Found Deceased CO - Gannon Stauch, 11, Colorado Springs, Lorson Ranch, El Paso County, 27 Jan 2020 *endangered* #21

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Without breaking TOS regarding SM, I want to say Roderick Drayton is absolutely going to be a hero in this case, and his video evidence, time stamps, CRYSTAL CLEAR IMAGES, are going to nail a lying liar to a WALL. I don’t know if he will speak in MSM, but if he happens to be reading here, Gannon’s family and all of us here will be forever in your debt for the help you are going to provide to this case.
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Based on what i’ve read the answer is yes. Checkmate!:D
If posters keep saying every new member is suspicious we aren't going to have any new members.

There was nothing suspicious about that post. OP post was simply being critical of TS claiming Gannon did a search on his phone aking whether or not a parent can find you on their phone. I'm not sure how that is any different than anything everyone else has been saying. Jmo
I'm not sure why there's agreement that she would have the lesser-capable Apple Watch. My assessment of her personality-type as her wanting the best/most updated, to satisfy her vanity, even at the expense of other necessities. Just sayin'.

Also, having the LTE-capable version would allow her to send/receive texts even if the phone is far away/left at home.

Here's to hoping any info a user attempts to delete (in order to scrub traces of geolocation) is not truly deleted right away and is still discoverable by LE.
@ helpfulcharlie, many of us unfamiliar with the Apple watch are questioning the technology in hope of evidence to incriminate her. She was clever enough to leave the phones home, so we hope the Apple watch was an oversight on her part.

I sure do support and find relief in your assessment. My only reluctance is the disappointment of learning that there is no evidence to connect her to the location.

Until then, I am sticking with you helpfulcharlie!
After sleeping on this latest interview, I'll say what I said weeks ago about TS... Guilty people offer too much information.

And when something doesn't make sense it's because it's usually not the truth. There are WAY too many inconsistencies and coincidences with her statements for this to be the truth about how things went down.

And once again one major thing stuck out to me with her latest mind-dribble... She does not plead for Gannon to be found. She doesn't mention the child who she was responsible for and went missing except to humiliate and degrade him. Although, she does once again mention how she is Stepmother of the Year by describing how she was running errands with a sick kid to buy him sports equipment and Wife of the Year because she took this long, convoluted journey to purchase her husband a bicycle. (Wouldn't he want to pick out his own bike??)

She even admits to what I would consider neglectful behavior by taking a child who, according to her:
-had an injured foot to the point that he was bleeding in the garage
-could possibly vomit any moment to the point that he needed a sick bag
-could be constipated and/ or have diarrhea
-defecated in his pants the day before

On top of all of that, she was having what should go down in history as the worst day ever:
-has a sick kid to take care of, who not only has an injured foot but also diarrhea, constipation and possible vomiting
-leased car can't be driven because of going over mileage
-forgets or left phone at home when running errands
-can't take normal route because there's an accident on the road
-gets lost taking back roads to avoid said accident
All on the same day that he stepson just happens to disappear/ runaway/ never return from a friends house.

Where are you sweet boy??
Happy to help! LE would need a warrant, that’s true. However, as a general rule, when there’s a missing child, LE generally files for immediate family data under Preservation and Emergency Requests. That means if someone wipes the device later, it won’t matter, because there’s a solid cloud backup. Emergency means someone is in danger.

Apple has a team devoted to LE only, and they’re fully staffed and available 24/7. If you want to read more about Apple’s privacy rules, I have a link.Privacy - Government Information Requests

This is comforting to know @gatorage. ((Thank you))
... Can the police find out where I went if I left my phone at home and I’m wearing an Apple Watch that isn’t connected to my carrier?
That’s a good question. Don’t think I would try a test run. :p But I have always lived under the assumption that big brother is always watching. Even my Alexa freaks me out and i’m Always wondering who is listening in. o_O
It can’t take photos of any kind, correct? I have one but won’t pretend to know all of the features of it. Pretty sure I bought the latest version but someone could’ve sold me a vtech for all I know lol
If it takes selfies I haven't figured it out yet and I've had mine for 4 years and am tech-savvy.
I only know how to take "point and shoot" photos with it.
If there truly is a part 2 what is left for her to splain? why are they waiting to release it?
There must be a reason. Can you imagine being her? She wants the rest out there to splain her side! That's why she gave it! And they're not releasing it!
She's probably walking in circles thinking people are seeing her as even worse than they did and it's all because the 2nd part could explain everything else!
Maybe she'll find a way to give another interview to go around the lack of release of the 2nd part.
Stay tuned!
Trying to catch up this morning (goodness, when do you people sleep?! :p) but just wanted to say thank you for that insight/information, it's tremendously helpful. You definitely should consider becoming a verified expert/professional.

Thank you! I’m happy to help. We all just want this sweet boy home with his family. I’m just glad I can provide any info that’s helpful!
Also - why not just leave the sick boy home for a few hours while running the errands if he was mildly unwell? She says he felt better later, right before going to the friends house- which implies/confirms he didn’t feel good while they were out. Let him rest at home and be near a bathroom. They had a security system and he had a phone and she had a phone - she could’ve left him home (And yes, we know she should’ve been caring for him directly, but that didn’t happen either). That would be a question I’d ask her “why was it necessary for him to come with you when he wasn’t feeling well?”
Also - why not just leave the sick boy home for a few hours while running the errands if he was mildly unwell? She says he felt better later, right before going to the friends house- which implies/confirms he didn’t feel good while they were out. Let him rest at home and be near a bathroom. They had a security system and he had a phone and she had a phone - she could’ve left him home (And yes, we know she should’ve been caring for him directly, but that didn’t happen either). That would be a question I’d ask her “why was it necessary for him to come with you when he wasn’t feeling well?”
My question is... why was it necessary AT ALL to leave the house that day if Gannon was unwell.
I personally don’t go shopping ( ESPECIALLY for unimportant things if I have a child home from school sick) it’s illogical
Taking out of the equation this little man is missing. Her Arias-Anthony speak really is a sight to behold.
Funny you should say that. I've been relating some of her behaviors to Jody Arias. But I do think Jody is smarter and crazier. LS strikes me as thinking she can outsmart and in a panic. Mostly in a panic.
I also believe that With Aria and CA, keeping a man was at the root of their decision.
oh Tee is spilling the Tea

Tecia explained her whereabouts may seem confusing because she “took the back roads” that morning, “because there had been a wreck.” She said at one point, she got lost and had to turn around. She also said she took exit 163, off of Highway 105, but did not remember the exact time.
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