Found Deceased CO - Gannon Stauch, 11, Colorado Springs, Lorson Ranch, El Paso County, 27 Jan 2020 *endangered* #9

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I'm stuck on the gate detail. Why did she feel a need to mention it at all? And is the key just a wild card thrown in?

If he was cut on Sat., a small cut that didn't prevent activity such as hiking, and he left by the gate on Monday, he certainly should not have been leaving a trail of blood at all by then. Kwim?

We don't know that anything was found on or by the gate, but I say again, why the need to mention it?
What if she went out the gate with something bloody ? Otherwise I'm trying to figure out why as well.
Is the stepmother on good terms with Gannon's father again? What's up with the sweet talk about the husband all of the sudden?
Just as it is.
Sweet talk emanating from her.
She wants everyone to believe they are close again. Back together and they are one big happy team fighting to find Gannon!
She has to portray herself as the perfect step mother, yes Betty Crocker herself!!
I wonder if the people in the hiking photos from Sunday noticed if he was limping or anything....
Yeah, I didn't think so.
How good are crime labs? Are they able to pinpoint how long blood has been somewhere, like to the difference of, say, a Saturday or a Sunday/Monday? Or is that not possible?

Blood does degrade over time but dna in the blood does not. I am not sure if three days is enough but I know that factors like sunlight, water, frost would affect it but in a covered area like a trunk or garage floor I would think it would be dried and not to deteriorated. Cold weather probably helps with keeping it from deteriorating in protected areas.
It's a logical assumption that LE has viewed that security tape to see if Gannon ever exited that truck. I'm sure they have viewed many hours if not days following that last day. With FBI involved I'm sure it has been enhanced as well. IMO it will blow her out of the water.
I'm wondering is she trying to say there was a selfie BEFORE they left the driveway? Because how in the heck would that change anyone's opinion that he wasn't in the truck when she got BACK??
All these selfies with GS, the one at the hike and the one in the freaking car going shopping, seems a bit forced, like here we are, having fun, Stepmom of the year, we are doing great, he's right here beside me, he adores me! IMO
My kids are all grown up, but they and my grandkids would look at me like I was a fruitcake if I took a selfie of us going shopping. Oh, the excitement. No one will believe the FUN we are having. Yeehaw.

We have no way of knowing what the time stamp is of any "selfie" TS took of her and Gannon on Monday.

I think by the way she worded it, and the placement of it in her statement,TS wants the public to believe it is a photo taken when they returned to the house.

If there is a photo, I think it was taken before they pulled out.
I’m skeptical about that. I’m thinking she is trying to spin this to look like she is getting along with AS. If that were the case, she would be staying in her own home currently instead of a hotel. JMO
How does the spousal priviledge thing work in Colorado,as far as testifying???? Ie if a spouse is asked to testify. Does it mean they don't have too, unless they wish to do so?
I'm stuck on the gate detail. Why did she feel a need to mention it at all? And is the key just a wild card thrown in?

If he was cut on Sat., a small cut that didn't prevent activity such as hiking, and he left by the gate on Monday, he certainly should not have been leaving a trail of blood at all by then. Kwim?

We don't know that anything was found on or by the gate, but I say again, why the need to mention it?
To explain why Gannon was not seen on any of the neighbours video cams when he left the house.
In my house, cut feet get cleaned in the house with soap and water, especially if it is a puncture wound. Puncture wounds bleed for a long period of time---needs elevation and ice to stop the bleeding. (Also, most doctors want puncture wounds to be seen because of infection risk and to make sure that other structures in the foot are not damaged.) He was then going back and forth to the gate probably leaving lots of blood on the ground and in the car. Must be an impressive blood trail (blood trail clean up in garage) going to that gate. How far were the garbage cans inside that gate?

What kind of tool? It is easy to step on nails as they are often not really seen as an obstacle. But, a tool is tougher. If they were working on cleaning the garage, I would think the first thing to pick up would be those carelessly left, often expensive hand tools for woodworking.
But remember he was walking back and forth to the gate on Saturday. But he ended up missing on Monday. So what does the gate have to do with him missing on Monday? If he went out the side gate on monday to "disappear " Then that must have been a pretty bad cut if he was still bleeding on Monday not to mention walking barefoot with a bleeding cut foot after being sick all day. And then him deciding to run away an hour after he got home. from his wonderful outing with his stepmom.( timestamped selfies to prove it!) He might have been in invisible stealth mode exiting the truck (as seen on video according to her new story). Maybe he is still in invisible stealth mode. Lord we could only wish :(
My son used to pretend that he was in invisible stealth mode, and he would wiggle around on the ground around the couch to try and surprise me. Although I could totally see him, he 100% believed he was invisible, LOL.
How does the spousal priviledge thing work in Colorado,as far as testifying???? Ie if a spouse is asked to testify. Does it mean they don't have too, unless they wish to do so?
I don't see Gannon's father doing that. He seems pretty concerned about his son so, I don't see any reason for him to not testify if needed.
Him leaving by the gate means that he was not picked up by the Ring cameras on their doors or by the cameras from the neighbor who provided the truck video. Other neighbors may or may not have had their cameras focused out to include their gate. Not sure. But, if he knew she knew he was going out (becasue she said he told her he was going to a friends), why use the gate? He would have to leave through a door to the yard and walk around the side of the house and out the gate. I am sure he didn't need to use the key to get out of the gate. Makes no sense.
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I'm stuck on the gate detail. Why did she feel a need to mention it at all? And is the key just a wild card thrown in?

If he was cut on Sat., a small cut that didn't prevent activity such as hiking, and he left by the gate on Monday, he certainly should not have been leaving a trail of blood at all by then. Kwim?

We don't know that anything was found on or by the gate, but I say again, why the need to mention it?
Without being super knowledgable about the case details yet my first impression is that it was to account for him not being seen leaving via the street on neighbor's camera. And fact it was a locked gate - she has to say he had the key.

I’m thinking the gate was locked when LE tried to get through it. And they were asking “if GS went out the gate, why would it be locked? How would he get back in?” And so she came up with the fact he has the key. In fact the ONLY one who has the key, which adds to her narrative that he willingly left as opposed to someone kidnapping him from the backyard. JMO.
She could have just told them he would come in the front door. I don't think she told them he left through the gate until later. LE probably looked at all the surveillance footage and didn't find any evidence of him leaving.

Then she comes up with the story about how she noticed he kept going to the side of the house and noticed that the key was missing and tells them her 'theory' of what happened.

I wonder who it is that she is hinting that he left with. It must be someone who has a car so I doubt it's one of Gannon's friends.

Also, no part of me believes the whole "running her off the road". The springs isn't a small town. There are so many cars that look the same. So many people that driving a car with ginormous sunglasses on and dark hair look the same. I do not at all believe some people are recognizing her and trying to run her off the road. Another lie to make people feel bad for her.
I'm stuck on the gate detail. Why did she feel a need to mention it at all? And is the key just a wild card thrown in?

If he was cut on Sat., a small cut that didn't prevent activity such as hiking, and he left by the gate on Monday, he certainly should not have been leaving a trail of blood at all by then. Kwim?

We don't know that anything was found on or by the gate, but I say again, why the need to mention it?
Some possibilities:

- possibly she knows that CSI worked around the gate/possibly removed part of gate for evidence


- possibly she knows or suspects of canines indicating near gate?


- LE has questioned her about some kind of evidence found at gate


she is just setting up the ‘left by way of the gate’ theory...but I suspect there is more to it since she is also connecting it to the bloody foot timeline.

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why would the story about the cut be untrue? we know she took him out of the house alive and drove back alone, there's little chance anything happened at the house. JMO.

sidenote - i once cut a finger with a boxcutter so deep it was gushing blood everywhere, my room looked like a baseball bat murder scene. and yet after cleaning the wound up it basically sealed itself and had no impact on my movements. a lot of blood does not always indicate serious injury, sometimes minor stuff can be surprisingly messy.
Did you see/read about LE being at the house for days? Did you see them taking evidence out of the house? Did you see photos of LE inside the garage taking photos?? Plenty went on inside that house or LE would not have done any of that. MOO
But remember he was walking back and forth to the gate on Saturday. But he ended up missing on Monday. So what does the gate have to do with him missing on Monday? If he went out the side gate on monday to "disappear " Then that must have been a pretty bad cut if he was still bleeding on Monday not to mention walking barefoot with a bleeding cut foot after being sick all day. And then him deciding to run away an hour after he got home. from his wonderful outing with his stepmom.( timestamped selfies to prove it!) He might have been in invisible stealth mode exiting the truck (as seen on video according to her new story). Maybe he is still in invisible stealth mode. Lord we could only wish :(
My son used to pretend that he was in invisible stealth mode, and he would wiggle around on the ground around the couch to try and surprise me. Although I could totally see him, he 100% believed he was invisible, LOL.

Left a blood trail Saturday. If he was bleeding, say Sunday night, from an event not related to his foot then drops of blood and blood residue going to the gate (where the garbage cans probably live) could be explained. I doubt he was bleeding Monday from a foot cut but rather some other event that caused blood evidence to be by that gate.
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