CO - Jessica Ridgeway, 10, Westminster, 5 Oct 2012 - #18

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I'm guessing the s on the back side of the cross stood for Sigg.
OMG! I just saw 'arrest' and haven't found that part in the thread yet. But I saw his picture.

Y'all are going to think I'm crazy, but I had a psychic (?) image of a pale brunette guy wearing that shirt in the news picture, last night. I also imagined a trophy, one that looked kind of like an Oscar, that I saw where her remains were (so just related to him -- he has trophies or something). I'm just sharing, and it's only FWIW ;)

But I'm just so glad there's an arrest! I'm going to read more now :)
good thing there is no judging on how people dress around here ;)

i can be a bit "alternative" myself wearing lots of black, dr. martins, along w/ ink and piercings...etc. think of Abby on NCIS :)....
oh and im a criminal forensics major too...

...yet id never commit a crime....

Heck, I was a goth before goth was. The very first rock concert I ever went to was Black Sabbath with Ozzy Osbourne. I went through a phase of wearing black and heavy boots (this was before doc martens; in my day it was hiking or work boots), too.

By the time goth was popular, I was over it.
The thing is, you can't tell what is in someone's mind, not even your own kids or family. You may think you can, but you can't really.
friend of a friend in CO knew of this dude and some weird behavior. Can I post or not?
I am quite close to where the abduction took place.


This is great....good job by LE and all involved !!....saw it on CNN when i walked in the door a few minutes ago ....


The teen suspect, accused of the murder of Jessica Ridgeway, was interested in mortuary science, according to 9Wants To Know sources.

I knew of someone years ago, who enjoyed stalking and terrorizing women in the building where he lived. He would leave "presents" of music at their doors, featuring messages of intended murder and gore. He had a friend park a hearse next to the building. He also had a window "blind" that appeared to be made out of some kind of "skin" material. And, he displayed the dismembered legs and arms of female mannekins in his car.

LE said they could do nothing, until he "attacked" a woman.
Whoa... just getting back to my computer after a few days away. Good job LE on the arrest. justice is closer. Prayers to Jessica's family.
My guess is, his first attempt at a somewhat 'peer' didn't pan out, so he knew he had to go for someone smaller and weaker than he was.

I have a feeling LE will find journals and evidence of him planning this for a while. Reminds me of BTK and his "Factor X," and the obsessive thoughts - "tapes that ran through my mind." BTK functioned quite well in society for the most part, and for a really long time before he was caught.
I'm going with the Mortician as being his career choice as why he dismembered Jessica.
Wow..logged on and saw an arrest was made. College Student. It will be interesting to find out exactly how he was able to commit such a crime including dismemberment while living with this mom/siblings. Wonder if they were away for the weekend both times and he was home alone. Poor mom. I am relieved that she did the right thing, but I know it had to be the hardest thing she has ever had to do.

Will be closely following the updates. Interesting to note that perp turned out to be what some of us had been discussing, young college student who possibly lived with parents.

The girlfriend part of this I don't understand, but wonder if possibly she is the one who gave him the cross. Wonder if her breaking it off with him was the stressful time in his life. Divorce of his parents? I have to go back and continue reading the news and seeing the presser but I am glad to see this is that much closer to being resolved.

I'm thinking that those of us who thought the backpack was an act of panic were correct. He was probably feeling desperate to focus LE attention somewhere else.

Agree with you there. I really thought that backpack placement was a big hint that LE was getting too close for comfort and he needed to move that somewhere else. He is right in the area they were searching immediately following Jessica's abduction. I never saw the backpack as a taunt. And with the information we have now, its looking more like this is someone who was playing around with forensics/mortuary sciences and perhaps wanted to experience an autopsy up close and personal. I think he tried with the jogger and found her difficult to subdue, thus focused his desires on a smaller, weaker Jessica. I have no doubt this is his first murder and said all along that I thought it would end up being someone who was escalating. Explains why all the mixed signals regarding "organized" vs "unorganized"....he had some forensic knowledge but no real life experience.
So glad they got this one.
Agh this thread is going faaaast. I haven't even had a chance to look him up on FB or anything. I had a strange feeling last night that he was going to get caught. No idea why but I did. I hope the families are doing well and holding up. A lot more will come to light and I hope there's a great support system in place. They will need it and one another.

I'm wondering if he made the cross in shop class in high school? I took shop for that "easy credit" and just random things. It's possible the cross is a trigger warning for his mom. I don't know everything my kids have in their room but I do have one that hand makes a ton of his clothing along with other stuff, I see that laying around. I notice it.

And for people saying "goth" .. My son has a huge mohawk and looks every bit like a crusty punk. I can't say I look sane myself. We get judged very often and it's crappy. I was a goth in the late 80's early 90's...still am at heart. I would never participate in anything like this ..ever.

This is just a person who did not fit in and sought out subculture to try and blend. Lots of people do it. He obviously had problems relating to people, he chose forensics and cadavers (things that are consistent and undeniable) for a big ole reason. As they say "The only thing in life that's consistent is death". We could speculate all day, but I think his fixation with death and the process of, might have begun innocently and it sparked something inside him. he wanted praise I bet, and if that's the case, maybe he thought making crimes and helping solve them would elevate his status in the community and give him this niche in life. Just guessing but if he was an outcast and longed for placement to be "loved, adored and smart".. this career choice he had in school, makes a lot of sense.

Something is fractured in the home life that sadly manifested into this. JMO
OMG THUD :what:

my thoughts exactly.

I've been moving into a new house and haven't an internet connection for a WHOLE DAY, so I hate to ask, and if I had time to look through for myself I wouldn't, but can some please tell me WHO else this guy killed?

"The suspect was identified as Austin Reed Sigg, a student at Arapaho Community College. He will be charged with two counts of first-degree murder as well as kidnapping charges in the next few days."
from here:

Holy. wonder how many kids he's molested, neighborhood pets killed, I'm so glad he's off the street and for some reason I'm comforted by the fact he turned himself in and I hope he suffers unmercifully for what he did. I wonder what happened to him to make him like this? How does one get that sick so early in life? I do NOT say this out of sympathy but rather curiosity.
So the fact he disclosed to his mom--

fear of being caught??
Well there are pictures of a girlfriend all in that account, so he does not fit the profile of being completely antisocial. I wonder if there was an incident w the GF around the times of the attacks. I am sure LE is running to talk to her.

She is yet another victim, as well as the mom.

Do we know that she would define herself as his GF? For all we know, he may have been putting on a show online.
On interview 1 neighbor saw a couple boys come to visit siggs family last night on noisy bikes.
Anyone catch a time?
I bet all buddies are being checked out!
I know who he reminds me of.

Robert Pattinson, the vampire from Twilight that all the kids love.

I wonder if Jessica was a Twilight fan...
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