Found Deceased CO - Gannon Stauch, 11, Colorado Springs, Lorson Ranch, El Paso County, 27 Jan 2020 *endangered* #8

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Assuming you're referring to TS; Ita.

A parent's love is fierce and TS is also nauseating in that there are many step parents and adoptive ones who love the children in their care just as much as any bio parent.
Think angry bears !!
TS should be shaking in her boots.

Just how much did she spend on herself or the dog and not on the step children ?
It's as if they were a nuisance and that was all.
Yes, I meant TS, I went back and edited. I apparently can't type today.
I had the same thought about the dogs. The way she sounded when she talked about the "two cute dogs" versus her stepson was so different IMO.
TS should absolutely be shaking in her boots, and after yesterday's meltdown, I think she is.

I don't buy for one second that he ran away. Period. MOO
Oh me neither. No way he ran away.
Lurking and busting in. Here is what I see:

1) The neighbor’s video we’ve seen on the news looks like a phone camera taking a video of a door-camera video. It’s so grainy to me that I cannot see what other posters are interpreting - that being Gannon was struggling to get into the red truck. I do not see that at all.

Nor do I see Gannon NOT getting out of the red truck. The video I’ve seen ends with TS leaving the driver’s side door.

2) If TS drove away in the red truck around 10:15 am Monday, with an alive Gannon, and then went to store and returned without Gannon, I just don’t get how she murdered and disposed of him before her return.

It’s beyond the pale for me to think she:
a) handed him off to someone she knew;
b) killed him in the truck;
c) let him die in the truck after fiercely beating him and then conveniently found a place to dump him. If she did beat him and put him somewhere, it’s not in a calculated far-away place, but right in the areas she went to in the red truck. And that red truck would provide a lot of answers.

3) I hope Tricia opens up the discussion on the recent SM broadcasts by TS. I think they are authentic but I guess Tricia needs to decide if they are.

MOO for me truck video is clear enough to see that Gannon is not hopping directly in truck.

MOO and on return at 2:15 that only LS gets out of truck.
Video clearly shows the under carriage of the truck and the feet of any one getting out either side would be seen.
Thank you for doing this! This was in my mind since poor Gannon went missing! I am just 1300 miles away.... Are there sewer pipes, sink holes, etc. that he could have fallen in? Just to rule that out.

Of course! My husband said "We're here, last thing we want is to go home and we miss something when we could have done something" which is so so true. No sewer pipes or sink holes that I saw, :(

At this moment, idk what to think. The step mom has mentioned the word "accident" more than once... What was an accident?! Just tell us. She wants everyone to see that she is innocent, yet she's as helpful as a pesky mosquito. It's so simple.
Sheriff's Office Update on Gannon Stauch Case
February 10, 2020
The El Paso County Sheriff's Office continues to investigate the disappearance of Gannon Stauch. To date there have been 385 tips received, 2,656 hours of investigative work done by Sheriff’s Office in this case and over 3,600 staff hours put into the search efforts. This has included large scale searches in addition to small, specific searches. The investigation and search processes continue to run parallel with one another.

As tips and leads come in, they are immediately acted upon and the information received is followed up on until the lead is exhausted. Even the smallest piece of information may prove valuable in solving this case and could consist of things as simple as anyone remembering suspicious persons or vehicles they saw in or around the area close to the date Gannon went missing.

We continue to get numerous tips and messages through our social media platforms. If you have information you feel is pertinent to Gannon’s case, please call the Sheriff’s Office Tip Line at 719-520-6666, or email, if you have not already done so.

Please do not send tips through social media platforms as this slows down the investigative process and the timeliness in following up on the tip and/or lead.

This remains a very active and fluid investigation. Specific details will be released as the investigation allows. The goal remains to find Gannon and bring him home safely.

MR 20-029
Sheriff's Office Update on Gannon Stauch Case

ETA: For reference, the number of tips received as of yesterday, Sun., Feb. 9th: 339 (vs. 385 today = +46)
Sheriff's Office Update on Gannon Stauch Case
Last edited:
Our WS posters on timelines are far more detailed than this article so you can read everything in them. I am sorry to tell you but here is a direct quote from part of the article - sorry because this is a current article as of today and it says the below about SM. It seems to be a lazily written one.

- Letecia also said that her 17-year-old daughter was briefly put in handcuffs when detectives pulled over their vehicle Jan. 30. She claims deputies had guns drawn and told her they were going to shoot her without identifying themselves as law enforcement officers. A spokeswoman for the sheriff's office would not comment on the claims, citing the ongoing investigation.

- Foul play is not suspected, and the investigation is not a criminal one, investigators said.
Wait I thought they were inside shopping at Marshall's.
Sheriff's Office Update on Gannon Stauch Case
February 10, 2020
The El Paso County Sheriff's Office continues to investigate the disappearance of Gannon Stauch. To date there have been 385 tips received, 2,656 hours of investigative work done by Sheriff’s Office in this case and over 3,600 staff hours put into the search efforts. This has included large scale searches in addition to small, specific searches. The investigation and search processes continue to run parallel with one another.

As tips and leads come in, they are immediately acted upon and the information received is followed up on until the lead is exhausted. Even the smallest piece of information may prove valuable in solving this case and could consist of things as simple as anyone remembering suspicious persons or vehicles they saw in or around the area close to the date Gannon went missing.

We continue to get numerous tips and messages through our social media platforms. If you have information you feel is pertinent to Gannon’s case, please call the Sheriff’s Office Tip Line at 719-520-6666, or email, if you have not already done so.

Please do not send tips through social media platforms as this slows down the investigative process and the timeliness in following up on the tip and/or lead.

This remains a very active and fluid investigation. Specific details will be released as the investigation allows. The goal remains to find Gannon and bring him home safely.

MR 20-029
View attachment 231287
Sheriff's Office Update on Gannon Stauch Case
385 Tips. Keep it up. For Gannon.
Also, about her stashing her phone as a possibility. The possible store that was in the theory is right across the street from a certain university. If anyone she knew went to that particular school. Possibly dropping the phone into someone's car while she did whatever? That's all I will say about that.
That’s interesting. Just speculating but I wonder if her daughter went to that university. Jmo
That's what I've been thinking.

I wonder if she thought she could control the story....and it got away from her, especially after the neighbor's video.

But even then, what was her plan? To have him appear again? How would that work?


I don't think she planned on him coming back. His coming back, even alive, would land her in jail. Which is motive for murder.
Of course! My husband said "We're here, last thing we want is to go home and we miss something when we could have done something" which is so so true. No sewer pipes or sink holes that I saw, :(

At this moment, idk what to think. The step mom has mentioned the word "accident" more than once... What was an accident?! Just tell us. She wants everyone to see that she is innocent, yet she's as helpful as a pesky mosquito. It's so simple.
I'm thinking she was referring to an incident that was presented in social media. In essence, she's blaming GS while making it seem she's 'understanding', that it was an 'accident' and doesn't blame him.
Do you have any idea if all vehicles have this technology? Or a nissan frontier in particular? TIA
I'm not the OP.
I have been following the Gerald Corrigan case in Wales UK. Its on WS. The person on trial for his murder drove a Land Rover. The vehical was torched after the crime but the Telematics were automatically sent to the manufacturer. The info told when the engine was started, turned off, doors opened and trunk opened as well as location. Pretty amazing stuff and worth a read. Moo.
Exactly. They may have it all drawn up perfectly in their head, but they make mistakes, and there are always complications.

SM probably figured the fake Google search would throw law enforcement off, and everyone would assume Gannon simply ran away.

She didn’t count on surveillance footage, nor did she count on her ability not to cast suspicion upon herself.

She’s her own worst enemy.
It's amazing how many killers plan things out in excruciating detail, but really don't consider disposal of the body after the act - although I still think this was more of a spur-of-the-moment thing, the longer he goes without being found, the more I question that original assumption.
I’m so afraid giving her any ideas. Because of her self-centered behavior, there’s a good chance she has searched her name thoroughly.

Edit: searched and she’s found this board.
There’s not a doubt in my mind whatsoever. She’s reading here. I was on a blog for a very long time. Tammy (cray cray) Moorer was reading and interacting in the discussion in real time. She signed on and argued with us for a few days, long before she was ever charged. It was mind boggling. I kept thinking, is this really happening? My eyes grew wide. My jaw hurt from dropping it so much. True story.

Your window of opportunity is closing.
Children being raised by a narcissist don’t even know it’s not normal what goes on in their home, it’s what they are use to. They think everyone lives that way. They don’t realize that their home is different. IME
Chills. My ex was a narcissist. It’s horrible
WOW !! there sure are a lot of them.
I am feeling confident LE has viewed them and knows the Truth.
THANK YOU for posting this :)
this was my thought, they can narrow down which way the truck traveled....but it’s a lot of film.
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