CO - Gannon Stauch, 11, found deceased, Colorado Springs, El Paso County, 27 Jan 2020 *Arrest* #62

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I have an alphabet soup of mental health conditions and developmental/learning disabilities, and for the record, Generalised Anxiety Disorder is the one that affects my life the most at this point and is hardest to control. It is not just worrying about things in a normal way. It is constant fear, terror. A few years ago, I was checking my house for fire a dozen or more times a day because it was giving me phantom olfactory symptoms (smelling smoke when there was no smoke). My resting heart rate was 85 ON A GOOD DAY. I had constant panic attacks falling asleep and waking, and anxiety dreams and nightmares when I did manage to sleep. You can probably just about begin to imagine what an actual pandemic was like for me, especially as my partner is immunocompromised. You can't talk yourself down, self soothe with a gentle narrative about how the fear is irrational and you're safe, when thousands of people are dying.

I know for a fact due to other members of my family's memories that I have had it since before I was five years old. It is horrendous and debilitating and I hate that now it is associated in a lot of people's minds with malingering and child murder because of this horrible person.


You described GAD so well. People read DSM and think it describes themselves or someone they know. But if one hangs out in an inpatient unit or a psychiatric clinic, one is struck but what a vast difference there is between, say, ordinary anxiety and GAD or the anxiety that accompanies other psychiatric/neurological diagnoses.

GAD can and does overlap with PTSD (Complex type esp) or with Schizophrenia (I've been told by psychiatrists, nurses and schizophrenics that anxiety within schizophrenia is painful and, well, palpable). GAD is indeed anxiety that resists being "talked down" and I'm so sorry that you have this.

I haven't had power for most of the day which royally s*cks. I'm using my phone and that s*cks too. My son brought me his battery powered phone charger so I at least have a phone to use. I only caught a glimpse of one of the psychologists if that's what she was. Not sure.
Once this trial is over I'm checking myself into a rehab for trial withdrawal. I think I need it! It's hard for me to use my phone because I'm old. Yes I am! It's way too early to go to bed so now what! Guess I'll muddle thru the posts til I wear myself out. Oh, is there going to be a trial tomorrow or is it going to snow? I don't think I'll survive two days without seeing Tecia. Might as well check myself into that trial rehab right now!
I haven't had power for most of the day which royally s*cks. I'm using my phone and that s*cks too. My son brought me his battery powered phone charger so I at least have a phone to use. I only caught a glimpse of one of the psychologists if that's what she was. Not sure.
Once this trial is over I'm checking myself into a rehab for trial withdrawal. I think I need it! It's hard for me to use my phone because I'm old. Yes I am! It's way too early to go to bed so now what! Guess I'll muddle thru the posts til I wear myself out. Oh, is there going to be a trial tomorrow or is it going to snow? I don't think I'll survive two days without seeing Tecia. Might as well check myself into that trial rehab right now!
find another case quickly is the only cure..
I haven't had power for most of the day which royally s*cks. I'm using my phone and that s*cks too. My son brought me his battery powered phone charger so I at least have a phone to use. I only caught a glimpse of one of the psychologists if that's what she was. Not sure.
Once this trial is over I'm checking myself into a rehab for trial withdrawal. I think I need it! It's hard for me to use my phone because I'm old. Yes I am! It's way too early to go to bed so now what! Guess I'll muddle thru the posts til I wear myself out. Oh, is there going to be a trial tomorrow or is it going to snow? I don't think I'll survive two days without seeing Tecia. Might as well check myself into that trial rehab right now!

We're here till the joint closes! Lots to read and discuss. It's heading into the home stretch (although the State has several more psychologists, I believe).

I don't think the State has a psychiatrist, though. Looks like Dr Lewis will be the only one - and likely testify on Monday.

I haven't had power for most of the day which royally s*cks. I'm using my phone and that s*cks too. My son brought me his battery powered phone charger so I at least have a phone to use. I only caught a glimpse of one of the psychologists if that's what she was. Not sure.
Once this trial is over I'm checking myself into a rehab for trial withdrawal. I think I need it! It's hard for me to use my phone because I'm old. Yes I am! It's way too early to go to bed so now what! Guess I'll muddle thru the posts til I wear myself out. Oh, is there going to be a trial tomorrow or is it going to snow? I don't think I'll survive two days without seeing Tecia. Might as well check myself into that trial rehab right now!
Lol! I'm sorry you don't have power, that stinks. I'm watching a live storm chase in sweetwater, TX, beautiful stormy skies:)
You described GAD so well. People read DSM and think it describes themselves or someone they know. But if one hangs out in an inpatient unit or a psychiatric clinic, one is struck but what a vast difference there is between, say, ordinary anxiety and GAD or the anxiety that accompanies other psychiatric/neurological diagnoses.

GAD can and does overlap with PTSD (Complex type esp) or with Schizophrenia (I've been told by psychiatrists, nurses and schizophrenics that anxiety within schizophrenia is painful and, well, palpable). GAD is indeed anxiety that resists being "talked down" and I'm so sorry that you have this.

In my case it does overlap with basically everything else I have. I have CPTSD. I have a dissociative disorder. Both diagnosed by the time I was fourteen. I have ADHD and autism, both diagnosed as an adult. Nothing is an island and everything interlocks with everything else and affects everything else.

I will say, my GAD is more manageable now than it has been, ever, in my life until the last few years. Why? I got the energy and the resources up to finally get my ADHD diagnosis and I got medication for it. (I was denied a dual dx by the person who dxed my autism nine years earlier, despite me laying out to her very clearly why I thought I had both.) I'm sure you know, but many here probably don't, that a big way a lot of people with ADHD are able to focus for longer than a few minutes is to unconsciously power their focus with anxiety. The body dumps adrenaline, which helps to sharpen your focus. That, and caffeine. I didn't know that until relatively recently, and it made a whole lot of things about my brain make sense.

With my ADHD medicated, I still have GAD, but I don't have to run my brain on anxiety any more. Things are still on fire in there, but I'm not unknowingly throwing petrol on it continuously just to get myself to remember to do basic tasks like eating and bathing.

So yeah, I have a very real perspective on two of the mental illnesses/disorders LS is claiming to have, and though I am not bipolar, my partner's father is, and we have done so many revolutions of the carousel with his condition over the last twenty years. He has burned pretty much every bridge in his life he ever had. He got stranded in Europe, twice, with no money. Once was during COVID. (He lives in Australia.) He's gone missing multiple times. His life is very hard because he doesn't want to admit he has an illness or that his behaviour could be a problem. Hence, there are a bunch of his family who have no contact with him right now. But he lives independently, he holds down work, and he is not in any way insane. Difficult, yes. But not insane.

People live with these conditions every day and don't kill their children.

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Testifying for the Prosecution tomorrow:

As a licensed psychologist, Dr. Grimmett conducts a variety of forensic mental health assessments, including criminal and civil decisional capacity evaluations, with a special interest in the area of undue influence. She completes evaluations for the purpose of answering additional psycho-legal questions within her scope and upon request. She provides objective and thorough evaluations for the defense and prosecution in criminal and civil cases and provides her clearly-communicated findings in a comprehensive report. Assessment services include:​

- Competency to proceed
- Mental state at the time of the offense
- Guardianship, conservatorship, and testamentary capacity
- Undue Influence
- Contractual capacity
- Forensic animal maltreatment evaluations
- Death penalty mitigation
- Pre-adjudication evaluations for sentencing for state/federal cases
- Post-adjudication evaluations for probation
- Review of opposing experts’ reports
- Consultation services
- Expert testimony

Dr. Grimmett completes psychological evaluations for the Fourth Judicial District Probation Department and courts across the state of Colorado. Additionally, she completes private pay evaluations, including personality assessment and intelligence (IQ) testing, of individuals in need of clarity regarding their clinical presentation. She provides psycho-diagnostic evaluations of adults who are difficult to diagnose.​

If I don't 'like' your post it's because my phone refuses to cooperate. Could be the user too! I'm not surprised so you shouldn't be either! Or it could be the phone manufacturer.
I feel your pain, Jakat.

I have an iPad mini I use for everything because I just can’t navigate on a phone.

Hope things are up and running for you soon.

And I know you just liked this post in your mind :) No need to click!
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I feel your pain, Jakat.

I have an iPad mini I use for everything because I just can’t navigate on a phone.

Hope things are up and running for you soon.

And I know up just liked this post in your mind :) No need to click!
I can't work a phone either.
Laptop and multi typos everywhere
I'd prefer to use a pen. I can't even think coherently and type.
I dismissed chatgp thingy..It does not excite me at all.
Might be faster than googling but only if somebody else programmed it..
Would never beat you for speed retrieving obscure court documents at the exact right bullseye time.
Thank you for that.
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