CO - Gannon Stauch, 11, found deceased, Colorado Springs, El Paso County, 27 Jan 2020 *Arrest* #62

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Is that new info? The rental van firing up at 4:15am? Pretty much confirming that she sneaked out of the hotel room and went to the bridge.

I wonder why we never saw hotel video of this. Did T manage to sneak out a door without cctv?

If they had a first floor room, I can picture her crawling out a window. I suppose she could also have disguised herself sufficiently (although that's harder to believe, isn't it...)


My abysmal resting heart rate for about the last week or so on my Fitbit would beg to differ. Don't get me wrong, I'm very engaged with this trial, and I'm following it to the end, but the watching and transcribing isn't something I'm going to be able to do regularly with other cases, for the sake of my health. I would probably be doing better but I somehow, no idea how, seriously messed up my shoulder at the beginning of the year and every time I try to get my yoga practise back to more than once or twice a week, or do any poses involving bearing weight on my arms, it screams back into hateful agony. I will probably have to go see someone about it eventually, because it does not seem to want to mend on its own, and I'm a side sleeper, so I keep turning over and waking myself up with the pain. The yoga was pivotal for me surviving COVID, so I'm feeling the lack in my daily life. (If anyone asks, no, yoga is not a 'cure' for anything and was actually incredibly difficult for me to make accessible for my body and my brain for so many reasons, but therapy is expensive and a yoga dvd I already owned is free and a cheap Kmart yoga mat is $10.) A big thing is also that I have been pushing myself into hyperfocus every court day. The Ritalin only does so much and goes so far. I've been doing the 'throwing petrol on my brainfire' thing, but doing it knowingly, and knowing that it is for a limited time and the trial is going to end. And I have been deliberately taking every non court moment to try to rest as much as possible.

That said, I have really enjoyed the service of transcribing the trial. I know many other folks have work or commitments, or haven't been able to watch certain witnesses or evidence because of difficulty with certain subjects or details of death or abuse. I knew that folks would be able to read my potted posts to get the basic facts if they so chose, and not have to watch through the stream themselves if they didn't want to and potentially be upset or traumatised by the full content. I will walk away from it tired, exhausted mentally, and a bit messed up, but on the whole, feeling that the experience was worth it. I have learnt so much, just watching how a court and a trial actually works, and that's been hugely satisfying for me.

I just hope, maybe by this time next week, that I can reflect back and know that there was real justice for what happened to Gannon. I will be anxious about that until I hear the verdict. I know how I'd vote as a juror, but I am not on the jury. I just have to hope that it is as clear to the folks in that jury as it is to us, here.

Bless you

Take care of you also !!!

We do appreciate you and the updates.

I have started a new job and it's hard to follow this case every day so I rely on all of you here and open WS forum up first thing in the morning so I can try to keep up.

We appreciate your dedication and work and everyone else's here that updates throughout the day !!

You all ROCK !! and we are all here for GANNON !!!

Updated: 4:07 PM MST February 11, 2022

EL PASO COUNTY, Colo. — During a hearing Friday afternoon, the defense for Letecia Stauch, who is charged with first-degree murder related to the 2020 death of her 11-year-old stepson Gannon Stauch, asked to change her plea to not guilty by reason of insanity.

Right after that, defense attorney Josh Tolini said they have an expert from out of state who recently agreed to assist and said that the expert believes there is a high likelihood of "psychosis."


He said they did not bring this up with the intent to delay the case, but said it was Stauch's best defense.

Prosecutors did not challenge the request but noted the decision not to challenge does mean they believe the claim.


He ultimately ruled to allow the change of plea which resets the date for a "speedy trial" to occur. However, that timeline won't start until after the court receives the initial evaluation, Werner said.

Werner told Stauch as a result of the new plea, she could be given a polygraph during the evaluation and said any confession she makes will be admissible in court. He also explained that by pleading not guilty by reason of insanity she's waiving any confidentially of previous mental health records.
The entire article at the link is a great read. Summary below.



I have conducted sanity/mental condition evaluations in Colorado. I have testified as an expert in these cases for both the prosecution and defense. Here are a few issues I have learned over the years:

The sanity evaluators from the mental hospital in Pueblo were not hired by the prosecution or the defense. They are supposed to be neutral parties with objective opinions.

Depending on the opinions of the Pueblo evaluators, their testimony will be either pro-prosecution (i.e. they think the accused is sane) or pro-defense (i.e. they think the accused is insane).

The prosecution will almost definitely call experts of their own who have analyzed the Pueblo reports and who will say the accused is sane. They will also try to lessen the credibility of any experts who are friendly to the defense. This will be difficult to do, since some of those friendly defense experts will not testify until after the prosecution rests its case.

The prosecution will not have any privately-hired experts who directly evaluated the accused—they are not legally entitled to have access to the defendant in that way.

The defense likely has at least one private expert who has met with the defendant and conducted a private sanity evaluation. In fact, there have probably been several private sanity evaluations—all defense experts slated to testify will say the accused is insane.

The defense may have hired private evaluators who thought the accused is sane. If that is the case, we will never hear from those experts. The defense is not required to disclose that information to anyone. This is why it is a guarantee that any expert witnesses they call will be friendly to the defense.

The prosecution will likely request to call rebuttal expert witnesses to directly rebut testimony from defense experts called during the defense's case. This would happen after the defense rests. These witnesses would only be allowed to rebut testimony offered under direct examination—no new evidence could be admitted at that point in the trial.

If the prosecution calls rebuttal witnesses, the defense can ask the judge to allow them to also call rebuttal witnesses to rebut the prosecution's rebuttal witnesses. This is called surrebuttal.


It is the job of the direct examiner to get the expert to quickly tell his/her story.

It is the job of the cross examiner to impeach the credibility of the expert (example: "Is it not true, Dr. X, that you wet the bed until you were 13?") and/or to get the expert to make concessions (example: "But you were unable to speak to the victim's mother about his mental state at the time of the offense, right Dr. X?")
So far, Letecia's own daughter, her spouse at the time, her brother, and a whole bunch of medical and mental health professionals, LE including the FBI have not reported observing true DID episodes or symptoms. Too bad but it looks like Letecia has always been a sneaky liar, and a sane evil piece of work. JMO though
I think most or all of these were with schools, sadly.

I have still seen no proof of her Ed.D., but I suppose it has no relevance to the State's case. I assume she has that degree from Liberty U, but still no proof.

A background search is 15 bucks or so .. Also Jesse Mathews was alumni . So.. I want you to know ,i am in for 7.50.
Jan 5th she claimed to have spent 90 days in a Canadian psych ward. However in her own words in a letter to the judge on 2/21/21, it was only 2 days. addressed to Judge Werner 3-8-21.pdf

Hope Ms. Education LS didn't teach math. Those numbers are fairly different. :rolleyes:

(Otoh, I could see the defense using this as evidence of LS losing sense of time, supposedly an indicator of DID.)


From the Defense 9/12/22 Motion -- Dr Lewis provided how a monitored EEG and MRI would provide objective, concrete evidence that LS legitimately suffers from DID.

However, I recall that as late as juror selection weeks ago and when the Court was still waiting on Dr. Lewis's report, Judge Werner had prepared a summary of the sanity requests to date by the defense and reminded the defense that the Court approved an MRI in fall 2022 and it was never performed. Judge W was getting skeptical of Dr. Lewis!

Question: is it typical for someone to be diagnosed with GAD at age 16 and then prescribed medication for about 20 years without ever receiving therapy for the condition?
My dad was diagnosed with something in the 60s and took lithium for 30-odd years until he died of Cancer.
I only know this and only this information, which my mum brought up when I was getting therapy in my 20s.
She said, " your dad was on lithium for over 30 years and was 'fine'. He never did any brainwashing stuff'...
My mum died in 2003 and I have no one to ask why he had taken that for 30 years... So I guess it did happen half a century ago.
And this one is pure gold to reject the NGRI-- LS filed a civil suit in federal court:

Of note, the potential impact to the sanity issue:

Since Stauch's arrest, her defense team has questioned whether she was sane when she allegedly murdered her stepson. There have been numerous trial delays, all centered around sanity evaluations and delays with completing those evaluations.

13 Investigates questioned whether the articulate, well-spelled and organized writing in the civil suit will call into question her defense team's insanity argument.

"We have, what appears to be, a very articulate, well-reasoned argument that has been filed in a federal court," Colorado Springs defense attorney Jeremy Loew said. "Everything she is saying are legal terms and making legal arguments."

Loew told 13 Investigates he would never advise his criminal clients to file a civil case in the middle of criminal proceedings. He says it may hurt their insanity argument, even though her words have nothing to do with her pending murder case.

"We have a defendant here that with every step forward that the defense takes, she is taking them two steps back," Loew said.

From the Defense 9/12/22 Motion -- Dr Lewis provided how a monitored EEG and MRI would provide objective, concrete evidence that LS legitimately suffers from DID.

However, I recall that as late as juror selection weeks ago and when the Court was still waiting on Dr. Lewis's report, Judge Werner had prepared a summary of the sanity requests to date by the defense and reminded the defense that the Court approved an MRI in fall 2022 and it was never performed. Judge W was getting skeptical of Dr. Lewis!

View attachment 417226
During the Aug. 25 hearing, prosecutors raised concern that CMHIP might refuse to hold Stauch while an outside professional conducts her next evaluation. Werner said Stauch’s attorneys would have to work personally with the hospital to reach an agreement, and scheduled them to update the court on the hospital’s decision on Thursday.

But CMHIP has not responded to the defense’s multiple phone calls and attempts to get its help, said Josh Tolini, one of Stauch’s attorneys.

Though Tolini offered the El Paso County jail or Parkview Medical Center in Pueblo as alternative locations able to house Stauch during the evaluation, Werner said he was not ready to order the evaluation until he had more information on how the EEG monitor would “impact potential diagnosis” as well as the chances that the device would yield a “definitive” sanity result.

We're here till the joint closes! Lots to read and discuss. It's heading into the home stretch (although the State has several more psychologists, I believe).

I don't think the State has a psychiatrist, though. Looks like Dr Lewis will be the only one - and likely testify on Monday.

Thank you! It's just about over. Then what? I'll be in severe withdrawal by then! When is the Idaho trial going happen do you know? I'm ready to throw this phone out the window. Buttons are not doing what they should. Please excuse spelling. Rethink I should hang it up for the nite. I think he charger needs charging Seriously. See you tomorrow. I'm half blind already
Thank you! It's just about over. Then what? I'll be in severe withdrawal by then! When is the Idaho trial going happen do you know? I'm ready to throw this phone out the window. Buttons are not doing what they should. Please excuse spelling. Rethink I should hang it up for the nite. I think he charger needs charging Seriously. See you tomorrow. I'm half blind already
Save your sight!
If you start having trial withdrawals , go to YouTube for highlights you may have missed or behavior analysis of the defendant.
That’s what I do. I just put Stauch trial in the search box.
Good night :cool:
My dad was diagnosed with something in the 60s and took lithium for 30-odd years until he died of Cancer.
I only know this and only this information, which my mum brought up when I was getting therapy in my 20s.
She said, " your dad was on lithium for over 30 years and was 'fine'. He never did any brainwashing stuff'...
My mum died in 2003 and I have no one to ask why he had taken that for 30 years... So I guess it did happen half a century ago.
I am not a psych of any kind, but lithium is primarily used as a maintenance treatment for bipolar disorder.

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