CO - James Holmes Trial - *Penalty Phase* #4 - LWOP

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Respectfully, the jury discussed the case a few weeks ago when they deliberated and found him guilty of first degree murder . They discussed the case last week when they deliberated and found that the mitigaters did not outweigh the aggravators and they choose to proceed to death penalty phase. So, the jury has already discussed and deliberated for several hours in the two previous phases.

Oh! You're right!! Sorry, it's been a long morning here. You're absolutely right! Sorry.

I guess I'm just trying to be calm about it because sentencing someone to death is a crazy huge decision so I'm hoping they just want to be thorough before making such a huge decision.

He deserves DP but I get that people have to weigh everything.

I hope whatever happens it's unanimous. I don't understand people sayng they are able to sit on a DP jury, and then deciding they can't give the DP. (Remembering the AZ jury holdout ugh)
Just quickly checking in--did Brady cry?? True victim's unable to show emotion but she can! SMDH :(

Gooooooood Morning, little zoey!! Good to see ya!


And Goooooood Morning WS'ers -- Will this be our last day of Verdict Watch???

(((Hugs))) all around!!
There is no denying he is bat poop crazy, even if he isn't legally insane. I could imagine some having a hard time giving him the dp. When Brady said no more killing, rise above it, it got to me a little bit. I've never been on a jury but I can imagine seeing someone everyday for months might humanize them.
Gooooooood Morning, little zoey!! Good to see ya!


And Goooooood Morning WS'ers -- Will this be our last day of Verdict Watch???

(((Hugs))) all around!!
Hope so. Dying to hear what video the jury is watching. Hugs to you my friend.:loveyou:
Hi Friends!
Did they come back with what video the jury wanted to watch? Why would the judge need to know what they wanted to watch?

Things went spooky here. I had a live feed up when I saw the jury had a question. Then my computer froze up! Even after re-booting 4 times, I couldn't even get any internet. I turned on TV to see if any one had it on the news--and my TV also SHUT ITSELF OFF! Spooky. yes?
Hi Friends!
Did they come back with what video the jury wanted to watch? Why would the judge need to know what they wanted to watch?

Things went spooky here. I had a live feed up when I saw the jury had a question. Then my computer froze up! Even after re-booting 4 times, I couldn't even get any internet. I turned on TV to see if any one had it on the news--and my TV also SHUT ITSELF OFF! Spooky. yes?
Spooky yes. And, I never got the live feed. Wonder if anyone did.
Hello friends. I'm going to be around all day and will keep checking in. Does anyone else feel worn out by this trial? I'm quite looking forward to it being over.

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Yes -- I don't want to "let go" of all the really fine folks who have been following this trial -- we've been such a good group, if I do say so myself -- but like me, I'm sure each of us has held her/his breath at times, only to scoop air in quickly after something was said or shown; we have gotten that little feeling in the back of our throats when we are about to burst into tears; we have gritted our teeth or gagged or screamed when the DT/DT witness tried to make JH a regular human being who is really "just like any one of us"; etc., etc., etc. We need a break, yes, but not from each other -- we need a break from the evil that has been done to so many, and a break from the one person who is responsible for all of it. He stopped the world from spinning for a while, but justice has made it spin again, as it should.
JH should get the many reasons that are "legal''. No remorse shown, but he did that to 'show' he is MI, however, out of the sight of the Jury he was laughing at times and talking with his attorneys, a totally different attitude was presented. I am sure the Judge saw that.

If JH gets DP, he has years of appeals. CO has not put anyone to death in a long time. Between those two statements, the laws will change and there will be no DP but those on DP, might still get all the jail rules that apply, no contact visits, limited phone calls, etc. and that would be fine by me. Still a DP inmate but no death but natural. With that said, if JH gets LWOP, he probably would be in segregation because of killing a child, his attitude and he is not a street smart criminal. I do not think he would survive in general population, someone would get to him.

Looks like no matter what, JH has future of nothing. His family is not near and I do not think they will come to visit often if at all. I do not think his sister will go at all. They will send money to keep his account as full as the rules allow. That is his happiness, commissary, library books, maybe a TV or Radio.

Does anyone know if there are civil lawsuits happening against JH? If so, his commissary money might be reduced even more, like the felon/inmate JA is having her commissary money reduced to pay the Alexanders restitution money....sorry I do not remember her new name, the long number, so I had to use JA.
I have a feeling it will be today. The jury have been quick to being verdicts so far which says to me they are on the same page.

I'm not sure they will recommend the DP though. I think he will get LWOP.

My thinking is that if they are going to give him the DP they will deliver the verdict today. If they are all in agreement, I can't imagine them not getting it over with today. If they are not in agreement, that complicates things. Then they may wait a few days to come back with a verdict for LWOP.
Spooky yes. And, I never got the live feed. Wonder if anyone did.

I do see that almost no one here got a live stream, even tho all these channels were saying they will have it! What's up with that?
Makes me feel a bit better but, I'm wondering why the live stream I had up, blew out my whole computer with no internet access at all & why my tv shut itself off?

Did the jury answer the judge yet?
I forgot to ask...where is everyone going from here? Which trial are you viewing now? I will miss all of you....have to find you at another trail!

With that said we have another child missing here in now in jail on unrelated charges blames mom and mom blames dad. Here is a link below...this may become a trial one day.

The little baby is Vincent B. Moore, 5 months old, missing since July 11. It does appear that he was with his dad the last he was seen.
Oh! You're right!! Sorry, it's been a long morning here. You're absolutely right! Sorry.

I guess I'm just trying to be calm about it because sentencing someone to death is a crazy huge decision so I'm hoping they just want to be thorough before making such a huge decision.

He deserves DP but I get that people have to weigh everything.

I hope whatever happens it's unanimous. I don't understand people sayng they are able to sit on a DP jury, and then deciding they can't give the DP. (Remembering the AZ jury holdout ugh)

Sorry, I guess I am cranky this morning. I have watched nearly every minute of this trial since April 27.

I don't philosophically believe in DP, but in this case I want JH to receive the harshest justice the law will allow. I don't think JH will mind a life in prison, but I'd like him to be tortured by the thought that he lost in the end. I went into this trial thinking I'd remain neutral and believing he could be legally insane. Well, all my beliefs have been turned around and it leaves me wondering, just wondering.
croakerqueen123 ‏@croakerqueen
Waiting for the answer before I upload the video of Question 1. #theatershooting
Since I'm afraid to pull up a live stream, because it blew up my computer; I went to #theatershooting on twitter to see updates. There is someone who keeps posting pics of the dead victims with pics of other people who look similar & is saying that victims aren't dead and even the judge is an imposter! WTH? I know it's a troll & a bad person, but they are saying disturbing things. It's the weirdest thing I've even seen, makes no sense.
As we wait for the verdict after this long & emotional trial, my thoughts are with those who have suffered an unimaginable loss that they will forever carry with them into each and every day, for the prosecutors who have spent endless hours & dedication to this case, as well as those 12 jurors deliberating.
I think I will take a little break from trials. I'm sure I will be back once I recover from this one.

I'm like Chelly and have watched every single day of this trial. I feel mentally and emotionally exhausted. I feel such sadness for the victims and their families and it weighs heavy on me.

I didn't think I agreed with the DP but I find myself wondering if that should be the appropriate punishment. We have seen ZERO remorse from 'that guy'. I wish we had. I really don't think he cares one iota that he destroyed so many lives.

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Since I'm afraid to pull up a live stream, because it blew up my computer; I went to #theatershooting on twitter to see updates. There is someone who keeps posting pics of the dead victims with pics of other people who look similar & is saying that victims aren't dead and even the judge is an imposter! WTH? I know it's a troll & a bad person, but they are saying disturbing things. It's the weirdest thing I've even seen, makes no sense.

There are some sick people in this world.

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@rwmccallum: The jury has an answer to the question regarding which exhibits. Judge Samour will take the bench at 10:50 am #theatershooting

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