CO - Jessica Ridgeway, 10, Westminster, 5 Oct 2012 - #18

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Thank God !!!! That had to be so hard for his mom to turn him in. I am so glad she did turn him in.
If I could "guess". I'd say
he has a distinctive writing style, one that would be precise, to the point and listed. Think MLA format in college, something you learn your freshman year. If you're taking med classes you write distinctive in another fashion; APA format. It's very hard to break that habit when talking to people online. I'm sure anyone he's spoken to online noted how rigid his interactions were.

I'm guess him to be heavily involved in her "search / rescue", most likely online.

I do not think a person with schizo-affective disorders would be able to be this cunning. I speak from experience in the field. If you look at cases of dismemberment and this disorder, the person who does it - is dazed and doesn't know to clean up or behave in a manner to hide their crime. It happens during a psychosis. That maybe hard for people to understand in the sense that a psychotic would only do something like this. But being psychotic doesn't mean a person has a chemical imbalance.

(hope that made some sense).

This is all too much like the film "We need to talk about Kevin" and I highly recommend everyone read the book, wiki it or look on Youtube. This might help people understand the minds of a sociopath, which is the type that does this sort of thing.

He had an agenda and probably had access to a lab, given his academics and right now is midterms. People are on campus at all odd hours (Im currently a med student so I see people at 4am cramming for studies). Seeing him around wouldn't be odd this time of year. I mean, at least I wouldn't think a kid who's trying to be the next Doogie Houser would be odd spending days off at school. And I believe in the time she was missing, his school calendar might reflect a fall break or some other break. I wasn't out for Columbus day but our fall break was the next week. Something to think about.

He's disciplined, brazen and most likely the next Ted Bundy but stopped. The only reason that jogger escaped is because he doesn't have the gull to really push with an adult, she was a threat to him in the end but a child? Easier. (JMO). This also explains the chemicals, he most likely used embalming fluid and that would be the "smell".

This is all me speculating and I do not think this is his first kill, however, if there are others they would be near by. I would think it's mostly animals though, ones he's dissected to learn. I know people are hung up on the cross bit (no pun intended there), he's at an age where most of us were looking into all sorts of faiths and trying to learn. I know at that age I was curious about everything the world held. He might have had a faith that was a mixture of two. Say... Jewish/Christian. *I'm a Jew, and there's reasons why I'm bringing up that part*. His fixation it seemed with #'s, relation to 3 and maybe even his online names will give away his inspiration and where his head is at. See, at that age he THINKS he knows everything but he has no experience as a criminal or how to survive much. He did live at home, so I bet he left an online trail. He's too analytical, meticulous, daring and curious to just abandon her case and not try to help. I bet he offered help in all sorts of ways, tossing out "idea" of the killer, but not exposing who he was directly. If he was doing that then I'm sure he also did red herrings and pushed false information and leads that were debunked, to thwart the conversation but still keep engaged.

If they look at his online activity, I'm sure a lot will be answered.

BUT THIS IS JUST MY OPNION and I'm not LE, or anything. Just an observer.
I finally just got back on here, Whew, I keep getting a po box for Austin R Sigg in Denver, not the numbers on it though. So I wonder if he was getting things sent to him in a po box, guess they'll be checking things like that out.
One woman who lives about a block away did say that teams of LE DID search her home and her immed. neighbors after the abduction. She didn't know about Sigg's home as she doesn't have direct sight of his home and did not know the family.

I'm thinking that those of us who thought the backpack was an act of panic were correct. He was probably feeling desperate to focus LE attention somewhere else.
I'm going to hope that his peers, including gf, did not share in his interests. If you know what I mean.
The girl that 7News is interviewing looks like Jessica - blonde hair and glasses similar to Jessica.

OMG, I thought maybe I was imagining it. Yes, she looks very much like her. I was sickened when she talked about how he liked to "play" with the local girls in games such as "Capture the Flag". She said he actually asks to play with them.

This is sad on so very many levels - he has created a lot of victims by his actions.
amazing. The arrest for the murder of Autumn Pasquale are teens too.

Didn't the profile kind of point to a seasoned predator?

Arrests in both cases about a day apart. When I read about the NJ case I had the strange feeling that it was the same killer as in the Jessica case. Of course it wasn't true but the similarities are stunning.


What is also stunning is that in both cases it was the mother who persuaded their son(s) to turn him/themselves in. I wonder if this mother heard about the mother in the Autumn Pasquale case and it gave her the neccessary strength to call LE.
i really am not defending this sick may sound like it based on this and my previous post...and im not attacking you at all....i have seen this brought up on some comment section on a news article too......

but my degrees for criminal forensics+homeland security w/ an emphasis on after the fact, i dropped out of high school and got my GED.....

why he did it? who knows. maybe he is super smart and was bored. lots of kids do it...they just want to get on to studying what they want for their career....

i did it because my family moved around a lot during my high school years, i was home schooled for a year and just decided to take my GED and go to college early...

again, not defending him....but i see some stereotyping being done (not just here)....that is really a disservice to many innocent smart people: dressed in black/goth *gasp* his GED *gasp*....wanted to be a mortician *gasp* a gamer *gasp*

none of those are indictive of the monster he is and i hope that people wont label those things as something negative just because this monster could fall under those labels....

Thanks was not enough!!! I dropped out, got my GED then went in to LE where I met and married my firearms instructor. We are both retired LE, and he went on to become a Funeral Director/Mortician.
I posted a few threads back that because of the cross I felt the perp was a teen.

Just read that his mother turned him in. Thank God for her....what a horrible thing for a mother to have to do.
I am so glad that LE was able to get a repeat offender off of the streets. Who knows what other crimes he would have committed since it appears he was escalating.

Quite a few threads back I mentioned that I felt it was a younger perp than what the profilers were indicating and that I feel these profiles are starting to become outdated. It seems like perps are getting younger and younger. I, for one, would like to see more research into why it seems this is becoming more frequent.
I know I will be in the minority here, but I think that everything that happened afterwards (the actual killing) was not premeditated, but logic circuits kicking in to save his behind.

I would also be willing to bet that if he had managed to become a mortician before this happened, he might never have had to kill. People find ways of dealing with odd quirks in their life.
If I saw his photo without knowing anything about him, I'd think he was just another high school kid trying to look cool.

I don't see evil in his face but that may be because I don't believe in the concept of evil.

Lord, I do. I have experienced I believe it exists.

But I'm glad you don't Grainne:blowkiss:
Probably bored with regular school. Lots of people drop out because regular school is just not for them.

Agreed. For people with social issues and also those that are brilliantly smart, it's boring and they don't feel it's worth attending. I dropped out and received my GED and went directly to college back a long while ago, for those reasons alone. I fit in better with adults, I had nothing in common with kids and college gave freedom to explore what I wanted. In other words, selfishness and boredom.
Now that the attention has understandably turned to this very scary perp., I want to take a moment and remember lovely, little Jessica!~A nation mourns~ Jessica Ridgeway Memorial - YouTube

Thank you for posting this. Well, I thank you in spite of my being in a pile of tear soaked tissues and heartbreak. What a beautiful tribute to such a happy bright little girl. Right now she should be doing silly dances in her room to her favorite songs with her friends without a care in the world. It's so not right that a human being can do this to a beautiful random innocent child and take her from her family and the world. I know I sound like a five year old, but it's just not fair. I hope she knew she was loved and I hope her family knows they are loved.

And now I'm going to cry my eyes out for the afternoon.
Prima facie
I was thinking trauma.
Did he drop out of school and change about the same time.
Did he have trauma?
Neighbor said moms boyfriend moved out a couple months ago.
Did everything start happening in May?
Thinking out loud.
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