Found Deceased CO - Gannon Stauch, 11, Colorado Springs, Lorson Ranch, El Paso County, 27 Jan 2020 *endangered* #23

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Truly, I never had to torture. Got my BA and MA Psych and experience It is when you empathize, feed the ego, etc. that they sing like canaries. We only tortured SF in their training to help them see what might happen in the enemy's hands. A lot of what I did was covert. Befriend them and they will sell their grandma to you.
This reminds me of the Red Sparrow quote:

"Every human being is a puzzle of need. You must become the missing piece, and they will tell you anything."
Here’s an example of another case where inconsistencies in the POI’s testimony led to more discovery. And keeping the POI talking led police to believe he was pre-splaining why his DNA would be found.
Affidavit: Perjury suspect told inconsistent stories

It’s tiring to deal with suspects like these. I admit I felt fatigued to even be reading LS words in Part 2. But a person’s words can sometimes be THE thing that points the investigation in a new, more productive direction. I think she digs her hole deeper with every word she makes public. So let her talk.
I haven't rented a car in decades but wouldn't the receipt show an extra charge if she dropped the car off at a different place than where she rented it? (Think the receipt originally showed it was rented in CS.)

Also these days it's pretty hard to fly so "secretly" LE won't find out, isn't it?

I was curious about that too, and went to the Budget car rental site and played around with various drop scenarios. Budget appears to bake the one way fee into the base rate, and doesn't show up on the cost breakdown. For example, if I rented an economy car at COS and dropped it back at COS, the 'pay at counter' 2 day base rate is $94, but if I dropped it off at DEN, then the 2 day base rate is $122, or really far away like Salt Lake City the 2 day base rate jumps to $390.

You're right you can't fly anonymous these days.
Do detectives still put all the clues up on the wall the way they do in the TV shows? Because boy, would I like a snapshot of that wall right about now.
You would need a house full of walls!
I'm out of the hospital and catching up. What a mess SOMEONE has made of so many lives.

This got me thinking.

I tend to think that the 955 miles was an error.

Maybe it wasn't so much about the rental car, but about keeping her own car away for the day. Perhaps there was something in it that she didn't want found or scrutinized? I know there's no evidence, that we know of, that she drove it the day G disappeared, but maybe it figures in somehow.

Like, maybe, there's a park and valet car wash service at the airport, if you leave your car there overnight? Just speculating...
Munchausen syndrome by proxy: MedlinePlus Medical Encyclopedia
I urge u to read up on it. Two of the main symptoms in a child suffering from this type of abuse is ADHD and stomach issues. Yes LH states G had stomach issues but who was she receiving that info from and who was perhaps causing those issues and who perhaps fabricated symptoms for G to be put on medications in the first place?
But ok we’ll go with he had ADHD and IBS. Why then on a Monday morning was she not calling G’s pediatrician for help. She instead called an urgent care line. That is not typical of a parent with a child with a chronic illness. They would reach out to the Dr who knows them best. Unless that Dr has already formed suspicions. Then they do what most Munchausen parents do and they reach out to multiple care givers. Moo she’s is classic Munchausen.
ADHD and many other conditions are also common among children who are born premature.

I've worked with mothers who have Munchausen and I've seen them do horrible things to their children. I think if there was any indication of this it would be indicated in Gannon's medical records. He has legitimate medical issues and I don't think it has anything to do with TS having Munchausen by Proxy.

As I mentioned earlier, if Gannon did have symptoms due to depression or anxiety then I believe this may have been due to ongoing abuse by his stepmother, whether verbal or physical. I just don't see any evidence of Munchausen.

ETA... Just to add to this, I think it is more likely that TS has some sort of Personality Disorder with Narcissistic traits.

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Looking at this , we'd have to determine which direction would be quickest, and fit better in her short timeline.

In other words, would it be easier/faster to drive towards Kansas than New Mexico?
Or Montana or Utah?

I-70 east to Kansas is an easy way to rack up miles without traffic. Tons of places she get off and be unseen. In fact, I felt very nervous even before my WS days at a gas station on that route at night. An exit right off the highway, yet the gas station felt like the wild west with nothing around it and poorly lit. During the day she might be feel too exposed with the flat, treeless landscape, but at night Kansas is a great place to hide someone.

Going to Utah would be a much harder drive through the mountains....955 mountain miles is a lot of time.

South is possible, but with 955 miles I bet she went east at night.

I bet she forgot her watch and her phone this time.

Do all new cars have the ability to be tracked, even if she got one without navigation? We haven't heard of any searches in another state. Maybe she was able to go undetected? Where did she end up staying after being kicked out? Surely if a hotel rumor is true, they have parking lot cameras that would at least show when she left and returned. Hopefully.
YES. All of this. ITA

A little late as I’ve been busy but I really want to respond to “Part 2”.
“Hallelujah, holy ****... where’s the Tylenol?!?!”

My god... I hope she didn’t hurt herself coming up with all that?!?!
Not for a split second do I believe ANYTHING from that article except:
•’maybe’ she went to PIAS on Monday
•the red truck was never left at the airport
•she did rent a car
•’maybe’ she actually picked up AS from the airport

I know this type of person, I’ve had family members who can spew ridiculous statements or stories that could easily be proven false. I know, I know, she must think he can’t read, but I imagine him reading this... “She got a rental car because why?? “WE” drove around door to door, what?? SHE picked me up from airport??” Really, they do this.

AND to actually go public with the receipt was the purest example of lunacy! Did she think we wouldn’t notice? I did a little digging & see others did as well and I have to say it seems legit. It’s insane, I know, I wouldn’t think she’d have it in her either but until a logical explanation presents itself I am inclined to believe she took a 955 mile road roundtrip!

I am under the impression that AS may not have arrived until closer to noon (?) therefore she might not have been the one who picked him up... she clearly needed to get started ASAP. BUT maybe she did bring him home & got started in the early afternoon, who knows. It’s pretty clear there’s a hatred of poor LH so I’m sure a planned storming off wasn’t a problem but I would wager she did it right away that morning even before LH arrived (if she brought AS home) to get going on her trip.

I say it’s the easiest answer... my thoughts are as follows IMHO MOO... she realizes police presence may be stronger than she anticipated or they immediately became suspicious of her, yada yada so she decides to “storm off”, get a rental car so her own car doesn’t show up on traffic/security cams or give out GPS locations and better hide her ‘evidence’. She doesn’t seem like the type who could do what we think she’s about to do but I would guess she’s getting scared. She goes to the place she left her ‘evidence’
(perhaps where recent searches have taken place?) & retrieves it (in daylight none the less) and starts driving. Did she bring her cell phone (or just have her watch)??? I feel like she’d need to but she knows they’ll find out... who knows. So, driving & driving & driving and thinking & thinking & thinking.... when it’s finally dark she finds a place to stop (in the vicinity of 450mi out) & leaves her ‘evidence’ this time under the cover of night. She gets gas with cash, maybe she rests a little then heads all the way back to CS airport to turn car in. It’s ludicrous, I know.

From my understanding she never took part in any neighborhood searches. I would really be interested if anyone can say they saw her between Tues mid-morning to Wednesday afternoon. I think she feels safer & possibly thinks she’ll get away with it so now she’s cocky enough to make Friday’s camera interview all about herself.

It’s just a gut thing but with the little we have to go on it just seems the most logical to me. I believe LE HAS the rental, it’s been ‘sniffed’ & finely ‘combed over’ and hopefully they know where it’s been but my guess is they are holding out a little longer for a body. I’m pretty sure they could already arrest but since she’s probably being watched like a hawk I imagine they’d prefer to build a rock solid case. They could’ve been searching 450 mi out. Yes, I realize this might all be crazy, just speaking an over-tired brain. MOO

(It pains me, I have boys who were 11 not long ago, I look at sweet Gannon’s face constantly & just swell up:()
Indeed, it is sickening. It is akin to a reality show. The only way crimeonline saves face with me is if they are working with LE in this case.

If they are doing all this for $$$ and ratings, it would be the ultimate in greedy depravity.

Gannon seems to be lost in the entire mess, 'tis a shame.
You know the author of the Crime Online story is a member of this websleuther forum, right?
If we discard TS's explanation of the reason the car was rented, that she didn't want a recognizable family car that might spook Gannon, what was the real reason she did rent it? She never tells the truth about her actions but tells what she thinks we should believe about her actions to cover the real truth. We are not fools !!
I-70 east to Kansas is an easy way to rack up miles without traffic. Tons of places she get off and be unseen. In fact, I felt very nervous even before my WS days at a gas station on that route at night. An exit right off the highway, yet the gas station felt like the wild west with nothing around it and poorly lit. During the day she might be feel too exposed with the flat, treeless landscape, but at night Kansas is a great place to hide someone.

Going to Utah would be a much harder drive through the mountains....955 mountain miles is a lot of time.

South is possible, but with 955 miles I bet she went east at night.

I bet she forgot her watch and her phone this time.

Do all new cars have the ability to be tracked, even if she got one without navigation? We haven't heard of any searches in another state. Maybe she was able to go undetected? Where did she end up staying after being kicked out? Surely if a hotel rumor is true, they have parking lot cameras that would at least show when she left and returned. Hopefully.
Anyone know if she has ties to Kansas or Utah or another one of these places? If I was a criminal, and couldn’t search on my phone for fear of being discovered, I’d have to use whatever location info was already in my brain.
:D “milegate” is a nothing burger

My in-law is a police detective in a major US city. In principle, they are taught never to exclude information (like mileage) until the facts confirm there is no way they can be relevant. If they didn’t abide by these best practices, they would accidentally eliminate good facts just because any random detective on a whim didn’t judge it to be important.
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The problem I have with TS, herself, putting the 900 plus miles on the rental is that she was never gone that long and someone/LE would know if she was. More importantly, she has not fabricated a story line to pre-explain that.
For the first few days, LE was reporting G as a runaway. I don’t think they even believed a suspect was involved at first. Many kids turn up in the first 24 hours after they runaway. I don’t see any evidence they were interrogating anyone in the first 24 hours.
For the first few days, LE was reporting G as a runaway. I don’t think they even believed a suspect was involved at first. Many kids turn up in the first 24 hours after they runaway. I don’t see any evidence they were interrogating anyone in the first 24 hours.

The police have stated if it was an abduction they would inform the public.
The police have stated that this isn't a criminal investigation.
The police have put Gannon on the missing and endangered list . .
So not suspecting a run away.
What does this mean?
Gannon left to visit a friend and something happened along the way?
If it's not an abduction, criminal or a runaway case, how far do the police think Gannon could have travelled to?
This is insane!
I'm so confused.
I don’t see it that way at all. I think the main reason CrimeOnline and people here are interested in LS is because we believe decoding her actions is the ONLY way Gannon will be found. She may grate on us and her narratives may be exhausting, but it’s absolutely worth it to put up with her and sift for facts that may provide the only viable path to justice for Gannon. It’s been 30+ days. Gannon could be anywhere. Her words are key.
I think these discussions are relevant and useful for a host of reasons, but LE is way ahead of us on any justice mission and knows more than we ever will. And I would think FBI profilers are on top of her crazy behavior and and it’s implications.

We have to remember that anyone on a spectrum of narcissistic thought and behavior is seeking fuel in everything they do. Trying to decipher all her word games is fuel for her. She ignites social media storms because they’re fuel. She denigrates and dumps all over her victim because it’s fuel. We’ll see Part 3 as soon as the rental/door knocking story runs it’s course, and she experiences spotlight withdrawal again and requires more fuel.

Whether she or her flying monkeys troll this site is unknown, but she has a handle on what (normal) people are saying and questioning because the verbatim language of others is embedded in all her campaigns. Others are wanting to help Gannon, and she’s using Gannon and our concern, and our dismantling of her claims, to fuel herself and find additional material for her grandstanding.

There’s a fascinating ‘diagnosed’ narc/sociopath who as a function of his ‘treatment’ plan and what sounds like a legal mandate for some of the harm he’s caused, informs about “his kind” via (easily searched) videos. If I was LE, I’d be asking him what she did with Gannon and a lot of other missing people. What’s an inevitable twist to his ‘help’ is it’s obviously fuel for him. Perhaps an acceptable trade off if his warnings and meticulously detailed information about the trick bag and word usage of his kind leads to avoidance of people like him, and paths to their victims.
What a wild ‘goose’ chase.
Ok, here it goes.... Can’t believe I’m gonna say this: Let’s just say she’s hiding him somewhere. (Low probability, but let’s just entertain this.) She strikes me as someone with a sense of entitlement. She’s gonna have everything she’s entitled to, one way or another. So, perhaps she convinced Gannon they would make a lot of money through donations, like Go Fund Me, if he pretended to run away, and then he turned up back at home. And this would also make up for the accident she was chastising him for over the weekend. She could have rubbed it in by saying they won’t have a place to live and he can be the big man of the house by helping solve all their problems. Maybe he wasn’t that hurt after all. The day he got in the car, he could have been walking hunched over from stomach cramps (IBS). -Nevermind, this is ridiculous. She hurt him. Grrrr. This is so infuriating.
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