Found Deceased CO - Gannon Stauch, 11, Colorado Springs, Lorson Ranch, El Paso County, 27 Jan 2020 *endangered* #17

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MOO. He came back with her, something happened and he was taken away in another vehicle when going out to search.

Nice. I've been hoping for this theory to surface. Not in any way to be a smarty pants.....but is there any evidence to support it?

There would likely be video of all vehicle comings and goings later that day. LE would likely be aware of that, but we would not.

There would possibly be video of Gannon getting in the other vehicle at a later time that day, or evening, unless, he was deceased and put in the trunk when the vehicle was in the garage?

Oh yeah, what about the siblings, one younger, one older? They'd both have to keep their mouth shut, assuming they were aware of Gannon's being home when one got off school, etc.

carry on :)
I'm not caught up from overnight (dang sleep!), but one question. Have we seen where their garbage cans are stored? I know a lot of HOAs make you keep them behind the fence, out of sight.
I remember someone a few threads back throwing out the idea of someone throwing away something that had blood on it in the garbage and that would be the reason behind the story of the blood in the garage. I'm wondering if that's tied to any blood by the gate area if they keep the trash behind the gate to roll it out for garbage day. Her covering her tracks for any possible blood that might have gotten on the ground, gate, etc. Him running thru the garage to keep checking the gate, but in actuality, her putting something in the garbage that she realized or heard they found remnants or tiny bits of around the gate. IMO
It seems there has been a public denouncement of support for LS, by both LH and AS, given the fact that their interview pleading for Gannon’s safe return was done by them, excluding LS. Along with that, the interview with the family spokesperson was very clear about the support being given to LH and AS, no mention of LS whatsoever.
In my opinion, the family has done a classy job of making their feelings clear without dragging LS through the mud. They’ve let her actions (or lack thereof) speak for themselves.

just my opinion/observation

I feel like the press conference did the same in a VERY SUTTLE way.

Be quiet and let her keep talkin!

I deal with fences a lot in my line of work, so I consider myself somewhat of a fence expert (I know, I shouldn't brag).

That type of fence is difficult and dangerous to climb. Why would he climb the fence? To get into another fenced-in yard? To avoid the cameras around his house, but undoubtedly be seen by cameras on the next street over? Seems very unlikely to me.

Also, I feel like whichever side of the fence the lock is on (maybe both) could be a key detail to explain her whole key / gate narrative.

Also, concerning the "double fence" a few inches apart: It is somewhat rare, but it does happen. I don't know if I've ever seen it with two six foot wooden privacy fences, though. For one, how would they build the second fence? They generally nail or screw it together from the "outside". The other fence would be totally in the way.

The picture does look like there are two fences, though. After looking at it many times, I now think that it is only one fence. What appears to be the top of Gannon's fence (the wider white line on the right) is actually the top rail of the fence. (The 2x4's that the fence slats are nailed to). This "white line" is a lot wider than the "other" top of the fence, and appears to be slightly below the tops of the fence posts in Gannon's yard.

THIS is why I love websleuths. I am open to other opinions offered on these threads.

I believe those shadows cannot be ignored. I don't know for SURE they are not random pixel changes, but I feel they deserve attention and discussion.

Just because it is not a "popular opinion" does not mean it is the wrong opinion.

Thank you ChuckMaureen for thinking outside the box. I too have concerns about that "shadow" and I cannot just ignore it.

I have a very strong feeling SM is involved, but I am not totally convinced as I don't have enough "FACTS". jmo
Now I have to go watch the video again and see for myself!
I think even if he did come back with her, he was not seen on video again. Not at the time she said he left, not by any neighbors , any ring cameras, nothing. That's probably why RD was looking through all his video again, to see when the last time Gannon was seen.
It's probably why she in her own words was questioned harshly by detectives. He's not on video at the time she said he left.
I'm totally of the opinion that Gannon did not return home that Monday, that he disappeared while out with LS "shopping." However , the shadow bothers me. It does look to me like it appears, then moves towards the house. Someone has suggested that certain trucks have automatic steps/running boards that fold out when doors open. Does anyone happen to know if that is possible?
Hmmm, that truck does have sidesteps. I guess it would make it more possible that he could have stepped down closer to the rear tire (and out of view), but it seems like it would be a very unusual way to exit the vehicle.

And if this was the case, I think we would have seen his "shadow" further forward (and for a longer amount of time) than a quick flash on and off.

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I’ve posted this before - the video shown is no where near the quality when viewed on the original source IMO - LE knows exactly what happened when that truck left and returned and left and returned etc as well as any other vehicles - and they have all the video from the street as well as the house if it had a ring or similar doorbell (I believe it did based on viewing the listing posted on the timeline) IMO.
As in other cases this review of the footage will take time - I believe Dan May is going to have an airtight case when he’s ready to arrest -
MOO if a ring on Stauch door, two absences of Gannon woild need explaining, return from shopping and leaving for a friend's.

MOO. He came back with her, something happened and he was taken away in another vehicle when going out to search.

I am looking for the snippet of RD talking about the video the day after it went public, its embedded at the end of one of the news stations evening coverage of the EPSO press conference Feb 4.
Problem with the reporter in this article is saying EPSO didn't dispute RDs description of what purportedly is in tbe truck video, in fact the EPSO said they were not going to comment and it was part of the investigation.
RDs comments "quoted" in the article needs confirmatuin as this reporter intentionally mislead with the EPSO "did not dispute."
MOO an old school class editor would fire any reporter who used their own interrogative questioning to be cited as words from someone elses mouth who in fact said "I can't confirm" and repeatedly declined to answer questions regarding the truck video content.

Family of missing Colorado boy makes tearful plea after new surveillance video revealed
Yes. This.

The “didn’t dispute” claim has blown up to unnecessary proportions and been re-invented to mean LE confirmed what the neighbor said he saw. That never happened.
Nice. I've been hoping for this theory to surface. Not in any way to be a smarty pants.....but is there any evidence to support it?

There would likely be video of all vehicle comings and goings later that day. LE would likely be aware of that, but we would not.

There would possibly be video of Gannon getting in the other vehicle at a later time that day, or evening, unless, he was deceased and put in the trunk when the vehicle was in the garage?

Oh yeah, what about the siblings, one younger, one older? They'd both have to keep their mouth shut, assuming they were aware of Gannon's being home when one got off school, etc.

carry on :)
MOO just following wherever the evidence goes.
MOO if they don't have more footage or other evidence that GS did not return in truck, the video alone, as released to public will not establish the timeline.
On the upside, looks like no one can leave the house or yard without RD video.
Returning from shopping leave these possibilities:

He is still in the house.

He went over back fence, if no video of that area.

He left hidden in a vehicle, but not yet dead so not leaving cadaverine scent for dogs.

MOO, easiest is he did not return - MOO best outcome is if the Xfinity shows clearly he did not.
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Neither did she! She thought their Ring camera was the only one she had to worry about, hence the backing into the driveway to obscure it's view. She knew others had cameras, but underestimated what they could pick up & the distance they could view. MOO

I think this is very typical of her. She thinks mainly about herself and what's immediately around her. She vaguely considered "other cameras" but didn't really plan around them. Of course, if this was as premeditated as some here think, the strength of her desire to do whatever she did is beyond the ordinary mind to understand.

That my thought as well. IIRC, there is no date/time stamp on the video we have seen?

I trust the neighbor's statement of date and time and the fact that LE clearly thinks that video was taken on Monday. The neighbor stated publicly when it was taken, he has no reason to lie. He also gave the Sunday night video to LE early on (and I'm sure by now, he's given all that he has for whatever period of time - plus the other neighbors have surely checked and contributed).

(snip for focus) I believe LE has plenty of other video of her shopping trip as she will have provided locations to LE. Those videos should clear up where Gannon was during the trip.

By now, it is clear that LE has interviewed employees and gathered video from some of the "shopping" stops that LS made that Monday. I bet they have her bank records and ATM transactions for a period of time before, during and after. They know where she bought gas and when. They have all her cell records, including texts. If they haven't done so, they should get all of her FB activity, as it is filled with further clues. She has made so many incriminating statements in public at this point.
Hello all,
Late to the thread this morning, I was at church. We had a special service devoted strictly to prayer today. Of course my thoughts were almost nonstop for Gannon and his family. My prayer today is that for the person out there who did this, the person who knows where Gannon is and what happened to him… I would pray that they would have an overwhelming crisis of conscience. That their heart would be filled with guilt and selflessness and that they would confess, and tell where Gannon is. I pray the same for any one else who may know something or have information that would lead to Gannon and his family getting the information they need that will lead to the justice they deserve.
I also pray, that if the person responsible for this has any sorrow, sadness, or guilt over what has happened that my heart will be softened enough to be able to forgive and pray for them.

Please end this.
Hmmm, that truck does have sidesteps. I guess it would make it more possible that he could have stepped down closer to the rear tire (and out of view), but it seems like it would be a very unusual way to exit the vehicle.

And if this was the case, I think we would have seen his "shadow" further forward (and for a longer amount of time) than a quick flash on and off.

Plus, it’s been stated a couple of times that the shadows of the door opening and the person/foot exiting happened at the same time. That’s not possible.
Now I have to go watch the video again and see for myself!
I think even if he did come back with her, he was not seen on video again. Not at the time she said he left, not by any neighbors , any ring cameras, nothing. That's probably why RD was looking through all his video again, to see when the last time Gannon was seen.
It's probably why she in her own words was questioned harshly by detectives. He's not on video at the time she said he left.

I totally agree and that is what makes me think SM is involved.......

I watched a video on youtube by GHI (I don't think it can be linked here, but you could find it easily). He dissects the video and hones in on the shadow. I could not see this when I just watched the video without enhancement and I have no way to enhance the video.
I'm totally of the opinion that Gannon did not return home that Monday, that he disappeared while out with LS "shopping." However , the shadow bothers me. It does look to me like it appears, then moves towards the house. Someone has suggested that certain trucks have automatic steps/running boards that fold out when doors open. Does anyone happen to know if that is possible?
Powered running boards are available for the make/model truck in question but the shadow we see is not caused by a running board; such a shadow would run the full length of the rocker panel, front door far edge to rear door far edge.
The video is extremely grainy and pretty much impossible to see anything on the passenger side of the truck. Hopefully the real video with audio is of better quality and I'm sure LE has equipment to enhance even further if necessary. I don't think Gannon returned from the 4-hour outing with SM.

Even if he did make it back, what happened to him then? His sisters should have gotten home soon afterwards and I don't remember reading anything about either of them seeing him that afternoon. If SM goes downstairs to work out and Gannon then takes a walk over to his un-named friend's house, it just doesn't seem logical that he could walk out of that house and not be seen by anyone.
This could be the entire reason for her mentioning the gate. I wonder if they have a garage keypad.

Didn't leave from front video.

Difficult to leave from garage without leaving garage door open?

If lock is on the outside of the gate, maybe her story is that he must have pre-unlocked the gate?


When I first read her statement, I interpreted all her talk about the gate as something she was trying use in support of some notion she wanted to create that he was anticipating someone coming for him. Watching, checking. More than one trip.

"After this, I noticed G kept going to the side of the house."

This whole paragraph in which she is trying to suggest a plot, a secret communication to him that someone had been dispatched to come for him, on a somewhat vague time frame, he would just have to be watching for that certain car. Without her naming any names, but we can have a good idea who she was trying to implicate:

"I explained to them and provided evidence. They had information about G having the key to go out the side gate. Last they have more in-depth details that go along with this pointing to who sent the person or why he may have come. Again, I repeat they have had this Initially and I was asked to keep quiet about it so they could have the best shot at doing their job and bringing G home. The last thing that they needed was a hindrance to their investigation. I encourage you to think of any suspicious cars that may have been in the area watching a few days prior and keep praying for G!"
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