Found Deceased CO - Gannon Stauch, 11, Colorado Springs, Lorson Ranch, El Paso County, 27 Jan 2020 *endangered* #7

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Regarding the family's plea video, LE does nothing by accident. IMO the reason for that video had one purpose: to personalize Gannon in order to bring out tips vital from those who have information they're holding back. IMO LE knows EXACTLY who that message is for.

That's the only time frame that makes sense. That part about the neighbor waiting so long to check his vids was for public consumption, IMO, to cover for the vids not being released earlier. Obviously AS learned about her leaving with GS and returning without him on Tuesday when he returned, that which RD discovered on Monday. IMO.

And why? Because it is too obvious to have overlooked first time around. And within just a few hours of when he "ran away". The neighbor wouldn't have thought to look at 10 am, or 2 pm when the boy disappeared at 3-4 pm?
I do not buy that.
It was not obvious until he looked at it on his TV screen, prior to that he watched it on his ipad and it wasn't clear at all.
As well as that he had a whole system of cameras, that is a lot of footage over a lot of days because the days following the kidnapping would have been crucial too.
It is very hard to look at CCTV camera footage.
I believe the priority would have been in establishing his return from GOG hike on Sunday and after that everything that happened after 3.15pm, the timeline she submitted.
All reputable media sources described the finding as having occurred last weekend. Saturday night. Father shown it Sunday morning. He immediately contacted LE and the search was adjusted at 2pm.
Maybe she went out to see a boyfriend Monday. Maybe GS was made to wait in car or was dropped off somewhere else (store, park) until she was done but when she went back to get him he was not there. She’d have to come up with a cover story without exposing affair.
Why is he still being listed as missing endangered?
Why does LE have an area to search?
Maybe she fessed up to affair and negligence after Tuesday night and this is why AS kicked her out?
Maybe this is why there is no POI ?
Maybe when she returned to truck or place she left him he was not alive for some reason?
Maybe he is still in truck when she returns home on video then she leaves again later to dispose of body but we haven’t seen later videos? Scratch this last one- I think if he was deceased in truck they would of made an arrest already...same goes for house. They would know by now.
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WE tried to get him for another case, the family asked but he did not have resources to go there and family is spread throughout the country

UGH..I cant bring it up on my laptop. Is this Gannon's home ??
I just keep getting the circle jerk thing and nothing shows up
6600 Mandan Dr, Colorado Springs, CO 80925
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EPC Sheriff:
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btw: Is anyone else interested in Jimmy Camp Creek as an area of interest?
Regarding the family's plea video, LE does nothing by accident. IMO the reason for that video had one purpose: to personalize Gannon in order to bring out tips vital from those who have information they're holding back. IMO LE knows EXACTLY who that message is for.

I think you're right.
And the video is on their own fb page.
They're throwing their full weight behind that family and they are being seen to do it.
Her next strategy will to impugn on the character reputation and integrity of both parents even more viciously than she has done already.
She knows now who she will be trampling and the DA visit to the house is the icing on the cake.
She is being confronted .
But she cannot prove it.
(jeez, I'd still love so much to believe there was even a glimmer of hope that she stashed him somewhere safe and cared-for. I know now that is not realistic. But, #NoHarmHopin'
I am not ready to convict on long-range premeditation.... really depends for me on two things: Gannon's state of well-being or lack thereof at 10:15 that morning and whether TS took the truck because it fit with a plan.

I CAN see a decent stepmother taking a child who is home sick with her, to run errands, above leaving them home alone. Quick errand, would you leave them asleep or resting in the car while you ran into a store? If a child were truly sick, but sleepy from Benadryl or the likes, asphyxiation from vomit is a real thing....

Is it POSSIBLE she was at an errand site for way too long and, in a moment of sheer self-preservation and utter callousness, decided to disappear him rather than own up to supreme negligence? Fortunately car upholstery will tell that story as will a phone, when it's on and when it's off. If the phone was off at 10:15, we have our answer regarding premeditation.

No matter what transpired, there's a long list of crimes here....

If TS/LS is a hardcore narcissist, the pleas from family won’t work. They lack the ability to empathize or feel bad for their actions. I know this because I was raised by one. You would think a mom would have a heart or a conscience, but you would be shocked at how damn evil and empty some humans who roam this earth are. TS/LS has one goal in mind and that is to protect her image at all costs. Never admit her wrong doings and always come out on top or at least the victim. I’m assuming all of this and it is all just my opinion based on being raised by a narcissist.
I saw that Gannon has a little sister on tv the other night, there is a YouTube video of Gannon's parents and sister.

Where did the sister live?

The Mom is begging for someone to return Gannon. This was yesterday. Haven't they already figured out that this isn't going to happen? The Dad looks checked out. He knows Gannon isn't coming home.

The little sister was quite upset, not sure that having her on this video was the world's greatest idea.

Gannon Stauch's Family Pleads For His Safe Return: 'Not Giving Up Hope'
Children are ALWAYS protected by LE in situations like this.
There was a reason for it.
A good reason.
That child is now safe and with her loving birth parents and nobody on earth is gonna get their mitts on that family ever again. That is what a family looks like. It was a very strong message and they had a reason for doing it and I feel in my heart the reason was good. And it was no coincidence it was released immediately in the wake of, if not during the DA visit to the house which nobody tried to obscure.
That was doing the right thing for the right reason.
They know exactly and perfectly the nature of the beast they are dealing with and they chose to slice it with an image of a united loving family, the most antithetical example of everything the beast hates, protected fully both spiritually and constitutionally. God and country.
Guaranteed to make her smoulder if not self combust entirely.
next move will belong to the beast, she'll go down fast and she'll go down furious.
I hate to say this, but I'd think that if they had any kind of gps info for those four hours, that they would have found him by now.

I almost wonder if LE is just trying to make sure he isn't anywhere near home, because some people would criticize them if he is eventually found close to home.

Bottom line - this IS a criminal investigation into the disappearance of Gannon Stauch. Search warrants were obtained. That's procedure in a case like this.

Whether LE wants to publicly address it or not as a criminal investigation is not important (I know a lot of people on here seem worried about it not being labeled as such). It's fairly obvious that it's a criminal investigation. There are things happening that make it clear.

Also, I think LE has more than enough for an arrest, but like @gitana1 said - just be patient!
It's everyone saying, 'You know, we believe something can be done,' and we're all here to do it," said John Wilson, a drone pilot and member of Gannon's church, who says he's been recording aerial footage "24/7" in hopes of finding the child.

Lorson Ranch, the neighborhood southeast of the Colorado Springs Airport where Gannon calls home, is covered in blue lights and blue ribbons as families cling to hope he'll return.

“Gannon’s favorite color is blue, and so we’re turning the neighborhood blue. Just kind of a, you know, spiritual beacon to come back to us. To see we all care, we’re all thinking about you. We all want to see you again," Wilson said.
Authorities search for evidence in pond as Colorado boy remains missing
Is it odd to anyone besides me that Gannon had to text his dad who is 2 states away to ask if he can play at X or Y friend's house?

Sorry - I'm catching up so I may have missed this. Stepmom mentioned that Gannon didn't say which friends house - if i were a kid (i was at one point at least) I don't think I ever would have worded it "mom/dad, can i go to a friends house?" and then leave. I would ask "Can I go to (so-and-so's) house?". It seems like the dad and Gannon were close so I would think Gannon would have been forthcoming and mentioned the friends name without any hesitation. This makes me think it was stepmom who sent that text to push the -I don't know where he is/he didn't tell me where he was going so maybe he ran away- narrative. If and when this plays out, where it seems to be headed, she might claim it wasn't premeditated. That's blatantly false at this point.
I do not buy that.
It was not obvious until he looked at it on his TV screen, prior to that he watched it on his ipad and it wasn't clear at all.
As well as that he had a whole system of cameras, that is a lot of footage over a lot of days because the days following the kidnapping would have been crucial too.
It is very hard to look at CCTV camera footage.
I believe the priority would have been in establishing his return from GOG hike on Sunday and after that everything that happened after 3.15pm, the timeline she submitted.
All reputable media sources described the finding as having occurred last weekend. Saturday night. Father shown it Sunday morning. He immediately contacted LE and the search was adjusted at 2pm.
Oh I buy it for sure. An Ipad would show the whole frame of the video, at least it would on my kindle. It would appear in more detail on a big screen TV, but at least on my own tablet one would have been able to see people entering the car, car leaving, returning, etc. Remember the red truck was driven right in front of neighbor RD's house, driving right there from right to left. Full frame in front of his house, he might even have been able to see the occupants, which hasn't been released. At least once, I don't know from which direction she returned, but he would have seen "red truck" front and center with no question about it, no way he could have missed it on an ipad or iphone screen. And consider the very poor quality vids we were shown, in most cases videos taken of other videos already on the tube. Anyway, some day we will find out, maybe, and I agree with the OP that some big deal made LS have to leave her own house. More than just bioMom showing up. Some very deep and sudden feeling of distrust of LS by bio Dad.
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Maybe she went out to see a boyfriend Monday. Maybe GS was made to wait in car or was dropped off somewhere else (store, park) until she was done but when she went back to get him he was not there. She’d have to come up with a cover story without exposing affair.
Why is he still being listed as missing endangered?
Why does LE have an area to search?
Maybe she fessed up to affair and negligence after Tuesday night and this is why AS kicked her out?
Maybe this is why there is no POI ?
Maybe when she returned to truck or place she left him he was not alive for some reason?
Maybe he is still in truck when she returns home on video then she leaves again later to dispose of body but we haven’t seen later videos? Scratch this last one- I think if he was deceased in truck they would of made an arrest already...same goes for house. They would know by now.
I think that is a possibility.
Remember how she demurred in the 'interview' when the journo asked her about what happened that day and she kinda , sorta inferred there were more than 2 stories about what happened that day. Almost as if she had recently made an admission to one of the two 'great detectives, just doing their job'. She mentioned them. Her head was full of nonsense and she was almost incoherent and spasmodic but she 'remembered' to get that bit in.
It could have 'come out' in the course of her 'conversation with them. She is reminding them of it. But it doesn't explain crime lab spending so much time in that house. They're gonna dismantle it brick by brick if they feel they need to.
I am not ready to convict on long-range premeditation.... really depends for me on two things: Gannon's state of well-being or lack thereof at 10:15 that morning and whether TS took the truck because it fit with a plan.

I CAN see a decent stepmother taking a child who is home sick with her, to run errands, above leaving them home alone. Quick errand, would you leave them asleep or resting in the car while you ran into a store? If a child were truly sick, but sleepy from Benadryl or the likes, asphyxiation from vomit is a real thing....

Is it POSSIBLE she was at an errand site for way too long and, in a moment of sheer self-preservation and utter callousness, decided to disappear him rather than own up to supreme negligence? Fortunately car upholstery will tell that story as will a phone, when it's on and when it's off. If the phone was off at 10:15, we have our answer regarding premeditation.

No matter what transpired, there's a long list of crimes here....

JMO JMO JMO my mind if he were sick and medicated she wouldn't back the truck up in the driveway to get him in. I've had sick kids at home and if needed to run an errand we would all walk out to car. Even on Benedryl or NyQuil or whatever, they could walk out to car. WOuld have to be really really ill or injured (like I back car up to get close for my 70-something mom who had double knee replacement). And if super ill or injured 11 year old, they'd be going directly to hospital and she did not. And he walked to car on his own. I really don't think this was a case of a kid with flu or other normal kid illness being left in car while step mom ran errands. Could be kid with head injury, or other bodily harm, being left in car. And I get the feeling the backing truck up to garage was more for obscuring what was going on than helping a kid who was siick.
All just my opinion.
Regarding the family's plea video, LE does nothing by accident. IMO the reason for that video had one purpose: to personalize Gannon in order to bring out tips vital from those who have information they're holding back. IMO LE knows EXACTLY who that message is for.


I agree, there was a specific purpose to that video, personalising Gannon and probably also designed to rattle someone in particulars cage seeing Landen and Albert together with their daughter, united for Gannon.
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