Found Deceased CO - Gannon Stauch, 11, Colorado Springs, Lorson Ranch, El Paso County, 27 Jan 2020 *endangered* #17

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That's what I think I see too, but I never saw anything similar in evidence harvesting or removal?
They would use stronger storage boxes, plastic or something durable for many exhibits..
Unless, it was some type of testing materials, a box of plastic seal able bags or transparencies..

At this stage of the investigation anything , even a pebble is a source for my demented speculation.

for some strange reason, what she’s holding reminds me of those hanger type things, that hold multiple articles of clothing. I feel
Completely crazy but I’ve saw it before but I can’t explain it.
SEARCH FOR #GannonStauch:

It's been nearly one month with no sign of Gannon Stauch. Tonight, we know the metro crime lab was back at his home east of Fountain. The 11-year-old boy disappeared from his neighborhood in late January. #FindGannon

Catherine Silver on Twitter

[nearly] One month. Wow.
Seems just like the other day to me.
Just noticed the collage on today's EPCSO update. Nice touch. Impressive depiction of resources being utilized. Love that the crime lab van in front of the house was included to represent the dual investigations.
It is encouraging to see the massive effort and resources dedicated to finding this boy.

Sleuthing AS is not allowed. You may discuss what has been said in MSM, but no trying to out specifics of his employment or any other aspects of his life.

Posts about the truck at the airport are speculation. When speculation on one specific matter starts to dominate the thread, it ends up being taken as fact. Time to move on from that particular discussion.

Possibly sprinting anywhere he could, out of fear ?
And somehow grabbed the gate and left blood on it ?
There's a reason for there being blood -- in the information TS so helpfully made available.
Maybe she'll do another interview ?
She can't stop adding helpful details that are 'unnecessary' ; at least until more is revealed by LE.

This, or something similar, is why her inexplicable mention of Gannon going to the gate and of Gannon having the key seems key to the investigation. Something obviously happened at the gate and to the key.
Perhaps hew trying to run through the gate to get away from her? Maybe the gate was not always locked and she locked it to keep him from running back there? There's so many possibilities though what could be up with the gate/key.

Does anyone know what time on Sunday night the events she left out of her time occured? Does they coincide with/happen after the times on the video stills? In her interviews there is nearly 24 hours she fails to account for. Sunday afternoon after GoG hike to Monday after school.
Is the daughter's car in the stills? According to TS and her daughter they had BK, later it was the daughter picked up BK and brought it home. Her daughter had already worked that day, but did she leave the house after work to go anywhere aside from BK do we know?

She has a way of talking a lot without saying much. Everything she has said has been so vague and noncommittal. So if pressed she can come back and say, "I never said Gannon cut his foot on a tool. I said that he cut his foot in the garage and that Albert leaves tools in the garage."

Imo there's too many "coincidences" for her not to be responsible. Albert being gone, Gannon's "accidents", his stomach ache, staying home from school, the outing with a sick kick, etc. If none of these or only one of these things had happened that weekend I might be inclined to entertain the idea he was abducted or had run away. But all this out of the ordinary occurs all weekend and then he disappears.

Sorry this is getting so long, I'm just so frustrated and "thinking" out loud. It also bothers me to no end that she claims to not know the names of any of Gannon's friends. They've lived there for two years and she's never even heard him mention the name of a friend or had a friend to their house? My son always says, "mom, I'm going to play with so and so..." If I don't know "so and so" I'll ask who they are and where they live. She's one of his primary caregivers, the only primary caregiver a lot of the time, in the very least there is something very irresponsible about her not having his friends' info. And if she truly does not know it then it proves she does not care about Gannon or what goes on in his life. My son talks to me nonstop about what happened at school with this kid and that, and shows me their tik tok videos on repeat until I want to rip out my hair. His friends come over and I interact with them (mostly regarding food and what are they getting out of the fridge now???).

Again, sorry for the rant. I haven't been so emotionally invested in a missing child/person/murder since Caylee. Everything happened while I was off work for pregnancy and maternity leave, now my baby is 10. I can't wrap my head around the actions of these women who call themselves a "mother" when a child is the least of their concerns.
Whatever happened to Gannon was terrifying for him. My heart aches for Landon, and I admire her restraint.

All my opinion only.
Something I'm still not understanding. SM goes to a lot of lengths to discuss a side gate which supposedly only Gannon has the key to. A gate Gannon was apparently regularly checking prior to going missing. Why she does she volunteer this information? How does it help the case?

I checked out the house and neighborhood via Google Earth street view, and the gate appears to open out onto Mandan drive, anyway.

From what I can tell all of the properties back right up against each other, are fully fenced off, with no alleyways running between them. There is no way to sneak out - or in - without ending up on the main road, where all the surveillance cameras are. I just don't get why she needs to add this detail as if it changes the narrative. It doesn't.

Even if the neighbour DR's camera didn't have the right angle or range to catch someone at the gate, other cameras would surely have picked up Gannon or another person in the vicinity. And as far as we know that is not the case.

Screenshot_20200222-193514.png Screenshot_20200222-195543.png

Video of Gannon's house for reference, via SM Fox21 news (note the yellow deck chairs):

Something I'm still not understanding. SM goes to a lot of lengths to discuss a side gate which supposedly only Gannon has the key to. A gate Gannon was apparently regularly checking prior to going missing. Why she does she volunteer this information? How does it help the case?

I checked out the house and neighborhood via Google Earth street view, and the gate appears to open out onto Mandan drive, anyway.

From what I can tell all of the properties back right up against each other, are fully fenced off, with no alleyways running between them. There is no way to sneak out - or in - without ending up on the main road, where all the surveillance cameras are. I just don't get why she needs to add this detail as if it changes the narrative. It doesn't.

Even if the neighbour DR's camera didn't have the right angle or range to catch someone at the gate, other cameras would surely have picked up Gannon or another person in the vicinity. And as far as we know that is not the case.

View attachment 233868 View attachment 233870

Video of Gannon's house for reference, via SM Fox21 news (note the yellow deck chairs):

My cynicism makes me want to look at whichever location/room was opposite that garage/gate side of the house. I suspect misdirection...IMO JMO.
This, or something similar, is why her inexplicable mention of Gannon going to the gate and of Gannon having the key seems key to the investigation. Something obviously happened at the gate and to the key.
Perhaps hew trying to run through the gate to get away from her? Maybe the gate was not always locked and she locked it to keep him from running back there? There's so many possibilities though what could be up with the gate/key.

Does anyone know what time on Sunday night the events she left out of her time occured? Does they coincide with/happen after the times on the video stills? In her interviews there is nearly 24 hours she fails to account for. Sunday afternoon after GoG hike to Monday after school.
Is the daughter's car in the stills? According to TS and her daughter they had BK, later it was the daughter picked up BK and brought it home. Her daughter had already worked that day, but did she leave the house after work to go anywhere aside from BK do we know?

She has a way of talking a lot without saying much. Everything she has said has been so vague and noncommittal. So if pressed she can come back and say, "I never said Gannon cut his foot on a tool. I said that he cut his foot in the garage and that Albert leaves tools in the garage."

Imo there's too many "coincidences" for her not to be responsible. Albert being gone, Gannon's "accidents", his stomach ache, staying home from school, the outing with a sick kick, etc. If none of these or only one of these things had happened that weekend I might be inclined to entertain the idea he was abducted or had run away. But all this out of the ordinary occurs all weekend and then he disappears.

Sorry this is getting so long, I'm just so frustrated and "thinking" out loud. It also bothers me to no end that she claims to not know the names of any of Gannon's friends. They've lived there for two years and she's never even heard him mention the name of a friend or had a friend to their house? My son always says, "mom, I'm going to play with so and so..." If I don't know "so and so" I'll ask who they are and where they live. She's one of his primary caregivers, the only primary caregiver a lot of the time, in the very least there is something very irresponsible about her not having his friends' info. And if she truly does not know it then it proves she does not care about Gannon or what goes on in his life. My son talks to me nonstop about what happened at school with this kid and that, and shows me their tik tok videos on repeat until I want to rip out my hair. His friends come over and I interact with them (mostly regarding food and what are they getting out of the fridge now???).

Again, sorry for the rant. I haven't been so emotionally invested in a missing child/person/murder since Caylee. Everything happened while I was off work for pregnancy and maternity leave, now my baby is 10. I can't wrap my head around the actions of these women who call themselves a "mother" when a child is the least of their concerns.
Whatever happened to Gannon was terrifying for him. My heart aches for Landon, and I admire her restraint.

All my opinion only.
It’s frustrating to all of us that we don’t have the answers, but that’s the way it has to be at this point.

Her story is full of holes, and her statements full of lies.

Think about this though, she wasn’t alone with Gannon over the weekend. Her kids were present, and will be able to tell law enforcement about everything that went on.

They can fill in a lot of gaps, and provide an overall picture of what like was life in that household.

They have answers; they have to.

What happened on Sunday night is key, as it offers context to what may have happened when Gannon and TS went for that final drive.

Something precipitated that, and I think it was an act of abuse.

There’s surveillance footage that we likely don’t know the half of, phone records (location, texts, searches), and witnesses.

They are searching places based on intelligence (human or otherwise), and forensic teams have spent countless hours in that home.

To top it all off, DA Dan May is on the case. It didn’t work out well for the last guy he prosecuted.

Her days are numbered, and answers are coming.
Something I'm still not understanding. SM goes to a lot of lengths to discuss a side gate which supposedly only Gannon has the key to. A gate Gannon was apparently regularly checking prior to going missing. Why she does she volunteer this information? How does it help the case?

I checked out the house and neighborhood via Google Earth street view, and the gate appears to open out onto Mandan drive, anyway.

From what I can tell all of the properties back right up against each other, are fully fenced off, with no alleyways running between them. There is no way to sneak out - or in - without ending up on the main road, where all the surveillance cameras are. I just don't get why she needs to add this detail as if it changes the narrative. It doesn't.

Even if the neighbour DR's camera didn't have the right angle or range to catch someone at the gate, other cameras would surely have picked up Gannon or another person in the vicinity. And as far as we know that is not the case.

View attachment 233868 View attachment 233870

Video of Gannon's house for reference, via SM Fox21 news (note the yellow deck chairs):


Unfortunately, I don't think it helps this case. Its a distraction at best, and there's been many of those! I think we need to deviate from the smoke and mirrors and only then we will find the truth in this tangled web.
Something I'm still not understanding. SM goes to a lot of lengths to discuss a side gate which supposedly only Gannon has the key to. A gate Gannon was apparently regularly checking prior to going missing. Why she does she volunteer this information? How does it help the case?

I checked out the house and neighborhood via Google Earth street view, and the gate appears to open out onto Mandan drive, anyway.

From what I can tell all of the properties back right up against each other, are fully fenced off, with no alleyways running between them. There is no way to sneak out - or in - without ending up on the main road, where all the surveillance cameras are. I just don't get why she needs to add this detail as if it changes the narrative. It doesn't.

Even if the neighbour DR's camera didn't have the right angle or range to catch someone at the gate, other cameras would surely have picked up Gannon or another person in the vicinity. And as far as we know that is not the case.

View attachment 233868 View attachment 233870

Video of Gannon's house for reference, via SM Fox21 news (note the yellow deck chairs):

Interesting. I always assumed she talked about the gate in order to explain how he may have left without being spotted.

Clearly, that scenario doesn’t hold water.

So she’s either trying to account for something else, or she’s a complete idiot who doesn’t understand that he still would have been spotted.

So I don’t know what to make of it either.
The pain Landen must be in has to be excruciating. Not knowing where your child is, your baby boy? I can not even imagine. And to be put down publicly by someone who may have done something horrendous to him is just pure evil. In the very least, if she hadn’t done something to him, it’s still cruel to diss a mother who has been told her child in missing. SM knew LH had to be in pain upon hearing her oldest child was missing. How could she not? It’s just awful. My heart goes out to Landen. May all of us here never know the kind of pain she is going through right now. IMO, JMO
I’m confused. and only by LE when they were asked a question regarding her Facebook post? In which they replied a very short simple and sweet response that basically said, they aren’t discussing it.


Has "the gate" issue ever come up in MSM?
It’s frustrating to all of us that we don’t have the answers, but that’s the way it has to be at this point.

Her story is full of holes, and her statements full of lies.

Think about this though, she wasn’t alone with Gannon over the weekend. Her kids were present, and will be able to tell law enforcement about everything that went on.

They can fill in a lot of gaps, and provide an overall picture of what like was life in that household.

They have answers; they have to.

What happened on Sunday night is key, as it offers context to what may have happened when Gannon and TS went for that final drive.

Something precipitated that, and I think it was an act of abuse.

There’s surveillance footage that we likely don’t know the half of, phone records (location, texts, searches), and witnesses.

They are searching places based on intelligence (human or otherwise), and forensic teams have spent countless hours in that home.

To top it all off, DA Dan May is on the case. It didn’t work out well for the last guy he prosecuted.

Her days are numbered, and answers are coming.

if she is capable of possibly making a child disappear, do you think the younger sibling would utter a word? Kids are not stupid by any means. They are easily figured out, but doesn’t mean they will speak on the subject. And regarding to the older child, the 17 year old, do you think a lifetime of possible physical and psychological abuse, then being in the know, of what happened to her step brother, wouldn’t have her terrified to go against her mother? Not to mention, she is your mother. I don’t think kids speak as easily as people think.<modsnip: off topic>
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I am talking about the step mum's released public statement. She talks about the gate in it, as well as Gannon cutting his foot.

Here is a copy of it:

Exclusive: Gannon Stauch’s stepmother releases statement about boy’s disappearance

It's intriguing because the volunteered information was never released by law enforcement so why is she trying to insert these details to defend herself?
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The pain Landen must be in has to be excruciating. Not knowing where your child is, your baby boy? I can not even imagine. And to be put down publicly by someone who may have done something horrendous to him is just pure evil. In the very least, if she hadn’t done something to him, it’s still cruel to diss a mother who has been told her child in missing. SM knew LH had to be in pain upon hearing her oldest child was missing. How could she not? It’s just awful. My heart goes out to Landen. May all of us here never know the kind of pain she is going through right now. IMO, JMO
BM may be called a lot of things, but I think most mothers can agree she is extremely strong minded and very well grounded, Bc I know 95% of mothers (and fathers) who would be solving this real quick in their own ways.
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