CO - Jessica Ridgeway, 10, Westminster, 5 Oct 2012 - #16

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The way that guy was knocked to the ground by the woman kind of leads me to believe the attempted abductor was a pretty young guy. He looks awfully skinny and extremely weak.
You have a choice about whether your child plays outside. Or whether they walk to a friend's house alone.

If you are at work with a latchkey kid at home, you really don't have that control. All you can do is hope your child is listening when you talk about precautions and is obedient to your rules.

I don't know about you but I know that I was not the perfectly obedient child. I always had good intentions or thought that my transgressions weren't really important without realising I did not have the judgment of an adult.

A child can be a good child and still do something against the rules.

My husband was a single parent for 16 years and childcare was the most incredibly difficult issue for him to cover. The options back then were not great and while there are more options now, there are still not enough.
I am confused as there are too many attempts here; do we know for sure that Jessica's case is linked to the one with two POI's at the scene? Or just that it is linked to one of the other attempts, but not specified which one?
It is definitely connected to the attempted abduction of the jogger on Memorial Day. In that case, the suspect used a rag with a chemical on it. In the attempted abduction at the bar the same type of rag with a chemical on it was used again. I just don't think there are there are different suspects going around using this same technique. It seems likely that all of the crimes are connected.
ok..just catching someone saying about it being unusual to go from a woman to a girl in the last thread, that was me asking longtimers here if they had seen it before, because I hadnt while on here....

I think he has had the urges for a while and maybe passed Jessica walking alone and couldnt resist a female walking alone...I think it was just too easy for him. What is scary is, has he now crossed over to murder after attempted abductions.....I wonder if the woman in May was his first or if he has raped other women?? Are there any other unsolved murders of women in that general area?.........I also think the police know a lot more than us by only saying that the two are linked and nothing more. I hope they catch this guy now that he has crossed the line.......a serial in the making for sure...
This is getting ridiculous with so many children being murdered. I hear now they found what they believe to be the body of the girl in New Jersey. It is getting to be every other week we are getting these cases - at least twice a month there is some missing baby, children kidnapped from their own home, children kidnapped on their way to school like JR., etc

Why is this keep on happening? It is getting to the point where you cannot leave children alone for a second, which isn't right either. Why shouldn't JR be able to walk to school without being harmed?

We as a society have to start preventing this. In this case, if it turns out the jogger attacks are related as well as the 8 year old boy, why wasn't more done to alert the public? Why no sketch?

We know for a fact that these perps do not stop, and they only escalate in intensity. We have to get them off the streets in the early phases. Peeping toms, killing animals, etc. are all early signs of this nonsense. We have to start to do something to stop all this, and it isn't fair to children to make their world a fortress just bc some perp has some kind of sick fantasy. But is there any alternative other than being w your kid constantly? This needs to stop.
I personally am just having a very difficult time believing that the Aurora bar attempt is the same perp that abducted/murdered Jessica.. I realize that LE have definitely linked Jessica's case to the May attempt with chemical rag at Ketner lake and that due to the perps in Aurora also using a chemical soaked rag makes it very likely in most peoples opinions that its linked to the Ketner attempt.. But I am just not believing thats the case...

Maybe it is but I have a very difficult time believing the individual who imo planned, executed, and disposed of Jessica's remains along with the diversionary tactic or toying with LE in placing the backpack in Superior.. I just have a very difficult time believing that those two males in the Aurora attempt are the ones who are responsible for Jessica and the Ketner attempt..

Wouldnt the Ketner jogger be able to look at the video and say a fairly certain yay or nay as to whether the man in Aurora video is the same?.or even definitively whether her attacker was actually hispanic as clearly the Aurora perps are or was he caucasian..idk. Theres just something telling me the Aurora perps are not who is responsible for Jessica's abduction/murder..jmo at this point and could easily change with more info coming to light..
I am confused as there are too many attempts here; do we know for sure that Jessica's case is linked to the one with two POI's at the scene? Or just that it is linked to one of the other attempts, but not specified which one?

It is connected to the jogger at the lake is what I understand. A cloth was also used there.
When I heard about the buildings across the road from where Jessica's not intact body was found & it was said to be a teen hangout, I thought the perp or perps were young. Then a poster here told the legend of the area and supposedly satanic rituals were done there long ago. A place later where you would go to park & tell old wives tales to make out with your girlfriend & scare them. Remember that anyone? Who posted that threads ago? MOP for not remembering.

The methods to this madness of attempted abductions seem like a young perp(s) to me at times then others...oh my. Like the Columbine dudes, outcasts, secretive, unmonitored in many ways. My prayers & thoughts always for the family, friends & town.

Then I start thinking of people who know the history of the town & how much info like what was posted here holds. jmo

eta, he'll probably be caught soon, jmo & it will be neither of my directions most likely. I feel like wrong way Doc some days....
Do any of you remember what thread I can find the abduction attempts or possibly related events to Jessica's murder map? I remember seeing a map posted by someone (mop) that showed pretty many in the area and surrounding areas.

Honestly, it seems as though perps don't even think about the option of letting a victim live anymore. Killing them seems almost automatic. And yet with DNA and other ways to solve crimes, they often get caught anyway. In fact, the eyewitness testimony is often the least accurate. But still, they kill the victims.
I understand what you are saying. I guess I didn't explain it very well. Parent A would be able to see Parent B (therefore keeping the kids in their sight also) then Parent B would be able to see Parent A (in one direction) and Parent C (in the other). It isn't perfect but I would choose this rather than have my child walk alone under the circumstances. Another poster mentioned a neighborhood watch. Maybe the vetted watch members could do this.

I never see Neighbourhood Watch signs anymore in windows in the city near me. Enquiring, I was told there is too much chance someone with bad intentions could get hold of a sign, or fake one, put it in their window, and lure victims to their home. Also, folks were lax in taking down the sign if they were leaving the house. Nobody there if someone runs to the home for help. Is NW still functioning well in other places?
I'm confused. Resendiz had zero connection to cartels or gangs. he was just a serial killer. Just because there was one serial killer who was not here legally, does not mean serials killers are Mexican or Hispanic. That is illogical. Most serial killers in the U.S. are white. Overwhelmingly so.

The great fear of the "illegal," the "undocumented," seems especially prevalent in sleuthing these days.

I do not understand this AT ALL.

Sure it could be. But not bloody likely. I'll stereotype now: if this person happens to be Mexican or Hispanic, his own people WILL turn him in.
It's not a big step from there to say "I don't understand how any woman can walk around her neighborhood alone" or "I don't understand how any woman can walk from the store to her car alone." Women have been assaulted or abducted from store parking lots, from parking garages, while waiting to catch a bus in cities and while walking between their apartment parking lot and the apartment itself. And sometimes they wear tight jeans and low-cut shirts or revealing tank tops too!

We've all been taught safety tips for approaching our car (pay attention to your surroundings, make sure you have your key in hand rather than fumble in your purse when you get there), and that's pretty much true of anything women do that exposes us to the larger world.

There's nothing inherently dangerous in running alone, so long as one takes appropriate safety measures. Most of us assume that anyone lurking on a trail is someone who doesn't run or exercise and we'll kick the *&)@ out of him and run away faster than they can possibly imagine and that will be that.

Nevertheless, I've been running indoors on the treadmill for the last couple of weeks. And if it turns out this guy is a runner, well, I'm thinking martial arts classes. (Packing heat seems like a good way to accidentally shoot myself in the foot. I carry pepper spray on occasion, but I've brought it along in case there's trouble with coyotes, not humans.)

I feel for you Owl. Was spooked by a man wearing regular black street shoes and kept my eye on him as well as inform others of his presence. I use to love to trail run. Just being surrounded by nature and the sound of twigs or leaves on the trail crunching under my well as the challenge of the rough trail One morning I scared myself by getting there right before sunrise...the smell of morn dew was incredible, but hadn't counted on the trail being so dark once I entered into it. LOL One of the many instances that brought it to a stop, was a young woman trail running with her dog...who had a black belt and into martial arts. Didn't do her any good as she was approached from behind and hit over the head. IIRC, he "kept" her for several days before killing her. Want to say it was CA, but not certain. It's not just women, I know a few men who no longer run the trails just for the very same reason. The strangest thing I ran into was along a river trail....a guy in his late 30's with his banana lounger in the shallows wearing speedos among the reeds. I carried a nut picker at the time for protection, but lost it while making my record time back to civilization. Another time while "tubing" there was a guy standing buck naked playing and pleasuring himself on an island in the river....wearing a paper bag over his the Unknown Comic. Stay safe.
:/ Parents still have to work and kids still have to get to school. Unfortunately I don't think a change of pace is viable for all people.

I've had to work and see to getting my kids getting to and from school safely. I have 5 children, and not one single time, have I ever allowed one of my children to walk alone to school or home from school, or anywhere else for that matter. I've handled this being married and being a single parent. I've worked in hospital surgery for most of my working history. That includes taking call. I juggled time and would trade a few hours of call just to make sure my kids were looked after, basically whatever it took. And when I worked all day, then ended up getting called back for sugery all night, I still got my kiddos taken care of and driven to school before I even thought about sleep, and there where plenty of times that i didn't sleep after working because I had kiddo's to look after. And one other thing is that I always cooked breakfast. I did it no matter what. we had a lot of very crispy bacon, but I always made a point to cook breakfast whether I got home at 4am from a call back or had to go into work at 630. What I'm getting at is that a change of pace is viable for anyone who wants to do it bad enough.
Hey guys, do we have a thread set up yet for the videos or articles on the attempts, descriptions of suspects and vehicles? It's really hard keeping up with it to see what might be linked or not. There's attempted abductions of children and women from before Jessica's abduction and now after, plus so far a blue car, green one and a white one, I think. We need an outline of dates and details. It 's getting to be a little crazy with all these attempts, even past murders we're just now reading. It's also spreading farther than Westminster and Arvada, possibly.
I live in AZ, we have a problem. It will be overflowing soon I'm afraid. I think I read lately there were 50,000 cartel brutal killings since 2008 with the gangs some bordering AZ or have corridors. Their method of killings range from hangings to chopping them up to make a statement. We have people found or never found out here way too often. jmo

I'm trying to figure out why so many murderers think chopping a person up helps to hide a body in the first place. It would be messy. Even if the blood stops coagulating. ewww What the heck for?

What's happening in Mexico appears to be needing someone to help build up their forces & help the honest be in charge for once. Mexico isn't winning, the cartels are. I don't like them in my backyard. It is and has overflowed.

I do not think any cartels at this point are involved & haven't even considered it. jmo
I personally am just having a very difficult time believing that the Aurora bar attempt is the same perp that abducted/murdered Jessica.. I realize that LE have definitely linked Jessica's case to the May attempt with chemical rag at Ketner lake and that due to the perps in Aurora also using a chemical soaked rag makes it very likely in most peoples opinions that its linked to the Ketner attempt.. But I am just not believing thats the case...

Maybe it is but I have a very difficult time believing the individual who imo planned, executed, and disposed of Jessica's remains along with the diversionary tactic or toying with LE in placing the backpack in Superior.. I just have a very difficult time believing that those two males in the Aurora attempt are the ones who are responsible for Jessica and the Ketner attempt..

Wouldnt the Ketner jogger be able to look at the video and say a fairly certain yay or nay as to whether the man in Aurora video is the same?.or even definitively whether her attacker was actually hispanic as clearly the Aurora perps are or was he caucasian..idk. Theres just something telling me the Aurora perps are not who is responsible for Jessica's abduction/murder..jmo at this point and could easily change with more info coming to light..

I am still catching up reading but it seems you and I are thinking alike on this case!
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