CO - Jessica Ridgeway, 10, Westminster, 5 Oct 2012 - #16

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This is getting ridiculous with so many children being murdered. I hear now they found what they believe to be the body of the girl in New Jersey. It is getting to be every other week we are getting these cases - at least twice a month there is some missing baby, children kidnapped from their own home, children kidnapped on their way to school like JR., etc

Why is this keep on happening? It is getting to the point where you cannot leave children alone for a second, which isn't right either. Why shouldn't JR be able to walk to school without being harmed?

We as a society have to start preventing this. In this case, if it turns out the jogger attacks are related as well as the 8 year old boy, why wasn't more done to alert the public? Why no sketch?

We know for a fact that these perps do not stop, and they only escalate in intensity. We have to get them off the streets in the early phases. Peeping toms, killing animals, etc. are all early signs of this nonsense. We have to start to do something to stop all this, and it isn't fair to children to make their world a fortress just bc some perp has some kind of sick fantasy. But is there any alternative other than being w your kid constantly? This needs to stop.

It's a societal problem - economy is tough everywhere, people care more about themselves than about others, competition, lack of friendship, comradare, knowing your neighbors, close families, respect for human life, resources to help sick people, resources to protect people, especially children, run dry, no one has time for each other anymore because it's all about me.

I'm not wanting to portray a bleak outlook because certainly not everyone will experience this. It's just more difficult to have that support system, more than it used to be.

The other part is that people are sick of hearing about the Middle East, politics, the economy - the media needs something to grab people's attention.

Just my 2 cents.
Honestly, it seems as though perps don't even think about the option of letting a victim live anymore. Killing them seems almost automatic. And yet with DNA and other ways to solve crimes, they often get caught anyway. In fact, the eyewitness testimony is often the least accurate. But still, they kill the victims.

They don't care. They have no respect for life - including their own. They almost know they'll get caught. I mean, this guy here, I think he wants notoriety. And wants to string the police along a bit before the gig is up.
I've had to work and see to getting my kids getting to and from school safely. I have 5 children, and not one single time, have I ever allowed one of my children to walk alone to school or home from school, or anywhere else for that matter. I've handled this being married and being a single parent. I've worked in hospital surgery for most of my working history. That includes taking call. I juggled time and would trade a few hours of call just to make sure my kids were looked after, basically whatever it took. And when I worked all day, then ended up getting called back for sugery all night, I still got my kiddos taken care of and driven to school before I even thought about sleep, and there where plenty of times that i didn't sleep after working because I had kiddo's to look after. And one other thing is that I always cooked breakfast. I did it no matter what. we had a lot of very crispy bacon, but I always made a point to cook breakfast whether I got home at 4am from a call back or had to go into work at 630. What I'm getting at is that a change of pace is viable for anyone who wants to do it bad enough.

I can't agree that it's always possible for a parent/parents to make all the accommodations and sacrifices you did -- different types of work, support system, transportation, etc.

But bless you for what YOU did! Sounds like you did a very good job, and I know it wasn't easy.
Do any of you remember what thread I can find the abduction attempts or possibly related events to Jessica's murder map? I remember seeing a map posted by someone (mop) that showed pretty many in the area and surrounding areas.


There was this map posted by member Theforeigner, post #473, thread this the one you meant??

There was this map posted by member Theforeigner, post #473, thread this the one you meant??


Thank you marlywings! It was like a crime map, but I think it was just reports of attempted abductions in the county. I'll try to find it tomorrow. It was posted here though. Mucho appreciated MW!
It's not a big step from there to say "I don't understand how any woman can walk around her neighborhood alone" or "I don't understand how any woman can walk from the store to her car alone." Women have been assaulted or abducted from store parking lots, from parking garages, while waiting to catch a bus in cities and while walking between their apartment parking lot and the apartment itself. And sometimes they wear tight jeans and low-cut shirts or revealing tank tops too!

We've all been taught safety tips for approaching our car (pay attention to your surroundings, make sure you have your key in hand rather than fumble in your purse when you get there), and that's pretty much true of anything women do that exposes us to the larger world.

There's nothing inherently dangerous in running alone, so long as one takes appropriate safety measures. Most of us assume that anyone lurking on a trail is someone who doesn't run or exercise and we'll kick the *&)@ out of him and run away faster than they can possibly imagine and that will be that.

Nevertheless, I've been running indoors on the treadmill for the last couple of weeks. And if it turns out this guy is a runner, well, I'm thinking martial arts classes. (Packing heat seems like a good way to accidentally shoot myself in the foot. I carry pepper spray on occasion, but I've brought it along in case there's trouble with coyotes, not humans.)

Totally agree. When I was 38 weeks pregnant with my 3rd baby I went shopping and a man approached me from behind on the escalator, he said hello and moved to stand too close to me, at first I wasn't alarmed because my DH is in the army and I am often approached by large men who know me but I don't remember. He was literally touching me and because he was over a foot taller than me was lurching over me. He asked if it was my first baby and when I said no, 3rd he sneered "you must be a dirty, dirty girl". He the followed me for over half an hour before I approached the security desk and lost him. Now, this was a large shopping centre packed full of people. I was heavily pregnant, fat, wearing a mans t-shirt, track suit pants (sweat pants?) , running shoes, had a face full of pimples and hadn't bothered to brush my hair. If I had been attacked there couldn't have been any 'shouldn't have been walking alone' or 'shouldn't have been dressed like that', but I'm sure many people would have come up with SOME reason to blame me for it.
I see zero Cartel or organized gang involvement in these cases, myself. I think the new abduction attempt with a rag at the bar may have been from folks talking about the jogger in the Jessica case. They just 'thought of' the whole rag-with-a-chemical angle and probably used starter spray or something. You could call it a copy-cat crime, I guess, but the similarities are probably related to what's being talked about, in any case (JMHO).

The whole White-Hispanic thing is bugging me. Carmen Diaz is Hispanic. So are Charlie Sheen and Emilio Estevez. Cristina Aguilera, anyone? Giselle Bunchen is a fully Hispanic girl who comes from a fully Hispanic nation (that has other minorities, lol). There are white Hispanics and dark Hispanics and Black Hispanics, etc.

Of course 'light-skinned' can mean a Hispanic person or a Caucasian person or any mixture that turns up kinda white-looking. But Latinos are not a racially-distinct culture. Period :) They know that, so it's time America starts to grasp the concept (I think).

It's cool that our Southern (and most Western?) Latino folks usually have great black hair and bronzed skin that tans deep so nicely, and big brown eyes. I get that, and it's very cool. But that's not what Hispanic has to mean :)
Do any of you remember what thread I can find the abduction attempts or possibly related events to Jessica's murder map? I remember seeing a map posted by someone (mop) that showed pretty many in the area and surrounding areas.


Timeline of Suspicious Incidents
[ame=""]Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - Found Deceased CO - Jessica Ridgeway, 10, Westminster, 5 Oct 2012 - #14[/ame]

The great fear of the "illegal," the "undocumented," seems especially prevalent in sleuthing these days.

I do not understand this AT ALL.

Sure it could be. But not bloody likely. I'll stereotype now: if this person happens to be Mexican or Hispanic, his own people WILL turn him in.

I understand what you are saying. Over here the talk of the town is the boat people (refugees) and the "Muslims" coming here and increasing crime, raping our women and killing our children. Except it isn't actually happening. Overwhelmingly, the crime in our town is caused by drug addicted white boys who have lived here their entire life.
This is getting ridiculous with so many children being murdered. I hear now they found what they believe to be the body of the girl in New Jersey. It is getting to be every other week we are getting these cases - at least twice a month there is some missing baby, children kidnapped from their own home, children kidnapped on their way to school like JR., etc

Why is this keep on happening? It is getting to the point where you cannot leave children alone for a second, which isn't right either. Why shouldn't JR be able to walk to school without being harmed?

We as a society have to start preventing this. In this case, if it turns out the jogger attacks are related as well as the 8 year old boy, why wasn't more done to alert the public? Why no sketch?

We know for a fact that these perps do not stop, and they only escalate in intensity. We have to get them off the streets in the early phases. Peeping toms, killing animals, etc. are all early signs of this nonsense. We have to start to do something to stop all this, and it isn't fair to children to make their world a fortress just bc some perp has some kind of sick fantasy. But is there any alternative other than being w your kid constantly? This needs to stop.

The rate at which these sorts of things is no different from years ago, the only difference is that back then most news was local whereas now it is national. All those cases you never heard of back then (because they were somewhere else in the country) you hear about now. So it seems like there is more, but not really.

A case like this, no matter how tragic, every two weeks still makes it a pretty rare occurrence. Something like a few dozen out of 45-60 million. Kids are far more likely to be killed in a motor car accident, or shot by someone they know, than be abducted and killed by a stranger.
I posted this on one of the previous threads. This attempted abduction took place back in March 2012 near 110th Place and Harlan Street, Westminster at 8 p.m. This location is approx. 3.5 miles from Chelsea Park.

Teenage Girl Holds Onto Post As Man Tries To Abduct Her


Excerpt: "The 15-year-old was assaulted just across the street from Sheridan Green Elementary School.

"We're right in the middle of a community, right across the street from a park," said Materasso.

The girl got away when a passing sport utility vehicle distracted the suspect.

"When he loosened his grip, when that vehicle slowed down, she ran, she never looked back," said Materasso.

She ran about a mile, ending up at the doorstep of her boyfriend's friend's house, where she was hours earlier. She called the boy inside the house, who then called 911."

Suspect Description

Hispanic Male

5 feet 5 inches tall

Mid 20s

Short, dark hair

Muscular build

Wearing a white tank top and blue jeans

Read more at link
I personally am just having a very difficult time believing that the Aurora bar attempt is the same perp that abducted/murdered Jessica.. I realize that LE have definitely linked Jessica's case to the May attempt with chemical rag at Ketner lake and that due to the perps in Aurora also using a chemical soaked rag makes it very likely in most peoples opinions that its linked to the Ketner attempt.. But I am just not believing thats the case...

Maybe it is but I have a very difficult time believing the individual who imo planned, executed, and disposed of Jessica's remains along with the diversionary tactic or toying with LE in placing the backpack in Superior.. I just have a very difficult time believing that those two males in the Aurora attempt are the ones who are responsible for Jessica and the Ketner attempt..

Wouldnt the Ketner jogger be able to look at the video and say a fairly certain yay or nay as to whether the man in Aurora video is the same?.or even definitively whether her attacker was actually hispanic as clearly the Aurora perps are or was he caucasian..idk. Theres just something telling me the Aurora perps are not who is responsible for Jessica's abduction/murder..jmo at this point and could easily change with more info coming to light..

The Ketner jogger may never have gotten a good look at her assailant's face, since he apparently attacked from behind and then ran when she fought him off. She may only have really seen his hands and wrists.

I think there's also a definite possibility that the Aurora bar perps were copycats. It certainly wouldn't be the first time such has happened.
I've had to work and see to getting my kids getting to and from school safely. I have 5 children, and not one single time, have I ever allowed one of my children to walk alone to school or home from school, or anywhere else for that matter. I've handled this being married and being a single parent. I've worked in hospital surgery for most of my working history. That includes taking call. I juggled time and would trade a few hours of call just to make sure my kids were looked after, basically whatever it took. And when I worked all day, then ended up getting called back for sugery all night, I still got my kiddos taken care of and driven to school before I even thought about sleep, and there where plenty of times that i didn't sleep after working because I had kiddo's to look after. And one other thing is that I always cooked breakfast. I did it no matter what. we had a lot of very crispy bacon, but I always made a point to cook breakfast whether I got home at 4am from a call back or had to go into work at 630. What I'm getting at is that a change of pace is viable for anyone who wants to do it bad enough.

What is true for a worker who has at least some post high school education and likely has a license of some sort is not always true for a worker who does not have a high school diploma or has no other qualifications than a high school diploma.

Generally, the more post high school education a job requires, the more options and flexibility those employees have available.

For instance, when my husband was a single parent and working as a night security watchman at a factory, there was exactly one person he could trade time with. If that person wasn't willing to trade, the only other option was to work or not show up and get fired. Both of them had to be careful not to exceed 33 hours a week because they got in trouble if they did.

Working nights, sleeping days and taking care of his son in the evenings didn't leave my husband much time for making friends, even with other parents. He did have an older lady who came over when he worked to sleep when my husband was at work.
Thank you enzeder! That's is what I was looking for. I appreciate it! Now to map it...tomorrow. There was a map here of the locations I thought too. No worries.

Thanks again.
Thank you marlywings! It was like a crime map, but I think it was just reports of attempted abductions in the county. I'll try to find it tomorrow. It was posted here though. Mucho appreciated MW!

Is this the map you are looking for Dr. Know?

[ame=""]Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - Found Deceased CO - Jessica Ridgeway, 10, Westminster, 5 Oct 2012 - #14[/ame]
I assume there is a reward in this case? The reason I am asking is I have not heard about it. Maybe if the media gets into covering that there is a reward then someone might turn their friend or family member in? JMO
Thank you enzeder! That's is what I was looking for. I appreciate it! Now to map it...tomorrow. There was a map here of the locations I thought too. No worries.

Thanks again.

You're welcome. I posted the link to "Timeline of Suspicious Incidents" in the Timeline and Media thread if you need to find it again.

Timeline and Media Thread
[ame=""]Jessica Ridgeway, *no discussion*: Timeline and Media thread - Page 2 - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community[/ame]
The rate at which these sorts of things is no different from years ago, the only difference is that back then most news was local whereas now it is national. All those cases you never heard of back then (because they were somewhere else in the country) you hear about now. So it seems like there is more, but not really.

A case like this, no matter how tragic, every two weeks still makes it a pretty rare occurrence. Something like a few dozen out of 45-60 million. Kids are far more likely to be killed in a motor car accident, or shot by someone they know, than be abducted and killed by a stranger.

I agree with you on the points you made, particularly about the media. But there are some societies, modern societies, that do not and never had, this amount of violence, especially against children. Which is why I think it's cultural, social in nature. I've lived in three different "cultures" and the rates are simply different. Individualism, I guess is the main word.

It's a very sad day that an 11 or 12 year old cannot go out and walk to school, ride a bike etc. But fear is what these monsters want to instill in all of us and I for one, would not give in to it. After Gardner attacked Chelsea King in San Diego, the running groups in San Diego made pacts that we were not going to allow monsters like him from stopping what we love to do, because then we are giving them exactly what they want.

Sorry for the rambling, I have so many thoughts about this case but in the end, I just want this piece of scum caught.
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