon was during the trip.
Regarding the gate business, as far as I can tell there is NO back gate, nor any side gate exit. That's what I was trying to tell everyone when I posted up the pictures from Google Earth earlier. The only gate that I can see opens out on the front of the property facing Mandan Drive directly.

If you look around the neighborhood and even around the corner (Rubicon Drive) and down the street that runs parallel to Mandan (Galpin Drive), you'll see that all the houses appear to share side fences and back fences with each other. So there is a house directly behind the Stauchs' and to either side of them. But no alleyways, no other gates visible except the ones that open out onto the street.

So as far as I can tell, there is no exit from the backyard except through the house and through the gate which is right beside the front garage. There doesn't appear to be a side door to the garage, just the large front garage door and presumably a door that leads you inside the house. Pictures have been uploaded earlier in the thread. But you can look for yourself using Google Earth or Google maps Street view.

My point has always been: there is no way for Gannon to escape the property out the back or to the sides (unless he was climbing fences). Using the gate to escape unnoticed makes no sense at all in the narrative. It's right by the garage door and the front door. It opens out onto the street directly. Where all the surveillance cameras presumably are. Anyone coming to or off the property have to use Mandan Drive.

I hope I am explaining myself better.
Exactly and in view of cameras, yet no film of him running away.
I agree with this. I am also in the Springs, some fifteen miles due north. Despite VERY close neighbors, I rarely hear anything in the winter that isn't other people's dogs barking. When it isn't winter, if we have the air conditioning off and the windows open, we can hear quite a lot. I don't even hear aircraft unless it is late at night, and we are very near the approach to the Colorado Springs airport.

Welcome @COSCitizen. It is so helpful to have local sleuthers join in our conversations. Hope you'll continue to share your perspective of the area.
MOO: As per whether GS was “sluggish” in the RD video. It’s entirely open to interpretation. Differing definitions of “sluggish,” bad video quality, even the power of groupthink could all be factors. I confess I didn’t notice it the first time either. Later, after I saw so many people agreeing, I rewatched and thought he seemed slower too. Then I could rewatch again and convince myself he moved at normal speed. Was it the power of suggestion on this one? I don’t know. But I don’t discount the power of groupthink. We’re all suckers for it by nature. Hope it doesn’t offend anyone. I include myself in there.
I think it’s not a critical point anyway. Unless we know why...injured, hesitant etc. The most damning point is the omission of the trip from the original narrative shared in the “find Gannon” outreach. Moo
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I did as well/ I do still.
A gentle soul but no match for doorstepping media. That Denver paper went to his house, asked his wife where his workplace was, went down there and interviewed him and persuaded him to give them the film.
He was shortchanged and abused.
TS came out and stated he had received 5000$ for the film.
The editor had to make a public statement stating he was not paid.
She immediately tried to discredit him.
Many people did.
It is so unfair.
Another illogical TS lie
I find there's some truth in lies also...makes it easier to keep your story straight when trying to recall it.

Perhaps he was "checking gate" going out a back door to account for blood in the house. Could say "the bandage fell off or became saturated. He was tracking blood all through the house". She doesn't specify he was going out of the garage to check gate, just that she bandaged him there.

Also....injury/cut from dirty tool that's not treated or cleaned properly could lead to sepsis, which could be fatal. It progresses fast. Just a thought.
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