CO - Jessica Ridgeway, 10, Westminster, 5 Oct 2012 - #17

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LOL... As one of those newcomers, been posting for less than a day, I gotta say it's serious work following just one case dilligently. Sorting through the articles, rumors, theories, details, so many good ideas that would've never crossed my mind.... solid place, solid people. I'll have to build in daily naps with my WSing!

Just think...some of us participate in multiple forums, blogs and crime sites...and multiple cases, at the same time, lol
And I have my own real time. Daily. (don't ask why I'm here :what:)
LOL... As one of those newcomers, been posting for less than a day, I gotta say it's serious work following just one case dilligently. Sorting through the articles, rumors, theories, details, so many good ideas that would've never crossed my mind.... solid place, solid people. I'll have to build in daily naps with my WSing!

WELCOME Lotus! Naps are well as being a night owl. Don't forget snacks, jokes, tissues (for tears)...and be sure to make a few mistakes while posting now and then. That way, no one will feel intimidated by you!
A clump of blond hair found about a mile away from crime scene was found and they believe it belonged to Jessica. Sad :(

An article I read last night said they thought it might be synthetic.

4th to last paragraph here:

Materasso also told 7NEWS that a material found during the investigation, previously called in as a clump of hair, is being tested. It may be a synthetic material.
FWI ...seems to be a very high rate of sexual preditors on the database in Colorado and in this area alone. What gives ?

Colorado registers a lot of minor crimes as sex offenders. So along with the convicted rapists and child molesters, we have guys who got caught hiring a prostitute or urinating in a back alley.
LOL... As one of those newcomers, been posting for less than a day, I gotta say it's serious work following just one case dilligently. Sorting through the articles, rumors, theories, details, so many good ideas that would've never crossed my mind.... solid place, solid people. I'll have to build in daily naps with my WSing!

Took me over a week I sift thru stuff before I posted LOL
That is horrible PJD! I actually don't walk around scared, but I DO tend to walk around prepared. I have weapons at home that are safe, but easily accessible, and I pay very close attention to where I park, who is walking around me, etc. For instance, I have to walk a great distance into work. The other morning, a car slowed down, and the driver lowered his window, and said "Can I ask you something?" There was an automatic instinct to walk closer to the car to hear what he was saying.... but MY trained, well-honed, Websleuths instinct caused me to pause, and then slowly, deliberately, confidently, took a step backwards. I folded my arms over my chest, cocked my hip out with attitude, and said "Sure". He had driven by the parking lot I was walking from, and saw another vehicle that had been left with the front door open and he wanted to know if I was the driver. I wasn't, and I thanked him, and continued on. I can certainly see, how a 'nice person' who wants to 'help' would be easily lured closer to a car to answer a question.... because I am a nice person, and that was my instinct!:floorlaugh: I also do home defense drills where we 'practice' what to do if an intrusion occurs. They are very helpful - just like a fire drill. So, PJD, maybe it will help if you can find ways to take control, like drills of what to do if blah, blah, blah happens??? We should have a thread down in the basement maybe, for how we all deal with personal safety issues. :twocents:

I tend to be aware of whatever it is around me that I could use as a weapon. Can I throw it, can I hit with it, can I use it to trip an attacker, can I use it to temporarily disable an attacker (such as spraying an attacker with air freshener), can I use it to make a loud noise, can I use it to attract attention (by waving it like a flag, for instance), etc.

And then: can I weave with it, braid with it, include it in a collage...? LOL
Any clarification on Jessica's clothes being found "inside out" in her backpack would be greatly appreciated... Thats a detail that I believe the majority have not heard or read(plz anyone correct me if Im wrong).. So, would love to have a source t verify such detail, if not and just an opinion then it can be duly noted as such.


ETA: as far as vallan's post count I do not at all believe anyone made mention of it out of suspicion.. The above issue about new information is being questioned for one reason and it is NOT OUT OF SUSPICION but rather asking for the source , wanting it verified before there are hundreds of posts with it stated as fact only to later learn it WAS NOT FACT and only someone's guess..thats important here and it is that which is attempting to be clarified..not who or where a poster cme from...ONLY WHERE THE INFO CAME FROM, PERIOD..

Look join date is really insignican..t. Truth be told until recently I was working 60 hours a week and my youngest moved in with her boyfriend. Yes it's only 10 minutes away but still I have empty nest syndrome. So unlike many people I really didn't have the time. Also with all my kids gone it gave my time to think how precious they are and how much I miss them. Looking forward to more grandkids hopefully in state. That being said any info I get is due to being very internet savy and knowing how to snoop around. This case for some reason really got my goat. Also my sister in law and neice live in Denver. Does that help any of your suspicious minds as to why I haven't been on here ? Now back on topic.

You're exactly right. Your join date has nothing to do with anything!

We are glad you are here posting! :)
That is horrible PJD! I actually don't walk around scared, but I DO tend to walk around prepared. I have weapons at home that are safe, but easily accessible, and I pay very close attention to where I park, who is walking around me, etc. For instance, I have to walk a great distance into work. The other morning, a car slowed down, and the driver lowered his window, and said "Can I ask you something?" There was an automatic instinct to walk closer to the car to hear what he was saying.... but MY trained, well-honed, Websleuths instinct caused me to pause, and then slowly, deliberately, confidently, took a step backwards. I folded my arms over my chest, cocked my hip out with attitude, and said "Sure". He had driven by the parking lot I was walking from, and saw another vehicle that had been left with the front door open and he wanted to know if I was the driver. I wasn't, and I thanked him, and continued on. I can certainly see, how a 'nice person' who wants to 'help' would be easily lured closer to a car to answer a question.... because I am a nice person, and that was my instinct!:floorlaugh: I also do home defense drills where we 'practice' what to do if an intrusion occurs. They are very helpful - just like a fire drill. So, PJD, maybe it will help if you can find ways to take control, like drills of what to do if blah, blah, blah happens??? We should have a thread down in the basement maybe, for how we all deal with personal safety issues. :twocents:

I like the idea of a thread in the basement. Every time I start following a case on WS, I become super paranoid even though I know I'm being irrational. For example, this morning I received 3 calls from an unknown number. I missed all three, but the person left a voicemail. So, I listen to the voicemail, and it sounded like one of those EVP recordings. I listened to it probably 10 times, and because of my super paranoid frame of mind right now, I was convinced that it was something sinister. So I texted the person. Turns out he was trying to reach someone because he was lost, but had the wrong number. He didn't intentionally leave a voicemail. I was just hearing the noise as he was driving along.:floorlaugh::floorlaugh: I was literally shaking when I listened to it!! :floorlaugh::floorlaugh: I was hearing all kinds of crazy stuff that just wasn't there! I'm kind of embarrassed to admit this, but i thought my fellow WS members (and lurkers) might get a kick out of this.
Look join date is really insignicant. Truth be told until recently I was working 60 hours a week and my youngest moved in with her boyfriend. Yes it's only 10 minutes away but still I have empty nest syndrome. So unlike many people I really didn't have the time. Also with all my kids gone it gave my time to think how precious they are and how much I miss them. Looking forward to more grandkids hopefully in state. That being said any info I get is due to being very internet savy and knowing how to snoop around. This case for some reason really got my goat. Also my sister in law and neice live in Denver. Does that help any of your suspicious minds as to why I haven't been on here ? Now back on topic.

Welcome to the discussion Vallan! And yes.... we do have suspicious minds. :rocker: I bet you do too!!! Your skills and insight are appreciated! :seeya:
So I was looking at dismemberment specifically in Colorado and it seems it's all over the country. The ones I found that were caught is just a lone person and I'm wondering if this isn't a group, and it could be, is this just becoming a common evil thing to do? I mean how much worse can you kill a person, ya know?
I tend to be aware of whatever it is around me that I could use as a weapon. Can I throw it, can I hit with it, can I use it to trip an attacker, can I use it to temporarily disable an attacker (such as spraying an attacker with air freshener), can I use it to make a loud noise, can I use it to attract attention (by waving it like a flag, for instance), etc.

And then: can I weave with it, braid with it, include it in a collage...? LOL

I just wanted to say that I have a WS crush on you. I NEVER skip a post from GrainneDhu! Your posts are always a good read. Thank you for being you!
Just think...some of us participate in multiple forums, blogs and crime sites...and multiple cases, at the same time, lol
And I have my own real time. Daily. (don't ask why I'm here :what:)

I won't ask! But my guess would be that you and those here just genuinely care. ALOT. It's kind of necessary to see this side when we are faced with hideous crimes that happen to our innocent everyday:(

WELCOME Lotus! Naps are well as being a night owl. Don't forget snacks, jokes, tissues (for tears)...and be sure to make a few mistakes while posting now and then. That way, no one will feel intimidated by you!

Excellent directions... naps, night owl, snacks, jokes, tissues, mistakes - check, check, check, check, check!!!

Took me over a week I sift thru stuff before I posted LOL

Me too... I read almost everything and wasn't sure I had anything new to add, but I got frustrated bouncing ideas off myself. You all are way better to discuss with than me, myself, and I!
@SmoothOperator.....again anything that I have posted can be easily found online doing a Google search of words . This was found on
Additionally, sources told the Denver news media outlet that clues have been obtained from Jessica’s remains and her backpack, leading to progress in the investigation. These sources say that when the girl’s backpack was found it not only held a water bottle, but also contained her clothing—which were inside out. The only thing not in the bag, said the source, were Jessica’s socks

vallan, it is our policy to provide links when requested. We do that so others can read and determine the credibility of the info for themselves. Just polite WS etiquette.

All media (MSM) sites are valid links. Some of the Examiner articles are permitted. Anything written by Isabelle Zehander is fine. We do not allow any articles written by Chelsea Hoffman, as she has been WRONG on so many cases before and it caused at lot of problems chasing rumors that were eventually disproven. Authors of other Examiner articles are permitted after an mod reviews for content and crediblity.

If you need help posting links, let us know. Most of us here can help you with that.
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