Found Deceased CO - Gannon Stauch, 11, Colorado Springs, Lorson Ranch, El Paso County, 27 Jan 2020 *endangered* #21

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So if she even went to Play it Again Sports with Gannon, there would surely be security cameras with footage of SM and Gannon. If she drove all the way to Castle Rock through the "back roads" it takes them by the area that I've had stuck in my little brain for weeks.... Castlewood Canyon off of CO-83 near Franktown.

Colorado Parks and Wildlife
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Going off the long convoluted day trip, I am trying to think of alternative reasons for driving so long but not going very far.

I am usually slow to suspect a specific guilty party, but her comments have connected her to too many suspicious elements. As a result, I have come to wonder if the sequence is more like this (hypothetical).

-There’s an incident at home where LS freaks out and hurts G (intentionally or not) and he is bleeding. It could’ve been a serious wound but it could also have been a surface cut. Either way, the blood would be in the garage, on tools, and possibly on the car, according to her comments.

- G, as a likely increasingly independent 11 year old, starts standing up for himself saying things like “this is abuse” and “this is wrong.”

-She is then worried that G may say something if he goes to the school or doctor. So she calls in some sort of real or fake symptoms to gets meds he needs - allegedly for stomach issues (Maybe anxiety-induced stomach issues? I wonder if he was normally on some sort of anxiety meds which made it easier to just call in?). She is buying herself more time by keeping him home.

- She takes his phone so he doesn’t text AS.

-She over medicates him, maybe intending to kill him or maybe just trying to make him sluggish/sleep. If she didn’t intend to kill him, maybe he unexpectedly dies or passes out and she gets scared and drives to dump him in some remote canyon or gorge. If so, they might be able to detect the decomposition in the truck. But if disposal happened quickly, it’s possible dogs didn’t flag on it (even tho, yes, I know decomposition starts right away - dogs also sometimes are known to miss it).

Or, if she did intend to kill him, maybe she drives him around aimlessly, even pretending to be lost, until she is sure he’s on the brink of death or is dead (thus won’t be alive to tell when discovered) and dumps him with his backpack.

-She drives home, parks in the driveway, is picked up by security cams. She waits until dusk and then calls or texts AS and says Gannon didn’t come home from playing.

Granted, I would alter this scenario if I found out the time stamps on her return were different or that there is a later video confirming G was alive at a later time.

Good job on putting this sordid scenario in order! Obviously it is fact that Gannon walked to the truck. RD's statement that Gannon was drugged and sluggish is a subjective opinion. But if he was drugged, it offered her greater advantage over him defending himself.

I will add that your scenario suggests that Gannon's death was more humane than what I suspect. My reason is that TS was in a state of extreme rage. It did not subside overnight, it accelerated. If she loaded sporting equipment, it is possible that she struck him. Any blood spatter had plenty of time to be showered and washed. Falsifying information to LE was intentional and allowed her time to tidy up.

When we listen to her video, we can hear the seething rage brewing underneath her best attempt to portray normalcy. How was this rage released? I believe that she released it on an injured, drugged terrified and defenseless Gannon.
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Good job on putting this sordid scenario in order! Obviously it is fact that Gannon walked to the truck. RD's opinion that he was sluggish and drug, is subjective.
I will add that your scenario is generous in that Gannon's death was a bit more humane than what I would offer.

TS was in a state of extreme rage that did not subside overnight, it accelerated. It is quite possible that she used something (sporting equipment) and beat him. If there was blood spatter, she had plenty of time to shower and wash her clothing.

When we listen to her video, we can hear the seething rage brewing underneath her best attempt to portray normalcy. How was this rage released?
Yeah. Good point. I do consider your suggestion to be a possibility too. If we find out there was a bat (instead of a tool) confirmed to be involved, then I would add this kind of piece in. I can think of other more criminal/aggressive acts I would fold in depending on what comes out or gets confirmed over time.
It's nearly 11 pm in my time zone and instead of going to bed I'm trying to make sense out of LS's most recent interview.

After opening a box of Pringle's barbecue chips and breaking into a package of American Cheese Slices and washing it down with a glass of white wine I'm still kurflummoxed over the latest news. Ah well, I was a size 8 last week...

I'll be back tomorrow to see what develops overnight but in the meantime keep the EPSO Inmate search handy:

| El Paso County Sheriff

Hopefully it will soon return a specific result.

Now that's funny. I'm in the same boat.

Now let's #FindGannon
Not the is nice today.

"The area immediately around the intersection of Highways 105 and 83 is rural, but residential neighborhoods are located nearby.

The sheriff’s office said the area has not been searched before. It did not say why the search was postponed."



As we have explained throughout this investigation, this is a very fluid investigation & it can change at any minute of the day. The scheduled search has been postponed. We will keep you in the loop as it happens & as we can release it. Our Tips to date are 801. #FindGannon #Hope

Maybe they postponed because they are going to arrest her today. I am hoping that today is the day that justice begins for Gannon.
Sort of OT - CONG's Eventbrite sounds like Gannon's father is the person missing. "Gannon's father is a member of the CONG and has been missing for over 4 weeks now. Volunteers from the CONG are needed to aid in the search"
I noticed that too. Really bad writing and obviously the editor needed another cup of caffeine.
Am I the only one wondering about a new member asking this question in the middle of the night? And why no more questions or anything else since? Weird..

The quote is very similar to the searched quote that Gannon did on his phone about his parents finding him with a phone. I think it is a remark that step mother made the query on Gannon's phone and now she is wondering the same on her phone about LE.

And it is in response to another poster. The original poster also clarified that they were thinking like the step mother in post #83 of this thread.
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I noticed that too. Really bad writing and obviously the editor needed another cup of caffeine.
Ya I had to read that a couple times cuz I almost responded dad is missing too?! But then realized they likely meant he’s been missing from his unit as he’s been preoccupied looking for his son. IMO
My post was cut off and I thought I’d repost here. Feel free to ask me anything related to the tech. Happy to become verified.

Wow, I took the day off from checking updates on Gannon and now I actually have something to contribute. First time poster, but hardcore lurker. I work for a fruit-based technology company that makes phones and watches. I bet you can guess which one.

I’m absolutely thrilled about this Apple Watch piece of evidence. Here’s why-Apple watch is health-based. That’s where the technology is going. So if she wore it, even if she has the non-cellular kind, it will give all kinds of info.

I didn’t get to read all the posts because I’m nearly a thread behind, but can provide some answers to some questions, and hopefully highlight why this is important.

Cellular VS non-cellular Apple Watch:

Cellular can connect to tower on its own and make and receive phone calls, texts, and provide GPS in a situation where you do not have the physical phone nearby. It requires a SIM card, but that works off of your phone plan.

Non-Cellular-can receive texts, phone calls, etc, and runs off of Bluetooth, so your phone must be in Bluetooth range in order for send/receive to work correctly.

The rest depends on which version of the watch she owns. She may have a version of the watch that can download turn-by-turn directions ahead of time.

What it can’t do is take selfies. It can’t be tricked into thinking you’re wearing the watch when someone else has put it on. It knows your normal heart rhythm and breathing patterns. How many steps you take. It remembers your data. You opt in to share that data with a whole host of apps, including any you download. All that info is there. So if you were wearing a watch on a Sunday night and went ballistic on a child, it can tell the difference between you yelling and physical movement/contact. That’s how it counts your steps. It can also tell when you’re wearing yourself out, carrying something heavy, potentially hurting yourself and sends you warnings. Breathe! Relax! Rest! There’s extremely fine-tuned tech in the watch. You can’t fool it.

I’m so worried about Gannon, but I’m extremely hopeful that this is the break he needs to come on home.
Trying to catch up this morning (goodness, when do you people sleep?! :p) but just wanted to say thank you for that insight/information, it's tremendously helpful. You definitely should consider becoming a verified expert/professional.
With all her interviews she is so fixated on her public image. She sees theories being thrown around or people discussing her on SM and she has to come up with excuses for all of it. I don't even think all of what she says is related to what really happened. Some of it is related, but some of it also is just her not being able to handle being cast in a bad light in theories she sees online even if they have no relevance to what happened or what evidence may show. She can't help herself and has to make sure everyone knows how honest and wonderful she is. Gag. So she creates all these stories and explanations as a way to say, "Aha, no see you all weren't right when you suggested x happened because here I have this totally plausible explanation." It is nuts. She can spin whatever story she wants for the public to see now, but it is all temporary T. Even if you fool some people now, the truth will come out. Gannon will have his day. LE is tightening the grasp on her and with every word she says she just tightens that grasp a little more.

She seems to think she is being tried by the general public and our opinion of her. She forgets Dan May will be taking her to a real courtroom with real, solid evidence, not Sm guesses and conjecture. And I hope he nails her to the wall.

Ok....I worked all day to come here to find you all have been sleuthing this huge mess without me!! It is going to take me all day tomorrow just to catch up. Lol!!

I just can't believe what I am reading. My head is spinning...
Is she for real?!!!

Oh what a tangled web she's weaved.....

Yes! Looks to me like she got herself allllll caught up in that nasty web of hers. I hope she struggles until she chokes on her own lies, figuratively of course.

Much speculation with everything that's gone on but I am sure of a few things and feel the need to get this out:

Gannon was a sweet, smiling, innocent, loving boy. He had a bright life ahead of him. He was strong and brave. Out of no choice of his own, an EVIL, soulless person was put in his life. He was put in the care of this person and she failed him at EVERY turn.

Sweet boy, you did not deserve any of this. You deserved SO much better and were failed by those you trusted. My heart breaks for you every day. You should know you are loved deeply by those who knew you and now by complete strangers who wished they knew you. I wish I got the chance to hear one of your jokes, I love corny jokes! There are so many people working to find you and bring you home! I'm sorry it has taken so long, but you will be found soon!

#FindGannon #Hope

Beautifully worded :):(

I think that must have been his Switch...[game boy of the future]

I wondered if it might have been smashed up and thrown out the window.

I watched the video over and over and it truly looks like whatever it was dropped out of the car door as he opens it. Almost like a water bottle, and she tosses it back in the truck. I feel like she’s lying about what got dropped or fell out. I don’t know why, though....

Some people speculated it was a Nintendo Switch, which have some non-metal parts that may not have been picked up by detectors (hence the sifters).

I am behind and trying to catch up, but I always thought it might be his Switch games and the Sim card from his Switch they were sifting for. The games are very small(similar to size of sd card) and sifting would make sense. My thinking was they were trying to collect all of the games to show they were the exact titles he had, AND the SD card would have his saved game data proving it was in fact from his device.
Yes, I would assume that LE had a warrant for the Applewatch data early on. This may be the source for all the areas they have been searching so far.

I would like to know more about the area where she 'claims' she got lost and had to take the back roads because of an accident. I forgot the exit but I think she said it was RT 105 or something.
She must have had a reason for mentioning it.
Do any locals know where this might be? I wonder if this area was searched?

Next we will hear that not only did they get lost out on those backroads, but he had another health-related accident of some kind that explains a stop in the area and movement around the truck....
Whatever Gannon dropped that morning, I'm hoping the real video shows it and also shows her demeanor in picking it up and tossing it back in the truck. I think by the time she had Gannon and whatever "stuff" in the truck, she was on a mission and she had no time, patience or compassion whatsoever for Gannon. MOO

She seems to think she is being tried by the general public and our opinion of her. She forgets Dan May will be taking her to a real courtroom with real, solid evidence, not Sm guesses and conjecture. And I hope he nails her to the wall.

Yes! Looks to me like she got herself allllll caught up in that nasty web of hers. I hope she struggles until she chokes on her own lies, figuratively of course.

Beautifully worded :):(

I watched the video over and over and it truly looks like whatever it was dropped out of the car door as he opens it. Almost like a water bottle, and she tosses it back in the truck. I feel like she’s lying about what got dropped or fell out. I don’t know why, though....

It’s almost funny, reading TS’s claim that they haven’t found GS because they’re busy “chasing” her. LE has made zero mention of her being a suspect or anyone for that matter in this “not a criminal investigation” investigation, so the only people that keep calling her a suspect (aside from us and SM), is TS herself.

If she didn’t keep announcing that essentially LE believes she did it, we’d have no clue. Someone’s feeling guilty....

It’s also interesting that she essentially is saying that the local LEO’s AND the freaking FBI are all fools, stuck looking at her while the real (person/persons?) and GS slip through their incompetent fingers. It’s insulting, frankly.

It all comes back to no one knows the truth, and TS is smarter than LE, FBI, etc etc.
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