Found Deceased CO - Gannon Stauch, 11, Colorado Springs, Lorson Ranch, El Paso County, 27 Jan 2020 *endangered* #8

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One of the very first MSM articles said they were checking the landfill IIRC

Thanks! I obviously missed that. In other high-profile cases, landfill searches go on for days/weeks and get a lot of media attention. It must have been a relatively cursory search in GS's case or it seems like we would be hearing more about it.

I don't know if she gets a thrill out of it - maybe. But I do think this is how she lives her life - in chaos, lashing out at others. There are people who go through life like that, creating conflict and chaos, and that is normal to them.

So in a big conflict like this, it's the same reaction, imo, only bigger.

She likely doesn't realize there is another way to respond....with compassion, humility, helpfulness, quietness. She doesn't need to say anything public at all, just to AS and LE.


OR she consciously does it to spread misinformation and muddy the waters. But you sure made a point.:).Jmo
You might be correct about the gps and being obvious that the phone isn't moving. I've thought that maybe she "stashed" her phone for a while now. Assuming she had her gps location turned off, LE would have to rely on the less precise (as i understand it) pinging method. So maybe if she was at like a mall or something, it might just seem reasonable that she is shopping at multiple stores. I'm not sure how accurate "pinging" is. I'm thinking it can pinpoint you withing a few hundred feet or so, but I'm not sure. Even if that is the case, if it didn't know EXACTLY where you were (within a few hundred feet), would it still be able to show that you weren't moving?

And even if they did suspect her of "stashing" her phone, they still wouldn't know where she went without her phone. I think she was again counting on cctv being long gone. I don't think she thought they would be onto her this quickly. That being said, trying to track someone with cctv seems like it would be very difficult.

Also, about her stashing her phone as a possibility. The possible store that was in the theory is right across the street from a certain university. If anyone she knew went to that particular school. Possibly dropping the phone into someone's car while she did whatever? That's all I will say about that.
Do not rule out the onboard computer information in the truck. That's actual data for the truck's activity on that day. You can lose a phone, or break it, but you cannot get to the onboard data easily. I doubt she could.
Yeah, someone mentioned this previously, and it is intriguing. I never would have thought of it. Do you know much about it? As far as what type(s) of info they could get?
Reasons why the SM & daughter were banned from the S dwelling was to reduce the chance of evidence destruction, prevent confrontation with and between family members, and to maybe force an uncomfortable condition so as to elicit true character? If so, it's worked wonders, and then some.
I don't recall her ever stating that she never left the house that day. (Not saying that she didn't say it.....)
I can only imagine if it were me in her shoes, how the conversations would go with both my husband and LE:

Them: start from the beginning, tell me exactly what happened on Monday?
Me: I'd list every single detail of every single thing I did, said, he did, said, what he was wearing, what he ate for breakfast, what he watched on tv, how he felt, literally and absolutely every single detail I could think of, including if we went anywhere that day.

Based on the reported reaction of AS when he saw the neighbor's surveillance video, I don't believe either he or LE knew that they left the house that day. The neighbor RD stated AS responded with "'she lied. She lied about the time. He didn’t go to a friend’s house,'" Family of missing Colorado boy makes tearful plea after new surveillance video revealed So if she lied to him about the timeline of that day, she lied to the police as well.
In rewatching the interview, I think TS is actually doubling down on her runaway story. If she's responsible for this atrocity (and all indications suggest she is), IMO she DID NOT get the response she was expecting. It did bring her husband right home, if that was the goal or even a partial goal, but they didn't unite to search and worry and mourn like she may have predicted. Instead HER husband united with HIS EX-WIFE. TS fail.

Additionally TS said that she'd been taking care of Gannon for two years, with an added insult to his actual mom. Someone upthread described TS as NOT self-aware. See, she believes what she said, she ASSUMES we will agree -- that SHE'S the better mother. THAT was what she was voicing, and that's what she wanted US to hear. But we didn't. Not even close. We didn't bite.

She didn't back down. Now here's a curious thing about narcissists, IMO -- as y'all have said, they don't experience guilt because they are masterful at divorcing themselves from responsibility and blame. Simple illustration: I didn't hit your car. YOU pulled in front of me.

Or: I didn't push you down. I was protecting myself and YOU FELL.

It's not just isolated events either. IMO it's a whole construction of I didn't do it, you did.

Of everybody in this story, SHE has the most information, regardless of how much she is to blame. Very dumb of her to concede that she's the last one who saw him. That pretty much tells the whole tale. Because a runaway would've been seen by drivers-by.... a runaway could've been picked up by a passing car..... runaway is a very incomplete scenario... runaway would leave NORMAL people FEARING THE WORST.

She didn't map it out very far. He ran away. he's coming home. I didn't do it. She HAS to control the third statement because the first and second are slipping away from her.

Her reaction leads me to believe that, when he is found, the where and how WILL be consistent with her runaway story. Not because he ran away, but because that's her story and that's how she'd have outcomed it. Death by water, by exposure, by the elements.

Because LE is searching relatively close to home, I'm thinking that LE has information that Gannon never went (or was taken) outside a small circle. (Unless he was taken farther away by a co-conspirator but there seems to be nothing to suggest such a case.)

I suspect that, if is body is found, TS will be the first person to say, "see! I TOLD YOU he ran away!" And you know what? That boat might have floated if not for her neighbor's security footage.

Hard now to claim he ran away when LE knows she drove him away.

If, based on video evidence, she chooses to change her narrative, I predict she'll say she only bauble is on the WHERE he ran away from but that everything else is true -- IN ORDER TO protect her original "genius" storyline. Because her ultimate goal remains IMO unchanged. For whatever reason, she wanted him gone, she wanted not to be caught. In fact I believe she thought she wouldn't even be questioned. I think she thought, if anything, SHE and her husband would be giving the teary video interviews.

She underestimated her value in the world and she underestimated Gannon's.

I hope answers and an arrest are forthcoming. The saddest part though is that none of that can bring Gannon back... if only...


I couldn't love this post more. Spot on IMO
I haven't been able to be on much today. Busy Monday. I'm here for sweet Gannon and was really, really hoping to read that he's been found. I don't have much hope he's alive, but he still needs to be found. I at least hope for an update or something, anything. The longer this goes, the more afraid I become. Please find him and bring him home.
I think TS thrives in chaos and drama. Especially chaos she is in control of. When it gets out of her control she does stuff (ie yesterday) to try and swing it back in her favor. I think this has worked for her in the past with her family and friends, and I think it worked well. But, it's not going to work now. She hasn't been able to wear down all these people looking in on the case with her manipulation and emotional abuse tactics. I don't know if I think the will burst per se, but I think she's going to keep losing control of herself and her actions. She doesn't know how to handle not being able to swing the narrative in her favor. I think she is so used to being able to control everybody around her she is eventually going to dive straight into the deep end and say something that will, hopefully, lead to Gannon.
2 weeks of fame before she gets tossed in the slammer.

This is exactly the type of individual who gives interviews from the jail.

It's not at all likely that she'll be content with her 15 minutes.

An hour, at the very least.

I'm thinking Dateline or 48 hours should probably go ahead and reach out.

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I have absolutely no idea what any of that actually means, but it sounds technical, so I figure it's probably really good.
It's not as complicated as it sounds, it's the up/down magic tucked into our phones that tell them to rotate the screen (probably made out of unicorn sparkles, so you know, magic) :)
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I think TS thrives in chaos and drama. Especially chaos she is in control of. When it gets out of her control she does stuff (ie yesterday) to try and swing it back in her favor. I think this has worked for her in the past with her family and friends, and I think it worked well. But, it's not going to work now. She hasn't been able to wear down all these people looking in on the case with her manipulation and emotional abuse tactics. I don't know if I think the will burst per se, but I think she's going to keep losing control of herself and her actions. She doesn't know how to handle not being able to swing the narrative in her favor. I think she is so used to being able to control everybody around her she is eventually going to dive straight into the deep end and say something that will, hopefully, lead to Gannon.
If she likes chaos and drama.... she's gonna love prison.
Do not rule out the onboard computer information in the truck. That's actual data for the truck's activity on that day. You can lose a phone, or break it, but you cannot get to the onboard data easily. I doubt she could.
How long would it take to retrieve that information from the truck? I feel like we would be seeing or hearing about more specific searches if they learned anything from the truck’s computer. I know a lot is happening behind the scenes, but searches become news almost immediately - from witnesses, journalists, etc. Each time I check this forum and don’t see *arrest*, I lose a little hope.
I believe LE said they were in contact with all the local landfills. (I thought it was a rumor that LE was searching them? Was that not a rumor & I missed it?)
Mahalko said investigators were looking at “persons of interest” in the case as people who might be able to give them additional information on Stauch’s whereabouts.

He declined to say where authorities had been searching but confirmed that investigators had been in contact with some trash companies in El Paso County and in the Lorson Ranch area.
FBI involved in ongoing search for Colorado Springs boy

Yes, the article said LE was in contact - responsive to where they were searching - so we don't know for sure what was searched if it was not reported which really makes me think they did not feel it necessary in the beginning but if they had information to discount this - (like phone pings, gps, video, etc.) why no arrest yet?
Busting in out of nowhere here.
I’m not super familiar with the timeline yet - particularly on the day Gannon went missing - but somebody above said she might have felt comfortable taking him to Pueblo, and I do feel searching Pueblo might be a worthy consideration.

Pueblo is about 30-45 minutes south of Springs, depending on which part of Springs you’re coming from. If there are significant gaps in the timeline on that day, she’d have enough time to take him down there.

And there are several areas of Pueblo that might warrant searching. Pueblo State Park/Pueblo Reservoir comes to mind; the Arkansas river runs through as well. There’s a whole lot of open space and empty fields between Pueblo and Beulah if you go out of town on 78. There’s similarly a whole lot of nothing out in the Blende area - empty fields in between power plants and chemical depots. I’m not very savvy with direction or directional parts of town, but I grew up in Pueblo so I have a general idea of what’s there.

This is just me spitballing, of course, and I don’t know the exact timeline between LS leaving with GS and LS coming home without him. But if the timeline allows, there are a lot of areas in Pueblo and the surrounding area where a body could theoretically be dumped, if time allows.
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