CO - Jessica Ridgeway, 10, Westminster, 5 Oct 2012 - #18

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Agh this thread is going faaaast. I haven't even had a chance to look him up on FB or anything. I had a strange feeling last night that he was going to get caught. No idea why but I did. I hope the families are doing well and holding up. A lot more will come to light and I hope there's a great support system in place. They will need it and one another.

I'm wondering if he made the cross in shop class in high school? I took shop for that "easy credit" and just random things. It's possible the cross is a trigger warning for his mom. I don't know everything my kids have in their room but I do have one that hand makes a ton of his clothing along with other stuff, I see that laying around. I notice it.

And for people saying "goth" .. My son has a huge mohawk and looks every bit like a crusty punk. I can't say I look sane myself. We get judged very often and it's crappy. I was a goth in the late 80's early 90's...still am at heart. I would never participate in anything like this ..ever.

This is just a person who did not fit in and sought out subculture to try and blend. Lots of people do it. He obviously had problems relating to people, he chose forensics and cadavers (things that are consistent and undeniable) for a big ole reason. As they say "The only thing in life that's consistent is death". We could speculate all day, but I think his fixation with death and the process of, might have begun innocently and it sparked something inside him. he wanted praise I bet, and if that's the case, maybe he thought making crimes and helping solve them would elevate his status in the community and give him this niche in life. Just guessing but if he was an outcast and longed for placement to be "loved, adored and smart".. this career choice he had in school, makes a lot of sense.

Something is fractured in the home life that sadly manifested into this. JMO

Thanks to you and all the other posters who have chimed in for all of us -ex and current goths/alternative folks. I was "goth" about the same time as you, but we didn't call it that then, not sure we had a name for it. :). We listened to a lot of the Cure, the Smiths, Bauhaus, Pixies, and later grunge. And I still rock my black boots and skirts! But none of us would have done a thing like this, in fact goths were pretty much the gentlest folks I knew, though some in our crowd did have a flair for romance-related drama. :innocent:

My DD who is a young teen pretty much looks and dresses thhe goth part, lots of long skirts with boots, black clothes, and pink hair. Mostly you'll find her studying, reading, or baking cookies/cupcakes/pastries. Not hurting anyone.

It makes me sad to see stereotyping going on. And while both my DD and I would run screaming if we ever found ourselves in a pentacostal church, it wouldn't be because we are bad people in the clutches of Satan!! :giggle:
Did we ever hear what the chemical on the cloth used on the jogger was? Makes me wonder what types of tools/chemicals he had access to being in Mortuary Science.

Sigg lives on 102nd Avenue between Oak Street and Moore Court.

That's about one mile from Chelsea Park. Ridgeway disappeared Oct. 5 as she was walking to meet up with friends at Chelsea Park so they could all walk to school together. Her friends said she never showed up at the park.

Ridgeway was walking to Witt Elementary School. Sigg lives about 0.6 miles from the school.

Sigg's family home is just 23 homes from Ketner Lake.
I still don't know how to find the scanner but I think I remember an address similar to his coming up very early in the process. I could be completely wrong though.

Maybe this is a sociopath or someone who just doesn't have feelings who was interested in getting hands on experience in what it is like to watch someone die. Obsessed with death hence him wanting to be a mortician?
What great news to come back to. I am so glad they caught this person.

I think we all knew he would have a slight build, but I cannot get over his age. That's a shocker for me. Glad they caught him soon because if this is him just getting started, lord knows what was to come.
Can everyone stop posting for 5 minutes so I can catch up? I'm on page 32. LOL

Praise Jesus! Our prayers have been answered!
<cough> Justin Bieber.

One of my prouder parenting moments is that my children do not really know who Justin or Miley are. Beyond a couple pictures.

My brother's friend came over with his hair grown out and my almost 9 year old informed him he looked like.... "Justin BEAVER." :floorlaugh:
I believe in evil as well, as I have experienced it in my life. Maybe someone else would call it something different, but I know it was evil.

Sorry, GrainneDhu, this is one of the rare occasions where I disagree with you.

Me too Marilynilpa,
I definitely believe in evil.
I think we are only seeing what is the tip of the iceberg and that we will eventually see the obvious obsession, preoccupation, and immersion into the entire world of death, forensics, but mainly obsession with very dark aspects of human beings being murdered and to put it bluntly obsessed in such a way as "dissecting" the human body..jmo..

One thing I feel very certain about is that the dismemberment played a very large and integral part of the process for fact imo I find it possible that it is the dismemberment by which it all will essentially revolve around.. And that his choosing this particular heinous method HAD NOTHING TO DO WITH DELAYING ID, EASE OF TRANSPORT, BUT RATHER EVERYTHING TO DO WITH THE DISMEMBERMENT ITSELF WAS OF GREAT MEANING TO THIS INDIVIDUAL.
That's what I'm afraid of.

I wonder what they will find in the house. He may have kept something. ugh. I feel sick even thinking about it.
Hi all, been following this case in the news mostly, not the boards. I apologize for taking you all back a few steps but what is all the talk about a cross, like "maybe mom recongized the cross" and "what's on the back of the cross"? What is that all about?

TIA :wave:
Lord, I do. I have experienced I believe it exists.

But I'm glad you don't Grainne:blowkiss:

At this point in time, I don't even believe the junior high school guidance counsellor who raped me when I was 12 was evil. I have come to see him as a human being who was not able to cope with his attraction to pre-pubescent girls (I was a late developer, didn't go through menarche until I was almost 16).

What he did was wrong but I don't see it as caused by some supernatural force.
Seems like he was doing crime 101 to me; body one place, the backpack another, to throw things off. I always said he was not a smart criminal and I still believe that. Sure, he may not have been caught anytime soon without a confession, but that does not make him smart. Lots of dumb people get away with murder.

I do wonder though if he was or would have been included in the DNA collection, or if they were only doing men over 18.
I know who he reminds me of.

Robert Pattinson, the vampire from Twilight that all the kids love.

I wonder if Jessica was a Twilight fan...

Ever since they've shown his pic I've thought the same thing, but refrained from saying anything, so as not to offend fans.
I am so glad that LE was able to get a repeat offender off of the streets. Who knows what other crimes he would have committed since it appears he was escalating.

Quite a few threads back I mentioned that I felt it was a younger perp than what the profilers were indicating and that I feel these profiles are starting to become outdated. It seems like perps are getting younger and younger. I, for one, would like to see more research into why it seems this is becoming more frequent.

I think this guy made many attempts to get to this result. Jessica was the one that didnt get away.

I dont think this was a sexual attack!
I think he wanted to cut someone open.
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