Found Deceased CO - Gannon Stauch, 11, Colorado Springs, Lorson Ranch, El Paso County, 27 Jan 2020 *endangered* #9

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To me it sounds like either editing or coaching beforehand by the interviewer,

or she has been specifically told by a certain someone to make the point that SM doesn't spank the kids, like SM herself?

By whom would she be "coached"? And if she was why would they introduce "Spanking". That word is on someone's mind. So from whomever it came from , if it did come from someone else and not the sitter, then I would be weary of them mentioning "Spanking" and have my kids nowhere near them.
After Gannon disappeared the family was still using the red truck for a few days. I have not seen the red truck at the house after the first week. It leads me to believe they have the truck but I can't say for sure.

"Also on Thursday, a Sheriff's Office patrol car with two deputies was parked for an extended period of time across the street from the Stauch family home, and two other men appearing to be law enforcement officers sat in an unmarked car down the street.

However, the officers left the scene after two men and a woman got into a pickup truck parked in the driveway, and drove away."


Authorities say Gannon Stauch 'missing and endangered' after days gone - KRDO
Thanks for finding this !
Ha! I really wasn’t open to the idea that he ran away, even before that video.

The whole situation appeared to be contrived (Google search), and law enforcement was saying one thing, but behaving in a way that indicated another.

Their words didn’t match their actions, and I figured there was likely a reason for that.

As soon as SM gave that notorious interview, it all became clear.

The surveillance video put an exclamation point on all of that.

No one came forward saying they had seen this kid. He wasn’t captured on video. He made no preparations to run away. He had no pattern of running away. If he did run away, it would be unusual for him to stay away, or not be found.

That’s because he didn’t run away. It’s probable that only two people know where Gannon was taken, and it’s overwhelmingly likely that one of them is now dead.
I think there's more than two who know. MOO
I posted it somewhere on thread 3...and my views/opinions haven’t changed.

The only day SM cared about was Sunday for her alibi. Garden on the Gods, Burger King & home. She pulled another child into an interview to say they saw Gannon. An interview where she spoke of herself.
What is owed to her. She spoke poorly of the investigation-toward her. and the biological mother- towards her. That child is in the Garden of the Gods.

Anyone on here would face a cameras and beg to get someone they love back. Think of yourself, your child...yes. Answer why you wouldn’t. Not many nice answers...

Hi, new member (been reading for a while, though),

I agree with your post, especially the last two sentences. "Anyone on here would face a cameras and beg to get someone they love back." Any 'normal' stepparent would be motivated to support their spouse, even if their relationship with the stepchild was strained. You would state what you know and offer any information or opinions that you have about the incident with the goal of helping unless you have something to hide. Even with extreme personality disorders, there is no reason to act like LS did in that interview unless she is trying to deflect suspicion from herself.

IMO from personal experience, a narcissist doesn't feel guilt, so this weird interview of hers wasn't coming from the place of guilt such as AS may feel for not being there to prevent his son's disappearance. Parental guilt is a normal reaction and sometimes makes for a guilty countenance in spite of innocence. Not saying AS looks guilty, just thinking of past cases where an innocent person came off strange in interviews. LS just acts like she is inconvenienced by this whole situation. JMO
Re "Spanking"

The reporter should have asked what her (sitters) subjective internal dictionary definition of "Spanking" is. she should've jumped all over it for clarification. Which then may have lead to where if not her (sitters) that word came from.


"Words Don't Come From A Vacuum"
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I think there's more than two who know. MOO
Me too: Gannon, SM, and one other person.

And that's why SM is so antsy, imo. She can't really, truly control what the other person might say. I think if SM were the only person who knew the info, we would see a different SM - one who put on a public face of being concerned and scared for Gannon. But because someone else could spill the beans, she is, well, literally out of control.

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re: "Babysitter" interview and "spanking".

I believe the BS (Babysitter) simply used "spanking" as a comparison element to indicate a 'wouldn't even do this, much less that', point, i.e.: wouldn't even spank, much less inflict 'harm' (no need to spell this out).

IMO, the BS being hesitant in her defending TS reveals her own doubt, as in: 'how well do I really know'. If the BS had been around the family off and on for over a year I'd expect she'd get some feel for the situation, and family members themselves would become more comfortable over time with the BS, relaxing their initial restraints typically self-imposed early in any relationship.

I wonder what caused BS to be somewhat hesitant in offering a defense. I'm guessing it's this very case, that GS has gone missing and TS was the last person (AFAWK) to have seen him.

Based on all that, I now believe it would be out of character for TS to want to deliberately harm the children.

IMO, in the global situation of the family, custody is a major issue. I'm thinking certain event(s) occurred at the house that Sunday that TS believed might jeopardize the custody agreement or, more specifically, her relationship with AS (she doesn't want to loose the 'prestige' of being married to a military man and all that goes with that).

TS may have painted herself in to a corner and is doing her best to find a way out. I suspect by this point she realizes the folly of her initial reactions and 'plan'. I believe LE is already aware of that situation and that's why this is not (yet) a criminal investigation.
what information would you expect to receive from a 4 hr window of time from that specific vehicle if the gPS had been switched on and in full working order?
It varies with systems but with an OnStar a map of where the vehicle has been with times. At least a vehicle in 2017 with OnStar could report that maybe more now.
I believe the agenda was to produce someone, anyone, willing to refute (even if it was terribly weak) the public opinion of TS, as anyone can see by looking at SM.
Not because they actually care, but because it's a scandalous topic right now, and they (the station) wanted a slice of that pie.
They wanted "A slice of that pie" with a huge dose of casting the very community unity for Gannon in a "questionable" light. IMO. Ignore them. They'll go away. Back to the task at hand - scrutinizing and searching. Without distraction.
I wonder if TS passed Gannon on to another person in an injured/sick/drugged state with the idea that he would surface a day or so later but he died. Now, everyone is caught, TS cannot reveal what she started, the person who he was passed off to cannot surface without legal implications and neither can reveal what they did with his body.
Also, this story took wings that TS did not anticipate and the neighbor has the video that nails her.
After Gannon disappeared the family was still using the red truck for a few days. I have not seen the red truck at the house after the first week. It leads me to believe they have the truck but I can't say for sure.

"Also on Thursday, a Sheriff's Office patrol car with two deputies was parked for an extended period of time across the street from the Stauch family home, and two other men appearing to be law enforcement officers sat in an unmarked car down the street.

However, the officers left the scene after two men and a woman got into a pickup truck parked in the driveway, and drove away."


Authorities say Gannon Stauch 'missing and endangered' after days gone - KRDO
3 people drove away in a pickup? Doesn’t that seem like an odd way to collect evidence? I always thought they towed the cars to not disturb evidence. I hope they have the truck or at least did a forensic exam on it for any signs of a crime.
I haven’t been through all 8 links yet so what I am about to say may have already been tossed around. If so, plz forgive my reposting. I have been wondering if there was anything said about his online video accounts—like any activity since 1/27? Most kids at that age are on it at least daily if not most of their free time. Even if he wasn’t home he could still access from another person’s home or internet and I’m sure he would not think about a digital footprint. I’m sure LE has already thought of this but I haven’t seen this mentioned yet. Perhaps I missed it. JMOO
When an 11 year old, especially, an 11 to boy learning computer coding, leaves his phone at home, it is not willingly. My boy couldn't spend 5 minutes in the car, without it. Their entire world us in the escape of that phone. THEIR music. THEIR games. THEIR friends. THEIR life.
By whom would she be "coached"? And if she was why would they introduce "Spanking". That word is on someone's mind. So from whomever it came from , if it did come from someone else and not the sitter, then I would be weary of them mentioning "Spanking" and have my kids nowhere near them.

I think stepmom would be the person coaching.
Thanks for finding this !
I have to wonder if, and I think I brought this up on a previous thread, was it a usual thing for her to drive AS's truck? Maybe that's why it made him cry when he saw the video and I don't mean because he was possessive of his vehicle? Had she also lied about which car she had used, hence the seizure of the white Jetta at Marshall's while shopping? When in fact they should have seized the truck? Hence the family using the vehicle before this video appeared?

It just came to mind as I rarely drive our new vehicle as I enjoy the sedan over the new SUV. We really have no idea how many lies LE may have already caught her in. JMO
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