CO - Gannon Stauch, 11, found deceased, Colorado Springs, El Paso County, 27 Jan 2020 *Arrest* #68

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After watching the same trial that they have I am baffled as to why ANYBODY would need longer than 4 hours to reach a verdict.

I reckon it's one juror holding out on something stupid that just needs more clarification... Or that's what I'm hoping.

If they don't come back with guilty on all counts by 10am Monday, every bit of faith in people that I have will be lost.

Gannon's poor family having a weekend of hell. Lie bag will be relishing in it.

I wonder if its the one juror who said he had no opinion and would look at all the evidence and consider the facts (words to that effect), he seemed the pedantic type to me. I'm not suggesting he is a hold out as he thinks she was insane, just maybe he wants to look at everything close up to process it before he is confident in his answer.
He totally may not be the one though, and it could be a collective thing, there were around 700 pieces of evidence that needed a whole room to itself, it's not necessarily a bad sign, they may just have questions to bounce around between them.

This jury is not stupid. I still think we're good.
Omg, I can’t. Yes I can. No other choice. I’m just not that virtuous a woman as I‘m out of patience. I didn’t expect this. Various emotions. My husband is thinking I’m silly for getting so upset. We celebrated 48 years last month so you’d think he’d get it by now. I’m reminded of my favorite quote:

I used to dislike being sensitive. I thought it made me weak. But take away that single trait, and you take away the very essence of who I am. You take away my conscience, my ability to empathize, my intuition, my creativity, my deep appreciation of the little things, my vivid inner life, my keen awareness to others pain and my passion for it all. ~Caitlin Japa
I honestly don't know what I'm going to do with myself for the next couple of days.

I want them to be thorough, to do it right, but I'm struggling with the suspended nature of this.
I'll be struggling right along with you. While I am not rejecting optimistic and logical reasoning, one fact does remain ... All 12 jurors did NOT immediately see through the BS! That in itself is very disappointing.
I’m trying my best to not think back to the Parkland Shooter’s trial, where one juror holding out meant that the perp escaped the death penalty; a result that was devastating to all the family of the many victims in Parkland.

I’m thinking the same here, but instead of a juror not willing to commit to something as extreme as the death penalty, it’s somebody who finds what Tecia did to be so insane and so ridiculous that they can’t see anything other than her being mentally ill. Hopefully we’re all wrong and the jury are just being mega thorough and not wanting to rush such a decision but it’s still shocking to me that this hasn’t been the slam dunk, in and out so many people expected it to be.

Edited to add a positive note: Evidence against Darrell Brooks was extremely overwhelming (and the defence obviously horrendous) but that trial still took the jurors into the next court day to submit their decision. So there’s precedent that provides hope as well as precedent that provides gloom. Have a safe and peaceful weekend everybody, justice is coming.
As a result of Parkland, I read there is a new law in Florida that allows an 8-4 vote for death instead of 12-0. Not a bad idea since someone that couldn't commit to death can vote no and have their conscious be clear if the end result is death.
Jury going home? NOOOOOO

I'm going to assume that they have taken the approach suggested by the Judge and are discussing (perhaps somewhat freeform) each charge and the evidence before taking a poll (secret or otherwise).

Bummer. They must be exhausted. I hope that they have managed to deal with at least one charge unanimously.
I want to thank all of the Gannon Squad who have followed this case and this trial on behalf of Gannon and his loved ones.
I knew I didn't have enough time to keep up to speed on all of the details of the trial as I was following the Lori Vallow Daybell trial. I appreciate your closing argument summaries @arielilane! That was so, so helpful.

I tuned in late today for the verdict watch and am surprised there wasn't a faster verdict, but we must let the legal system take its course. No matter the outcome, Leticia will likely spend the rest of her days in confinement...where she belongs.

You will soon be truly resting in peace Gannon!
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I'll be struggling right along with you. While I am not rejecting optimistic and logical reasoning, one fact does remain ... All 12 jurors did NOT immediately see through the BS! That in itself is very disappointing.
Oh - don't go there! It's possible that they started up on one charge (such as tampering with evidence) and took the opportunity for everyone to state what they remember of the evidence.

That can take some time. Hopefully they polled themselves at least once. It's true that one person could slow this down, maybe by just wanting to be convinced by the others. They may have already agreed on a couple of the charges!

By Monday, they may find it even more easy to agree.

[Always an optimist, I guess]
I‘m afraid to move. I’ve been staring at my tv screen that says Courtroom 1 for hours. Thinking about those first few days Gannon was missing. Memories flood my mind. It seems so long ago. My hands are trembling as I type. I’ve been so afraid to post that I might seem like an emotional disaster like I’m doing now. My glasses keep slipping with slow tears falling. Gannon feels so close right now. Thank you all for joining me in my room as we’ve watched these many days. I feel like I know you all and have imagined what you might look like and we have a giant room of lovely humans coming together for a little boy, his mom, his dad and his little sister. I care for you all. Thank you for supporting and demanding justice for this little boy who believed he could fly. Gannon.
We love you and appreciate all you do for the missing and for Gannon and his family. We’re here together for Gannon, Al, Landen, and his little sis.
We don’t know if they are in agreement or not.

It’s a very serious decision and I choose to believe they are taking their responsibility very seriously.

After 7 weeks of not being able to talk about how they see things, not even with each other, maybe they just feel the need to talk it out amongst themselves.

I would be a little concerned about the optics if they only took 30 minutes ( if I was a Juror)

I wouldn’t want anyone to think I didn’t follow instructions to weigh and consider all the evidence.

This sounds kind of stupid as I type it lol.

Bottom line - I’m not worried that any of them are wanting to vote in favor of the Defense.


Unfortunately, jurors have the burden of the social media machine that will outlive their memory of this trial and may be hesitant for the "clock watchers." That's a lot of pressure. This is about a little boy that lost his life.

I'm trusting they want to sleep on the hours and weeks of efforts and will return the verdict first thing Monday morning. Or so I hope.
I'm disappointed along with the rest, but not surprised.

Firstly, I can't even begin to imagine hearing, reading and mentally parsing all of the evidence of our Gannon's death. Secondly, we have a defendant who has thrown every excuse in the book at the judge and jury as to.why she is nor guilty. Lastly, her courtroom antics have been outrageous, vile and shameless. Her behavior reminds me very much of.Charles Manson's courtroom antics.

If I was on that jury, I'd want to make damn sure that the verdict was airtight and not open to an appeal (if possible). A verdict that puts her away for the rest of her life so she will not ever hurt another child again.

I think the jury is exhausted and really needs a break. They do, after all, have to live with the decision they make for the rest of their lives.

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Omg, I can’t. Yes I can. No other choice. I’m just not that virtuous a woman as I‘m out of patience. I didn’t expect this. Various emotions. My husband is thinking I’m silly for getting so upset. We celebrated 48 years last month so you’d think he’d get it by now. I’m reminded of my favorite quote:

I used to dislike being sensitive. I thought it made me weak. But take away that single trait, and you take away the very essence of who I am. You take away my conscience, my ability to empathize, my intuition, my creativity, my deep appreciation of the little things, my vivid inner life, my keen awareness to others pain and my passion for it all. ~Caitlin Japa
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Love it.
The state did a great job. I hope we don't have a single juror hold out but it looks like they can't agree yet. So sad. If this evil conniving woman succeeds in hoodwinking a juror I will be so devastated for Gannon and his grieving family.

Just keep in mind that they have to deliberate upon 5 charges. A reasonable jury can take this to mean: actually go over shared understanding of the facts and then poll themselves - for each charge. The evidence tampering alone could take time (vs. the body tampering). I can't remember the 5th charge, but then they have two kinds of First Degree Murder (and I didn't hear any instruction saying she couldn't be guilty of both).

One is pre-meditated murder; the other is child under 12/trusted adult. I think the second one might be easy to deliberate - but if the jury doesn't at least take the time to distinguish and give separate polls on those two, I'd be surprised.

I would put money on it that they actually are in agreement but are taking this very seriously and thoroughly going through each charge. Maybe making a hypothetical (or real) pro and con list to talk through each point.

I’ve never been so thoroughly convinced, down to the marrow of my bones, that a defendant is guilty and that a jury will return with a guilty verdic short amount of time. They want jurors to take their time and do it right.
I was on a jury once. The charge was 'indecency with a child'. Not too complicated, but we were sent to deliberate for a couple hours, and then sent home with orders to return the next day. All in all, we were out for about 5-6 hours, IIRC.
I think if this jury had reached a verdict in just a couple hours, it would be pretty suspicious. I remember our judge instructing us, and one of the things he stressed was to take our time and go over everything again and again. I think there were at least 2, maybe 3 votes before we all agreed.
In a case like this, I think they don't want it to result in a mistrial or an appeal for a new trial. It has to come out right!!
Remember that one jury question that was something like, "can a person be sexually abused, not get treatment, and still turn out not insane?" That question scared me because it showed that someone on the jury is under the impression that all people sexually abused turn out crazy if they don't get treatment.
I'll be struggling right along with you. While I am not rejecting optimistic and logical reasoning, one fact does remain ... All 12 jurors did NOT immediately see through the BS! That in itself is very disappointing.
I hope it's taking time because they are painfully aware of responsibility they've been given. A woman's fate rests in their hands. Whatever we think about the defendant, that responsibility would give *me* pause, were I in their shoes. I would have to be confident I had considered everything to be able to live with myself and be able to bear that awful, heavy burden of delivering a verdict.

Didn’t the judge say if the jury was close to making a verdict he’d allow them to deliberate until 7PM? If so that’s a great sign that they’ve been given so late
I didn't hear 7 pm from the Judge but by a reporter and I think he must have been thinking central time.

It follows that the jurors would leave at the same hour (5 pm MT) as they have the last month (20 Trial Days).
Can you say more about that? I know it's near impossible to describe people's gazes in this context. What I notice in her mug shots and in some of hear day-to-day trial footage, is that her eyes seem flat (locked into a particular position) and her face is quite impassive for someone in so much trouble.

But, I have never heard anyone say that a psychopath (multiple DSM diagnoses, Imo, must include Dark Triad) from a sociopath (AntisocialPD). I think I know what you're talking about. I was just looking at some mug shots from another case and felt as if one person had very different expressions/micro-expressions in each eye). I had a prof who thought that the right brain showed up in the left eye (so fear can show up in that eye even if the other eye is looking defiant).

There is something really strange (almost as if it's mostly autonomic functioning) in T's eyes. I don't want to lead you to any further conclusions - but I think there's something missing from her eye expressions.

Oh man, I taught my DD the left eye vs right eye technique. We have had some great discussions about mugshots we analyze. Grandma Nix from Florida is a good one. I also am big on the difference between emotions of the eyes not matching the mouth.
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