CO - Gannon Stauch, 11, found deceased, Colorado Springs, El Paso County, 27 Jan 2020 *Arrest* #55

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And it's quarter to four in the morning here, and as much as I'd love to watch the cross after their lunch, I should really go rest.

Take care, and take breaks. Unless she changes her plea, it's going to be a long one. It's very much a marathon, not a sprint.

Night, lovelies.
I wonder if that is where it all started -- punishment (ABUSE) for using his switch. She burned his hands and fingertips.

Never once a concern for Gannon... it's just all T and only T.

The abuse he endured... it's too much to fathom.


I've always thought so. An early and consistent theme was the candle and the carpet. She then cut a piece of carpet out and hid that from Al by putting something over it. However, she knew that as long as Gannon was still alive and had burns to show his dad, she was in real trouble.

Why she recorded him speaking about the burns and sent that to Al, I have no clue.
I've always thought so. An early and consistent theme was the candle and the carpet. She then cut a piece of carpet out and hid that from Al by putting something over it. However, she knew that as long as Gannon was still alive and had burns to show his dad, she was in real trouble.

Why she recorded him speaking about the burns and sent that to Al, I have no clue.
I think it was more than just candle burns. Way more.
But, I'll brace myself for the ME report coming later.

DAY THREE: Day three of the #LeteciaStauch trial will be starting any minute now. Al Stauch will continue to testify this morning. We will start with FBI recorded call 2.

Letecia present in court

Second call is underway. Letecia is crying on the recorded call talking about how Al is not there for her at the time. In the courtroom, Letecia has her head down looks like she's covering her ears.

In recorded call two, Letecia is telling Al about how expensive for her and Harley to live out of the house during the search for Gannon. She's telling Al that she used a random man's car to drive to the store.

Al tells Letecia: "You won't tell me where you are saying." she says "Because you are not on my side. You are talking c**** about me."

Al tells Letecia on call, 'I am not on anyone's side' that he is focused on Gannon.

"What are the options?" Letecia asked Al. Al replies "Options don't come into play until you tell me the truth." (recorded call two)

Heard this right before testimony resumed this morning. Judge said they can address it later and in the past he has been inclined to tell jurors to focus solely on the evidence.

A jury member sent a note to the judge saying she was talking to herself and mouthing words. She wanted to know if they should ignore it.

Letecia was upset in recorded call about Al taking her off of the car insurance.

Al: "Yesterday, thank you for talking so long and walking me through your timeline but even yesterday when we we're talking a lot wasn't adding up and it still isn't." (recorded call two)

Al telling Letecia in call that he's seeing red flags in her story and she needs to convince him of the truth.

"You think that I killed Gannon, that hurts." Letecia tells Al on this call that took place on Valentine's day. "If they give me immunity I will help.”

She has now brought up immunity multiple times saying they will be the only terms that she will testify to.

Letecia is asking Al if he's recording this Valentine's Day recorded phone call. "It's just you and me on this phone call?"

"I need immunity," she says crying to Al on recorded Valentine's Day 2020 call.

Al: "Your first thought is what they may do to you and Harley but something's already been done to Gannon, that should be the priority."

Letecia: "I'm not a criminal, I don't kill people." Following a number of asks for immunity. She's crying when saying this in recorded call.

Letecia is hysterically crying and screaming at this point in the Valentine's Day 2020 call. In court currently, her head is down.

You can barely hear Letecia in the recording at this point. Very painful call.

"They are going to try to incriminate me for this, I need immunity" Letecia is yelling and crying. She's going in and out in volume you can barely hear her at points. She's hysterically crying.

Al is trying to get information from Letecia and she's saying she won't say anything else until she gets immunity. He's asking about the storage room.

Letecia mentioned trying to get Al's gun to work. "What do you mean I thought you said that guy had my gun?”

Letecia is begging Al in call to call her back and fight for immunity for her.

Al: "I will fight for you and fight with you if you are not involved in this and tell me this guys' name." Al is asking for a name of someone who may have Gannon.

"You are not jerking me." Letecia yelling to Al while telling him she's not speaking until she gets immunity.

"Did this guy hurt Gannon or did he kill Gannon in the house or hurt him or not?" Letecia responds to this saying she wants immunity. "I will be back when you figure out how to get me immunity.”

She hung up on Al in the call.

Al is now going to go back to the witness stand to answer questions about this call.

DA confirms this call was recorded on Feb 14th, 2020.

Based on previous experience with Letecia, Al says he believes there were times where she was really crying in that call and other times where she was faking it.

Al tells DA he was with law enforcement at the time of this recorded call.

Al says Letecia's personality on this call was consistent to her normal personality. He doesn't believe she was switching personalities and changing voice, etc.


Letecia: "Listen to me."
Al: "Let's start over let's get a new beginning've told me 17 different stories here....who has Gannon that's what I care about, who?" Letecia: "Then I want immunity."

You can hear how frustrated Al is after Letecia asking for immunity countless time and telling her multiple different stories.

Al: "Prove me wrong Letecia, prove me wrong" he tells her if these stories are actually true about the rape, about men abducting Gannon, that he will get on his knees in front of the media and apologize to Letecia but he doesn't believe it and wants her to tell him the truth.

Al: "I think there's absolutely no guy there and I understand why that would be on your mind."

Al: "Screw the police right now this is me and you." "I am listening to you, I just need to know what happened.”

Al: "An accident happened here of some sort, you panicked and freaked out and I just need the rest of the story. I just need to know where Gannon is. Is he safe alive somewhere?"

Al: "My theory is this, an accident happened, you panicked now tell me the rest." Letecia: "This is why I want immunity." "I really truly thought that Gannon was going out every day probably talking to somebody...this dude trying to get a bike, he followed me.”

Al says Letecia never proved him wrong.

Al explains, in call three, he was trying to take initial blame off of her and confirm her story to give her freedom to let her feel like she can talk freely.

Call four will be 21 mins it's from Feb 14th, 2020 around 12pm

Letecia in call "Gannon was crying in the seat until her threw up because he was so scared." She's saying he was scared because a man was following Letecia and him while they were in the car.

Letecia now bringing up a name "Uncle Matt" saying she was freaking out because Gannon kept bringing up the name "Uncle Matt.”

Letecia: "My hands were tied that night, tied to the bedroom. Tied completely." She is saying her hands were physically tied and she couldn't do anything. "I was terrified all I could hear was Gannon screaming."

Al: "Letecia can I ask you something, why would you need immunity for that?" He's asking if this man tied her up and hurt Gannon, why would SHE need immunity. Letecia: "Because I didn't tell them." She is crying while saying this.

Al: "Let's stop for a second. This is even more BS than the last 17 stories." He says he's getting frustrated.

Al: "I'm all over the place here?" Letecia: "Yeah, because you're trying to make this out to be all me”

Al: "How can this all be true if you are telling me 7 different versions of the same thing?""You can smirk all you want, hit the steering wheel that doesn't change that you have the truth and I don't.”

Al: "These are the questions I need to know, who is he and who are they." Letecia brings up a name Quincy Brown

Al:"So Quincy brown is the one who has him?"
Letecia is just hysterically crying

Al is asking where Gannon and Quincy were when she heard him screaming. She won't give him an answer and he says "I am fed up, make your mind up”

Al: "Tecia, to me, this is all BS because none of this makes sense, none of the details add up. She’s screaming but you can't hear it clearly on the phone then goes into how she wants immunity again.

Letecia says Al is being a smart *advertiser censored**

Al points out that Letecia keeps referencing to Gannon like he's not her family. "You keep saying I just want my family and Gannon. He's not an and.”

Al: "This is just blowing my mind you are sitting here saying you want us to be a family and Gannon....but you keep lying to me. Five years of lies and now my son's gone. Where is Gannon?" Letecia: "With Quincy.”

Court is now breaking until 10:45 am

Court is back. Al taking the stand to talk about this latest call.

Al: "Where's Gannon. Where's Gannon teacher." Letecia: "I just told you." Al: "There's no Qunicy Brown. Where did you take Gannon. Where is Gannon?" Letecia: "What's wrong with you.”

Letecia: "You're not trying to talk to me. You are trying to put me six feet under that's what you are trying to do.”

Al asked Letecia to send him a picture of Quincy Brown

She tells him she just sent it. Al: "Are you freaking serious Letecia. That's Quincy Brown right here?”

Al asked Letecia to screen shot her Google search of Quincy Brown.

Al: "This is just getting better and better and better.”

Letecia: "I don't have Gannon you can curse me out all you want, *advertiser censored** all the b****** you want……

Al tells Letecia she should go to jail for the video she took of Gannon that we heard yesterday. Where Gannon is crying on the recording.

AL: I know that you know where Gannon is and that’s the direction I am going in and I’m not changing so you better buckle in. Letecia: You’ll be waiting a long time because I don't know where Gannon is.

Al: You are not in Colorado Springs Tecia send me your location right now. Send it to me right now.

Al says don't contact him until she tells him where his son is and call ends.

Fifth call from same day again Feb 14 2020 - should be 16 minutes

Al tells Letecia this is her chance to talk. He will listen.
Letecia: "Do you love me?" Al: "Yes" Long pause

Letecia: "Alright, if you know it was an accident will you stand by me?" Al says yes Letecia: "I'm sorry about all of the stories I just didn't know what to do.” Crying

She's crying talking about a guy and a bike. Al: Tecia babe how bad did he get hurt? Tecia is crying and saying he was bleeding from his heads, his arms, etc.

Letecia's head is currently down in the courtroom. Head resting on her palms.

Really hard to understand her on the call because she's hysterically crying. She's saying she's sorry and it was an accident.

Letecia says there was an accident and she's hysterically crying saying she was trying to figure out where "he" took him.

Letecia says she was driving all over to try find "this dude”

Letecia: "Those weren't bad burns Albert, those will small burns from the fire.”

Letecia: "I didn't ask for immunity because I did some type of crimes.”

Letecia said "It was pretty bad" talking about Gannon bleeding and is crying.

Letecia hung up on him in call.

Al said this call was the first time Letecia ever told Al that Gannon had a head injury.

Al now on the stand looking at book of text messages between him and Letecia.

Al said he and Letecia started dating in 2014 so they were together roughly six years.

Al says throughout their relationship there were moments where he could see she definitely knew right and wrong. Referencing when she took the kids on a hike safely. Right and wrong example with disciplining Gannon with taking Switch away when Gannon got in trouble.

After the 27th (day Gannon went missing) Al notes how Letecia acknowledges right and wrong in telling him how he should be acting as her husband.

Al is getting emotional saying if if there was nothing going on in that house, why wouldn't she let Laina in the house after school.

Al said he did not notice any major crack in Letecia's mental health. He said he wouldn't have left for Oklahoma had he noticed any signs of a crack in her mental health condition.

Al said he tried to get a hold of Letecia on Jan 27th, day of disappearance. He said he tried to call and text at one point in the afternoon and she didn't answer.

Al: "I believe she is and was 100 percent absolutely sane based on what I witnessed and laid out. I have no indication of anything else...from the time I met her to today."

Prosecution ends their questioning of Al Stauch with him saying he believes she was sane the time of the murder. Now defense is preparing to cross examine Al

Court is going to take lunch and cross examination will start at 1pm.
Poor Gannon. I keep wondering how much focus and time they spent on his little butt bleeding and stomach troubles yesterday. I fear they are setting up for something later. I’ll just say it. I may have early on in the threads, I’m afraid she stuck something up there and some kind of rupture happened. Maybe trying to set up the rape story whereas Gannon may have been a victim in her delusional story. I’m so afraid there may be more horrific details. Poor Gannon.
And it's quarter to four in the morning here, and as much as I'd love to watch the cross after their lunch, I should really go rest.

Take care, and take breaks. Unless she changes her plea, it's going to be a long one. It's very much a marathon, not a sprint.

Night, lovelies.
You should rest.

And so should the defense.

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