CO - Jessica Ridgeway, 10, Westminster, 5 Oct 2012 - #16

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Please just don't let this suspect be undocumented...I have a feeling there would be true mayhem in Denver.

I am guessing he is probably a Caucasian male, just based on past stats, personally.
I don't think it would only be Denver; I think anyone who even looked like they might be Hispanic would be in danger, at least for a while.

With this guy, it would probably be one of the parents waiting for the kids that disappeared. I think they should reinstate free school bus service in that area until the guy is caught.

I understand what you are saying. I guess I didn't explain it very well. Parent A would be able to see Parent B (therefore keeping the kids in their sight also) then Parent B would be able to see Parent A (in one direction) and Parent C (in the other). It isn't perfect but I would choose this rather than have my child walk alone under the circumstances. Another poster mentioned a neighborhood watch. Maybe the vetted watch members could do this.
I am not blaming any parents. Just saying that "city in fear" is very sensational.

But we are. This woman being attacked in a strip mall is SCARY stuff. I went to get some wine alone the other night and that apparently could have been me, KWIM? I did break out my pepper spray today and I have been carrying it when I feel I need to.
OK, I've scanned the thread and have not found anybody discussing this yet. This is snipped from the link below (almost at the bottom of the story)

Materasso also told 7NEWS that a material found during the investigation, previously called in as a clump of hair, is being tested. It may be a synthetic material.

"They’re going to collect it as though it has potential evidentiary value," Materasso said.

What is this about?!
Please just don't let this suspect be undocumented...I have a feeling there would be true mayhem in Denver.

I am guessing he is probably a Caucasian male, just based on past stats, personally.

Undocumented, was why my gang/cartel idea. A multi National Dweller, like this man...

Ángel Maturino Reséndiz
[ame=""]Ángel Maturino Reséndiz - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia[/ame]

Thats the type of man that would need to almost certainly attack with drugs or force...

With this guy, it would probably be one of the parents waiting for the kids that disappeared. I think they should reinstate free school bus service in that area until the guy is caught.

Instead of having kids at bus stops like sitting ducks...perhaps they could open school doors early and have parents and staff volunteer to watch the kids. School safety policies are already in place. Keep the kids in the cafeteria or gym until the start of school. Parents could drop their children off on the way to work and know they safely entered the school.
OT- they found a body in NJ believed to be the little girl, Autumn...
Honestly, I don't understand how any woman can go jogging alone?
It's not a big step from there to say "I don't understand how any woman can walk around her neighborhood alone" or "I don't understand how any woman can walk from the store to her car alone." Women have been assaulted or abducted from store parking lots, from parking garages, while waiting to catch a bus in cities and while walking between their apartment parking lot and the apartment itself. And sometimes they wear tight jeans and low-cut shirts or revealing tank tops too!

We've all been taught safety tips for approaching our car (pay attention to your surroundings, make sure you have your key in hand rather than fumble in your purse when you get there), and that's pretty much true of anything women do that exposes us to the larger world.

There's nothing inherently dangerous in running alone, so long as one takes appropriate safety measures. Most of us assume that anyone lurking on a trail is someone who doesn't run or exercise and we'll kick the *&)@ out of him and run away faster than they can possibly imagine and that will be that.

Nevertheless, I've been running indoors on the treadmill for the last couple of weeks. And if it turns out this guy is a runner, well, I'm thinking martial arts classes. (Packing heat seems like a good way to accidentally shoot myself in the foot. I carry pepper spray on occasion, but I've brought it along in case there's trouble with coyotes, not humans.)
In response to the drug/cartel/gang angle some of you are making, it has really made me start to think. I remember a while back, there was a "scare" in my far suburban area that gangs were initiating new members by forcing them to commit a random murder. Supposedly, they were targeting suburban folks, completely innocent and for NO REASON other than to prove their loyalty to the gangs. Now, I don't remember that ever actually transpiring, but...

Now that I see there may very well be 2 perps, could this be part of a larger situation going on. Perhaps this may be a way of sending some kind of message to others in their group or in rival groups, perhaps to prove loyalty and/or a threat.

So I am beginning to wonder if perhaps we aren't looking for "an evil sick monster" that gets their kicks from this activity, but rather those who are doing this for "business related reasons." Ther reason why I am saying this is because IF these are all related, I would see a single perp to be getting their kicks off of doing this in broad daylight, crowded parking lots, etc...but if you look at the context of it being more than one almost sounds kind of like a "dare."

Someone posted about another gal, I think from OK who was tortured, murdered and dismembered in connection with gang activity - to send a message to other women forced to watch.

Count me as one who also discounts any gang or cartel activity here. The girl in the OK case knew and hung around the bangers. This angle is brought up in many cases. It has virtually never been proven to be true in any of the missing/murdered young women/children cases we have examined when the victim had no connection to gangs.

Gang or cartel crimes do not fit the profile at all, IMO of what is happening here. :twocents:

OK, now DH watched the video and he doesn't think it is a Bonneville.

But we just saw the interview with the victim, and I LOVE her!!

Can you post it?

How soon will they make an arrest? Predictions? Are they close?

I think they could be very close. Days or a few weeks.

You know I was thinking about LE saying "there is a predator on the loose". There are always multiple predators on the loose, some due to prison release, some not yet caught for their crimes, this case they happen to have an active predator on the loose. It takes a horrible crime like Jessica's murder to realize how many predators there are out there. Every time there is a new case, people are shocked by the number of violent sex offenders living nearby the victim. And yet sadly, it is simply a fact of life, until a hideous crime happens. Otherwise, no one really acknowledges all of the dangerous predators walking the streets.

Yes. That is very true. There are always multiple predators on the loose. But right now, there is an active predator on the loose. Sometimes these creeps have long periods of inactivity. This one seems to be in the midst of activity.

No offense but I find the drug cartel/gang-related theory laughable. Gangs are profit motivated. Do they abduct, murder and dismember? Yes, but they don't abduct murder and dismember random 10 year old girls who are walking to school.

I also don't understand why so many here are so invested in thinking this guy is hispanic, especially when he has been described from the beginning as WHITE. It's actually starting to get offensive.

Well, as seen above, I too discount any gang connection. However, to be fair, in the jogging case, the assailant is described as "light skinned".

That is not a description usually used for white people.

Second, the video surveillance case, in which the two guys attempt an abduction and use a rag, like the rag used in the jogging case, the main assailant is described as "possibly Hispanic".

Since that case is similar to the jogging case in odd method used, and the jogging case is linked to Jessica's, I understand why people are mentioning the possibility that the perp is Hispanic and I do not find it offensive.

I think that
1) any newspaper that reports things that they have been told not to print because it will affect an investigation should be charged. That is different than say, not reporting something because it could embarass someone or ruin a career.
2) If the PD can figure out who the leak is they should be fired! Immediately! Apparently their "moment in the sun" of giving insider info is more important than justice or the investigation. That type of person has no business being in law enforcement. (best comparison I can think of is a stock trader. They have freedom of speech, as do we all, but they will be fired and prosecuted if they give insider information about stocks to others).
3)We as a country should NOT accept this behavior from the media. Not only is it destructive and unethical, (IMO) it will lead us to a place where the media will print whatever it can (true or not) just to beat the competition. Every media outlet will then be at the level of the "rag mags" that are not allowed to be quoted her.
All JMO of course.

I hear ya'. But there have been cases where media revelations solved a case. Like Elizabeth Smart's case. LE scoffed at the Brian Mitchell connection. And they told the family they would not release the sketch or the info about the suspect. The family did so anyhow with the help of the media and the perp was caught.

Also, on the other side of the coin, I have heard many stories of media holding back reporting certain things when asked to by LE in order to find a child or stop a killer. Many do have some ethics, especially when kids are involved.

Just because someone might be a gang member, it does not mean he couldn't also be a sick twisted serial killer.

I know quite a bit about violent gangs. I used to work in South Central and there were a dozen violent local gangs working the area. Saying someone is a 'gang member' is like saying someone is a biker or a Lutheran or a red-head. It does not mean you are 'that' and only that. You can be a member of the V-13s, and wear those black dickie shorts, white t-shirts and tall white socks, and sell crack on your stoop. AND STILL, you might personally take a liking to raping and killing as a hobby.

So I don't think it is laughable at all. When I watched the video I thought the guy was dressed exactly like the bangers I have seen for decades. Dickies and white elastic socks are their preferred uniform.

Wait. You could see the brand of his clothes and the type of socks the perp was wearing in that grainy video? I mean, I can tell he has dark shorts on and a light shirt and possibly, light shoes. That's it. Same thing millions of men wear every day.

Some parents don't have much choice.

Ironically, the less money one makes, the less flexibility the job usually has. I'd think that in compensation for not good compensation things like flex time would be offered but typically not.

I'm sure there are parents in the Denver area who just don't have a choice and agonise every day over it.

Awww. You are so right and that hurt my heart thinking about it.
I think they should reinstate free school bus service in that area until the guy is caught.
Free bus service would be nice, but there's no money for it and not enough buses to suddenly accommodate all the students in the Westminster/Arvada area.

High school kids are volunteering to help get kids to school in her neighborhood and many of the surrounding ones.
Can you post it?

I have been searching for it and they don't have the interview up on their website! She is awesome. She said she has a lot of living to do and wasn't going to just be taken. She also said she smelled the chemical and knew to hold her breath. She wasn't blurred out or anything. She is Bad***!!

It was on Denver CBS 4, I just cannot find any video
He did leave semen on at least one victim, so there was at least one time when there was a sexual element to his crime.

Oh yes you are quite correct and you better believe sex was a huge element to btk.. But just as i have gone into great detail here in jessica's case there are killers who are not aroused and gratified by normal stimulation..not even is the tortue, the sadism, the pain inflicted that arouses them and then it is only after the victim is dead that the killer then pleasures himself so to speak just as btk did..the first victims there was semen found on the young girls legs as well as another of his victims was found on her feet.. He says those two were some of the only kills that he was able to complete everything due to a number of different factors...

But the entire sexual motivation was absolutely a part of the driving force that compelled him to continue killing.
I've been thinking about this case non-stop for the entire day as I've delved deeper into the facts and evidence that has been brought forward. It seems to me that the attempted bar abduction certainly is related to this case because of the rag with a chemical smell connection to the jogger attempted abduction. I mean, I don't believe there is multiple kidnappers in a city like Denver that is using that technique so I think it has to be the same guys. So, it seems as if there is a couple of wack jobs teaming up here as that would explain how quickly Jessica vanished without anyone noticing from the time she left her house on the quick walk to her friends' house. With two people working together one could grab her and pull her into the car just as the other was pulling away. I would think that whoever was in that car will be apprehended very soon as police can figure out what type of car that is fast and will be narrowing down owners of that very vehicle in the city and surrounding areas.

Here's to hoping those sickos are the ones responsible for Jessica's abduction and murder and that they will be off Denver's streets soon. By the way, that car in the bar video looks like a two-door Honda Accord from the late 90's to me.
Undocumented, was why my gang/cartel idea. A multi National Dweller, like this man...

Ángel Maturino Reséndiz
Ángel Maturino Reséndiz - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Thats the type of man that would need to almost certainly attack with drugs or force...

I'm confused. Resendiz had zero connection to cartels or gangs. he was just a serial killer. Just because there was one serial killer who was not here legally, does not mean serials killers are Mexican or Hispanic. That is illogical. Most serial killers in the U.S. are white. Overwhelmingly so.

That being said, if Jessica's case is related to the jogging case and the jogging case may be related to the bar case, then maybe the perp(s) is not 100% caucasian.

Having said that the receipts had nothing to do with the case but they are investigating the material does that mean that the material does? Or am I reading more into this?

You're not the only one thinking along those lines.

I have been searching for it and they don't have the interview up on their website! She is awesome. She said she has a lot of living to do and wasn't going to just be taken. She also said she smelled the chemical and knew to hold her breath. She wasn't blurred out or anything. She is Bad***!!

It was on Denver CBS 4, I just cannot find any video

Thank you so much for trying! I have been talking about her all night. Love it and love her!!!!! She is incredible!
I have been searching for it and they don't have the interview up on their website! She is awesome. She said she has a lot of living to do and wasn't going to just be taken. She also said she smelled the chemical and knew to hold her breath. She wasn't blurred out or anything. She is Bad***!!

It was on Denver CBS 4, I just cannot find any video

Quoting myself...

I wonder if after it aired police asked it to be pulled or she rethought having her face on it?

....but I don't think that wuss will be going back to her for round two....
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