Found Deceased CO - Gannon Stauch, 11, Colorado Springs, Lorson Ranch, El Paso County, 27 Jan 2020 *endangered* #19

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There has been something I can't put my finger on with the TS. She seems oddly confident that Gannon is alive and that she will be proven right or innocent or whatever. She stands by the scenario that he ran away or was abducted, yet statistics show that the majority of children who are kidnapped are found deceased aren't they? So even if she has herself convinced he ran away, the outcome would be expected to be poor.
Which leads me to this.
We may have a Sherri Papini type situation (now I am not saying that she was kidnapped or not) but, she seemingly disappeared and conveniently re-appeared the morning of the vigil some weeks later.
I would have to think that if TS was the last one to see Gannon alive - as she admits - and any evidence of death was found by LE, then surely she would be named a person of interest purely from a factual point of view.
I appreciate that TS is a sociopath and that she may be confident in saying he is alive because he was the last time she saw him, but I strongly believe she has him stashed somewhere. There is zero sense of urgency in her and I do think that LE may be waiting for her to lead them to where he is and that they don't necessarily believe he has passed.

Having followed the Heidi Brouchard case, a lot of people were 100% sure that Shane was involved. Yet we now know that from early on in the investigation Shane and LE were aware of what was happening, and Shane's interviews spoke directly to the woman responsible and in hindsight illustrated what had taken place. Ex: Feed the baby, look after the baby.
Maybe there are some clues in what Gannon's bio parents are saying more than what TS is saying.

So true Abstar80, I stayed neutral regarding the Stepmother, but she is firm about Gannon coming home. I can believe, also I admit I can be wrong.
In Victoria, Australia in June 2004 there was a husband John Sharpe weeping and being very emotional to the television begging his pregnant wife Anna and toddler Gracie to come home and how he loved and missed them. They never came home as he had murdered them with a Spear Gun couple months earlier they were placed in a Landfill. People were stunned when he was charged

Sherri Papini is a strange case and debatable .
My Late Grandparents would often quote the famous saying"Sometimes the truth is stranger than fiction."
One case in Australia where "Truth was Stranger than Fiction" my Grandparents always pointed it out for years any time when they had a natter to talk about crimes, was the Natasha Ryan Case, a 14 year old girl who went missing after being dropped off at school in Rockingham,Queensland, Australia in 1998.
During the trial of Leonard John, a Serial Rapist/Murderer in 2003, Natasha Ryan was listed as one of his victims the Police received information which they acted on to find Natasha Ryan was alive, she been living in a cupboard at her boyfriend's house only a few kilometers from her family home all those years she had been missing. My family were convinced Leonard John had killed her. Even I was taken back by it.

But this not the case in Gannon case, he not a runaway he is 11 years old and missing. I hope and pray there will be news he is alive, safe and well back into the arms of his family.
My thoughts exactly.

I remember having a similar WS discussion about items removed from Kelsey Berreth's condo.

I don't think anyone guessed they would take wood from the stairs!
We did guess sheetrock which proved to be true.

Ah yes, that "big thing" that they were seen putting in the back of the van definitely could've been sheetrock! I think they took out sections of flooring the other day, JMO.
I wonder if there was blood on the gate or near it.
We know we can expect blood in the garage and on a car.....she told us so. She must be concerned about if they find blood or some incriminating evidence on or at the gate.

FYI, you can get a decent view of the exterior gate complete with lock as they were removing evidence & loading it in the van today.
I know I've seen cases before where blood was found in a sink or drain. Can someone who has forensic knowledge tell me how you would test to find that? If Gannon was bleeding, coughed up blood, or vomited and tried to clean himself up would they have to remove the sink, bathtub, or shower stall base along with plumbing drain to test for blood or fluid?

How would they test a washing machine? Luminol, swabs?
Someone may have answered, but they can swab the drains/pipes/traps or even take them apart and keep them as evidence.
A million different reasons (which at this juncture are just speculation on my part): he was older. He reminded her more of LH. He had what she perceived as an attitude towards her. He loved his mom. The list could go on and on.

It is very common to have a single child selected for abuse and the others to be treated normally.

Yes, and Gannon was nine when he came to live with her as his stepmother.

He left everything behind....his home, his friends and his mother. So much loss. Extreme sadness.

Can't you imagine a child that age would compare this new authority figure to his mother and
tell T what was making him unhappy? (I bet he also told his dad.)

Maybe he just didn't show enough appreciation for all the sacrifices she saw herself making?

She doesn't seem like the type to take any criticism without hitting back......maybe literally.
MOO follows...

What was it that triggered TS to possibly rage?


The reporter asked SM an open-ended question about GS, quoted below. IMO it suggests conflict around GS not obeying SM.

Reporter: "Can you talk to me a little bit about him I dont know him."

SM: "Gannon is so kind and he loves to play video games that's one of his favourite things he loves sonic and mario and you know hes always helpful and that he was always so helpful with the dogs around the house and you know two little cute dogs and he was always like a person I would say Gannon can you do this and he would do it right away. You know sometimes with kids we have to remind them and things like that and thats okay but he was so sweet and able to help anyone he could notice when you're sick and say 'are you okay' and such a kind heart."

Our mother says she never knew either. As an adult I think back and see a lot of signs but as kids it’s completely different. I believe my mother knew enough to where she should have left him but that’s just what I believe.

Thank you for your insight and I'm sorry you & your siblings had to experience this.

Even if a spouse didn't witness the abuse, I find it hard to believe that they would have no idea it was going on, IMHO.
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Thank you for your insight and I'm sorry you 7 your siblings had to experience this.

Even if a spouse didn't witness the abuse, I find it hard to believe that they would have no idea it was going on, IMHO.

I agree with you 100%. Makes me wonder if AS maybe saw a difference in the way TS treated GS compared to his little sister but maybe didn’t think it was that bad. I hope not but it happens.
Sweet Gannon, you are loved by so many people. I am SO sorry that a trusted adult failed you so miserably. You are in my thoughts each & every day and I pray that tomorrow there will be a break in this case that will lead to you being found and brought home!

Goodnight all!
I know I've seen cases before where blood was found in a sink or drain. Can someone who has forensic knowledge tell me how you would test to find that? If Gannon was bleeding, coughed up blood, or vomited and tried to clean himself up would they have to remove the sink, bathtub, or shower stall base along with plumbing drain to test for blood or fluid?

How would they test a washing machine? Luminol, swabs?
I've seen forensics dismantle u bends and pipes.
I suppose the question is whether fabrics can be tested for blood following a machine wash.

Here's a brief synopsis of a recent paper

Quickenden and colleagues [8] investigated the effectiveness of Luminol for the detection of blood in cars after having been cleaned with water, soap, or multi-purpose car cleaner. They found out that washing decreased the detectability of blood up to 50% when warm water was applied and up to 90% when soap or car cleaner was used. Interestingly, they also discovered that the heat inside the car converted hemoglobin to methemoglobin, which increased the detectability of stains by the Luminol reaction. Grifford [9] conducted research about bloodstain preservation in water. He prepared his sample by depositing blood on pants and discovered that stains would not remain on clothing after 30 min in moving or 3 h in stagnant water. Thus, it is reasonable to expect that machine washing would probably remove blood even faster. This hypothesis was tested by Adair and Shaw [10]. Their study focused on the enhancement of bloodstains on washed clothing by Luminol and LCV (Leuco-crystal violet). Thereto, they covered white cotton undershirts with different bloodstains (using horse blood), both direct spatters (projected bloodstains and misting bloodstains), and contact bloodstains (footwear impressions). After drying for 1 h, the shirts were washed for one to five times in a washing machine with liquid laundry detergent. All shirts showed a significant diffusion of

Detectability of bloodstains after machine washing - ProQuest (it stopped there)

but I found another bit here
Bloodstains on textiles can provide useful information for the forensic reconstruction of a crime. Surprisingly, little is known about the applicability of bloodstain traces after a textile was machine washed. In this study, we investigated the effect of machine washing on bloodstains on both cotton and polyester cloths. The influence of the washing detergent, the type of washing machine, the washing temperature, and the duration of drying of the bloodstain prior to washing as well as the drying temperature was investigated. Additionally, the molecular analyses of a subsample of the experiments were conducted. We found that although the primary morphology of the traces is often blurred, the presence of blood on the textiles can still be detected in many cases. Blood can also be transmitted to previously blood-free textiles during the washing process, leading to a positive Luminol or Combur® reaction of these samples. When traces of blood can be detected via the Luminol reaction, a molecular identification of the blood donor was successful in 28% of the cases.
Detectability of bloodstains after machine washing

This 2017 article
... For example, DNA profiles from semen stains were found to still be retrievable after washing and also retrievable from other co-washed clothing as well as the washing machine drum [161,189]. Similarly, reportable and/or informative DNA profiles from blood tended to be obtained from washed blood-stained cloths and from co-washed clean cloths [190][191][192]. In contrast, van den Berge et al. [104] found that the average persistence rates of DNA from both blood and saliva-stained cloths after washing were less than 0.001%, and the transfer of DNA from these stains onto the co-washed items was found to be extremely limited with only a very few alleles, if any, being detected. ...
... Further studies have started to address the transfer and persistence of skin derived biological material on washed clothing. DNA deposited onto cotton cloths via rubbing on the neck for 5 s gave full DNA profiles from 40% of cloths held under a running tap (with cold or hot water at different time points up to 10 min) and 56% of cloths submerged in water in a bathtub (with or without soap and at different time points up to one week) [193], but gave only partial profiles from 13% of cloths that were machine washed [192]. Kamphausen et al. [192] observed few alleles, if any, on the remaining cloths that were machine washed and similarly few alleles were recovered from co-washed clean cloths. ...

Conclusion- it can actually be isolated from washing drum. A tad long winded but better hitting scholarly literature for accuracy.

Washing machines are large, just sayin'
The reporter asked SM an open-ended question about GS, quoted below. IMO it suggests conflict around GS not obeying SM.

Reporter: "Can you talk to me a little bit about him I dont know him."

SM: "Gannon is so kind and he loves to play video games that's one of his favourite things he loves sonic and mario and you know hes always helpful and that he was always so helpful with the dogs around the house and you know two little cute dogs and he was always like a person I would say Gannon can you do this and he would do it right away. You know sometimes with kids we have to remind them and things like that and thats okay but he was so sweet and able to help anyone he could notice when you're sick and say 'are you okay' and such a kind heart."


Imo, it suggests the opposite. Some of my kids are "good" -- helpful and compliant. Some are PITA's whenever it comes to asking them to do things. To me, it sounds like maybe she was comparing his behavior favorably to other children she deals with. Honestly, I'm confused about how one could say that her comments suggest the opposite of her comments :::shrug:::
Thank you for correcting me.
I went searching for your original post. You were replying to the poster who asked about breeds. You were correct and I was wrong. She didn't mention breeds in the TV interview. I am sorry. She just talked a little about the dogs. You were right to begin with and I was wrong for half-reading the post.
I went searching for your original post. You were replying to the poster who asked about breeds. You were correct and I was wrong. She didn't mention breeds in the TV interview. I am sorry. She just talked a little about the dogs. You were right to begin with and I was wrong for half-reading the post.
No problem at all.
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