CO - Jessica Ridgeway, 10, Westminster, 5 Oct 2012 - #18

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I'm dying to know where certain things happened. I'm guessing if her body was not intact he likely told them where it was done and if any parts are missing where he put them.

I have so much comfort in knowing that he waived his rights and just started telling police what they wanted to know. I'm glad his mother agreed to that. Actually, in a crime like this - you just know he is going away forever, so what does it matter if an attorney is present or not? I correct in my thinking that LE didn't have a clue as to who this as until he got a ping of remorse or whatever and told him mom?? Thank God for that.

I told my little one just a bit this morning about Autumn's killer's being kids. I do think we need to take another look and prepare our kids for killer's being kids. My other son is 18 and my lil one could possibly feel safe taking a ride from a teenager thinking nothing would happen. Wow.

BBM. Perhaps he wasn't remorseful, but rather, he was frustrated that he wasn't getting the attention he had expected for committing this heinous crime.

And another random thought. What if he's a psycho kid, obsessed with crime, who didn't really commit the crime but is confessing to get attention and/or has talked himself into thinking he did it? I know, highly unlikely, but you never know. All this happened so quickly, it seems.

I sure hope the forensic evidence supports that he is the perp!
my thoughts exactly.

I've been moving into a new house and haven't an internet connection for a WHOLE DAY, so I hate to ask, and if I had time to look through for myself I wouldn't, but can some please tell me WHO else this guy killed?

"The suspect was identified as Austin Reed Sigg, a student at Arapaho Community College. He will be charged with two counts of first-degree murder as well as kidnapping charges in the next few days."
from here:

Holy. wonder how many kids he's molested, neighborhood pets killed, I'm so glad he's off the street and for some reason I'm comforted by the fact he turned himself in and I hope he suffers unmercifully for what he did. I wonder what happened to him to make him like this? How does one get that sick so early in life? I do NOT say this out of sympathy but rather curiosity.
Glad youre back on your computer today. :seeya:
Im wondering the same thing. Did he kill before?
wait who else did he kill? Why 2 counts of murder?
I think its worth repeating what another poster brought up. We just need to be careful not to let our guard down and assume that just because a person is very young or very old, that they would not be capable of something like this. I think it would be wise to just teach "stranger danger" about ALL strangers no matter the age.

For me, I never doubted that a young person could do horrible things because I have heard about it way too many times. Where I think I have some bias is with older people, as I tend to assume someone is too old to be up to no good. But, a person could just look old and really not be as old as they look.

In general, any age assumptions should probably be left out of the equation when teaching about stranger dangers.

A stranger is a stranger is a stranger.
Job well done by LE!! If the stories are correct, I appreciate his mother doing what she did to make sure her son faced this head on.
I am praying for some peace for the Ridgeways. They have been heroic.
Wow..logged on and saw an arrest was made. College Student. It will be interesting to find out exactly how he was able to commit such a crime including dismemberment while living with this mom/siblings. Wonder if they were away for the weekend both times and he was home alone. Poor mom. I am relieved that she did the right thing, but I know it had to be the hardest thing she has ever had to do.

Will be closely following the updates. Interesting to note that perp turned out to be what some of us had been discussing, young college student who possibly lived with parents.

The girlfriend part of this I don't understand, but wonder if possibly she is the one who gave him the cross. Wonder if her breaking it off with him was the stressful time in his life. Divorce of his parents? I have to go back and continue reading the news and seeing the presser but I am glad to see this is that much closer to being resolved.


The one news report link said his parents divorced in 2000 so he would have been 4-5. The report also said that AS attended Witt Elementary when he was a child.
I haven't posted in a few days, but have been lurking as the threads were moving too fast for me to catch up. I just wanted to say that I am sooo glad LE has made an arrest and Jessica will get justice!!!

Also, I am happy AS' mother had the courage to call this in. I wonder if she had suspicions over the past couple weeks, but was in a state of denial at the time. That must be such a gut wrenching feeling to even have the slightest suspicion that your child could be responsible for such a horrific crime, and then to have those suspicions confirmed...I cannot even imagine. So many people hurt by this one person's actions.

Fly with the angels, Jessica!
Murder by Numbers is what I think of...the movie with Ryan Gosling and Sandra Bullock...maybe he left clues, etc., since was into forensics?
For some reason immediately upon reading the first details of him and the arrest this EXACT MOVIE came to mind.. I still am unsure as to why exactly it was one of the first thoughts I had as i was initially processing this breaking news...hmmmm.. Maybe as we learn more I'll better understand why my subconscious mind immediately went to this EXACT MOVIE..then again it could just be the obvious due to age, some physical similarities, etc that made it first pop into my mind..

Regardless of what the reason or cause is I can say that you are not alone in your immediate thoughts going to this particular movie, Sleuths4Me..

Source: Jessica Ridgeway murder suspect wanted to be mortician, turned in by mom

I checked and that college does have mortician classes.

OMG What did he do to Jessica?
I think we are only seeing what is the tip of the iceberg and that we will eventually see the obvious obsession, preoccupation, and immersion into the entire world of death, forensics, but mainly obsession with very dark aspects of human beings being murdered and to put it bluntly obsessed in such a way as "dissecting" the human body..jmo..

One thing I feel very certain about is that the dismemberment played a very large and integral part of the process for fact imo I find it possible that it is the dismemberment by which it all will essentially revolve around.. And that his choosing this particular heinous method HAD NOTHING TO DO WITH DELAYING ID, EASE OF TRANSPORT, BUT RATHER EVERYTHING TO DO WITH THE DISMEMBERMENT ITSELF WAS OF GREAT MEANING TO THIS INDIVIDUAL.

It is my opinion from the picture of him that he is not playing with a full deck of cards, jmo he may have been taking some college courses but Holmes was in college as well. Had he not confessed to mom I don't know that he would have been caught.

His aunt said he was bothered by something or did something wrong, spoke to his mom and she told him had to turn himself in. I don't know what made him confess or feel bad, but glad he did. Otherwise, I don't think LE had a inkling of him. But I could be very wrong.

At this time(and that very well could change as more info comes to light)...but at this time I very much tend to agree with both Elley Mae and SailorMoon regarding his confessing to mom and her making the right decision to immediately call LE resulting in his actually getting on the phone and turning himself in.. I truly believe that LE did not have this individual on their radar and that it is a very real possibility that had his mom not made that decision that he could have very likely continued to go under the radar FOR SOME AMOUNT OF TIME(dont get me wrong as i absolutely believe that this excellent LE that have diligently worked their asses off..their investigation would have taken them to this same end result of arresting this individual)..but the point is that imo no matter how little of time that actually could have taken for the investigation to lead to this would have left a window of opportunity for there to quite possibly be additional victims..

Due to his mother's choice made last night that option and even brief window of opportunity was immediately taken and thus very likely saved a life or lives..we just don't know what could have happened or continued to snap in him had his mom made a different choice last night.. Imo realistically speaking it could have even been the life of this mother and her other children, his siblings thats lives were saved due to mom making what i know was one of the hardest decisions she'll make in her lifetime..

My prayers will absolutely include this very sick and evil individual's innocent family reading her words released by the AP stating she made the call to LE she immediately broke down on the phone with the AP reporter after making that heart goes out to her and i could feel the very real pain within those words and her tears and as A mom I have deep compassion for her and her other children for what their lives have now become within the blink of an eye and by no wrong doing on their part..they have suddenly been thrust into a very very negative and extremely negative emotionally charged situation and atmosphere.. I pray that the community does not turn on her and her children out of their understandable anger at her son's heinous crimes.. I pray they not take it out on the innocent family left behind to deal with the horrific future by which is no fault of their own..

All jmo..
my thoughts exactly.

I've been moving into a new house and haven't an internet connection for a WHOLE DAY, so I hate to ask, and if I had time to look through for myself I wouldn't, but can some please tell me WHO else this guy killed?

"The suspect was identified as Austin Reed Sigg, a student at Arapaho Community College. He will be charged with two counts of first-degree murder as well as kidnapping charges in the next few days."
from here:

Holy. wonder how many kids he's molested, neighborhood pets killed, I'm so glad he's off the street and for some reason I'm comforted by the fact he turned himself in and I hope he suffers unmercifully for what he did. I wonder what happened to him to make him like this? How does one get that sick so early in life? I do NOT say this out of sympathy but rather curiosity.

2 counts of murder? Who is the second victim?

Agh this thread is going faaaast. I haven't even had a chance to look him up on FB or anything. I had a strange feeling last night that he was going to get caught. No idea why but I did. I hope the families are doing well and holding up. A lot more will come to light and I hope there's a great support system in place. They will need it and one another.

I'm wondering if he made the cross in shop class in high school? I took shop for that "easy credit" and just random things. It's possible the cross is a trigger warning for his mom. I don't know everything my kids have in their room but I do have one that hand makes a ton of his clothing along with other stuff, I see that laying around. I notice it.

And for people saying "goth" .. My son has a huge mohawk and looks every bit like a crusty punk. I can't say I look sane myself. We get judged very often and it's crappy. I was a goth in the late 80's early 90's...still am at heart. I would never participate in anything like this ..ever.

This is just a person who did not fit in and sought out subculture to try and blend. Lots of people do it. He obviously had problems relating to people, he chose forensics and cadavers (things that are consistent and undeniable) for a big ole reason. As they say "The only thing in life that's consistent is death". We could speculate all day, but I think his fixation with death and the process of, might have begun innocently and it sparked something inside him. he wanted praise I bet, and if that's the case, maybe he thought making crimes and helping solve them would elevate his status in the community and give him this niche in life. Just guessing but if he was an outcast and longed for placement to be "loved, adored and smart".. this career choice he had in school, makes a lot of sense.

Something is fractured in the home life that sadly manifested into this. JMO

Yep. I agree totally.

O/T: I'm sorry that you and your son have to tolerate judgement like that, for what it's worth, from your description, you sound like my favorite kind of people.
Peace, Strength and Clarity!
It doesn't really surprise me, but that's probably because nothing really surprises me anymore. I know someone else mentioned the candy man, and I had thought about that too. He doesn't look a whole lot like the sketch, but I think the sketch was based mainly on descriptions from young kids. I can see 13 year-olds thinking he's good looking; I often look at boys young girls idolize and wonder what they see in them.

<cough> Justin Bieber.
Lord, I do. I have experienced I believe it exists.

But I'm glad you don't Grainne:blowkiss:

I believe in evil as well, as I have experienced it in my life. Maybe someone else would call it something different, but I know it was evil.

Sorry, GrainneDhu, this is one of the rare occasions where I disagree with you.
This kid did not pull this off alone, in my opinion.

More arrests will come.
Apparently it's the Dohastvath person talking. *If* this is Austin, it just seems pretty creepy to me. It's about "faith" and junk.

If this is Austin, it certainly should put some rumors to rest around here. He has a very distinct voice.
Did anyone happen to get a screenshot of his FB page before it was pulled?
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